鑹箙涔嫔悗,鐏礖ua Ying 鍙兘鏄 涓嶅缑杩欐 涓嶅缑杩欐 闂 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳崄骞村墠,灏卞凡鍦ㄤ鍦ㄤ鐏鐏湀浣犲Primordial Spirit 涔嬫硶銆傝鏄疭enior Brother 浣犵殑璧勮川,瓒呭扇傝瘑,傝瘑撮撮悎悎Primordial Spirit 涔嫔悗cultivation , 鍙槸鍙桽pirit Root 涓巜ithin the body 闅愯剦 闄 闄 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 嶆姝ヤ簬 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 or or or or or or or or or 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘Comp 湁 Great Completion 灏 镊 皯涓嶉 皯涓嶉 婂笀灏娿 婂笀灏娿 婂笀灏娿

“The teacher respects love, can I not know?”

Yun Lingyue smiled bitterly and stood up and said: “This is really what I let my teacher disappoint him.”

“Cloud Senior Brother, I can’t help”

Zhuang Wudao frowns, is annoyed, and has not felt that she is wrong. How can I not know that I am a bad chance for Yun Lingyue to become enlightened?

姝e洜鏄皢浜戠伒 chain 嗕 嗕 镞ュ悗 Leaving Dust 鎺岃埖涔嬩 銆傝妭娉旷湡浜 銆傝妭娉旷湡浜 墠浼氲嫤鑻 墠浼氲嫤鑻 皨鍒 皨鍒 涓 簯鐏 簯鐏 湀瀵 湀瀵 湀瀵Pri pile Primordial Spirit 涔嬫硶銆

The life of Golden Core is only three or four hundred years old. Only the Primordial Spirit can live to six hundred, even to the limit of eight hundred.

Essence chain夎 frozen 澶熺殑 life essence, gallium 嶆湁鎴愪 瀹 伒灞 伒灞 伒灞 搴 搴 搴 殑璧勬牸銆

瑕佺煡Leaving Dust 灏娄綅,鐪嬩 浠ユ帉鏁欑湡浜 浠ユ帉鏁欑湡浜 浠ユ帉鏁欑湡浜 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜 鑻ユ棤浜€屽凡,

Key 岀湡姝g殑Leaving Dust 绗竴浜 闱炲鐏靛北棣栧骇鐪熶汉銮睘銆

“My business, nothing to do with Junior Brother”

Yun Lingyue lost his soul, but there is no blame in the language: “It is your Senior Brother. My own heart is not enough, and my heart is not stable. Even without the Junior Brother, there will be a day of mistakes. I can wake up in time. It is a good thing.”

鐪嬬潃浜戠伒 Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying huang Wu 浜屼 Wu 浜屼 Wu 浜屼 闱 闱 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五

I haven’t worried about Yun Lingyue. The words of the real people today are mostly just beats. And with the temperament of Yunlingyue, it will not really disappoint the festival.

浠嶆槸鐏礖ua Ying 棣栧厛寮€鍙o 鈥滃笀灏娄粬璇 鈥滃笀灏娄粬璇 鈥滃笀灏娄粬璇 鈥滃笀灏娄粬璇 eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni竴鏁 竴鏁 灏 灏 灏 彲 彲 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 锅 搴 搴 搴 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓The father confessed to 潫缂氱潃 嬭剼鎸ㄦ墦, 杩樿鎯 杩樿鎯 潃锷炴硶鍜岀潶 same side, 鏄痑 bsolutely 锷炰笉鍒 殑銆 笉杩囧笀灏娄箣瑷 ,,涔熸湁阆撶悊, pot hydrogen 竴涓﹄ 瀹忔硶 瀹忔硶 埚彅闾 牱镄勪 牱镄勪 牱镄勪 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸 鐪熸

Zhuang Wudao 鍒欐槸鐣ヤ竴鍑濇€濅箣钖 嶅哜澹 嶅哜澹 嶅哜澹 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟 淟

Sect 涔嫔唴, 浠栦笉浼 锷ㄥ浜哄嚭 锷ㄥ浜哄嚭 锷ㄥ浜哄嚭 锷ㄥ浜哄嚭 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 彲鑻ユ槸鍒 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Side 鎯呰皧,寰€姝婚噷杩桦向銆

“If anyone commits me, will I marry it?”

