Just in the magic sandalwood, with five ‘broken stars, thunder and fire, and at the same time, bursting open, causing the Shiling Buddha Cave to be eight hundred miles, and the large caves collapsed. Far away two hundred miles away, the real people of the festival also have feelings, slightly worried, looking south,

But then there was a voice coming from behind.

“It’s already at this time, the festival’s friends, and the distraction? Is he kidding me?”

A jade plate like a taiyin yin and yang figure falls from the sky, but it is not an ordinary black and white color, but a white snow and a reddish side.

The yin and yang fish are constantly turning, and the yin and yang fish eyes are constantly changing their orientation. Around the jade plate, there are countless virtual blades. It is made up of the power of the imaginary emptiness, and it is sharp enough to add to the arbitrary castration.

Faceless, the festival is a real person, and the hands are dusty and gently swayed. Those who are as dark as the ink and can’t see the slightest shadow of the light and shadow, have completely resolved the invisible.

At the same time, the figure is flashing aside, and at the side of the body, there are three black lights flashing at the same time. It is easy to avoid, not to hurt. The jade in the hands of the festival is also like a glimpse of the mountain wall.

With a sound of ‘bang, then broken, gravel crushed. A huge figure, but also the face of the iron blue is revealed, it is the blood of the Sen Luo Temple.

It is not the technique of bandits that is used by this person, but the Yaksha family, which is the best method of influence. In the dark environment of this cave, it is the Divine Abilty that can be played to the peak of the peak.

Even so, it is still sneaked out of the festival, not only easily let him play the killing, it is easier, find out his true body.

Therefore, at this time, in the eyes of the blood, more is the fear of dignity.

“The law brothers are born well, and it really is the top ten people on the monument.”

In front of it, the magic sect master step Xuan Qing, also explored a move, and recovered his ‘Taiyin Yin Yang Pan.

“I feel that today, I am waiting for the brother-in-law, what kind of preparations are not enough?”

The festival does not answer, and there is no reasonable interest. At this time, in his eyebrows, a white gold vertical eye appeared, and the inner light flashed.

The voice of Xuan Qing at that step had to stop. Under the cover of a feather robes, his body was shrouded, and then the whole person disappeared, and the place where it stood was covered with blazing white light for a moment. The entire 40-foot radius of the stratum, all of them are shocked by this lightning, all turned into lava fire.

The figure of Bu Xuan Qing, manifested in the three hundred feet outside, looking at the exquisite monk in front of him, could not help but suck the mouth cold.

“The fourth surgery in the world, not worthy of its name”

Even after the rise of Yu Xuxuan, the festival was still in third place. Until life essence passed the six hundred-year limit, Qi and blood fell, and gave up the throne of the third method, ranking fifth. After the death of Chonglei, the ranking improved by one and reached the fourth.

In fact, the Primordial Spirit cultivator, once the cultivation base has passed six hundred, will both Qi and blood decline. Many people, even down to the strength of the Golden Core with fake P Primorial Spirit, are not as good.

So the nine Primordial Spirits of Scarlet Yang City did not count the six hundred years of macros.

Like the festival method, it is extremely rare to be able to live up to six hundred in the sky.

“Where is so much nonsense?”

The cold-stained coldly snorted, a huge crescent shovel, swept down with a bloody red suffocation that was almost congested. However, it is still being treated by the real people, lightly avoided, the body is light and floating, like a flying feather, all without force.

The fight between the three people seems to be not obvious. Can be used when the blood of the crescent shovel smashed out. It is always going down into the stratum. A length of about three hundred feet, a depth of up to four thousand feet, can not see the bottom of the crack, resulting from this.

Four thousand feet – just three real people of the Primordial Spirit, the greatest range of God’s mind.

“Don’t worry, the backhand you and I have set, not yet time-“

Step Xuanqing’s look is calm and self-confident. A jade bracelet rotates in front of him, a gray-yellow brilliance, firmly resisting the real-life of the festival, and the nine-day magneto-optical line hit by the eyebrows, but obviously lost, and finally gray and brilliance. Directly defeated, the forty-two heavy Forbidden Law jade bracelet was also forcibly shot.

However, the rest of the effort has not been able to step into the clear.

“Fruit Dao, this is the quick decision of speed? But is the first generation of the two heroes in your family? I am afraid that it is too late, the magic sandalwood brother, but the famous vicious and merciless. The last thing to do is to bring him in.”

