For the cultivator, after all, the cultivation base mana is the most important and most effective way to improve the combat power. At that time, Zhuang Wudao was because of the difference between one thought and the thought that the Primordial Spirit was the best way to go up step by step without leaving hidden dangers.

But now, regret is not good.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to upgrade one’s own combat power. Zhuang Wudao thinks of the emergency method, one is sword spirit, and the other is bloody battle soul.

When it’s really critical, it’s a last resort, even if it’s all exposed, he’s going to fight with these demons.

Sword spirit can only control one’s own body. The same is true for the bloody battle spirit, but it can make its own strength, three times ten times increment.

Zhuang Wudao is the latter, the most dependent on nature, but also worried about his current body, unable to withstand the power of blood and soul.

This month, Zhuang Wudao is in the quiet room, together with the sword spirit, to study how to weaken the bloody battle of the soul, the damage to his body, especially the impact of the Primordial Spirit.

After the consultation, the result is the same as the previous ones, using the power of runes. But this time, unlike before, Zhuang Wudao refines the runes in a jade plate, not on himself.

When you need it, crush the jade plate, and these runes will cover your body at all times.

In fact, Zhuang Wudao’s physical situation is far better than the Foundation Establishment.

There is a ‘Sui Yu body, and ‘Tianzhuo Yuan Yuan, two Divine Abilty, one can continue to provide energy for themselves. A sustainable, fix yourself body. The power of bloody battles has failed to make his body collapse. Not to mention the Primordial Spirit, it has been catching up with the Primordial Spirit cultivator, and it is impossible to be beaten by the bloody soul.

However, Zhuang Wudao is still worried about the two previous sins, and this is the birth of the ‘jad plate. Zhuang Wudao refining three pieces in one breath. If you want to summon the blood of the sun in the future, you have to prepare beforehand and draw the pain of your own body.

However, in addition to the sword spirit and the bloody battle, today’s Zhuang Wudao, in addition to a law that greatly increases the combat power, that is, the curse – the mark of the Son of Avici Equality King.

Unlike the first two, only one hour can be used. This curse, Zhuang Wudao, is when you want to use it.

Until his soul is completely controlled by the Avici Equality King.

However, this method, Zhuang Wudao has never considered it. He does not reject the power of other people’s souls to redeem Avici Equality King, but now, where can you have the right delicious soul, put it on the balance of this blank?

In addition, it is the four thunderstorms. Zhuang Wudao This month, the best-discarded Spirit Tool was selected to devour the thunderfire.

In the warehouse of Leaving Dust Palace, there are thousands of discarded Spirit Tools. Zhuang Wudao can exchange thousands of scraps with only a few Origin Storing Stones. And the most essential part of it has been integrated into the body of these four thunderbolts.

I don’t know if the four spirits of the thunder and fire have been replaced by the sixth-order gods. The swallowing of the soul of the soul of the soul, the speed of absorbing gold and iron, suddenly accelerated a lot

It is the soul of the swallowing gold, and there are signs of improvement in the faint, moving closer to the fifth.

However, the overall improvement is not much, a thunderbolt, only up to 140,000 elephant power, do with difficulty to reach the standard of Primordial Spirit Initial Stage cultivator.

However, the swordsmanship technique has changed greatly because of the sense of fighting in the sixth-order gods.

Zhuang Wudao once tried and felt that it was a little hard under the four word arrays of Thunderfire.

The real qualitative change is that on the last day of the deadline, Zhuang Wudao crystallizes four wooden elements and puts them into the thunderbolt within the body-

When he stole the sacred flames a few years ago, he only had a fourth-order wooden crystallization. However, in the next few years, Zhuang Wudao will go deep into the magic cave as soon as he has the opportunity to continue collecting the crystals of the wood. At this time in his hands, the same fourth-order wood crystallization, there are already eight.

This battle is related to the rise and fall of Leaving Dust Palace, and it is also related to his Zhuang Wudao, whether he can achieve his wish in the future.

Zhuang Wudao is naturally doing all the best, the cards are all out, there will be no more reservations,

The four fourth-order wooden elements crystallize and merge into the thunder fire. The four monks have had great changes. The silver flame outside the body suddenly turned, the flame power almost tripled.

There is also a shimmering thunder, and the appearance is not visible. Zhuang Wudao knows that these gods, which are surrounded by the outside, have entered the fifth-order level.

It has reached the point where even the cultivator of the Late Stage in the Primordial Spirit needs to be taken seriously.

