A mass of debris was mixed with the fire and exploded on the right side of the airborne group. The huge noise shook the whole piece of the sky.

Zhuang Wudao was sitting on the deck and feeling deeply. After the movement, I couldn’t stand up and look forward to the past.

It is a third-order treasure ship seventy miles away from the Ziwu Xuanyang ship. It should belong to a sect belonging to Leaving Dust. It has been arranged in the right wing of the geese line. At this time, the whole rear part bursts open. Zhuang Wudao’s ‘Heavy Ming Guanshi, faintly visible a large number of figures and residual limbs, is throwing away, obviously there is no life. It is.

More than three hundred people on this ship, this time burst, they died at least four to 50%.

In addition, a cyan figure is faintly visible, and it is flying through the pieces of broken wood.

“That is Xiaoyuezong’s Taiyi month missing ship-“

Si Konghong also looked at the direction of the fire, his face was unusually ugly.

“It should be the broken star of the broken star pavilion.”


Zhuang Wudao He has heard of this. The ruins of the town of the broken star pavilion, which deterred the world. Only nine pieces can be produced each year, but each has the equivalent of a Void Refining cultivator.

The Taiyi month missing ship is also a third-order warship, which is not weaker than the Leaving Dust Palace. Under the impact of this ‘broken star, thunder and fire, it is a blow.

Fraowned, Zhuang Wudao turned to Zhuang Xiaohu, with a slight blame in his eyes: “But absent-minded, how can you not notice?”

He was only entering the game, and he realized the temper of killing and killing. So I didn’t notice it. However, Zhuang Xiaohu has been glimpsing the shadow of the sky. In the glimpse of the surrounding area, the entire 10,000-mile radius is under the cover of the shadow ring.

There is a strike of the Primordial Spirit cultivator, which is unreasonable.

Zhuang Xiaohu is a face of grievances, a sigh of words and sorrows.

Zhuang Wudao coldly snorted, but also want to say something, the next side of the mysterious machine but shook his head: “No wonder her, that is the magic star daoist of the broken star pavilion, one hand too shuttle starlight 遁 method, ranked ninth. ”

Zhuang Wudao looked at it and saw the blue figure. It was really fast, almost integrated with the starlight of the sky. Even in accordance with the direction of the stars, short-distance shifting the void, the identity is very different, Zhuang Wudao’s thoughts are unfolding, and only with with difficulty to capture this person’s trail.

“This person’s cultivation base is just a Primordial Spirit Initial Stage. It’s just a slap in the face, but it’s super-existing. It’s got a scrap from the ancients. It’s no one in the day, at night, It is even more difficult for the gods and ghosts. The ability of the emptiness to move, even if the Primordial Spirit is fascinated, it is difficult to capture. It is a headache. Others are better than him, but they may not be able to catch up. It may not be possible to catch up. Can fight.”

Just when a few people spoke, another ship exploded, and a huge fire rushed.

Leaving Dust Palace is extremely caring for allies, and some of the weaker sects are arranged on the inside of the geese. On the one hand, it is good for monitoring, so as not to be slashed by people; on the other hand, under the eyes of several Primordial Spirit cultivators, it can also be protected.

It’s just this magic star daoist, but it doesn’t start with the spiritual bone ship on the periphery of Leaving Dust Palace. Instead, it chooses the sect sect of Leaving Dust Palace. Two ‘broken stars, thunder and fire, are four hundred people killed and injured.

The reaction of this person is superb, and the reaction in the direction of the ship’s regiment is also extremely clumsy and chaotic. Some treasure ships have been smashed like headless flies in order to avoid the magic star. The chaos even spread to the Leaving Dust Palace’s spiritual skeleton.

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes are slightly stunned. I guess the purpose of this magic star daoist is nothing more than cutting the wings first, first screaming, falling on the face of Leaving Dust Palace, and being unable to protect from his own allies. Who dares to follow Leaving Dust?

If Leaving Dust doesn’t have any movements, the outer sect cultivators are called, and I am afraid that I will disperse most of them afterwards.

A few light and shadow, as early as the first empty ship burst, it has been hollowed out from the meridian Xuanyang ship, seventy miles away, a short while. Only the magic star daoist is faster counting, the body of the mysterious, a few circling moves, from these people’s encirclement, easily get out.

However, due to the fact that these Primordial Spirits were shot, a third-order treasure ship, with with difficulty, was saved. Zhuang Wudao looks far away, that boat is up and down, etc.

It’s just the magic star daoist, it’s clear that there is no intention to stop.

“The so-called Leaving Dust, the first major in South Xinjiang, is no different.”

The sound of laughter, shocking the Quartet, with the mighty power, shocked the eardrum. The figure of the magic star daoist also flashed violently. When it reappears, it is already thirty miles away.

It was also a purple ‘broken star thundering fire shuttle, and it hit. On a third-order treasure ship in that position, all cultivators are pale and madly fleeing under the treasure ship.

“The git is not a place where you can be crazy.”

The speaker is the real person. A glimmer of dust in the void, a huge purple thunder, was created out of thin air above the treasure ship.

The gods of the gods of the fifth-order are spreading and instantly evolve into a huge thunder. ‘Broken Star Thunder and Fire Shuttle, avoiding inevitable, was forcibly detonated by a trace of thunder.

