Like Xuantuan Dan, this kind of thing can bring together many Primordial Spirit cultivators, and the price is basically fixed. The Zhuguang Building has special offers, and only 5% of the auction is made at auction. As for the value of ‘Vansha Star Water Grass, it is more than 6,000 pieces of fourth-order Yunyuan, which is also expensive.

Naturally, such a high price has its causes. In addition to the grass roots, this item can be opened outside the 3rd Grade. Three blades of grass can also help people comprehend Dharma.

In other words, Zhuang Wudao can take the grass roots and then sell the grass leaves, earning about 1,500 pieces of fourth-order Yunyuan.

‘Vansha star water grass, to hand, Zhuang Wudao now only owe the east wind. However, the ‘cultivation of the cloud Astral Body, is also very smooth.

涓嶈 鍗 鍗 笉鏄湡姝 笉鏄湡姝 笉鏄湡姝 笉鏄湡姝 笉鏄湡姝 簯浣揂 簯浣揂 簯浣揂 簯浣揂 stral body , , 屾槸缁忕敱 屾槸缁忕敱 sword spirit 鏀 犱箣钖庣殑绉樻湳銆侫 犱箣钖庣殑绉樻湳銆侫 stral body 鏄缭鐣欎 鏉 鏉 浜戜綋鍗 浜戜綋鍗 鍒犻櫎 鍒犻櫎 浜戜綋鍗 浜戜綋鍗 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹

Zhuang Wudao is also the first time to know that sword spirit actually holds the nine-character mantra.

浼犺杩欎 瀛楃湡瑷 涔冩槸浜 涔冩槸浜 涔冩槸浜 涔冩槸浜 涔冩槸浜 涔冩槸浜 熼壌杩囧纾鍏紻 vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine傝 屾槸绔嬭 屾槸绔嬭 屾槸绔嬭 屾槸绔嬭 浜庡彂鎺 镞忓 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 vessel vessel vessel vessel vessel vessel vessel

The word of the door is nine words – ‘the soldiers are all arrayed, and the Buddha also has the nine-character mantra’. The soldiers are arrayed in front, only one word is different, but they all have the same potential as the top Divine Beast. The power.

涓村瓧 chain 鍙 鍙 璧 埌涓庨殧灞 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 墦鐗涚栌姝ョ鎷 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉 殑鏁堟灉繀淇箣 chain€傗€桦叺,瀛楁湳,鍙己鍖栧叺鍒 浼犺淇偧鍒偧鍒渶宸呭渶宸呭鏁 鍙皢涓€鍙f櫘鏅€氶 氱殑鍓 氱殑鍓 寮哄寲鍒 腑鍝佷粰鍏 e e e e e e Rue Origin 娉曞姏, 鏂楁垬涔嬭兘銆

Key 屸 樿 樿 瀛楁湳 灏 灏 绉嶆仮澶岖 绉嶆仮澶岖 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾姝f槸涓€闂ㄦ瀬鍏跺己岖殑姘岖殑姘郴绉樻湳銆

‘Array, as the name suggests, can be used for the way of the array, it is said that the ordinary array method can be strengthened several times or even dozens of times. It is suitable for the refiner, you can adjust the arrangement of the compressed five elements, greatly enhance the power of the method, Spirit Tool grade.

鈥桦墠,瀛楃 chain 鏄竴绉崭竴绉嶅己鍖栬倝韬殑Techique,绫讳技术涓庣粷灏桦浐灞卞喅銆 Key屸屸,瀛楃 chain 鍒欐槸阆佹硶绫荤殑绉樻湳銆傛棤璁 綍绉嶉亖 chain 閰嶅悎瀛楀喅鏂 閰嶅悎瀛楀喅鏂 睍 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮

All of them are practical techniques that make people covet.

涔濆瓧鐪熻█, 璇 畻璇 暀閮 暀閮 暀閮 暀閮 暀閮 暀閮 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒 浼糒喅涓庘€桦墠,瀛楀喅銆效彲鎯滈兘涓嶅湪Leaving Dust chain涓 Zhuang Wudao 镞犵紭寰楃澒銆

The complete Taoist two-door nine-word mantra, according to the sword spirit, is in the era of three robberies, it has been lost. This top-level secret method of the Terran, in the era of the shemale contends, set a strong prestige.

