“Get me off”

The back of Zhuang Wudao was shattered. Fighting the stars and moving overbearing, and directly turning all the power of transformation, all rebounded back. Fengshan daoist is hard to insist, and nearly a million elephants recoil and return, so that he also has to cut and withdraw, and then slip back. Unloading under the feet, a deep mark was drawn on the ground.

However, just behind the two annihilation swords, before and after the encirclement, the body of Fengshan daoist has turned into a gust of wind, boasting all around, and taking off from the sword.

Zhuang Wudao is completely ignored, his eyes have turned to reddish, violent, furious, and intensive, looking at the magical sandalwood in front of him. The finger of the broken Heaven and Earth was already worn before the Fengshan daoist started. It鈥檚 still the smashing of the shackles, the power of the force, the power of 1.8 million

But the blood god shield in his hand, but directly slammed a hard bump, but this time, it is a fair share. Strong on the shield, forcibly put the magic sandalwood to force, offset and open.

Zhuang Wudao also abandoned the shield in time, allowing the blood god shield to be deflected and thrown away. Zhuang Wudao himself, and he stayed out of this, completely unaffected by the power of anti-seismic, unharmed hands, quietly holding the pair of ‘Tai Yu Yin Yang swords made by the new refining, and then around them The entire land of thousands of feet was shrouded in the word light of Morihan.

Ling Xiaoqiang’s swordsmanship, in this cave, rampaged, so that the surrounding stone wall, gravel flying, bursts of turmoil.

One finger could not be done, and the magical sandalwood was sent by another pair of flesh palms, and the blood poisonous yang palms made the temperature here rise a hundred times. The surrounding stone wall, there is no fire and spontaneous combustion, the poison in the fire, and more raging, smoked people dirty.

However, just halfway through, the magic sandalwood had to be forced to collect the power, only because of Zhuang Wudao’s sword light, has been close at hand. The sword is cold and cold, which also makes him lick his skin and straighten his hair.

Before he smashed the body of Zhuang Wudao, the sword could be smashed and smashed by one of his hands. The magic sandalwood continued to try to approach Zhuang Wudao without fear.

Both of them are now against the enemy with Martial Dao. The reason is the same as the martial arts fight in the human world. One inch is longer than one inch, and one inch is short and one inch is dangerous. Just after approaching, Zhuang Wudao, the pair of magic swords, can no longer play, can only become a burden.

Just the next moment, from behind Zhuang Wudao, inside the sixteen-faced fire-yang mirror, it sprayed white light again. Sixteen roads are too close to the gods and the light of the close-range bombardment. Even if the magic sandalwood has the body of blood and Yang, the ability to absorb the positive force, it has to temporarily retreat to Baizhang to avoid its front.

However, just in his presence, he just stood outside Baizhang, and it was able to withstand the fact that the Primordial Spirit cultivator could be used to smash the gods, and more of the sword light was already rushing. If an irresistible torrent, entangle him, sink it, and not get out. It can only be pushed outwards with the waves to avoid the front.

“What sword is this?”

The face of the magic sandalwood is blue, he has never seen such a sword technique, even if it was the previous time, the battle in the ground cave has never seen Zhuang Wudao used.

I feel that I am not only falling into the torrent. It seems to be in a large net woven by a sword light, no matter how he breakthrough, how to tear it hard, apply the blood and the golden god and the blood poisonous palm to the peak, it is difficult to get from this network. Broken out.

The owner of this net is the opposite boy. The sword light is ever-changing and unpredictable.

And the two men fight, it is almost silent. Except for some hurricanes and swords, there is no difference. In the blink of an eye, five or six hundred swords have been stabbed on the opposite side, and the magic sandalwood light is the hole of the Yangyang Rongjin, and has already hit more than 200 hits. Between the two, even a positive confrontation did not happen.

At this time, not only the face of the magic sandalwood, but also a piece of iron. Zhuang Wudao is also awkward and shocking. It is almost unbelievable. Through his own eyes, he looks at everything in his body.

In the past, the bloody battle spirits were all pressing people. Only a few times against the enemy, they were all invincible, and they forced out countless times of Martial Dao ideas and forcibly crushed opponents. Swords are rarely used.

