When the battle reached peak, Zhuang Wudao’s mind and mind, even almost lost in front of those wonderful and unparalleled sword fighting. Falling out of the pure battle intent killing, sinking in this Transcendent retreat, the martial arts feast of this peak.

At this time, the swords of both sides, even if they are the corners of some side branches, are also subtle and unusual, which makes people feel far-reaching.

After six breaths, the nine-sword shipwheel crossed the air. The sword of Zhuang Wudao has changed again. This time, it is a memory,

Heaven and Earth 澶ф偛,蹇嗘儤鐒

There is no end to the fifty-string, and one string and one column is thinking about Huanian. Zhuang Shengxiao dreams of butterflies, and Wang Dichun heart cares for Du Fu. The moon in the moon is tearful, and the blue sky is warm and jade. This situation can be remembered, but it was already at a loss –

When I swallowed the blood and the sword, when I used this type of sword, Divine Abilty, it was still far from Zhuang Wudao’s own sword. Without a trace of omen, it has already been displayed, and the timing of Sword Path is nothing to be said.

After the sword is out, it is straight before the six interest.

Before the six interest, in the big Van Gogh sword wheel, left a flaw, after the six interest, this powerful sword wheel, has been disintegrated.

And the nine mouths of the ‘Thousands of Van Gogh Hearts’ swords, but the hidden vultures are hidden.

This one’s style, the Great Brahma Sword, is Heaven’s revision, with only a dozen 1st Grade Divine Abilty. There is also a profession based on the strength of the power, the world can resist the people, not beyond the fingers of the technique, there is ‘Zijin Qibao Hualian, the help, it is even more overbearing, almost invincible.

However, Zhuang Wudao’s memory is stunned, but it is also 1st Grade. The soul of the blessing, but also the pulse of the pulse, the fusion of several basic swordsmanship Divine Abilty.

This type of sword has been really pushed to the upper level of 1st Grade.

And that bloody day seems to be irrational, but many of the means on the battlefield are instinctively displayed. Recalling the sword, but not directly destroying the sword wheel. But before the six interest rates, it has been subtly buried. With the ‘Big Brahma Sword, the display, the burden of the nine-thousand-thousand-thousand-hearted swords is getting heavier and heavier.

It is to use one’s own strength to destroy these nine top swords.

The face of the big one was also changed. To date, his strength undoubtedly won. However, in the hands of Zhuang Wudao, it has repeatedly suffered setbacks.

He is known as the martial art in the world, claiming to be the first sword repair in the world, but in front of the sword of Zhuang Wudao, it is completely suppressed.

The body of the invisible Ming Dynasty, purely on the control and consciousness of the battle, the accomplishments of the swordsmanship, seems to be weaker than this Zhuang Wudao. After the war, it has fallen to the bottom three times in a row.

One of the tricks, the nine-thousand-thousand-thousand-hearted swords, returned to the side again. Then a large group of silver powder was spilled out, and the congenital Geng Ling contained in it directly penetrated into the blade and quickly repaired the wound.

Make the nine-sword swords, at least on the surface, intact.

When the sword is repeatedly thrown out, the sword has become more cautious. More than 20 sword light, in the mid-air continuous shocks, circling, staggered, suddenly and indiscriminately, are people who can be multi-purpose, even if it is more than ten sword light at the same time, it can still be free.

Both sides seem to have no idea of ​​winning the game. They only use their swords, and every sword and every Sword Path will try their best to perfection. A little bit of oppressing the opponent to win the game.

For a time, it’s hard to beat,

And even if you are one, you have not asked for a martial art to win, and you have more attention, betting on Zhuang Wudao itself.

When the two men fought swords, the nine-ring Zen stick did not stop there. More gold wheels appeared, and there were more Buddhist chains, which wrapped Zhuang Wudao in layers.

The huge scepter, like a huge gold pillar, trapped Zhuang Wudao on the pillar.

And around, there are more Buddhas condensing. The flash of those Buddhist texts turned out to be a bit of a knife and a sword, and it was also golden and radiant. Hovering, but the tip of the gun, pointed to Zhuang Wudao.

The bloody sputum is not unresponsive to this, and it is surrounded by black flames, swallowing around, everything, including those rune chains.