The red flame of the sky suddenly burned on all sides. Drive away all the darkness. Around the body of the festival, a series of sword light flashes, and the eighteen sapphire beads that are silently hit are all bouncing.

The magic sandalwood is also coldly snorted, and has to retreat far behind. The crescent shovel once again smashed out, and the group that had already been there was a god of thunder, forcibly split into two.

At this moment, if Zhuang Wudao comes, it will definitely be shocked. At this time, the real people of the festival were actually swaying freely, and the Leaving Dust Palace Sanmen Town was decided. There was no obstacle.

Outside the body of the festival, there was a ghostly shadow of a heavy bird, and a pair of sword wings that did not know when to unfold were hidden and covered.

Step Xuanqing did not notice, hundreds of thousands of painted plaques of various runes, flying out of the robes. Surrounded by four sides, holding the real people.

It seems to be chaotic, but it also implies mystery. One thousand eight hundred black plaques, at the moment, seem like the evolution of the heavens. Thousands of enthusiasm, constantly flashing in the void, condensed like silk, sharp and sharp,

It is the identity of the real person of the festival, but also the refusal. The Leaving Dust robes on the body show a dozen cracks in an instant, revealing the armor worn inside.

“But I am really curious, that Zhuang Wudao is nothing more than the seven Primordial Spirit in my magical door. The strength is better than his own, but only four people. Leaving Dust Palace is scarce, bring him in, There is nothing wrong with it. Why do you want to bring the Nie Xianling? A definition of the Foundation Establishment. Why can you be friends?

The real person of the festival is still expressionless, and he has a set of ninety-nine, but only the twenty-four Forbidden Law flying needles, bursting out from his sleeve.

There were no flicks in the air, but there was no purpose, but it was faintly cut off the air and the pulse. In an instant, the 1800-800 shackles were intertwined into a mess.

The Jingzhen Leijian beside him, and then, with the eighteen beads, once again collided and collided, exploding countless sparks.

The real person of the festival, the right foot step forward, seems to be stepping forward, but people appear after 30 feet, with the crescent shovel from the real blood, pass by

The right-handed sword was swept away, and suddenly the blood flashed. The neck of the bloody real person is actually a large piece of blood, and it is almost necessary to cut this person’s head.

However, the blood of the dead, in the end is also the monument, the top 20 strongest. At the last moment, the entire body skull was turned into a black shadow.

Let the sword of the real person’s sword suddenly sweep away. When the figure of the blood is manifested outside the ten miles, the wound at the neck is covered by a layer of black shadow, slowly recovering.

“Do you want to answer the question?”

Step Xuanqing holds the print, and the jade bracelet suddenly increases by dozens of times. It is far away from the top of the real person.

Underneath the real people, a magical yin and yang taiji figure flashes in the ground. There are countless black hands out there, and they are going to the footsteps of the real people.

However, when the jade bracelet and the black and white giants succeeded in living the real thing, the real person of the festival, and the body turned into a blazing flame, disappeared into place.

Step Xuanqing did not care. The ninth day of the celestial monument was the first person to be the next person, Mu Yuanxuan, and the scrupulous characters. How could it be so easy to lose the two under his joint attack?

At the time of the first hand, it was clear that even if he joined forces, the strength was only equal to that of the real people. Even the latter, a little better. At this time, with the power of one person, but the two of them are completely suppressed, the strength of both sides can be seen.

Naturally, there are many back-hand cards that have not been released, and each has its own life-saving method. The real people of the festival, although the strength is better than half, but it is impossible to kill him.

Even if the first person in the world, Mu Yuanxuan, is here, the strength is more than twice that of them.

“I don’t want to answer anymore. Step by step, you only need to know these two people. When you are Leaving Dust, you can win the key. So I arranged three Primordial Spirit friends beforehand, and I took care of the two Leaving Dust.” In addition, there are blood peak daoist and Fengshan daoist. The former hates Leaving Dust and goes to the bones. At the expense of everything. The latter, as far as I know, is also hidden on the monument. This broken star pavilion is true. The true ranking on the monument will be right within six hundred. With these three friends, you must be sure to be foolproof.”

Seeing the changes in the eyes of the real people, the face of indifference, and finally have a little expression, seems to be convulsing. When Xuan Qing saw it, he also showed a smile that was unclear.

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