鍙殢镌 鍑犱 鍑犱 锷湡杩囧幓 锷湡杩囧幓 镞犳暟镄刢 镞犳暟镄刢 镞犳暟镄刢 镞犳暟镄刢 镞犳暟镄刢 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e櫒鐏 傝 傝 傝 涔濆瓧鐪熻 涔熷, 涔熷 鍙︻暀涓嬩竴浜涙 鍙︻暀涓嬩竴浜涙 缂 缂 缂 缂

鍝€旽eavenly Immortal 鐣岄偅浜涢《绾х殑浣涢死immortal sect ,涔熶笉鑳絁iang Jiu 瀛楃湡瑷€瀹屽叏鍑戦绨銆

鈥沧様骞碒uang Jie 鍒涘嚭鈥楬eaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, 涔嫔悗,灏卞湪锲涘瀵灏卞湪锲涘瀵阃阃阃悎浠栬闂╯闂╯ word technique 镄勭chain €傞死闂ㄧ殑涔濆瓧鐪熻█,镊︻劧鏄吨涓箣 涓嶈涓嶈绗竴浠籗绗竴浠籗 Word Master ,绌峰叾涓叾涓鐢涔熷彧鎼滈泦鍒叺,鏂 鍒 鍓嶈 鍓嶈 鍓嶈,浜旈棬绉樻湳€

鍦ㄦ暀鎺圸huang Wudao 杩欓棬鍏ㄦ柊绉樻湳涔嬫椂, Yun 鈥檈r 涔熼 渚 渚 渚 Zhuang Wudao 婄桠锛 婄桠锛 滃叾瀹炶缮鏄簯浣揂 滃叾瀹炶缮鏄簯浣揂 stral body妗嗘灦,鍙槸锷犲叆閮ㄥ垎娈嬬己镄勨€樿€瀛楃 chain痯rofound truth 屽屽凡銆傝伞闂ㄧ chain 鍙敜浣溾€樻棤宁窤Stral Body ,銆傗€

Zhuang Wudao 细细,涔嬫墍浠ュ懡钖崭负鈥樻棤宁窤stral Body ,,Yun鈥檈r 搴旇鏄彇镄勬Press 镐ц仛鏁f棤宁镐箣镒忋€

The same is true of this mystery. The suffocation gathers from the heart, and the recovery of the injury is also caused by the principle of water dispersion.

姝ゆ湳镞犻渶 偧鍒 偧鍒 澧 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu 澶 儴鍒嗙殑镞 儴鍒嗙殑镞堕棿 閮 閮 湪钃勫姏 湪钃勫姏 湪钃勫姏 浠モ 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤浐銆

It was not until two years later that the last side of the Taizizi mirror was practiced, and Zhuang Wudao took out the grass roots of the ‘Sansha Star Water Grass.

3rd Grade Xuanzang, easy to open. Zhuang Wudao also got his wish, and the ‘Sui Yu Shen Yan, successful refining into the body.

鏂版垚镄凯 rfound Technique Divine Abilty ,姝f槸婧愯嚜浜庘€樻棤宁窤stral Body ,涓嶈涓嶈涓嶈鍦ㄧ粨钖堜 鈥樼礌澹鐒,鍗村彟 chain 夊彉鍖 一 (1) spinning 澶 彉銆

Zhuang Wudao 灏呜 闂≒ 闂≒ rfound Technique, 鍞ゅ仛鈥樼礌澹浣 銆傛柦灞曚箣钖 鍙 鍙 鍦ㄤ竴涓椂杈 鍦ㄨ倢 鍦ㄨ倢嬩竴灞傛 鍏 鍏 姘斻 傞櫎姝や箣浣 傞櫎姝や箣浣 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎 埌鎺ヨ繎纰庣伃镄勪 锷 锷 閮 彲鍦ㄩ 镊 镊 镊 镊 熸仮澶嶃 熸仮澶嶃 熸仮澶嶃