The huge explosion sounded again. Because the volley detonated, it did not directly hit the body, the upper part of the third-order treasure ship was a mess, and the whole deck was mostly broken. However, the personnel have already sneaked into the lower floors, and there are not many casualties.

“The uncle of the Master is really able to intercept this method.”

Hua Ying couldn’t help but sigh, it was really dangerous. ‘Broken Star Thunderfire Shuttle, this is quick and flexible, and interception is not easy. Even if it is intercepted, it is not what Dao Technique can force it to detonate.

Zhuang Wudao is also a slight dagger, and is equally astonished. However, it is clear that the use of Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, the same Dao Technique, I am afraid it will not be used a few times.

The magic star daoist was clearly seen, and he smiled, and the figure continued to swim in the sky.

“It’s not bad, but I have to look at it. Can you wait a few times? You can’t take it with you this time. It’s just a broken star, and there are thirty or fifty.”

After the shackles, Lei Guang Dao Technique, which has been played again from many warships, escaped with several Primordial Spirit cultivators.

Just in this moment of breaking away from this moment of empty space, it is also a ‘broken star thundering god shuttle, sliding down from the sleeve of the magic star.

From a distance close to the distance, a treasure ship to the side, the lateral impact. It was a cylindrical spaceship, and it was one of the five Jinglundu boats in Nanshan Liuli Temple.

“Infinite Buddha”

A Buddha statue sounded above the Meridian Sunshine, and the outer wall of the cabin where the economy was extinguished, suddenly appeared in countless golden Sanskrit. At the same time, a layer of purple gold light film, in addition to this flying boat, rose and opened.

That ‘broken star thunder and fire, the impact drill, was stagnated by this purple gold film. Then Li Xuan’an’s red flame bee needle has already arrived, and this Shensuo is forced to burst.

In the bang, the huge force slammed into the air. The ship was the first to bear the brunt of the war, and the entire ship was not repaired. Seven or eight consecutive fights finally stabilized. Fortunately, the shell is flawless, the inside of the monks, only some of the cultivation base is poor, suffered a little shock.

“The means of Nanshan Liuli Temple is really good. It is really unexpected that your Xiaocheng Buddhist temple has not been cut off.”

The magic star had no fruit for two shots, but he did not care. Still laughing and screaming, the voice of the majestic, so that the people above the spirit ship, etc., are all in the same color.

Zhuang Wudao is also ugly, and Leaving Dust Palace has so far failed to block this person. Even if he can’t do it, he has lost his face.

In fact, if it is a true killing, more than a dozen Primordial Spirits in this fleet, more than half, can beat this magic star daoist. The problem is that this method of defamation is the top choice in the world, and it can be pursued. There are not many. At this time, there is no one here.

If you continue, you will really shake your heart.

Zhuang Wudao looked to the front and saw that Yuan Baizheng was looking forward to the front and had no intention of shooting. The real people of the festival are the fires in the eyes, and the lightning flashes beside them. It is obviously extremely angry.

The former is one of the cards of Leaving Dust Palace. With Yuan Bai’s temperament, he will not take the initiative. The law of the festival is the Leaving Dust side, the strongest stone of the town.

If there is a magic star in the district, it is necessary to force the master to come forward, then what is the face of Leaving Dust?

Hua Ying is already coldly snorted, and the figure has already come to the fore. It has already started. Although he is a Golden Core, “Xianying Float” has been repaired to the 4th Heavenly Layer, and the speed is not inferior to the devil. There are too many stars. Join forces with Li Xuan’an and others to at least repel the magic star daoist.

Only when he was just rushing, he was held down by Zhuang Wudao.

“Senior Brother is slow, let me come”

“Junior Brother?”

Hua Ying looked back in the wrong direction, and her eyes were slightly incomprehensible. In his opinion, this magic star daoist, also surpassing by far Zhuang Wudao with his ability outside.

Zhuang Wudao is a sneer, this magic star, really in the Leaving Dust Palace site, can be rampant? With this broken Tissot starlight method?

The entire sixteen faces have been upgraded to the 22nd Forbidden Law’s Huoyang Mingjing, appearing behind Zhuang Wudao.

In each mirror, there is a brilliance of fire. Hidden with the ‘Mr. Meridian ship, echoing, with the strength of the hull, enhance firepower.

The prohibition of the Lingbao ship is focused on the fire between the gods and the gods. ‘Ziwu Xuanyang Ship, but it is entirely based on the nine-day magneto-optical meridian method.

Zhuang Wudao is now able to use his power.

“Nine days of magneto-optical meridian?”

Speaking this sentence, Ling Hua Ying feels wrong. Paradoxical, the method used by Zhuang Wudao seems to be based on the nine-day magneto-optical meridian, and then sublimation, the power is more prosperous.

But how about this?

The speed of the nine-day magneto-optical meridian is fast, but even if it is faster, it needs to be able to hit. The magic star daoist is strong, and God can’t capture it with God, and it has the ability to move.

If the nine-day magneto-optical meridian is really useful, it will not wait until now with his 4th Heavenly Layer’s nine-day magneto-optical meridian method.

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