Once again, the whole scene was smashed by Zhuang Wudao, and the remaining pieces of the magical sandalwood were also broken by the gaps.

After only a moment of rest, the magical Tanzi face was blue and green, and appeared in the four thousand feet. There were a few pale colors on his face, and he had a trick, and the cockroaches that had not been destroyed, came back behind him.

Under the body of the nine ‘blood flames grabbing the finger, also returned to the side. However, at the moment, in the eyes of the magic sandalwood, there is nothing in the int, but only the doubts and fears, and the speculative, Zhuang Wudao.

Still standing in the air, the majestic Martial Dao idea, Ling pressed around a full 100,000 square feet, vast and huge, almost suffocating. Behind the bloody real shape, it is getting more and more solid, and it is getting bigger and bigger, and the tyrannical killing intent makes people feel inexplicable.

How can it be? what is the problem? How could this Zhuang Wudao be so strong?

Is it true that it is illusion – not right, this is definitely not an illusion

Zhuang Wudao did not care, no half thoughts and the three nonsense procrastination. If you drag it for a while, you will be more dangerous than others. Only by quick-fixing, can Leaving Dust be turned into danger. Only when the victory is truly established is the time to be at ease.

Without stopping, Zhuang Wudao was once again in the void.

False Matchless, big star

Still a big star picker, the magnetic force of the space was turned into a giant hand, and the magic sandalwood was forcibly taken and pulled forward.

In the heart of the magic sandalwood, this is a retreat. He is just a sprawl. There is no need for the Devil’s Jenson Temple to fight for life.

Especially at the moment, Zhuang Wudao made him unable to understand the truth. Two fights, the nearly sturdy sturdy volume, so that he could not afford to fight again.

However, when the force came, the magic sandalwood’s eyes turned red.

“The erection of the daring”

The force came, and the next step was to see the sides of Zhuang Wudao, and the sixteen faces of the fire-yang mirror began to gather again. The magic sandalwood did not dare to hesitate. After the roar of the raging flames, the whole person was turned into a bloody day, and he was rushed to the sky with the bloody flame.

“The magical day borrows the law, the blood and the yang melt the gold to break the world”

Blood red gun front, pointing directly to Zhuang Wudao’s chest and abdomen. Halfway through the man, the flesh and blood of the magic sandalwood has begun to collapse and blend into the bloody yang.

Below the blood peak daoist, suddenly Pupils shrank. This blow of the magic sandalwood has already broken through four million elephants and one finger, which is equivalent to the top ten of the top ten.

Without the slightest hesitation, blood peaks and blood shadows, also wear the air. The giant bone hammer in the hand gathered a lot of red-red thunder and was ready to go.

If the magic sandalwood hit, it can work. Then he will be attacked before and after, and this Zhuang Wudao will be put to death. But if it is a magic sandalwood, still as before, in the face of Zhuang Wudao can not stand a blow, then his blood peak, you can use the power of magic weapon, turned into a blood mine to escape,

In the next moment, the pupil of the magic sandalwood is violently contracted. I saw Zhuang Wudao casually picking up a hand, that pair of ‘too yin and yang sword, it has been merged together, into his hands.

Under the sword, the whole time and space are empty, and they are all in turmoil. The sword light is changing, but it is straight before the three interest.

Heaven and Earth 澶ф偛,蹇嗘儤鐒

Just to be able to defeat the enemy, Zhuang Wudao simply does not care what form it uses. Although the bloody sputum is more good at using boxing, but his own swordsmanship, but clearly better than the number of

There is a better way to use it. Be sure to use Fist Technique to destroy the enemy. Isn’t it stupid? Four million elephants have also exceeded his limits at the moment. Even if there is a Cultural Technique, Zhuang Wudao is not willing to fight hard.

When the sword light dissipates, the time and space are too turbulent, and all recover from calm. The body of the magic sandalwood and the gunshot, and the future is coming to the front of Zhuang Wudao, the whole person has begun to start from the eyebrows and collapse.

And that strong to four million like the power of the finger gun, also in front of Zhuang Wudao with the wind dissipated, look down on the half-wave.

“How come -“

The peak of the blood daoist whispered, the scalp numb, the creeps, the instinct has fled backwards.