鈥樼礌澹鐒 镄勬晥鐢 涔熻寮哄寲鍒皃eak 銆傞櫎浜嗗彲镞 椂鍒诲埢镄勬彁渚涘瘜钖敓 椂鍒诲埢镄勬彁渚涘瘜钖敓 借 借 姘 姘 姘 姘伒绮 伒绮 伒绮 崕 崕 崕 崕 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 窤 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang寮哄寲浣撹 寮哄寲浣撹川銆

杩欓棬Prfound Technique 10%, Zhuang Wudao 灏 劅 劅 夎嚜宸 夎嚜宸 绔嬫椂鎻愬崌浜嗘暟鎴愪箣澶氥 绔嬫椂鎻愬崌浜嗘暟鎴愪箣澶氥 绔嬫椂鎻愬崌浜嗘暟鎴愪箣澶氥 绔嬫椂鎻愬崌浜嗘暟鎴愪箣澶氥 笉浣嗕竴韬潫缂 笉浣嗕竴韬潫缂 笉浣嗕竴韬潫缂Argon argon

Fall寸敓 Reading Great Falling Monument Hand 涓嶰x Demon Origin Hegemon Body , 涔熷洜姝ゅ 鐩 寮哄寲浜嗕笉灏戙

At this time, it was nearly two and a half years away from Zhuang Xiaohu. The good news is that this woman, after all, is still in the seven-role robbing, just to seven hundred days.

Leaving Dust Palace 涓娄笅 閮 閮 閮                镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚 镐ヤ簬姹傛垚Peace 瀵 Peace Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi 銆

Fortunately, it is also a turn of seven, and the potential is not too far, it is not impossible to make up. However, the elders and friends who are looking forward to him in the door are sighing and sighing for Zhuang Wudao.

Key 屽弽搴斿湪sect 涔嫔,鍒欐槸镞犳暟浜鸿交鑸掍简鍙f皵銆傛劅瑙塟huang Wudao,缁堢┒闱炴槸濡栧,杩樻槸涓€涓Peace汉,镊冲皯姣斾箣Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi ,杩樿绋岖◢涓嶅銆

鎹闾f楠瀛濆镊﹄粠璐ヤ簬Nie Xianling pendant, 锲炲綊sect 涔嫔悗, jade pot 浜哄 ammonia curtain, 棩存棩读岄唹鐢熸Vi姝汇€

After hearing that Zhuang Wudao had only seven hundred days to bear the knot, the day was laughed heartily, dropped the glass, and stepped into the training room that had been inaccessible for a long time.

Profound Saint Sect 鍙 ┈浜戝ぉ 铡熸湰涔熸娓 铡熸湰涔熸娓 锷 锷 锷 锷 惉璇 惉璇 惉璇 惉璇 惉璇 惉璇 椤挎椂灏 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ご 蹇靛ごН绱 涓 铡嗙粌 cultivation 銆傝 岀 岀 岀 铡熷娉曟櫤 铡熷娉曟櫤 cult cult cult cultivation 镄勯 瀹や箣鍐 瀹や箣鍐 cult cult cult cult cult cult閮 槸鈥榋 Wu dao, 涓夊瓧 嶅 嶅, 瀵嗗瘑楹 夯銆傛硶鏅哄嚑涔庢 夯銆傛硶鏅哄嚑涔庢 镞 镞 镞 閮 閮 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 瀹ゅ唴澶 瀹ゅ唴澶 涓夊瓧鍑犳垚Heart Demon 銆

However, since this day, the lettering inside this quiet room has been swept away.

Naturally this is just a rumor, not necessarily true, and the source is not testable. However, this once-recognized genius, which was once rated as inferior to Zhuang Wudao and Fang Xiaoxuan, has greatly reduced Heart Demon, and it is true that several Buddhist Buddhist monks have great benefits.

On the other side of the Great Peace Sect, it was even more joyful and inspiring, and it gradually got out of the shadow of the slaughter of Zhuang Wudao.

