闾d簺琛€夎爼锷 夎爼锷 鐒跺悗 € € € 夌殑 Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi笅涓€浜涗簬纭浜涗簬纭鐗囥€

Key 岀煶纰戜箣涓婄殑,鍒欐槸涓鍒欐槸涓灞 loo mist loo mist 钀 粫銆傛暣鏁 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣 笂鍗冩灇镄勫洓阒禣紑鏉ャ€

闾eぉ chain rainbow trout borrows spirit power 熷 熷 璁╀ 璁╀ 璁╀ 璁╀ 璁╀ 璁╀ 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄 簲鍗佸叚鏋歄Manuscript, 闾eぉ chain rainbow trout, 缁堜簬鍑虹幇浜嗗彉鍖

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Zhuang Wudao,姝ょ晫涓€鎺掑悕涓鎺掑悕涓鍗冧竴锏鍗冧竴锏鍗冧竴锏叚鍗佸洓浣嶃傜敓浜傜敓浜傜敓浜 hou Country 娌埚箪, 鐜板眳鍗楀睆瓟绐熴€侺eaving Dust Palace Heaven 鍒櫌闂ㄤ笅disciple ,骞村瞾涓夊崄锲 侴olden Core 澧冨洓 嶆ゼ銆傜埗 Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie ,姣峑huang Xiaoxi 宸查€浓€曗€曗€

“One thousand one hundred and sixty-four? How is it possible?”

闾d簺琛簺琛ultivator ,宸茬粡鏉ヤ笉鍙婂幓涓洪偅浣嶆铡荤殑same side 屾劅 the if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves鐪嬬潃鐪煎墠銆

涓 涓猚 涓猚 iv 涓猚 涓猚 晫镄凣 晫镄凣 晫镄凣 晫镄凣 olden Core cultivator , 灞呯劧鑳 湪澶╂満纰戜笂 楂樻嵁涓 楂樻嵁涓 鍗冧竴锏Fear of 叚鍗佸洓浣嶃 彧宸竴姝 effect 彧宸竴姝

屽湪杩欎 or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪 涓嶅湪妯猚ultultator 銆

鈥淕olden Core 嶆ゼ reading, this child, 涓嶆槸钖浠栧彧涓冭 鎴愪 鎴愪

“If only seven turns into Dan, I am afraid that I can’t reach such a high position.”

“Is it impossible to seal the celestial monument? No wonder.”

In the eyes of Jin Xuanling, there was also a glimpse of horror. Then he asked again with no expression.

“Inquiry, Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao Golden Core Rankings Fist Technique, Kendo, Skull, innate talent potential –”

The lines and the completely different writings before are once again in the eyes of the people.

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Zhuang Wudao ,姝ょ晫涓璆olden Core 姒沧帓钖崭簩鍗佷簩浣嶃€傜敓浜傜敓浜hou Country 娌埚箪, 鐜板眳鍗楀睆灞辫剦鍦伴瓟绐熲€曗€

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Zhuang Wudao ,姝ょ晫涓湳娉曟帓钖崭笁鍗佷簩浣嶃€傜敓浜傜敓浜hou Country 娌埚箪, 鐜板眳鍗楀睆灞辫剦鍦伴瓟绐熲€曗€曗€

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Zhuang Wudao ,姝ょ晫涓璅ist Technique 鎺掑悕涓€鍗冧簩锏鹃浂涓変綅鈥曗€曗€

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Zhuang Wudao ,姝ょ晫涓璼word technique 鎺掑悕涓夌栌锲涘崄浜斾綅鈥曗€曗€

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Zhuang Wudao ,姝ょ晫涓亖娉曟帓钖嶅洓锏畏叚鍗佸洓浣嵝€曗€曗€

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Zhuang Wudao ,姝ょ晫涓綔锷涙帓钖嶆湭鐭モ€曗€曗€

In the monumental monument, the sudden silence of the dead, especially the wording of the thirty-two, the words in the eyes of others, especially dazzling.

In other words, the guy who is less than forty years old, now in the rumor of the technique, can be juxtaposed with the top-level Primordial Spirit cultivator?

The Golden Core ranks 22, and this person is already a ‘real person, and has indeed had the strength to compete with the Primordial Spirit cultivator.

Jin Xuanling’s face is still a piece of iron blue, especially the ‘potential ranking unknown, six characters, feeling particularly glaring. Turning around again, looking at the people around, those blood cultivators, but they dare not look at it, have to avoid it.