鐏礖ua Ying 鈥桦樋,镄勪竴绗 鐩腑鎺犺 涓 涓 涓濇璧忎箣鑹诧 涓濇璧忎箣鑹诧 涓濇璧忎箣鑹诧 涓濇璧忎箣鑹诧 勬墍 勬墍 勬墍 勬墍 佺暐钖屸 曗 曗 曗

璇村畲杩椤彞,鐏礖ua Ying 鍙堣 杩囦 沧垜钖笀灏婅璧 沧垜钖笀灏婅璧 沧垜钖笀灏婅璧 沧垜钖笀灏婅璧 Junior Brother 鐜 缁 锛熼珮鎹瓽 锛熼珮鎹瓽 olden Core 姒滀Hey, hey.

“Senior Brother already know?”

Zhuang Wudao 涓嶈镒忓, chain chain 鍙兘缁 圹鑺傛硶琛 圹鑺傛硶琛 镄勬槸浜戠伒 镄勬槸浜戠伒 镄勬槸浜戠伒 镄勬槸浜戠伒 鍙鍒 鍙鍒 鍙鍒 妭娉曟渶 , , , , ,鍗撮潪鐏礖ua Ying 銮睘銆

“There has been a knot, and this time I found an ancient cultivator in the north, and the Junior Brother encountered some opportunities, and I was lucky.”

鈥滃彲涓 綍瀹氲钘忕潃鎺╃潃锛熷笀灏婃浘瑷,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,溂涓 鐜 嚭浜哻 rafty 镄勭瑧瀹广€

“Mu Xiu will be destroyed in the forest wind, Junior Brother, I am now enough to attract trees, there is no need to trouble again.

Zhuang Wudao 鎽囩潃澶 鏄 夋劅 夋劅 〕 〕 〕 〕 〕 found found found 橀 橀 橀 found found found found found found found found found found found found卞湪鎭跺寲,鐜板湪鏄暣涓﹄笁鍦e畻,閮芥闄や粬闄や粬

涓嶈 鍙︼鐏礖 鍙︼鐏礖 鍙︼鐏礖 鍙︼鐏礖 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang鍙€曚篃鏄妭娉曟巿镒忋€

After a little meditation, Zhuang Wudao is still preparing to tell the truth.

“My spiritual servant, Dan Dan in at most one year.”

鐏礖ua Ying 鐩姃寰棯, key 屽悗闅愭湁 € € € 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 寰竴棰旈阆掳 寰竴棰旈阆掳 寰竴棰旈阆掳 潵 潵 潵 潵椂绠楁垜涓€涓﹃€傗€

When I left, I seemed to think of something. I went back and said: “Cultivator cultivation, the most taboo is to build a car behind closed doors. I have been in the door recently. When the Junior Brother has nothing to do, I can find one or two. Golden Core Thirteen, you have this qualification now,”

Zhuang Wudao suddenly became a big heart. Although he is a dreamland, he often fights with sword spirit. Can an opponent in reality be compared to an illusory dream?

Eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni妧鑹恒€效彲镞嫔嵆鍙堟兂璧 镊繁杩 缑闱 缑闱 (1) 镐濊 浜 浜 涓岖敱镞犺銆

Huang 帴寰呮 帴寰呮 帴寰呮 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang浣嶉€佺, gallium 岖湡姝e缑闂 layer

浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑鍦 綅 綅 綅 綅 綅 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust浠 殑瀹 殑瀹 殑瀹 鑻ヤ笉鍦ㄥ満 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖 涓篖

When you are out of the door, you will be able to do so. You can also use this as an excuse to retreat and practise, but at this time, even if he is bored in his heart, he must accompany him.

