Looking at Zhuang Wudao flying away, Yu Xuxuan was blinded and confused. After a long time, I sighed and walked out of the pavilion.

“Mu Yuan Xuan hero I, the biggest mistake of this life, is to form a three-sacred alliance for the dry Tianzong.”

“Father, this is a strange story. It is not good for the Three Holy Family to join forces. Is it not good? The world is under pressure, even if it is a great spiritual dynasty, it has to be very jealous. Red Yin and Leaving Dust have also been in danger of annihilation.”

Yu Yunqin is behind him, and he is puzzled and asks: “Even now, the three holy sects can join forces to suppress the whole world.”

“It’s not bad, but the timing is wrong. The so-called first to take it, it must be given first. Time is too early, not only failed to tie the power of the Quartet to repair the world, but the patriots feared. Now standing on the side of the Great Spirit And Lehiring Dust Liang Family –

Yu Xuxuan smiled and did not explain in detail. Instead, he asked: “Why did you agree to it? With your disposition, should you not look at the benefits of those Dual Cultivation?”

“The daughter is only obeying promises.”

Yu Yunqin has a fascinating sorrow, and his eyes are inexplicable: “Xuan’s Heavenly Dao species, and Zhuang Wudao’s unknown Soul Body’s ability to make her daughter feel tempted. On the eve of the day, who is not dreaming of this day? Daughter How dare you not say it? The people who were listed in the same year are now cultivating base advanced by leaps and bounds. The younger generation of Nie Xianling is now only one step away from the Golden Core. The daughter does not seek to excel in his peers. Just ask not to fall behind.”

Twenty years ago, Zhuang Wudao was the same as her cultivation base, but now it is the Primordial Spirit overhaul, the top ten people in the monument.

And Yu Yunqin, but still a small Foundation Establishment, how can he not lose?

With Zhuang Wudao Dual Cultivation, the Primordial Spirit is unlikely, and the Golden Core is a stable place. And within three to five years, it will enter the top 30 of the Golden Core list.

Supreme Yin Body is good for Zhuang Wudao, but the feedback from the opposite side is equally rich, making it difficult to refuse.

However, in the face of father, the sharp and arrogant scorpion, Yu Yunqin is inexplicable and somewhat guilty.

“But I like him, I love it?”

Yu Xu Xuan’s eyes flashed slightly, only to see the Yu Yunqin’s red face, it is known. Can’t help but look at the helplessness again: “I should actually agree directly, you really have a dual acquaintance with Dual Cultivation. I think the Junior Brother, he will not refuse. But –“

Yu Yunqin only felt his head on his head, and he was about to make a fuss. He couldn’t speak at all.

However, Yu Xuxuan’s look turned cold. “But you know, now he will not care about this man and woman. Now you, even if you rely on the past, are like moths.”

At this time, in the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, in addition to the self-cultivation and revenge, it is estimated that there is no other, where will you pay attention to the women around you?

The one with Great Peace Sect is really similar to the extreme, if it is the only difference. It is still a matter of seriousness and righteousness, and will never sacrifice its own closeness to others. With the help of his mother, the woman will not be regarded as the stone of the foot that she has used.

If you haven’t been tempted by a woman, you’ll be obsessed with it.

Yu Xuxuan is quite appreciative of this child, but sometimes this kind of disposition also annoys life.

Yu Yunqin stunned, looking at the direction of the Leaving Dust Palace, and it was only after an instant that he sighed.

“Daughter, understand – this is going to Leaving Dust, just for the industry.”

“Only for the industry?”

Yu Xuxuan snorted, but in this case, he can no longer do more. The daughter’s heart has been tied to the person. Is it still possible for him to break it?

Self-deprecating smile, Yu Xuxuan turned to look at the Dan side, and then instantly twisted the eyebrows, one of them.

From the cold heaven palace? What is this?

It is also a place about Shihlin Island, about seven thousand miles away. As soon as he was asleep, he woke up. However, the moment when consciousness is restored, there is endless pain, and at the same time it rushes into consciousness.

Almost once again, he was fainted. Fortunately, the will of the Primordial Spirit, which was exercised for thousands of years, finally made him strong and endured the pain.

However, when I was thrown out of my mind, it was still uncontrollable, and I took a cold breath.

The hollow in the chest has been restored, but only outside, covered with a layer of flesh. Within the chest, there is still nothing left, and all the internal organs are gone.

The same is true of the soul of the gods. It can be seen that there is a sinister hollow inside the Primordial Spirit. Even if it is repaired, the condensed gods cannot be bridged.

I know that this is because his gods have already lost a part of the most Core, and the three souls are incomplete, and they have such symptoms.

