“What is the need to say victory and defeat?”

When the right hand bone fractured, all recovered, the figure of Zhuang Wudao flashed to the front of the magic sandalwood.

There is no Eight View Kun Leijian, and the light cloud is hiding in the sword and refuses to come out. Zhuang Wudao can only rely on his own pair of flesh.

He can’t do it with the sword and the sword, and he can play his own sword technique. However, at this time, it is enough to rely solely on these palms.

A simple ‘big cracked stone, lifting twelve times the power. Even with the help of the gods, Divine Abilty, which can increase the power of ten times, has not been displayed, but this magic sandalwood has to be shunned.

The previous ‘one-finger smashing, has already consumed Blood Essence, which is nearly 90% inside the flesh and blood. Only by the Core ‘Blood Essence crystallization in the body, it is impossible to recover in a hurry.

That is to say, the magic sandalwood avatar at this time, even the 10% strength in the heyday is not.

If the former magic sandalwood is a tyrannical force that can crush him, then at this moment in his eyes, it is not much stronger than the earth and stone dolls he himself made.

Not waiting for the magic sandalwood figure to move away, Zhuang Wudao’s picking star hand at the same time force, the force of the magnetic element sucking, so that this person can’t avoid, can only hardly pick Zhuang Wudao this palm.

The power of the two has fallen below 200,000 elephants at this time, but it is still the Primordial Spirit series, and there is still the power to shake the mountains and rivers. The movements of the hands are also extremely fast.

Less than a hundred breathing hours, they have collided nearly three thousand times. The magic sandalwood is a fleshy and bloody avatar, does not carry too much Spirit Tool, a ‘blood body doll, is already unexpected. Or this flesh and blood, is a magic tool Spirit Tool.

Zhuang Wudao at this time, although there is a ‘blood god shield, Kun Shou Yuanzhu, Bai Yiqi Zhou Tianta, these many Spirit Tool, but also did not use.

It is rare to have this real Primordial Spirit level, a character who is comparable to his own, to be his opponent’s target. Zhuang Wudao’s interest in the rise is only to fight against the enemy.

Great Falling Monument Hand, the big star picker, the big move, the same kind of use. Even if you use Prfound Technique Divine Abilty occasionally, it’s just a ‘big cracked stone,’ a big broken cloud, ”Niu Mo Tian Chong, such a three 4th Grade Divine Abilty

However, at this time, even if Zhuang Xiaohu completely interrupted the relationship between the gods, the battle consciousness of the magic sandalwood is still the level of the Primordial Spirit Middle Stage.

The bloody Yang Rongjin god and the blood poisonous yang palm, are also genuine 3rd Grade merits, but the fist of the boxing, Zhuang Wudao is not an opponent. The dangerous insurance was hit hard by the magic sandalwood several times.

Fortunately, there are four thunderfire scorpions next to them, ready to support. Su Yu’s body can also help him recover his injuries at any time within four hours.

And every moment, Blood Qi, who is surrounded by the magic sandalwood, withered a point and lost his strength. The skin is pale and bloodless. In the eyes only, the smoldering fire is like anger. It seems that the distance has completely collapsed, not far away.

Zhuang Wudao continues to be arrogant and step by step. This battle is indeed a victory and a loss has been divided into battles, he can step by step to the magical Tanzi to desperate, Blood Qi withered. It may even be impossible to wait until then, it is estimated that as long as there is another half-time, the real people of the festival can be taken out.

But when he saw that the magic sandalwood was getting weak, and seemed to be unable to cope with it, Luo Qingyun’s thoughts sneered in his mind: “Sword Master seems to have a good time? If I were Sword Master, I would never dare Continue to delay. At any cost, quick fix is ​​the best policy.”

Zhuang Wudao instinctively, I heard that Luo Qingyun’s tone is wrong, and my heart is secretly smashing this magical sandalwood. Is there any way to turn it over?

However, the face is still calm and there is no change: “This is helpless. If you are willing to hand over the light cloud to me, this battle has already ended.”

Eight Jingkun Lei Jian, broken, he used a piece of sword together is useless, but there are a few spares in the past, but at this time they have not been able to withstand the power of his True Origin.

When the Great Peace Sect cultivator was hunted in the north, the few flying swords that were seized were sold by him a few years ago to get the Origin Storing Stone and buy those four-turn Xuan Yuandan.

“I don’t want to use it for you.” Luo Qingyun said with a slight guilty: “It’s because people are in the body, and they may be extremely filthy. If Light Cloud Sword is contaminated, it may affect Yun’er’s memory and even loss of spirituality. There is no awareness of consciousness.”

Zhuang Wudao listened indifferently, and when he heard these words as filthy things, he moved his eyes. Could it be that this hidden card of the magic sandalwood is related to this?

He only thought of one thing in his heart, and Yun’er had already reminded him at the same time: “The way of the magical sacrifice, you are now familiar. Since this person has a bloody figure, how can he lack that thing?”

“It’s a nail”

The face changed slightly, Zhuang Wudao violently pulled back and shunned in the front and back. The crucified nails and the bloody figures are the twins in the blood sacrifice.

