“But the soul of the soul?”

鐪 墠杩欓瓟妾 瀛 瀛 铏 笉鐭ョ敤镄勫拰浣旷瓑镙 笉鐭ョ敤镄勫拰浣旷瓑镙 殑鍒呜 Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech刋NUMX% 銆

“Good eyesight”

The magic sandalwood smashed, then smiled coldly: “What is it?”

鍗 鍙湁 鍙湁 30% 娉曞姏, Leaving Dust Palace 鑳 涓庝粬涓 鎴樼殑 涔熶笉杩囧瀵ュ嚑浜 涔熶笉杩囧瀵ュ嚑浜 涔熶笉杩囧瀵ュ嚑浜 涔熶笉杩囧瀵ュ嚑浜 涔熶笉杩囧瀵ュ嚑浜 傝 傝 傝 傝 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃簬琛€浜戦瓟娼 鎴栨槸锲犳晠鍙楅樆,鎴栨槸杩滃湪East Ocean 銆

闅鹃 鍙嚟杩欎竴涓皬灏廏 olden Core, 涓 涓猟 with with with difficulty 杩囦竷杞 锷缮涓嶅埌浜斿 锷缮涓嶅埌浜斿 锷缮涓嶅埌浜斿 鑳 鑳 鑳€鎴桡纻

Zhuang Wudao is too lazy to talk nonsense, can you stop this person, you can see the difference after you start, you can’t see this person, calmly break the battle?

Looking obliquely at the right hand of the magic sandalwood, it was a small compass. The origin is not small, it should be the unique artifact of the devil. It’s just that for a moment, this person has turned the pros and the reversal into nothing, breaking the small half.

涓€鍙f祳姘斿悙鍑 Zhuang Wudao 蹇冨康寰姩,闾e叓鏅潳板峰墤,渚垮尽绌€岃捣,浠in-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment 鍓戝喅,寰€榄旀獉瀛愭楠钖戞柀铡汇傝€傝€屾暣涓﹄汉,鍒欐槸鐩存帴浠ラ亖娉旷Щ镊帴浠ラ亖娉旷Щ镊瓟妾瀛愯瀛愯瀛愯瀛愯镞镞嫔嫔嫔嫔嫔姝やHan Han Hui

At the beginning, I don’t know the truth, it’s just a temptation. However, Zhuang Wudao has done his best, and the three pairs of sword wings have been opened from behind.

The magical Tanzi gaze is a concealed confession. It is obvious that this child is so big. In the face of people like him, he dared to take a big thorn to take it with his bare hands.

But not angry and laughing, the magic sandalwood ‘嘿, a voice, the figure twisted in a weird way, the eight-view Kun Lei sword, the sword shadow, completely flashed. At the same time, point out, directly hit Zhuang Wudao’s chest.

For the latter’s grasp of the momentum, it is completely avoiding the flash, to hurt the injury. However, this refers to the aftermath of the first move, and the point of the point where there is no suspense is on the chest, but it makes a sigh of silence.

This finger pierced the stone, completely like the ordinary people’s fists hit on the steel plate, although Zhuang Wudao suffocated in front of the body, but the fingers of the magic sandalwood, but also the power of the earthquake, tingling.

In the eyes of the magic sandalwood, suddenly there is an incomprehensible color. Until three 10% of the fingers, when Zhuang Wudao’s big hand, has caught his head. In the mind of the magic sandalwood, only a thought flashed.

The third-order is not broken, but even if the third-order does not break the golden body, there is no such exaggeration. This kind of defensive ability can counter his “blood-yang and gold-powered gods, and the one pointed out is already in the fourth order.”

This child 闄や 涓 闂ㄤ 闂ㄤ 闂ㄤ 鍒皃 ak 镄凚 Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re

The thoughts have passed by, and the big hand has reached the top. Previously, I wanted to change my injury with a wound, and I quickly decided to avoid it. At this time, I didn’t even have time to dodge.

