“Xianling, the treasures of your family, why haven’t you taken it out yet?”

“No, but it’s fast. The things over there are not worth reconsidering. When the war here is over, my father will not know it again, Haitao Pavilion is the disaster of the door.”

Nie Xianling looks at the book in her hand. It’s not a ritual or a note left by the Senior cultivator, but a Heavenly Dao League’s Golden Core list.

This year, the Heavenly Dao League has been on the list for half a year. Nie Xianling is still fascinated, with a smile, especially on the 22nd page. The comments on the moon are so popular that she can’t put it down.

– Although the name is 22 for the Golden Core, it is the first person in the Golden Core environment, the Kendo list, the list of the law, and the same level in the same way. This day, the capital has never been the only one in the past – predicting this child for up to two hundred years, can be the first person in the world

“Sounds, it seems that there is nothing to gloat?”

Zhuang Wudao Wei Wei is strange. The voice of Nie Xianling is too dull, as if it is a non-passenger tone.

“Why don’t you have to gloat?”

Nie Xianling finally put down the “Golden Core List” in his hand, and his tone is still plain: “I don’t think that person, whether he is sick or old, whether he is good or bad, has nothing to do with me. It is not my business. Why do you need to care?”

“So it seems that you really let go.”

Zhuang Wudao stunned, and then sighed and sighed, envious of him, but he did not have such open-mindedness as Nie Xianling. Several people in the north, such as the thorn in his flesh, could not forget.

“In fact, there is still a little bit -“

Nie Xianling smiled and looked a little regretful: “But the matter of Haitao Pavilion, I prefer to solve it myself.”

“Not all the same?”

Zhuang Wudao shook his head, and Nie Xianling said nothing. After the end of the battle, the seal never had to resist the Leaving Dust Palace to collect the Nie Family treasure, which was a danger to the door.

In the past, Leaving Dust didn’t care about the treasure house of Nie Family. There are a lot of treasures in the two mountains and seven peaks. However, these family bases have been consumed in the past few years to support the cultivator in the door.

At this time, the treasure house of Nie Family is also important. Mosquitoes are small and meat, not to mention the Nie Family’s treasure trove of nearly 10,000 years. It is definitely not small. There is Nie Xianling, the Nie Family’s only blood vessel, and the Leaving Dust Palace collects the Nie Family collection. It is based on the righteousness that no one can make irresponsible remarks.

At this time, where can the sect’s elders be able to accommodate Nie Xianling? The Haitao Pavilion’s head of the cabinet will stop again, and it will be directly killed.

Today, he specifically asked about these, in fact, there is a reminder to Nie Xianling, a glimpse of Haitao House. However, at this moment, this woman does not seem to show the same, does not care.

However, Zhuang Wudao thinks about himself again, if he can’t personally start the blade. I can’t force myself to make Chong Yangzi fall into desperation, I’m afraid of myself, and I’m not happy.

Faintly sighed, Zhuang Wudao turned the tone: “If you can break through Golden Core within two years, I will fight for one or two in front of several real people.”

It’s been five or six years since the battle with Gan Tianzong’s Fang Xiaoru, and Nie Xianling has not been in place. Especially after the second defeat of the recognized Yingcai list, Nie Xianling’s self-confidence and self-confidence benefits are too big to be added.

This time, return to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, the cultivation base of Nie Xianling, to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

It took two years to form a Golden Core. For her, it should not be difficult.

“A word is fixed”

Nie Xianling smiled and pointed at a bullet. Zhuang Wudao’s void in front of him suddenly began to fluctuate differently.

“Then please ask Senior Brother, and later I will talk about it in front of several real people-“

Zhuang Wudao stunned and immediately laughed: “As you wish”

This finger, this sword, is clearly the seven killing innocent sword, the first 4th Heavenly Layer realm

With the cultivation base of the Foundation Establishment, the ‘seven killing swords, such 2nd Grade merits, to the 4th Heavenly Layer realm, can be called exaggerated.

Even if Nie Xianling itself has a Rashless Soul Body, this is the most suitable for the seven-killing sword, but it is also unbelievable.

