The face of Fa Xuan is full of unbelief, unwillingness, anger, helplessness, and remorse. Almost every negative emotion can be found on the face of Fa Xuan, and the fire is coming out in the eye.

At the moment, the entire Buddha’s image, the image of the manifestation of the gods and gods, shows the color of grief and sadness. Two million people were buried in the ground, and inside the eyelids, tears were shed.

Zhuang Wudao looked at all of this, but it was not moving, but the heart was just the light. It seems that only in this way can we weaken the sorrow of the Master and the sorrow of the body.

At this moment, anything that can make the law anger and make the foundation of the Yuanyuan Temple damaged can make him happy and willing to do it.

He has the heart to appreciate it for a little longer, but he knows that the rest of his time is less than half a moment and more urgent. It is not worth it to waste on this method.

However, at the foot of Zhuang Wudao, the day of the seal, but once again gave birth to a burning sensation. In other words, the soul of this law also gave Avici Equality King an interest.

Zhuang Wudao can guess one or two. It is about the soul of all the evil thoughts in the law, which makes Avici Equality King tempted.

The well-known magic masters in Heaven are afraid to accept the law, so as not to anger the Buddha. Substituting the law to bear the consequences, for the disaster of their own call to destroy the top. However, as the owner of the imprisonment, he and the Buddha Road have been fighting for millions of years of Avici Equality King, but obviously not here.

Zhuang Wudao did not care, and completely ignored the desire of Avici Equality King. Too yin and yang sword return to hand, to merge together. Then a word glow, in the eyes of Fa Xuan desperately, will smash his head. Then the mana took advantage of the trend and castrated the Primordial Spirit of the mysterious form into countless pieces.

From the beginning to the end, under the oppression of the bloody battle, the opponent could not do the slightest resistance.

Lost the blessing of the devil, was beaten back to the original shape, the old and the weak, and there is no Fa Xuan Dazheng after the Dharma, in front of Zhuang Wudao, this is so cowardly. It is easy to kill and solve.


In the plaque of the day, the Avici Equality King suddenly gave a dissatisfied contempt. It was in front of him that the Avici Equality King’s law also cast a dissatisfied look at him.

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t care, the mystery of Fa Xuan has been made, even if it is exhausted, and he wants to retaliate against him and the real people. Even if it is turned into a magic bug under the seat of Avici Equality King, it will not forget this obsession. If you climb in the future, you must climb to the front of him and the festival.

He is not willing to stay in this aftermath, even if the revenge of this law is very convincing, most of them may be no more than one million years later.

Even if it is for this reason, Zhuang Wudao does not care. The former Avici Equality King was also interested in the Primordial Spirit.

Is it necessary to let him, because of the devil’s joy, the soul of his own master, but also to the devil?

The body of Avici Equality King, who only looked at him faintly, regained his gaze. At this time, everything around the emptiness of the Buddha Kingdom is being compressed and collapsed. The body of the magical law is a black tornado that is swallowing everything.

“This time, what do you want?”

The body of the Avici Equality King did not speak. Just a thought, reflected in the heart of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao picked up his eyebrows and vaguely felt that this Avici Equality King is more happy. How can you not be happy? A whole empty Buddha country, the body of two million Buddhist monks, and their merits.

Even if it is a magician like Avici Equality King, it is not always possible to obtain such high-quality sacrifices.

Sword spirit said that the three drops of the blood essence, may be the highest quality sacrifice in Heaven, but it is slightly inferior to this empty Buddha.

Those magic essences, which may make Avici Equality King, master a True Demon Realm class, but after all, it is just ‘possible.

However, this ’empty Buddha country, but it can be real, make this a master of the prison, a high-quality special life magic pool, the future billions of magic army.

Zhuang Wudao Time is tight and unceremonious.

“I want to extend my life to Demon Dao,”

“Is it for him?” Avici Equality King’s gaze penetrated the void and then shook his head: “The soul is so hurt, there is no cure. But if you give him the Primordial Spirit, I can save him from the worm. Direct reincarnation of the fourth-order Primordial Demon -“

Zhuang Wudao coldly snorted, the heart is unspeakable disappointment. However, before offering the Lord, he had already had a hunch in his heart.

Primordial Demon is probably a branch of the Heavenly Immortal world, but also a branch of the Terran, but it is a powerful celestial being and a blood vessel left by the Lord.

However, if it is a festival, it is probably not dead.

With a sigh, Zhuang Wudao put a pair of ‘Tai Yu Yin Yang swords, separated, and held them in their hands.

“The fifty-fifth Forbidden Law needs to be free of the power of the magic, the pure Taoist sword, the replacement of the gods and the gods are infinitely big–“

Avici Equality King’s body is in the hands of two black brilliance. I can hear the last two sentences, but it is a slight brow, and I have a deep look at Zhuang Wudao.

