“Senior Brother ”

Re-emphasizing Nie Xianling on the altar, stunned. Opened his eyes, his eyes were scared and unspeakable, watching the changes in the sky, and Zhuang Wudao, the body that was worn by the light spear.

I have suppressed the anxiety and sorrow for a long time. At this moment, I can’t stand it anymore. The crystal tears, such as the broken kite, fall into big drops.

She knew that she couldn’t help herself at the moment and couldn’t get involved. In this altar, the implementation of the heavy sword wings, try to help a few of the auxiliary Prfound Technique, with Zhuang Wudao, is the greatest help to Zhuang Wudao.

Even so, even if she has done her best, she is still unable to recover, can not help the Senior Brother, reverse the defeat –

Senior Brother, he is still defeated. The fourth in the world, in the end is a strong victory over the Amitabha’s universal sacred curse, but it is indeed the Suiyuan Temple, the most advanced curse

Senior Brother, is he going to fall down? That one will never stop. This defeat will be the loss of everything, the life of Primordial Spirit –

How can it be? How can she sit and watch Senior Brother die? If the Senior Brother is no longer there, then what is the meaning of her Nie Xianling living in this world.

Mindfulness, Nie Xianling tried to remember the Dafa in memory and thought about the Techique that could save Zhuang Wudao’s life. But it is not unexpected, there is no income –

Then there was a hatred of anger, which emerged from the chest. Nie Xianling turned his eyes to the red color and looked at the opposite side.

If Senior Brother falls to this point, then she Nie Xianling, must do whatever it takes. I have to make this one, so that the temple of the Yuanyuan is never lost.

Mindfulness, Nie Xianling didn’t even notice that his forehead was actually a group of pale green. Primordial Spirit is unstable and turbulent.

Still next to the participation in the law, I feel wrong, promptly put a group of cold divine light out, help Nie Xianling to forcibly calm down.

Only the face of the law at this time is also pale, his eyes are unpredictable, and within the mood, it is also a sharp fluctuation.

“What is useless, how can I lose? Can’t beat, can’t even escape? Really stupid, can’t save the money, old man, these years, he will be regarded as the sect pillar”

Cursing in the mouth, the macro and the double fist, but the death and death of the tight. A trace of blood is spilling from his palm.

It doesn’t matter if you lose, you just need to be able to save your life. Leaving Dust Palace can be relegated to East Ocean for later. However, if the Leaving Dust has been dead for hundreds of years, it is an unbearable creation for the Leaving Dust Palace, and it is difficult to have a chance to regain it in the future.

At this moment, everyone around me is silent and looks depressed. Even those few people who sprinkled the Primordial Spirit were bleak.

“Amitabha’s universal curse, a good Heaven.”

Yunfa’s voice, screaming, seems to be cold, but the words are unspeakable and helpless: “I don’t know where you are, you can have a combined Techique, at least save the tyrannical Spiritorial Spirit.”

The eyes of the help, sweeping to the people, the means of the Leaving Dust Palace, he can know. Therefore, I can only hope that some of the people present at the Primredial Spirit can fight against the ‘Amitabha’s universal curse, 0.

Just looking around for a lap, the harvest is just incompetent and can’t help. Not to mention that there is no such method at all, that is, there are people present, who can qualify, and intervene in the battle between the two?

That is far beyond the level of the Primordial Spirit. Once you leave the Meridian Sunship, the two even have one idea and one finger. In addition to the few people who are present, most of them are unable to resist.

Even the Primordial Spirit, in the eyes of these two people, I am afraid that it is nothing.

“Can’t it? It seems that the defeat has been fixed”

The lawless smile, went to the side of the festival. It also brought the eyes of everyone together.

“I don’t know Senior Brother, there are other arrangements o”

The method at this time is broken by the Primordial Spirit. However, at this moment, it is still the pillar of the heart of the people, the only hope.

“Junior Brother, you are too high to see me.”

The festival still bears the hand, but the face is also helpless, and the bleak can’t be said: “I asked myself that I have calculated everything, but this battle is still lost. I never thought about it before. Dazhengzheng will make this mantra. This battle not only lost my Leaving Dust for thousands of years of Destiny, but also almost put my best disciple life together, too -“

When he spoke, he was also very deep-eyed, watching the body of the body, especially the three-legged medusa, the black scale at the forefoot.

