Zhuang Wudao’s brow has become a ‘chuan, word. It’s not from the ambiguity of the world, it’s not because of the Innate Battle Soul – so where does this power come from?

“Speaking of it, I felt strange before -“

Yun’er held his chin on his hand and said: “It is the memory of the sorrow. This sword is a cultivator that can be cultivated. Only in this realm can you truly understand the truth and gradually master the part. Sword Master is only a small Foundation Establishment cultivator, but can master this sword. Before returning to the three interest rates, Sword Master is not surprised? I originally did not intend to make Sword Master become this sword. It’s hard to retreat.”

Zhuang Wudao Silently, he didn’t think it before, but now he feels amazed. The difficulty of cultivation of time and space, see Qin Feng and Nie Xianling.

The two specialize in seven killing innocent swords and too imaginary without great methods, but until now, they only have some insignificant space Techique. Being able to shuttle the void is also dependent on the power of the Spirit Tool.

The mystery of time is to embody the existence above the space, to reverse the three-interest time, seemingly simple, but the cultivator that implements this technique is under the pressure of great time and space, causal changes. If you are not careful, you will be backlashed by the river for a long time.

What you think is not the Foundation Establishment cultivator, the Divine Abilty that can be repaired. It is the Immortal Ascension, even the level of Golden Immortal.

Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment is a mysterious, not only the 1st Grade created by Peerless Immortal King. Actually, the Void Refining cultivator can reverse the time of the three-swords with the sword. This sword recalls the sorrow, and it can be said that it is the creation of Heaven and Earth.

And his Zhuang Wudao, with the Foundation Establishment cultivation base, has become the second decision of Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, which is even more amazing.

I can’t understand it. Zhuang Wudao estimates that at this time, sword spirit, I am afraid that I can’t say why, just shake my head and let the matter down: “This thing will be said later, or it is a coincidence, Innate Battle Soul and the world.” The same thing that started to happen at the same time can’t say for sure. I have tried it, and I can’t slow down the time flow. It shouldn’t be a bad thing, don’t care too much.”

After that, Zhuang Wudao seems to think of something again, and took the piece of the monumental gravel. Along with Zhuang Wudao’s idea, several pieces of Origin Storing Stone burst into powder.

A line of writing, also appeared on the plane stone,

“Heaven World Zhuang Wudao, ranked 764 in this ranking. Born in Zhou Country, Shenzhuang, now living in the Nanping Mountain Range Devil Cave. Leaving Dust Palace Heaven is under the disciple of the courtyard, aged thirty-four. Golden Core Quaternary Building. Father Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, mother Zhuang Xiaoxi passed away-“

Although the ranking on this list refers to himself, Zhuang Wudao still can’t help but take a cold breath. Seven hundred and sixty-four, which means that he has surpassed most of the Primordial Spirit Initial Stage, and the cultivator that has been repaired. Be one of the strongest thousand people in the entire Heaven practice.

Already able to overhaul with those Primordial Spirits in the world.

“Check again, Golden Core rankings -“

In fact, only looking at the total list, Zhuang Wudao knows himself, in the general ranking of the Golden Core list. But still can’t help it, check with the strength of Origin Storing Stone.

After a moment, there is another line of writing, which is now on the monument.

“Heaven World Zhuang Wudao, the third place in the Golden Core list in this world. Born in Zhou Country, Shenzhuang, now living in the Nanping Mountain Range Devil Cave –”

Third – sure enough, it is only inferior to the Senior Brother Spirit Hua Ying.

As for the information on the list of the law, it is even more shocking.

“Heaven World Zhuang Wudao, ranked ninth in the list of the law in this world. Born in Zhou Country, Shenzhuang, now living in the Nanping Mountain Range Devil Cave –”

– He now, can claim to be himself, is the ninth repair in the world

Zhuang Wudao frowned, you can guess that not long ago, someone should have checked the monument. And must be related to the magic sandalwood, at great cost, through his suppression blockade.

But now, it should be that no one has stared at his ranking changes, but this matter is not certain.

However, I also know that when the world knows that he will jump more than 400 positions in one day and go to the third place in the Golden Core, what kind of storm will happen.

He also does not want those demons to overestimate their strength. Leaving Dust Palace is now in jeopardy, and it is not just relying on the deterrent, it will be able to sustain the greed of the magic.

So at this time, the more the opponent is underestimated, the greater the chances of Leaving Dust Palace –

Zhuang Wudao is subconscious and wants to use the collected stones that have been collected over the years. However, I immediately remembered that my own ‘recognition of the world, it seems that it has the power to suppress the secret.

Otherwise, the family of the heavy bird, it is impossible to survive to the present.

In the eyes of the reborn, Zhuang Wudao looked at the gravel on the monument, and saw his place, and quickly fell. In the end, he re-entered the second place in the Golden Core rankings, and then checked the rest of the total list, the technique, the boxing, the kendo, and the number of times.