There are also two movements of fighting and shifting the stars, and the suffocating swells outside the body, like an iron egg wrapped in a black flame, full and smooth, slippery.

The locks around these Buddhas, although able to trap Zhuang Wudao, can never penetrate into the body of Zhuang Wudao. However, this does not help to relieve his current predicament. There is no way for this one’s ‘Amitabha’s universal curse.

It’s bloody and it doesn’t seem to respond to it.

At the same time, within the sword of Zhuang Wudao. In the eyes of the sword spirit, there are also similarities.

What about the Buddha? It has not been seen for a long time.

The spell is actually one of the techniques, but the cultivation is different.

If the method is said, it is caused by the cultivator’s spiral power disturbance. After that, it gradually grew up and improved, eventually reaching the avenue level. From the bottom up, gradually climb.

Then the spell is reversed, directly from the entrance of Heavenly Dao, through various secrets, to make a spell.

Power is often unbelievable and not unique to Buddhism.

However, the Buddha repair lineage is different from the Tao repair. It is often the Shinural Dual Cultivation, which uses the power of believers to be based on the curse, and Prfound Technique Divine Abilty is second.

However, because of this spell, the same need for Spirit Aperture, the number of Xuanxiu of Buddhism is often far less than the Tao. However, after the repair of the most fascinating king of the buddha, that is, the ancestral Buddha, the Buddha can have the same nine-door curse.

The Taoist lineage is the final cultivation, and often only two or three mantras can be built into the Tao.

The spells of the spells have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former is simple to get started, and it is close to the road step by step. The curse is difficult and easy, and the initial cultivation is difficult, often using a lot of life essence.

For example, this ‘Amitabha’s universal curse, is the curse of the top of the Buddha. Even the most innate talents like Heaven can take two hundred years to raise this spell to the 4th Heavenly Layer. And to be promoted to the 5th Heavenly Layer, for at least three hundred years, the day comprehend holds a curse, it is difficult to distract other

However, after the cultivation, there is often an incredible divine power, just like this – this nine-ring Zen rod has already pushed Zhuang Wudao to death.

Only in the eyes of Luo Qingyun at this time, but did not worry about the sorrow, but instead revealed the ambition and ambition, and a few faint expectations.

If it is another spell Techique, it will be fine. It can be replaced by the ‘Amitabha’s Persian Curse of the Great Ascension, but I am afraid it is counterproductive-

She also wants to see, this is the life, everything that is the bloody battle of the soul, what is the foot?

It is today, the bloody swords that are displayed today are already fascinating –

She has been around for a long time and has never seen such a wonderful sword fight.

It seems that Zhuang Wudao is fighting with the squad. In fact, it is the unmoving king of the head of the Eight Great Ming Dynasty of Buddhism, and the battle of the sword and the soul of the soul in the blood.

Although she is a gold and iron body, at the moment, it is also a tide –

In less than a moment, the law that has trapped Zhuang Wudao has become more and more. And the weapons gathered by the Buddhas are more than a thousand.

The two swords separated by three thousand miles have also entered the fifth round. Both sides compressed to the peak of the temperament, and finally could not control, bursting again and again.

As the two gas rings spread, the Tibetan Xuan Dajiang River was triggered, and it was re-rolled again. At this moment, Yi Yi was once again shot.

The nine-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-hearted swords are reunited and turned into rounds. This time, the shadow of the sword wheel is divided into two.

God, my five phases, the great van yin and yang

The wheel of the Nine Swords is actually a division of yin and yang. The Yin wheel circling and dancing, blowing up the wind in the same place, countless blade storms, sweeping the square. At the same time, at the center, it is the tyrannical force of the yin, and the swords around the yin and yang swords and the water fires are forcibly absorbed and entangled.

The Jiujian Yang Wheel is a flashing, and it is over Zhuang Wudao. In an instant, countless swords, from the inside of this sun wheel.

Part of it comes from the body of the first one, and part of it comes from the nine-sword Yin wheel, and confronts the Taiji Yinyang sword. It is actually swallowing all the swords and then releasing them through the sun.

These swords, but without exception, can easily pass through the shackles of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sect.

It seems that the fifth-order big array of this Leaving Dust Palace has been thoroughly seen and unloaded, and there is no mystery.

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