However, Zhuang Wudao also showed that the seven-killed sword of the 4th Heavenly Layer realm, Nie Xianling’s body is unbearable. The reason why it can be displayed is to use the ‘seven killing sword fan, this piece of life, to bear its power.

However, Nie Xianling’s own accomplishments in this sacred battle are beyond doubt.

In other words, Nie Xianling is now ready to go anytime, anywhere. The accumulation of the Taoism industry has far exceeded the time when he was married a few years ago.

This Rashless Soul Body, the ability to understand the truth of the avenue, is indeed enviable. Fortunately, he now has mastered the ‘recognition of the world, this kind of sentiment Heavenly Dao’s ability is no less than the ‘Rashless Soul Body’. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee myself, whether there will be Nie Xianling, the day that I will catch up.

The sting of the eyes has been restored, and Zhuang Wudao looks at the bottom of the devil. Re-emphasizing the world, wearing a lot of fog, straight into the depths of two hundred miles.

However, when Zhuang Wudao tried to capture the sentiments, those flashes of the lines disappeared, and the look changed to the opposite side. A gas machine suddenly condensed.

Then with the slightest hesitation, the Light Cloud Sword was recruited, and a sharp sword was slammed out. On the opposite side of the wall, which was unstoppable, a huge hole was forcibly pulled out.

Immediately afterwards, there were four consecutive squats. In the gaze of Nie Xianling, one person and one sword penetrated into the hole.

In the dusty, the sword went straight into the stone wall and disappeared. Nie Xianling wondered, and together with Zhuang Xiaohu, a leap, it was within the cave that Zhuang Wudao forcibly opened. When the empty line went to Zhuang Wudao and stood by, there was already a gust of wind blowing up, and all the gray sand and mud were swept out.

Zhuang Wudao itself is a gloomy look, looking at the exposed stone layers.

“What happened?”

Nie Xianling only asked this question, and it didn’t feel right. Not only is Zhuang Wudao’s look dignified, but Zhuang Xiaohu’s face is also pale.

Looking at the direction of the two people’s attention, I saw only a reddish-brown thing, and suddenly jumped into her vision. Nie Xianling’s pupil is also shrinking.

“This is –, the blood of the blood?”

At that time, among the earth and stone mud layers, there was a piece of reddish brown, like mossy things.

Zhuang Xiaohu’s expression of crying quickly, “It’s a slave, it’s incompetent, and it’s unreasonable, please ask the master to punish—”

Among the few people, she is the most widely read, and she is also responsible for detecting changes around the magic cave. It’s hard to blame for these ‘spirits’, which have expanded to such an extent.

Zhuang Wudao shook his head and didn’t care. ‘The blood of the blood, this kind of thing, very tiny, cultivator God is difficult to sense. After a large amount of growth, there is more deflection of the cultivator.

Deeply buried in the ground, from the small caves where they live, the farthest distance, Zhuang Xiaohu could not be detected, it is not unexpected, it is not the female deliberately dereliction of duty

The reason why these magical repairs lay these things, isn’t that the thing, can you pass the cultivator?

“It should be from above, all the way down.”

Zhuang Wudao took a look at the top, and when he was able to see the world, he could see the front layer, a dense red dot: “It took about eight months to grow.”

This should be the ‘spiritual blood spore, the limit to spread to the bottom, the normal earth and stone mud layer below.

“That is, it was the invasion of the magic sandalwood, is the blood cloud magic tide?”

Nie Xianling’s look is dignified, ‘Spirulina’ is a very tiny special creature that is often used by the Demon Dao cultivator.

Or spread the toxins, or break through this object, or – with the help of ‘spiritual blood spores, lurking minds, induction exploration.

“Most is it”

When Zhuang Wudao spoke, he was just a few letters. Then, here, waiting for about half a moment, there are several figures rushing to.

The head is the real person, watching the red and brown in the mud in front of the eyes, the face is also gloomy.

“Sure enough, it’s the blood of the blood,”

Real eye changes: “Ming Xiu Road, dark crossing Chen Cang? Great, this generation of magic door Sect Master, really is a good means.”

“Fortunately, it was discovered early, and waited for half a year. When these blood spores spread down for thirty or forty miles, I was afraid that the seventh-order ‘Blood Magic Sunflower’ would not be able to survive.”

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