In addition, there is the talent list of Heavenly Dao League. From the end of the Zhuang Xiaohu Dan, the Zhuang Wudao disappeared from the list.

Nie Xianling and other people, Fang Xiaoyu and others, replaced Zhuang Wudao, officially topped the list, the first.

However, it is strange that the name of Zhuang Wudao is not found on the Golden Core list. Zhuang Wudao in the Tianji monument is still the peak of Foundation Establishment. There is not much change in the overall ranking.

瀵 簬姝や簨 簬姝や簨 鏁 He He He He He He He Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu 镄 涔熸湁浜 寽娴 杩欐槸 杩欐槸 Leaving Dust Palace 鏁呮剰浠ョ娉 铡嫔埗 Zhuang Wudao 鍦ㄥぉ chain rainbow 镄勬帓浣嶉伄缇炪

The most rumored is that Zhuang Wudao was robbed in the Devil’s Cave. In fact, it was only the Leaving Dust Palace, which tempted the trap of the Demon. In fact, Zhuang Wudao did not rob.

It is also said that the reason why Zhuang Wudao became a hundred-day-old Dan was the harassment of the thorns.

Key 垭 垭 垭 垭 斿畻 斿畻 aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆 袱浣峆Palace 璇涙潃, 钖屾椂寮曞嚭绁栦 鐏 鐏 殑鈥橀噾鏂 桤 涓庡徃椹昵闱掍笢浼, 涓庡徃椹昵闱掍笢浼 銆傝澶 銆傝澶 垭 垭 垭 斿畻镄勯棬浜篸Isciple

It also led to the patriarchal teachings, as well as many scattered repairs, the crazy pursuit of the thorns of the sect. The hatred that accumulated for thousands of years broke out overnight.

鐭煭涓や 埚唴 埚唴 埚唴 纭 纭 纭 cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip cip叾镙 湰 湰, 鍗 篃浣 篃浣 箣阆亣浜嗕竴娆¢ 箣阆亣浜嗕竴娆¢ 鍒 鍒 鍒 €

Throughout the eastern land, the structure of the Swordsman was almost completely disintegrated. Leaving Dust Palace has recently been suppressed by the sorcerer’s unscrupulous, and it has since taken off a bad smell.

Zhuang Wudao focuses on refining ‘Sui Yu Shen Yan, I don’t know these. Until the beginning of the year, a few people from the side of the wind came to listen to him and sent a copy of the list, only to know the various arguments from outside.

Although it is known to the outside world, Zhuang Xiaohu is regarded as himself, but Zhuang Wudao has no explanation.

Anyway, he needs a little convergence now. I can make these big teachers less jealous, and my heart is a little better, and he is happy.

However, it is estimated that he will not be able to stay for a few years now. Zhuang Wudao has been able to sense that the spirit of chaos in the heavenly stone has become increasingly thin and uncontrollable.

Occasionally, Zhuang Wudao will also take a look at Tianshi Stone and check his list. On the Golden Core list of his own monument, he has already entered the 26th place.

浠呬粎鏄痳efining 浜嗏 樼礌澹鐒 樼礌澹鐒 杩椤嚑骞 杩椤嚑骞 杩椤嚑骞 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑 庑灏卞 灏卞 鎻愬崌鍒 鎻愬崌鍒 墠涓夊崄涔嫔唴 墠涓夊崄涔嫔唴 鐪熸 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄

垚浜嗙礌澹浣 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O澶勩€俍huang Wudao 镄勬Open镒忓姏,灏卞紑濮嬭灏卞紑濮嬭钖戦偅澧ㄦ钖戦偅澧ㄦ鐭姝ゆ椂闾洓灏婇洓灏婇洓灏婇鐏ぉ鍌,宸茬粡灏嗗viii娌夌煶镄勭蒙链 瀹屽叏鏄瀹屽叏鏄寲钖寲钖寲钖敹銆傝涓ゅ涓ゅ镞堕棿 涔熷皢Zhuang Wudao 浠庣悈瀚e簻鍐 宁〉嚭鏉ョ殑搴熷纯Spirit Tool ,瀹屽叏钖炲櫖涓€绌恒€

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