Even if there is this generation of death, it is still useless. If you can’t crack this ‘Amitabha’s universal curse, Zhuang Wudao still can’t recover the defeat, and even want to rely on his own strength to escape, it is difficult.

I can’t hide for a second time.

“Senior Brother doesn’t need to blame, Leaving Dust Palace this time is no different from the entire Heaven practice. It’s surprising that there is such a result.”

He shook his head and did not notice the word ‘indifferent’ in the French language. In his view, before and after the Battle of Shiling Buddha Cave, all the schemes of the Festival of Law are really like wisdom.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to be without rice. The most sorrowful thing for a wise man is to encounter the same one, and the power is far beyond his opponent.

Absolute strength, can crush all, all strategies, all calculations, in front of this, are ridiculously redundant,

“If you lose, you lose, but in any case, my Leaving Dust can’t let tyrannical be here.”

If the voice is not falling, the real people have already said: “Junior Brother, the virtual star that I handed you two months ago, can still be in your hands?”

“Too virtual star disk?”

After taking a look at the law, I have already reacted: “This thing is still there, follow the life of the Senior Brother, carry it with you all the time, and don’t dare to use it at will. Just?”

It’s just this ‘too virtual star disk, although it helps people to move in the void. But now Zhuang Wudao, under the curse of a curse, is nearing death. Even if Zhuang Wudao moved the void, he could not get rid of it.

Even if you use this chart, what is the use?

“Don’t ask too much, tyrannical, he has his own way of life, you just use the machine to use this too virtual disk.”

The festival laughed and looked calm. Two hundred years of planning, but today, almost all the chips are lost. He said in his heart that it is not sad, it will be fake. Even if the front hand is laid out beforehand, it may not be able to guarantee the life of Zhuang Wudao, which is worrying.

However, at this moment, it is impossible to reveal a half point. And sure enough, after the words were spoken, the look of the people around them was calm.

“The key is timing, and the opportunity is estimated to be only a moment.”

“It turns out that it is true that the Senior Brother will not be considered by the Senior Brother.”

The 叁 method once again looked at the front of the void, Zhuang Wudao who had been pierced by the light spear: “So, this meridian Xuanyang ship, it is time to evacuate -“

Then half of the words, the law of defamation is different. Feeling my own heart, violently beating, inexplicable, no reason.

It was just calm down, but it was a violent heartbeat, like a drum. Then the frequency is getting faster and faster, humming and ringing. The whole body was violent, and the ear was more faint. I heard some voices, which seemed to be human voices, but gave the feeling of roaring animals, which made people creepy.

Immediately, I found out that this is not the case. These dozens of people on board, as long as they are cultivation base, far higher than the Primordial Spirit, can sense.

“this is?”

The law is hard to identify, but it is not clear. The festival is also listening to the same way. After a long while, the eyes are also puzzled: “The Buddha of Great Ascension can kill?”

“It is indeed this sentence – the Buddha of the Great Ascension, can kill, what is this?”

This sentence asks for the exit, and Yun Ling’s body shape suddenly stunned. With the rest of the boat, the eyes are fixed to watch Zhuang Wudao.

I saw that there were thousands of soldiers in Zhuang Wudao, and there were dazzling spears. At this moment, there was no fire and spontaneous combustion. A group of white flames ignited and burned the knives of these Buddhas.

Everyone’s heart is a ecstasy. Knowing that this is clearly Zhuang Wudao, I have found the technique of breaking the curse. Otherwise, the spear should have shattered the Primordial Spirit of Zhuang Wudao. Even if you can’t save your life, it’s at least a big hit.

However, at this moment, not only Zhuang Wudao can still stand still, but also crack the golden chain and the blade.

But at this moment, most people are watching Zhuang Wudao behind. The three-foot-high bloody shadow of the sun, has now disappeared. Instead, it is a cultivator image of the same three-footer and a white robe.

The face looks like a 30-year-old, looks like a beautiful woman, with a long sword hanging around her waist. The posture is elegant.

In addition to this dust, but more fierce and murderous, a magnificent 澎湃Sword Intent, is being wrapped up by this war, rushing Quartet

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