Zhuang Wudao 鏂Capturing Dragon 嬬殑 嬬殑 Fist Technique , 纾佸 鎽勫姏鎿掓嬁 鎽勫姏鎿掓嬁, 昉 昉 昉 or or or or or 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉浣曘€

鎺屽姏鎷崭笅,鍗村凡涓€澹板垭Key Chongyuan reading 0銆傞珮杈句簩鍗佷竾璞$殑tremendous power ,鐩存帴灏呜Umbrella, 鐢熺敓鎶撶垎

But within the flesh and blood, it is not a bone, but a metal skeleton that is all made of gold.


Zhuang Wudao 蹇 鍑濋 杩欐槸浠ュ悇绉岖伒 杩欐槸浠ュ悇绉岖伒 杩欐槸浠ュ悇绉岖伒 杩欐槸浠ュ悇绉岖伒 杩欐槸浠ュ悇绉岖伒 cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon琛 夊 夊 夊 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 ique ique ique 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶 腑镄勪竴绉嶅垎鏀疶Ultivator body ,杩囩娈嫔繊涔嬭呖,暗€瑕佹椿鐢熺敓镄勪粠浜鸿韩鍓ョ,鍙彇鍏朵腑 chain绮绮绮崕镄勯儴鍒浠ヨ镦炶暣鍏汇€

This flesh and blood, at least 50 Golden Core cultivator life. Every month, more than a hundred people need to be watered to support, to maintain the vitality of these flesh and blood.

闾i瓟妾€瀛愮殑澶撮儴鐖呜,鍗村苟涓岖粰Zhuang Wudao 瓒佽儨杩 Borrowing, gallium ╁ぇ鎴樻灉镄勬満浼氥€竴锲(三)尒绾(五) Hey, all around the chain 捣銆傝繛缁笂锏鹃 捣銆傝繛缁笂锏鹃 鎸囧 浠庤鐒 浠庤鐒 浠庤鐒 浠庤鐒 浠庤鐒 浠庤鐒 浠庤鐒 found found found found found found found found found found found Technique Divine Abilty , 鎸囧姏蹇瀬 , 旋 村 杈 杈 叚鍗佷竾璞 叚鍗佷竾璞 € € € € € 揩鎷 揩鎷 揩鎷 揩鎷 揩鎷 揩鎷 揩鎷 揩鎷 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang嶈兘銆

When the blood flame storm subsided slightly, the magic sandalwood was already ten miles away, and then it was from his sleeve, grabbing a skull again and putting it on top of his head. The flesh and blood squirmed and recovered completely in an instant, without seeing the slightest injury.

“tsk tsk, thanks to this careful, brought a spare part.”

涓 澹 澹 攺鍢 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en锷涢噺,浣犵殑瀹炲姏,镊冲皯鍙叆Golden Core 姒滃墠涓€锏句綅銆傜湅鏉ヤ紶瑷綅銆傜湅鏉ヤ紶瑷,闾eぉ chain rainbow trout湁阌栾艾涔嬫椂銆备笉瀵 涓嶆槸阌栾艾,鏄綘浠琇eaving Dust, 灏佸嵃浜嗕綘鍦ㄥぉ链虹涓婄殑鎺掍綅锛熲€

Zhuang Wudao is not okay, knowing that the magic sandalwood is re-adjusting to adapt to his own wounded body. Only have a leisurely speech and delay time.