However, today, even with bloody battles, the power is far less than this magical Tan. Zhuang Wudao is also fortunate to see the bloody battle soul for the first time, using this method to break the power.

Also from the ‘Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, the two sets of swords, from the bloody battle of the soul to display, and his own comprehension, are completely different swords.

Never contact with the magic sandalwood, but always can always threaten the body of this magical Tanzi. The sword is never separated from the body of the magic sandalwood, and the sword light of this piece of the net is shrouded.

The bloody warfare never deliberately applied his Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, four 1st Grade Divine Abilty swords, and never used it. It is only the sword-style, the sword-style, the stabbing sword-like Divine Abilty from the ‘Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, which is integrated into this sword net. However, this magical sandalwood was forced, and several dangerous dangers fell into a serious injury. It was only less than two hundred breaths, and the Prfound Technique, which was used for life-saving, surpassed Zhuang Wudao by at least three times.

And the surrounding enthusiasm that seems to be overflowing, the final flow, but the magic sandalwood. In the body of Zhuang Wudao, a perfect circle was formed. The seemingly sloppy swordsmanship is only within this circle, the internal circulation. In the end, it must be pointing to the magic sandalwood, without a trace of waste. The sword power of a pair of ‘too yin and yang swords is getting stronger and stronger, and the sword light is getting brighter and brighter.

Even Zhuang Wudao’s kendo cultivation base, since the question has reached a very high level, at this time also had to give birth to a self-defeating thought – the original ‘Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, these two sets of swords, can also So show it?

It turns out that my own star moves, and the flowers are connected to the wood. After combining the swordsmanship, there is such an ability.

– Is this the real move?

Sword spirit, in the battle against him, it seems that there is no such thing.

He thought that this war, even if it was a bloody day, faced with the magic sandalwood, but also to fall below. Actually, it is the blood of the war, far beyond his period.

“I am a memory, I have not fully awakened. You don’t need to be singular. This bloody battle spirit should be integrated into all the martyrdoms left behind after the death of Gao Mingjian.”

The sound of sword spirit suddenly sounded in the mind of Zhuang Wudao: “The incarnation of the kendo innate talent is very high. Don’t forget the top sword of my door before the four robbers.” Yi Gong Gong Jian, is a scorpion demon king created”

Zhuang Wudao is amazed. In the past, when the soul of the bloody warfare appeared, the mind of the sword spirit always shrank away and avoided the sword.

It is said that the Soul Body is the same as the idea. The two influence each other, so they cannot touch.

Today, somehow, Luo Qingyun actually took the initiative to talk to him after he swallowed the blood. However, Zhuang Wudao immediately responded, and Luo Qingyun’s intention to contact him was not in the body of the body, but now he is swallowing the bloody sphere of influence. Instead, he pulled some of his Origin Soul ideas into the sword.

“It turns out that this time, I really feel that this time, I am really open-minded. After this war, I can push my own swordsmanship to the next level.”

Zhuang Wudao said that there is a bitter bitterness in my heart. Can I win today? I can see the bloody day, and can I defeat the magic sandalwood within an hour. Otherwise he and Nie Xianling, there is no possibility of leaving alive.

Although a few real people, they left behind in advance. So that the two can escape from the Shiling Buddha Cave and escape to the East Ocean after the defeat, to preserve the inheritance, in order to plan in the future.

However, these magical repairs, since they have ironed their hearts to sacrifice their blood, and have three holy sages to intervene, they may not be able to make them feel good and retreat.

“Sword spirit, you call me, but what is the matter to explain?”

Zhuang Wudao Most of them are still in the body. This time is rare, and I have a chance to see the bloody and high-spirited kendo.

The swordsmanship that is swallowed by blood and blood at this time is at least three or four levels higher than that of his possession. Zhuang Wudao can also understand the exquisiteness of the meeting and turn it into his own. For him, this is an opportunity that must not be missed.

The sword spirit also knows that this is his key time. There are only three such opportunities in every realm. If there is nothing important, it will never be easily disturbed.

Since he was chosen at this time, forcing some of his spirits into the sword, it must be due to reasons. Either pull out his kendo cultivation, you can make his cultivation base big, or something else.

And Luo Qingyun’s tone, but also turned into excitement: “Innate Magnetic Spirit, Sword Master, I only sense the innate Origin Spirit”

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