However, it did not refuse, the two groups of divine light, from the black hollow behind Avici Equality King, were poured into the ‘Taiwan Yin Yang sword, the yin and yang sword body

The fortune of Fortyden Law, the forehead of Fortyden, is not only the level of Forbidden Law, but also constantly improving. The array inside is also easier.

From the opposite of the two instruments, there is no big amount of change, and the Leaving Dust array is in the Dao Body system, and the higher level of the ‘Heavy Gods are boundless.

Zhuang Wudao’s eyelids are slightly inflamed, and the array in the sword is pure. It seems that this Avici Equality King has a deep understanding of the Leaving Dust Palace.

“What else do you need?”

The idea of ​​the Lord of the Lord was passed on for the second time and interrupted his thoughts. A pair of fifty-five Forbidden Law, the medium-sized magic weapon, will not only consume 10% of this Avici Equality King feedback.

Zhuang Wudao had a long way to go, and he didn’t hesitate. He looked at his eyes and said: “Can you transform Xuantian into Tibetan gas? There is no need for magic.”

In the Regen Dao cultivator, it is simply a big deal.

However, Zhuang Wudao has a sense of inexplicable feelings. The Avici Equality King will not refuse, and will be able to do so. And in the next moment, it was a seven-color brilliance, which was shot from the eyebrow of Avici Equality King, but it was directly penetrated into the depth of the body, among the mysterious Heavenly Dao species.

So the “Xuan Tiangui”, which is full of Zhuang Wudao within the body, is once again exploding. The feeling of fullness and soaring, let Zhuang Wudao his body, it is almost on the spot to explode.

“This is a special case, you should remember”

The majestic language, Zhuang Wudao listened to the ear, but was inwardly embarrassed.


This demon Lord is really interesting. He only said this special case, not to mention it. In exchange for one, if there is such a high-quality sacrifice in the future, the demon master can also provide feedback without the magic power.

Nature is giving back the ‘total amount, one, to make some discounts.

In this way, it is much more trouble-saving. I have experienced the blood essence of the demon and the two sacrifices today. Even if I don’t touch this one in the next 50 or 60 years, there will be no magic addiction. What you have to do is to find a high-quality sacrifice to satisfy this.

Two ‘Taiwan yin and yang swords, the brilliance on the gradual, has gradually subsided, when the body is stable, it is already the level of the fifty-fifth Forbidden Law, the material is better than before, close to the spirit of the Chinese goods.

Correspondingly, this vain Buddha has produced more than a hundred times more cracks than before. Then just dying, it was a bang, and the whole country of Buddhism broke into countless pieces.

Zhuang Wudao also fell into the infinite void, seeing those emptiness fragments, being swallowed up by the black hollow, and seeing the statue of the Avici Equality King, in the arrogant laughter, disappeared.

Zhuang Wudao has a right-handed print, and then the whole person is standing in the void. He is now a Primordial Spirit Realm, and unlike the previous Foundation Establishment Golden Core, he was powerless in the void. Just don’t swim in this infinite void for too long, you can go in and out.

In a flash, Light Cloud Sword flew away from a distance.

“Sword Master should wait, this time I was almost discovered by this magician.”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said shaking his head, where does he have this extra time available?

“In fact, if I can wait another moment, I should be able to draw more. In addition to the congenital spirit, there are many good things in this Buddha’s Core. This time, the harvest is better than the Fu and the cold days. There must be a lot more in the palace.”

Sword spirit, while talking, put a hint of coolness into Zhuang Wudao within the body.

Zhuang Wudao immediately knows that this is the innate Origin Spirit, which is a trace of the innate Origin Spirit after the sword spirit has recovered. He had two experiences before, so he was extremely familiar with it.

But for the time being his attention is not here.

“Yun’er, now, but fifty-four forbidden Law?”

Zhuang Wudao upgraded the Accumulating Sword to the fourth floor. At this time, the innate Origin Spirit was absorbed, and the 18-fold Forbidden Law should have been restored.

“It’s a good idea for Sword Master to be fifty-four. Is it because?”

Yun’er has come to understand, and her voice has come to an abrupt end. Zhuang Wudao took the light cloud and waved it.

The side of the ‘Kun Yuan Shen Xian bone that has already floated on the side, suddenly broke into two. The white liquid inside was also inhaled by Zhuang Wudao to himself with the body.

Within the body, suddenly like a flame. With the innate Origin Spirit, Kun Yuan Chalcedony, Zhuang Wudao’s Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body and Great Falling Monument Hand, they are also forcing the 5th Heavenly Layer.

钖屾椂涓 姝 姝 韪忓洖镊 韪忓洖镊 huang huang Zhuang Wudao 鐩満鍖楁楠, 鐪 腑镄刡 腑镄刡 attle intent, 涔熷湪涓 鐬棿鎻愬崌鍒 鐬棿鎻愬崌鍒 简 简銆

He has prepared everything, at all costs, this battle must be invincible in front of the Master, how can he fail?

Since the shackles of the law can no longer be recovered, then he can only do everything, make the real people, and walk without concern.

I don’t know the other person, is it ready, to bear his thunder anger?

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