Compared with the name before the battle of the magic sandalwood, it only slightly improved.

Now I can only hope that no one will be bored. After an hour, I will look up his heavenly monuments.

“Leaving Dust Palace is not good at calculating the power of the world, and few people have mastered the method of pushing the heavens. But since these robberies, they have always been safe and sound. Since the three robberies, I don’t know how many big ones. In the looting of the robbery, only you Leaving Dust, can always save a few points. The reason why the inheritance of the robbery, this re-emphasis of the world, can be described as a great achievement. In the Heavenly Immortal world, no one can count the law I am looking for your Leaving Dust doorman. Occasionally, you can improve your senses and your senses -“

Zhuang Wudao smiled and waited for the sword spirit to finish. He interrupted: “Sword spirit. You said that this body of warfare can make me more than six rounds of Divine Abilty. Immortal Ascension, within one day, there are Fifteen rounds of Prfound Technique. But now these souls, I have opened in the Golden Core. So what should I do later? Can I add another round?”

Yun’er blinked and his face was equally weird: “How can this Yun’er know? Innate Battle Soul, a total of fifteen rounds of Divine Abilty, a few powerful people in this ancient Soul Body. It’s the same. It’s like Sword Master. There’s never been a precedent. In the future, you can only wait until after Sword Master Immortal Ascension.

Zhuang Wudao smiled and knew that Yun’er had no such result. In my heart, it is hot and there is expectation. If he can open the Prfound Technique in sixteen rounds, it will be one hundred and eighty-eight times in one day. In the world, it should be unparalleled, is it not exciting?

In front of the sword spirit, the shadow is suddenly a shadow, and it drifts away. Light Cloud Sword also returned to the sword of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao Don’t ask, you know someone has arrived. Sure enough, for a moment, Hua Ying, the real person and spirit, has been ugly, and the figure sank into the cave.

“Where is that magic sandalwood?”

The polar law is open to the eye, but only sees a mess, and does not see the figure of the incarnation of the magic sandalwood.

Look at Zhuang Wudao, I saw the boy opposite, laughing and throwing a leather bag in his hand.

The polar law is in the hands of the first person, first smashed, then it is incredible, and then look at Zhuang Wudao: “This incarnation of the magic sandalwood is already destroyed in your hand?”

Still 10,000 miles from the Leaving Dust Palace, the bloody boat is flying north at full speed. It seems like a rush, trying to get out of the Leaving Dust Palace ‘Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lie fire flag gate array, covering the range. And that strange sound has long since stopped.

Just before the tenth, the gods who fell from the sky suddenly turned stronger, even if the three people in the boat joined forces, they could not resist.

The glared purple thunder rushed in and forced the back of the blood boat to smash a whole ship’s side. So even on this boat, Demon Dao’s top-notch Primordial Spirit has to flee.

When the ‘Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lie fire flag gate array, rule out the obstacles, this world’s top five-stage large array. It is indeed not the three or five Primordial Spirit Late Stage.

At this time, in the cabin, in the mouth of the magic sandalwood, the big mouth of the plasma spit out. After several consecutive medicinal pill swallows, it can’t stop. Before it was opened, it was washed out of the mouth by blood.

Finally, the magic sandalwood, too lazy to take medicinal pill. Only a few pieces of blood crystals were taken from their small Void Ring. Extract Blood Qi from inside and slowly recover from the injury.

The cultivator will surely suffer heavy losses if it is lost. But as early as this time, the magic sandalwood is ready. I have already got paid, and I have a quick recovery.

Therefore, at this moment, the magic sandalwood does not care much about the injury to his body.

“How is the result?”

Looking at the shape of the magical sandalwood, the step of Xuan Qing did not care. “What did you feel in the magic cave?”

He knows that when the flesh and blood of the magic sandalwood is shattered, the soul of the soul will surely bring back some useful information.

“You are afraid to be disappointed, and the soul is directly broken. It should be too imaginary, directly crushing my Primordial Spirit, and there is no chance to escape.”

Seeing Xuan Qing stunned, there is obviously unbelief, the magic sandalwood has coldly snorted, and there is no intention to continue to explain: “I don’t even know my avatar, in the end is the hand of Zhuang Wudao, or this person, with others Together, we can work together. However, the seventh-order ‘ghost magic blood sunflower, I have not seen it, under the magical cave, it is true that there is no mystery.”

“After all, it has not been confirmed that the ‘sinister bloody sunflower, whether it exists–“

The man who resisted the thunderstorm in the upper part of the scene, stepped from the void. This person’s face is rough, at the age of 40, a gray robe, and I don’t know what the Culture Technique is, and the two sides of the forehead are each stretching a black horn. Fire under the feet, black flames linger.

“You and I have a few things, just the things that are used this time, as many as the fourth-order elements. Is the end result, nothing?”

The person who cares for the piano, at this time also put the piano case closed: “The festival is a real person, never underestimate. The same opportunity, there will be no second time.”

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