These injuries have made him weak and disorderly in his body, and he has gone to the top five. In the thought of God, there was even more pain in the face, and the soul could not stretch. Even if the first shallow Dharma was used, it would be painful.

It can be said that he is a miracle now that he can live.

Yin and Yang robbery, a good Yin Yang robbery Zhuang Wudao, good very ruthless means.

The injury on the flesh is over, and after taking some good wounds, you can gradually recover.

The hollow in the Primordial Spirit is not an ordinary method and can be repaired.

I opened my eyes and I was not seen in the eyes.

“many thanks Mu brother, this time there is work”

After the coma, he was unconscious. But even if you can’t see it, you can still speculate about what happened afterwards.

It was not the help of Mu Yuanxuan, and Zhuang Wudao did not have any reason for his mercy.

“I don’t need to thank me, this is a matter of content. As an ally, if you are dependent on each other, you can’t see death. Besides -“

That Mu Yuanxuan was sitting on the side of his body and looking at his fingertips. There was a small scar there, and it was the scar of Zhuang Wudao’s sword.

“If you are dead, I am afraid of trouble with my brother.”

I can’t help but laugh, this one is really blunt. If the three holy sects are unable to fight against the great spirit independently, this one will certainly sit and watch him die.

Naturally, if it weren’t for the three holy sects who would compromise, the Sugawara Temple would not have a chance to go south.

“Is it troublesome? The trouble now is very big.”

“Who said that it is not? The world’s first sword repairs the owner, the land of the southeast, and another peerless strong man. If ten years later, this child can be restored, the road will be thoroughly melted, you and me are still difficult to fight. And win.”

At the time of speaking, Mu Yuanxuan looked at the wound and looked at it. He could feel there and was recovering quickly: “The healing method of your temple is really enviable, but within a year, it is best not to People do it.”

“I can save it.”

As soon as the strength was restored, he straightened up. When he could stand, he would never lie down, and he could straighten his back and never make a wilting state.

“There is no need to retreat for ten years. In this decade, everything in the Central Plains, I am afraid to ask a few friends.”

“Who should be”

Mu Yuanxuan smiled softly, but his eyes flashed unpredictably: “Now the empty Buddha is broken, I don’t know what a plan is for a friend and a temple.”

Looks like an inadvertent inquiry, but I have a glimpse of it. The three great saints have their own breakthrough Void Refining, or master the more powerful Techique.

But nowadays, only the Sugawara Temple is the only one.

What Mu Yuanxuan asked at this time is actually the attitude of the Yuanyuan Temple. Can you sit on the heavens and master the power of Void Refining?

The face is faint, and the voice is calm and calm: “No need for a friend to worry, the Void Buddha is just the best policy of the Suiyuan Temple. For thousands of years, the Sugawara Temple has also made countless preparations for the arrival of the upper lord. If the Void Buddha is not successful, then please ask the right to the right to preside over the border, and preside over the overall situation of the Sugawara Temple. For the inheritance of the Sugawara, I am willing to bow down. The previous transaction, I will also obey the original -“

If it is a last resort, who wants to be on top of his head, and one more person who is arrogant?

However, if the Void Buddha State is shattered, the Sugawara Temple will have no Void Refining cultivator if it wants to counter the Xuansheng.

Mu Yuanxuan’s worries are nothing more than the Shuyuan Temple, which will lead to the alliance and deliberately disturb the plot of the Emperor Xuansheng.

“The monk is to understand people”

Mu Yuanxuan laughed loudly. Since there is already an answer, there is no need to stay here, but it is still a false statement: “Can I send you back to the original?”


He replied in a cold voice, then flew up and went straight to the north. “I have already woken up. In the world, in addition to a few of you, who else can leave my monk’s life o”

“It’s really not much, but –“

Mu Yuanxuan looked far away, but there was a touch of inexplicable color on the surface: “You need to be careful about Zhuang Wudao, the Zhuang Zhenren. Before I left, I looked at his appearance, I am afraid I will not give up on this.” “”


At this time, there is no heart at this time, but when I hear the name Zhuang Wudao, I still can’t help but feel a glimpse. However, there is no change in the air outside the body. Only double fists in the sleeves, the muscles are tight.

“He? Isn’t it a matter of course? But Mu brother, I don’t want to let me die at that moment under the real sword?”

So for the time being, he doesn’t have to worry.

“Okay, but it’s still hard to be safe -“

At the time of the sound, the figure of Yi Yi was far away. Mu Yuanxuan shook his head and lost his heart.

I always feel that the real person who is less than forty is not so easy to let go. At that time, he saw from Zhuang Wudao that there was only anger, dissatisfaction, provocation, contempt, and contempt for his authority.

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