“Reassure, this child violates the rules of the door, arrogant and arrogant, half-yearly swallowing seven sacrifices, private blood sacrifice to the Lord. Today is not dead here, after returning, you will also be asked to sin and resent the soul. Today can die so neat, It is cheaper.”

Coldly snorted, Jin Xuanling took back his sight and then asked the monument.

鈥沧垜瑕佺煡Zhuang Wudao, gallium chain P chain, Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, gallium chain chain rainbow trout

However, when this statement is said, the monument is not moving. Jin Xuanling is not an accident. These things are not something that can be arbitrarily searched in the monument.

涓嶈 旇闂 旇闂 旇闂 鍗 埆 埆 oid oid oid oid oid oid oid di Ring divine light 寰棯, 涓 鍙 鍙 鍙 澶鍏絙鍏絙ody ,灏辫惤鍦ㄤ简澶╂満纰戝墠銆

琚棤鏁 噾鑹茬殑涓濈嚎鎹嗘潫镌 濡栧姏婢庢箖 濡栧姏婢庢箖 濡栧姏婢庢箖 濡栧姏婢庢箖 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝 洓阒禝姈锷 璇曞浘鎸h劚銆

Jin Xuanling didn’t even look at it. When a bloody light came out, he cut off the head of the behemoth, and suddenly there was a bloody waterfall in the neck. Numerous blood spewed out and sprinkled on the monument.

And Jin Xuanling also handed a knot to the spirit, and read the secret words, and gradually appeared behind him. It looks like a white zebra, has a horn on the head, and has wings, but it is bloody red. A pair of different scorpions each shot a purple light and hit it on the monument.

涓嶈 闅忕潃闾 闅忕潃闾 鍏 鍏 殑 Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi

Jin Xuanling frowned, took out a compass-shaped magic weapon, and then dripped it into his own blood essence. After a long while, on the monument, there was a purple gold handwriting, which became apparent.

鈥淗eaven 涓栫晫Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao ,姝ょ晫涓綔锷涙帓钖岖涓€浣嶃€傜敓浜傜敓浜hou Country 娌埚箪, 鐜板眳鍗楀睆灞辫剦鍦侺€侺eaving Dust Palace Heaven 鍒櫌闂ㄤ笅disciple ,骞村瞾涓夊崄锲 Golden Core 嶆ゼ銆傜埗 嶆ゼ銆傜埗 Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie ,姣峑huang Xiaoxi 宸€浓€曗€曗€

There are still a few lines below the handwriting –

锲涢 pile 澶╁ fan chain ⊿pirit Root 锛堥殣锛

锲涢 pile 澶╁ 鍦烻 pirit root 锛堥殣锛

2nd Grade 鐏玈pirit Root

2nd Grade reading pirit root

2nd Grade 姘碨pirit Root

1st Grade 鍦烻pirit Root

1st Grade chain pirit root

3rd Grade 琛岖敓 稴 pirit Root

3rd Grade 琛岖敓鍐癝pirit Root

3rd Grade 琛岖敓鍏塖pirit Root

3rd Grade 琛岖敓鏆桽pirit Root

3rd Grade 琛岖敓鐢烻pirit Root

3rd Grade 琛岖敓姝籗pirit Root


Root Bone 锛歑NUMXst Grade

Origin Soul 锛 Argon paper chain ︻ ‘瀹 General

Soul Body: Unknown –

Dao Body ccquired 阃嗕簲琛娈ao Body 鈥曗€

鈥渁cquired 阃嗕簲琛娈ao Body 锛熲€

Jin Xuanling was slightly indulged. After seeing the machine monument, there was no change. I couldn’t help but frown again. Then I saw the helpless color.

Leaving Dust Palace’s ban on the monument, there is no flaw

“I just want to know that this person is known to all others and willing to disclose it.”

澶╂満纰戝惈澶ivine Abilty ,鍙€氭檽Heaven and Earth Emerald € € 笉杩囧綋骞 笉杩囧綋骞 偧鍒 偧鍒 偧鍒 綅 綅 綅 綅 e e Peerless Immortal King , 涓轰 镊 镊 鍏嶆垚 鍏嶆垚 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫 晫鍏晫

These things, Jin Xuanling is not aware. However, Mo Yanmen has another secret method, through the process of breaking through the ban, and using the power of the monument, to know some information that should not be revealed.

It’s just the price paid and it’s extremely expensive. For example, this time, even if it is a sacrifice of a precious fourth-order sacrifice, it still fails to get what it wants.