“Thirty thousand elephants”

When Zhuang Wudao’s thoughts were manipulated, the imperial ambassadors these shackles, and a sword came to him, but after he was fingered, Zhuang Wudao’s eyes were impressive.

Thunderfire, the power of this sword, actually let him inside the chest and abdomen, a burst of Qi and blood

The power of 300,000 elephants, once blessed by four times the sword wing, will far exceed the maximum strength of his Zhuang Wudao. Plus the fifth-order Dusit Thunder and Nan Ming are off fire. In other words, these four thunderfire scorpions have already had the power to compete with the Primordial Spirit cultivator.

And a fourth-order wooden element crystal is enough to support a thunderbolt, killing one day.

In addition, these four thunder fire scorpions, but also can swallow the sword knives, restrain all metal soldiers. There is also a magnetic force barrier that can be protected.

The most important thing in nature is the ability of this thunderbolt to move instantly, and destroy the sword array.

The latter he tried a lot, after the sword array was formed, within a range of limits. Even if you have the ‘Kun Primordial Spirit Flame, and the ‘Sui Yu Shen Yan, you can only display the third-order earth system Dao Technique and second-order water system spells. Even the star god of fire, can not be released.

He should thank Sword Spirit for designing such a great treasure for him.

As for the ability of instantaneous air movement, this time it is estimated that it will not be used, Zhuang Wudao will not pay attention.

If this defeat, Leaving Dust Palace is destroyed, who is alone, and where can I escape?

Even if you are lucky enough to steal, you will want to fall in the Great Peace Sect in the future, or you may be able to do it. But the culprits of the dry Tianzong, but they are helpless.

So this time, Zhuang Wudao never thought about leaving a retreat. At all costs, there is also Leaving Dust Palace, which wins in this battle.

The Jin Dynasty, the jade plate that evokes the bloody battle spirit, does not take much time. So Zhuang Wudao, there is enough embers to take time to study the Shiling Buddha Cave.

Although in this respect, there are several real people who work hard, and with these insights, they will not be easily exploited. Zhuang Wudao is not not at ease, but always feels that these magical repairs are not chosen elsewhere, but they must choose this Shiling Buddha Cave. There must be a reason.

So I recently asked mysterious sons to collect countless historical materials and recent information about Shiling Buddha Cave, but Zhuang Wudao did not study anything,

I only know that 300,000 years ago, when the Dharma was prosperous, there were countless places gathering here. In the Shiling Buddha Cave, there are also countless Buddhist monasteries. The thousands of Buddha statues are also carved by these Buddhist masters and accumulated over thousands of years.

In the past 30 years, there has been no living in Shiling Island. Although it is because of the numerous Buddha images, the weather is magnificent, and it is very famous in the southeast. The lakes and seas outside the island are also wide and wide, and it is difficult to cross the river. Where do you believe in Buddha worship, where can you come in and worship Buddha?

Only believers who are born rich families can hire cultivator spirit ships to travel to Shiling Island freely. However, the scope of the Shiling Buddha Cave is too large. When these people worship Buddha, they are only on the periphery, not as far as the cave. Therefore, the more you go inside, the weaker the incense will be. According to another legend, there are still many Buddhist monks tens of thousands of years ago. When they die, they will choose to sit in the Shiling Buddha Cave. But no one has ever found a Buddha bone inside.

But these things seem to have nothing to do with their Leaving Dust Palace and Magic Repair. Can it be said that this Demon Dao is really only a bloody force in the cave, can it be used for it?

No gains, until the last day, Zhuang Wudao crystallized the wood, embedded in the four Tianzhu, received the letter of Qin Feng.

“The north has been laid out. When it is critical, I can’t distract too much from the Demon Dao. I only watched the Nie Family collection the day before, occasionally gaining income, or benefiting Jun. Nie Family records that 300,000 years ago. The robbery of Buddhism was due to the lack of Heart Demon. In another book, at the end of the robbery, two million Buddhas gathered in the south to avoid the robbery. If this is the case, then the Shiling Buddha Cave , or have Heart Demon robbery residue, can’t help.”

“Heart Demon ?”

After reading it, Zhuang Wudao suddenly squinted, and he was not sure if he should inform the festival.

Two million Buddhas gather in the South to avoid the robbery? Even if this is true, it may not be in this Shiling Buddha Cave. Is it really so coincidental?

At this time, is it too late?

It is not only the death of the Heart Demon that led to the demise of the Buddha’s great life. It really needs to be released. If it is not good, it is a magical disaster that affects the entire Heaven. Demon Dao cultivator is also not immune.

These magical repairs, shouldn’t it be so mad?

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