涓嶈 涓嶈 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱 鍒嗘槑鏄痱Wedding 瓟妾 瀛愬畨鐒 瀛愬畨鐒 粠姝诲眬涓劚韬 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 du du du du du du du du du du du du du钘忕浘,涔熷樊镣硅鐢熺敓鐢熺敓

琛 阒 阒 阒 瀺 戠鍐 戠鍐 箞锛熸灉鐒 笉镒 笉镒 槸 emon emon emon emon emon emon 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋 镄刋濂椻 樿阒 樿阒 樿阒 樿阒 戞寚 戞寚 戞寚 戞寚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 彲灏嗕粬镄凚 Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re

鍏崄涓 锷涚殑鏋侀檺 锷涚殑鏋侀檺 锷涚殑鏋侀檺 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷勫垎 寲韬 寲韬 瀹炲姏涔熷彲鐩 瀹炲姏涔熷彲鐩 綋浜嶱 綋浜嶱 rimordial Spirit Middle Stage , 浠呴 婄幇鍦ㄧ殑瀹忔硶鐪熶 婄幇鍦ㄧ殑瀹忔硶鐪熶 涓 涓 绛 绛 绛 €

Waiting silently, Zhuang Wudao only felt the power of the thunderstorm, and added a few points. This is Zhuang Xiaohu, and he has mastered the pros and cons of the two instruments. The power of blessings in the tactics has made his strength once again

涓岖瓑闾h鐒板畲鍏ㄧ唲鐏 Zhuang Wudao 灏卞凡鎶(四)韩钥屽叆銆效叓鏅潳板墤,sword light 妯柀,姣斾箣鍓嶆洿钟鍒╁崄链嶃嶃傜劧钖庤傜劧钖庤渚镐诲镐诲(三)伀阒虫槑闀滃悓镞跺睍寮槑闀滃悓镞跺睍寮

Pseudo Divine Abilty

The power of the technique is superimposed ten times. At the same time, the sixteenth-fourth-order ‘nine-day magnetic photon meridian, pierced out and went to the opposite side.

This shot is replaced by the Golden Core cultivator and must be caught off guard. As a Primordial Spirit cultivator, the magic sandalwood reacted the first time. However, there is a strong tyranny, and at the same time, it’s difficult to move around.

I did my best, and only destroyed the 16th and fourth steps, and avoided the small half. The magic sandalwood almost did not want to, and took out a purple jade plate. Jade plate is a square, surrounded by blood, blocking in front of him, just blocking his body.

Primordial Spirit cultivation base, with a magic weapon. In this fourth-order ‘nine-day magneto-optical meridian, under the bombardment, it still looks awkward.

The surface of the purple jade plate directly melted a dozen deep pits, almost all of which were destroyed by white light. At the outer edge of the jade plate, there are still two ‘nine-day magneto-optical meridians, which cannot be completely avoided. In the arm and thigh of the magic sandalwood, two blackened holes were left.

The face of the magic sandalwood is blue, only by this attack, so powerful and overbearing. Where is the Golden Core?

There are still rumors in the practice, saying that this child has failed, the cultivation base is completely wasteful, it is really ridiculous.

Key 屾镞禯 Wu Wu 镄勮 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 竴鎺屽 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓涔嬩笂鏁 崄涓 rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem €

绱玧ade plate 鍧 鍧 浐, 鍝 曟崯浼や箣钖 曟崯浼や箣钖 湁镌 湁镌 涓崭 涓崭 涓崭 箣锷 旀獉瀛愭圹鍙楁暟鍗佷竾璞 旀獉瀛愭圹鍙楁暟鍗佷竾璞 旀獉瀛愭圹鍙楁暟鍗佷竾璞 旀獉瀛愭圹鍙楁暟鍗佷竾璞remendous power 鍐 向, 鍗 鐒 鐒 笉锷ㄣ 笉锷ㄣ 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩 笉杩敱jade plate 浼犻 掍 掍 掍 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 戠鍐 戠鍐 戠鍐 戠鍐 戠鍐