Even if this monster is only a high-order blood vessel, it is not a bloody level. It is not a magical door, and it is easy to get a handful of sacrifices.

So that Jin Xuanling had to lower what he wanted, and everyone else knew it – it was the root that Zhuang Wudao had been known by others, and ‘what is willing to reveal, is the person who had contacted Zhuang Wudao, and did not intend to conceal it. thing.

In addition, the people who inquire are strongly resisted, and the secrets that are unwilling to be known by others are also not obvious.

A few years ago, Great Peace Sect didn’t plan to use it. It was confirmed by the power of this monument that Zhuang Wudao was repaired. The result is huge, but it has no results.

In other words, what Jin Xuanling can get from the Tianji monument at the moment is actually something that can be heard sooner or later, and is also destined to spread the news.

Therefore, this day’s monument, it is impossible to reveal the secrets – the price of the sacrifice he paid here is only to advance this time.

旋村镄勫洓阒禣rigin Storing Stone ,寮 濮嬬垎瑁 濮嬬垎瑁 鏄噾鐜勯 涓嶅缑涓嶆姇鍏ユ洿澶氥 傝 傝 傝 屽ぉ 涓 涓 涓 涓 鍦ㄤ笅鏂 鍦ㄤ笅鏂 鍦ㄤ笅鏂绌虹槠澶 涔熻繛缁樉鍖栧嚭涓€鎺掍笂鍙ゆ枃瀛椼€

鈥淗eaven 鐣孼huang Wudao , 姝ょ晫涓 鎺掑悕涓 鎺掑悕涓 鎺掑悕涓 鍗冧竴锏 鍗冧竴锏 鍗冧竴锏 鍗冧竴锏 鍗冧竴锏 叚鍗佸洓浣嶃 姏 姏 姏 忔瀬闄愬叚鍗佷竾璞 镙 镙 镙硶硶Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment 畲鎴冲畲鎴 Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body 绗琗NUMXth Heavenly Layer 瀹屾垚,Great Falling Monument Hand 绗琗NUMXth Heavenly Layer 瀹屾垚,嶆槑阒Chongzhen 4nd Heavenly Layer 瀹屾垚, Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra 绗琗NUMXth Heavenly Layer 瀹屾垚,涔濆ぉ纾佸厜瀛愬崃澶ф硶绗琗NUMXth Heavenly Layer 鈥曗€曗€

“The secret technique is the second to complete the world, and the second is completed.”

Found凡鐭rfound Technique Divine Abilty 锛氭槦鐏铦 Ox Demon Chaotic Dance ,鎽樻槦,鎹h櫄,绉画槦Capturing Dragon ,Sword Drawing Technique ,鎴墤寮

, stabbing sword, big cracked stone, big broken cloud, thousands of miles of magnetic killing –“

瀵嗗瘑楹 瀵嗗瘑楹 夯镄勫瓧杩 瀛楀瓧镄勮穬鍏ラ噾鐜勯 瀛楀瓧镄勮穬鍏ラ噾鐜勯 瀛楀瓧镄勮穬鍏ラ噾鐜勯 瀛楀瓧镄勮穬鍏ラ噾鐜勯 瀛楀瓧镄勮穬鍏ラ噾鐜勯 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备Found Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wudao , 蹇呭畾杩樻帉鎻$潃旋村镄kai rfound Technique Divine Abilty ,涓嶆浘琚笘浜哄缑鐭ャ€

However, just by seeing this, the man’s combat power is already horrible.


涓€鍙f祳姘斿悙鍑 戠巹榫勫緟澶╂満纰戜笂鍐嶆棤锷ㄩ 戠巹榫勫緟澶╂満纰戜笂鍐嶆棤锷ㄩ Run, 渚胯 韬 韬 韬 璧 璧 璧 璧 屾镞堕偅澶╂満纰戝 屾镞堕偅澶╂満纰戝 屾镞堕偅澶╂満纰戝墠,宸茬粡鍙墿涓嬩简ㄩ娈嬮, 杩樻湁灏呜繎涓夊崈鏋Arg洓阒禣 rigin Storing Stone,闄嗙画绮夌镣稿紑涔嫔悗镄勭蒙链

Key 屽 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 涓 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 缇よ琛 涓︼ 涓︼ 涓︼ 涓︼ 涓︼ 涓︼褰卞 鐒堕棯鐜 like €

Looking at the mess near the monument, and the pungent bloody smell, this person is subconscious, just frowned.

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