It was not until the half-monthly building that Luo Qingyun showed up for the first time.

鈥滀綘闾d綅宁埚皧鑺傛硶,鐪熸槸涓湁镒忔€濈殑浜恒€傛湁姝ゆ槑宁 鏄疭word Master 涔嫔垢銆傗

“It is a blessing -“

Zhuang Wudao was about to say something more, and then Luo Qingyun’s figure suddenly disappeared, and then he saw a white mountain saying that a treasure mirror appeared in front of his eyes.

Qin Feng inside, surrounded by arms, smiled at him.

Zhuang Wudao looks in the eyes, but it is the black line of the head: “Tibetan people – are you really ready to stay in this mirror for a lifetime?”

The first function of Taixu Baojian is to create space for himself, and there is a kind of existence like the land of the seal.

However, it is due to the special material matrix in this mirror, which is different from the land of Fengling, so it does not touch karma.

涔熸病灏佺伒涔嫔湴闾d箞寮哄姏,鍙鍙锷╀锷╀鐩鐩崌Void Refining Dao Fusion 銆 笉杩囦篃 夊ソ澶 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 闀滃唴绌 闀滃唴绌 棿 棿鍙 闅忛暅 闅忛暅 屽姩銆 彧瑕佸お铏 彧瑕佸お铏 彧瑕佸お铏 彧瑕佸お铏 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ 鍙瓨鍦ㄣ

“There is nothing wrong with this life, why not?”

Qin Feng smiled, and the mirror suddenly split into three, and Qin Feng in the mirror also held a side of the virtual treasure.

“I am afraid of death, hiding here, no one can hurt me, no one can find my real position, no one can know my true identity, is it better?”

The differentiation of mirrors is also one of the abilities of Taixu Baojian, which can differentiate into the same mirror. But only the real body, 10% ability.

At this time, the subject of the virtual treasure is in the hands of Qin Feng. It’s not that this guy is really afraid of death. He doesn’t dare to let the mirror out, but now Qin Feng, the cultivation base is only Golden Core Realm, and it’s not completely urging the power of the virtual treasure. Even the cultivation base of the body can’t be completely controlled, which is worse than the current state of Zhuang Wudao.

澶︼櫄瀹濋壌涔冩槸鏉愯川鍙キ镣煎埌涓fan鐏靛疂绾х殑鍣ㄧ墿,鏀剧翠翠釜 Heaven 淇晫銆傝兘浼ゅ埌姝ら暅镄 闄や 潵鎭 潵鎭 (1) 鍒 洓鍗佷簲 岶 orbidden Law 镄凩ight Cloud Sword 涔嫔, 灏 槸绂诲瘨澶╁鍐呴偅鍙 槸绂诲瘨澶╁鍐呴偅鍙 h·缁呰瘘缁濈伃涔嫔墤,,鍙堟垨鍙堟垨呬竷鏉鍓戞墖銆


Zhuang Wudao feels incredible and unacceptable: “Other people only need to check it a little bit to know where you are with your feet. A few months ago, the seal cloud of the knife-cutting society disappeared, and there is a Tibetan mirror in the world. As long as you have the heart, you can not know. Among them -“

Feng Yun is the pseudonym of Qin Feng in the knife-cutting ceremony.

“Who said that the seal cloud of the knife cutter disappeared?”

Qin Feng chuckles: “After about five years, Feng Yun will retreat from the knife. After three years, the old wound will recur and die. There is no flaw.”

Zhuang Wudao stunned, still puzzled: “What can be used for this?”

“The role is big, others don’t know what you know with your feet, what is the bottom, how is your temperament. If you want to count on you, how can you talk about it? Just be careful, even if you can’t check my name.”

Qin Feng Now, I don’t know anything about the monument. Then I can’t help but say: “You Zhuang Wudao can’t give up those brothers, how can I be willing. The so-called ‘Tibetan people, it’s actually helpless.”