He has already refused to confirm whether this is an illusion. In short, it is better to stay away, as far as possible, the better.

Even if it is really the illusion Divine Abilty, it can be so real, can completely overcome his five senses, it is also the most superb level. Can’t say for sure, even the Heartian Demon, may not be able to compare.

Also fleeing, there is Fengshan, the display of the wind-shaped body Divine Abilty, made a crazy, fleeing in the distance.

Unlike the blood peak, he has another secret method to confirm whether it is illusion. The bloody gemstones embedded in the eyebrows are sure to be in front of you, but they are true and correct.

— Strong, strong is the tyrannical person they can’t resist at all. The strength at this moment is already terrifying. Even if the three of them join forces, I am afraid that they are not the enemy.

Even those who are in the top ten of the monument, I’m afraid it’s just like this.

In the next moment, Fengshan Daoist found his body and could not move at all. Being inexplicably, the force is firmly fixed in place, and it cannot be moved.

what happened?

If Fengshan is subconscious, he will look back. I saw Zhuang Wudao in the void, holding his hands in a circle and posing an extremely weird boxing.

Big star hand, small yin and yang

The boxing force shook with the skeleton of the body, and within a radius of 30,000 feet, the force of the antagonistic positive and negative magnetic elements also trembled.

The blood peak daoist and Fengshan are both a spit blood in the mouth, and the internal organs are almost forcibly shattered.

It was the disappearing magic sandalwood, which also showed a figure at this moment, and the face was paler.

“It turned out to be here”

In the pupil of Zhuang Wudao, the fine mans are slightly flashing. The purpose of displaying the small yin and yang is not to prevent the three from fleeing, but to find the true body of this magical Tan. Among the three, the only one who threatened him was this one. After all, the current state of affairs cannot last. Once he was playing the heavy sword wing, the man ran back again, and the long distance said that ‘the blood and the sun melted the gold to break the world, then he and Nie Xianling, all have to disappear.

This type of Divine Abilty, which can cover 30,000 square feet, did not disappoint him.

Just want to start, solve this problem completely, you can rest assured to return to the altar. Zhuang Wudao suddenly changed his face, his face flustered to the northwest, and looked at the past.

“Master? How is it possible?”

A grand white mang, suddenly fell from the top of the statue of the god of the gods, suddenly fell down. Put his beggars down and cover them all.

There is a little bit of divine light inside, which infiltrates into his body, even if Zhuang Wudao resists it all, it can’t stop it.

Within his body, it seems that there is a flame burning, Zhuang Wudao has climbed to the top of the True Origin cultivation base, and actually began to grow again.

Even within the body of Zhuang Wudao, a ghost of the Primordial Spirit, which is the size of his life, is rapidly coalescing.

Zhuang Wudao is cold in the heart, red eyes, looking at the white mans. In the chest, the Shiling Buddha Cave, before the war, has been entangled in the heart of the unknown, at this moment has reached the extreme.

I didn’t even bother to pay attention to the changes in my body within the body.

Until Luo Qingyun was inside the sword, a sigh was made.

“It’s a reversal of the gods, but it is the mysterious retreat of the gods, from the ancient gods, Xuan Tiangui Tibetan wedding dress Dafa. Your master, I am so admire. I am afraid that one, as early as before the war I have already expected this battle. Leaving Dust has a small chance of winning and has already prepared. Your master is really respectful and admirable.”

Zhuang Wudao was awakened by the voice of Luo Qingyun and began to notice himself. Clearly feeling a cultivation base, is climbing rapidly, several high-quality False Spirit Aperture, also on the edge of the break, even his own ‘Primordial Spirit, is also coalescing. It’s not like the Avici Equality King curse, it’s just a short-term promotion of the cultivation base, but the real cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds.

– In fact, when the festival is full of vitality, he has already anticipated it through the image of the god of Heavenly Emperor. However, when it was sensed to in the body, Zhuang Wudao was so depressed that it was impossible to add.

Reversing the gods to return to Tibet – often with the lock of life, the fellow practitioners, from the Xuan Tiangui Tibetan wedding dress Dafa. The body of Blood Essence, the life-saving essence, is locked and concealed, turned into a mysterious Heavenly Dao species, and used hundreds of thousands of years to accumulate and nurture.

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