After the blood sacrifice, there will be bloody puppets, and there will be nails and nails, and there will be bloody figures.

In the world of Heavenly Immortal, in addition to the ability to die, the bloody puppets can also perform an extremely evil spell. Just have the opponent’s blood essence, know the numerology, the nature of the Primordial Spirit, you can use the blood and the puppet to cast spells, and kill the life.

However, if you use it separately, you can also out of the ordinary. This is a kind of nail, there is the power of the soul of the beast, it is similar to the blood magic knife, only slightly worse,

Light cloud said that he was worried that he would be defiled. He must refer to this thing, only because of the bloody knives, but only to absorb the person’s Blood Qi. And ‘癸煞攒心钉,, but more evil, must take pregnant women through the blood to wash and cultivate, is the world to the evil to the yin.

Seeing Zhuang Wudao, he left the safe distance and went back to the pros and cons. The face of the magic sandalwood changed again, followed by a sneer.

A few black spots slammed out of his eyebrows. The total number of three is precisely the nail. In the twinkling of an eye, the soul of Zhuang Wudao has been locked, and it is quickly shot.

At the same time, Zhuang Wudao also felt that the whole person was taken for granted. The embarrassing method in the exhibition is also suddenly stopped, and the stupidity is standing in place.

Vaguely, the voice of sword spirit is calling, it seems anxious, but he can’t hear clearly. Until his nose, he smelled a trace of blood, and the violent tide of the instinct of the gods, this suddenly awake.

When you look at it again, the three black nails are already close at hand. Just three 10% of the moment, you can nail his body and then directly destroy the Primordial Spirit.

“That’s too late–“

Yun’er faintly sighed, Light Cloud Sword has been worn out of his sword and stopped on his side. At this time, it is a deadly situation that cannot be resolved. Zhuang Wudao can only resist these three nails by borrowing her power. Even if it is spiritually obscured, it is always better than Zhuang Wudao to be killed.

Zhuang Wudao is a dull, chilly sweat on his body, and a sense of crisis that makes his heart completely cold. Light Cloud Sword, which is already at hand, seems to be unable to sense. Only set to look at these three black nails.

Death and despair are filled with hearts. Since the beginning of the cultivation, he felt so weak for the first time, even if it was from the cold palace, the master of Yu Xuxuan did not make him feel so desperate.

I can’t think of how to deal with it. Bloody battle soul is too late, Light Cloud Sword? Even if it is blocked, he will be hit hard, at least by the nail. In at least ten years, there is no possibility of promoting the Golden Core Middle Stage –

Then in the next moment, Zhuang Wudao felt only in his eyebrows, suddenly a fiery flame exploded, suddenly exploded. Lingtai shattered and regenerated, and it turned into a colorful light. Between the Primordial Spirit and the flesh, a colorful bridge was built.

This is the spirit of the body, but at this moment, my tyrannical Primordial Spirit, but can already exist independently. However, the connection between the two has not been separated. Through this Rainbow Bridge, it is even closer.

The soul is really awkward and really begins to coincide. The power of the soul is also more to feed back.

The previous Zhuang Wudao itself had 3,200 imagery, covering the 30,000-foot soul blessing, which enabled him to reach 3,500 in one.

However, at this time, the ratio is skyrocketing, and it seems that the highest level is more than 4,500.

The barrier of the Primordial Spirit Middle Stage is now broken. In the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, the three nails that are faster than lightning are getting slower and slower. How much faster than the turtle crawling.

This is the Innate Battle Soul? One of the Great Battle Body, one of the Ten Great Soul Body’s Innate Battle Soul?

Zhuang Wudao feels only a horrible force, brewing in the mind of God. In his eyes, the three nails that made him desperate and horrible were not threatened at the moment. Looking at the ant-like gaze near the gods, watching the three nails gradually approach.

The bloody gas is getting thicker and thicker, and it is more stinking after the blood of the haze, Zhuang Wudao disliked. Then in his eyes, both pupils split at the same time.

Re-emphasizing the world

A strange force of time and space suddenly broke out three feet in front of Zhuang Wudao. In this space, time and space were completely distorted.

And the three nails were actually in front of Zhuang Wudao, and they were twisted and smashed in an instant, and they turned into iron slag and fell.


The magic sandalwood at the top of the scorpion bowed, apparently unreacted, and the eyes revealed an incredible color.

What the hell is this, what kind of work? Divine Abilty is so sturdy as to be able to know that it is the fourth-order ‘heart’ nail,

However, the next moment, Zhuang Wudao’s gaze, he looked over to him. It was also an abnormal distortion of time and space, and then his flesh and blood, along with the explosion, revealed a metal skeleton. The appearance of do with difficulty is still intact, but if you look closely, you will find those relatively thin ‘skeletons, which are also creaking, seemingly to be twisted into twists by this strange force.

Zhuang Wudao’s figure once again came to the fore, but this time he stopped holding his hand and held Light Cloud Sword with a light stroke. The sternum of the skull of this magical Tanzi, together with the blood crystal that is the Core, was twisted together.

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