鐒 岄殢鍗 岄殢鍗 岄殢鍗 偅鎷嶆潵镄 rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

False Matchless, 鎽樻槦寮廙agnetic Origin 钖 惮 椤挎椂澧炲 椤挎椂澧炲 椤挎椂澧炲 椤挎椂澧炲 椤挎椂澧炲 浣 浣 粬鍐崭竴娆¤ 粬鍐崭竴娆¤ 粬鍐崭竴娆¤ 粬鍐崭竴娆¤ 锷ㄥ 锷ㄥ 锷ㄥ 锷ㄥ 锷ㄥ 锷ㄥ 锷ㄥ 锷ㄥ €屽闱(五)偅鍗佸叚闱(三)伀鏄庨槼闀 鍗村凡鍐嶆镵氭嫝锏借厜,钃勫娍寰呭彂銆

The magical sandalwood’s pupil shrinks, and the intention of Zhuang Wudao has been known for a moment. It can be said that the heart is timid to the peak, the close-up magnetic element is locked and locked, and then the ten-day magnetic field meridian is strengthened ten times. Will he be killed?


But not shocked, countless bloodstream, from behind the magic sandalwood, flying up. Look carefully, it is actually a blood needle that is as fine as a cow.

Thousands of people, with countless bloody, went to Zhuang Wudao. However, at the same time, in the sleeve of Zhuang Wudao, there is also a huge number of Sparks, and he has to go.

The total number is more than 300,000, attached to the blood on the blood needle, so that these blood needles, quickly petrified. When I was playing on Zhuang Wudao, I was already lost. Just a series of sparks, constantly shining outside of him,

At the moment, four huge figures appeared at the same time, and they broke out from the seven-story building. In four directions, four of them extinguished the Yuanjian sword. Under the blessing of the heavy sword wing, a total of 200,000 elephants were thrown at the same time.

These four Thunderfire Scorpio, this is the abandoned Spirit Tool that was swallowed up in the building. Before Zhuang Wudao had a temptation, all had not been used.

姝ゅ埢 岖寷鐒剁垎鍙戣鏁 岖寷鐒剁垎鍙戣鏁 鏀诲叾涓嶆剰, 涓 鐬灏卞皢 鐬灏卞皢 旀獉瀛愮殑钖庤矾瀹屽叏阒荤粷銆傜伃鍏僺 旀獉瀛愮殑钖庤矾瀹屽叏阒荤粷銆傜伃鍏僺 word array ,鐬棿鐖嗗彂,涔熷皢鍗侀噷鏂瑰浑 Inner World 涔嬬伒, 鍏ㄦ暟鎶 ┖銆傝 岄偅鍗佸叚阆撯 岄偅鍗佸叚阆撯 树 树 树 树 树,,涔熷揩瑕佸柗钖勮€屽嚭銆

Coldly snorted, the face of the magic sandalwood, also flashed a red color.

“Get me off”

It was the purple jade plate, which exploded and mixed with the magical sandalwood. Zhuang Wudao was the first to be among them, and the body was covered by this piece.

And after the purple shards, it was a pair of bloody fleshy palms. This magic sandalwood was actually not crispy, not retreating, and coming straight to his chest.

Zhuang Wudao only looked at it, and he sank in his heart. The sword spirit idea also gave a horror.

“This is the bloody poisonous palm”

Zhuang Wudao 镊繁涔熻寰 鐭ユ檽鏄竴绉嶅牚涓嶨reat Falling Monument Hand 姣旇偐镄勭粷椤剁厼鎺屼篃涓岖煡 旀獉瀛愭槸浠ヤ粈涔Figure ivine Abilty 杩欎竴鎺岃, 杩欎竴鎺岃 but 鐒跺姏杈 drama

False Profound Technique

I almost didn’t want to, and Zhuang Wudao was already a big cloud, shot. The power of the gods, the power of ten times, and the superficial sword wing and Leaving Dust swaying magic, superimposed, will be able to instantly reach the peak, the same breakthrough of 600,000-degree boundary, the body up and down the pores, Blood is showing up.


A shock that caused Heaven and Earth to collapse, Zhuang Wudao’s hands, from the elbow, directly collapsed. The body of the magic sandalwood is also flesh and blood at this moment, and then was submerged by the ‘nine-day magneto-optical meridian, bombardment.


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