Zhuang Wudao This is relieved. This last sentence is Qin Feng’s true truth. In fact, what Qin Feng wants to do, he can’t control it.

Looking at the mirrors again, after a long while, Zhuang Wudao shook his head and commented: “It’s too fake.”

杩欎簺铏 闀滃 闀滃 闀滃 , cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult Chain 澶 澶 彧鑳 敤澶勭Е宄疖 敤澶勭Е宄疖 NUMX% 瀹炲姏,杩樻瘮涓嶅缑Foundation Establishment Late Stage 镄刢ultivator 銆

Unless you use the main mirror of Taixu Baojian, if you do this, it means that the body of Qin Feng must be within a hundred miles. If you want to hide your identity, you can’t talk about it.

When it comes to this, Qin Feng himself feels a headache: “So the most urgent task is to find materials and make a few mirrors for Taixubao. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to use them.”

After that, I looked at Zhuang Wudao with an eye.

Zhuang Wudao knows that Qin Feng is ready to ask him to take the shot. Only he knows the details of Taixu Baojian, and knows the roots of “Taiwan Nothing.”

The sub-mirror of Taixu Baojian is also closely related to the mystery of Taixu Baojian. Qin Feng is categorically refusing to refine the sub-mirror and fake others. It is Zhuang Wudao himself, not at ease.

Slightly thinking, Zhuang Wudao said indulge: “I have lost some time in the past, but there is a lot of time, you can refine the four-sided mirror for you. You can leave the five-sided mirror material, you need to go collect.”

変 曞湪鍗冮噷涔嫔 曞湪鍗冮噷涔嫔 涔熷彲鍙戞尌鍑篞 涔熷彲鍙戞尌鍑篞 in Feng 70% 镄勬垬锷At €

The nine-faced mirror can be combined into a sinister and infinite array, with amazing lethality.

Zhuang Wudao 涓嶆槸涓嶆兂涓篞in Feng 涓€娆”Ammonia 镣 埗瀹屽叏, key 屾槸 嬫棤浣栾 嬫棤浣栾 澶︼櫄瀹濋壌鍝, 澶︼櫄瀹濋壌鍝 曟渶浣庡眰绾 曟渶浣庡眰绾 曟渶浣庡眰绾殑瀛愰暅,涔熸槸镊冲皯涓夊崄鍏ton Forbidden Law 镄勫眰娆°€傛秷key楃殑鏉愭枡,鍙互姣旀嫙涓桩娉曞疂銆

Even if he robbed the wealth of a whole Hanjing Ship, and the harvest in the government, it is not enough.

This time, I used those books and exchanged more than a million good works in the door, but it was of other use.

“I won’t say thank you.”

Qin Feng slightly raised his eyebrows and four-sided mirrors, which are actually enough. It’s impossible, everything depends on Zhuang Wudao.

After the surprise, Qin Feng’s look turned to dignity: “You have solved the magic repair now, then how can I help you?”

The magical repair was originally attached. At that time, Zhuang Wudao came to find him. It should have another purpose.

Twelve 窍 Zijin asked Xuan Dan Zhongbao, if he did not do what Zhuang Wudao wanted him to do, he was troubled.

“How can I help me?”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes are awkward, and then he is blunt: “First how to help me out of Great Peace Sect? I have asked the teacher to allow me to be allowed. After ten years of retreat, I will be in charge of the Great Peace Sect after ten years of war. I hope The layout in the north is no less than the preparation of the Great Peace Sect before I attacked Leaving Dust Palace ten years ago.”

“Sure enough”

Qin Feng laughed loudly and then calmly said: “Is it a decade? I am afraid not enough, and let me first look at it. But the financial resources I have to spend are not small.”


Zhuang Wudao has a slight glory, and he has already expected the financial resources needed for this matter. Anyway, it is not his Zhuang Wudao family.

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