“Before the 3rd Heavenly Layer realm was over the sword, is it the 4th Heavenly Layer?”

When Zhuang Wudao looked up, he also guessed in his heart. He did not spend much time in the first six hundred and sixty-six.

However, if it is the upper limit of the 4th Heavenly Layer realm, then even if he has perfect integration of the Great Falling Monument Hand and the Ox Demon Hegemon Body, he may not be able to step through the remaining three. One hundred and thirty-three.

“will not”

Yun’er chop the nail and slice the iron’s denial: “The Heavenly Way is not a dead end, the test on Martial Dao, never surpassing by far. You are the one who passed here. Heavenly Way, the next way, is to try to sect the discipline that can really support the door, not to create a kill. The upper limit of the 4th Heavenly Layer is away from the sword, which is the kendo strength of the Primordial Spirit series. In the context of Qi Condensation, who can pass?”

Zhuang Wudao smiled and continued to step forward. At the 666th level, the sixth bell rang, and then oscillated in the sky.

Above the ‘line of the sky, cracks, no sun has fallen. I can only see a few points, the faint starlight shines

“It has been more than half a day -“

The third road, Heavenly Way, 666, has passed four hours from noon to night.

“I see Sword Master and it seems to be a lot more confident.”

“It’s two hundred stone steps, I have benefited a lot. The roadway Heavenly Way, really worthy of its name.”

“Really.” Yun’er language is sour: “The income of your four hours is enough to reach the cultivation of one or two years in the dream. The broken mountain river and the unscrupulous fists are simultaneously displayed, I have taught you a full You haven’t learned it in the year. You only have two hundred steps here, you have mastered it.”

Zhuang Wudao laughed and continued to walk up. As far as he knows, in the record of sect, after 666, it is the most dangerous section.

Before the six hundred and sixty-sixth level, you can safely retreat. After the 666th level, it is not dead or both, with few exceptions.

However, when Zhuang Wudao stepped out, he still did not hesitate to hesitate. Just when the footsteps fell, Zhuang Wudao felt only awkward and warm. A ray of heat flows up the foot and flows through the body.

“this is–“

Zhuang Wudao can’t tell the truth at the moment. I can only feel that the meridians with the body are slightly warm, and it is not good or bad.

“It turns out so”

Yun’er, in Zhuang Wudao, has first understood: “So it seems that this hundred and eleventh level is a test of your Spirit Root qualification. If it is passed smoothly, it will be for you in the future. There is great benefit. If you can’t go, there is the danger of the broken Spirit Root. This is the method of dry fire refining, and the way of the dust is still so stingy.”

“Dry fire refining pulse repair method?” Zhuang Wudao does not understand.

“Well, the essence of this method is to use your own Blood Qi potential to burn the fire of the sky. For you to replenish the pulse, the bones are cut. If your potential of Blood Qi is insufficient, it is not enough. Spirit Root is a broken state of the meridian, so I said that he is stinky. This Heavenly Way can really give benefits to the discipline, but these benefits are all derived from themselves. But if it is not, it is even the belt. Lee, the loss is pure.”

“Is it like this?”

Zhuang Wudao didn’t feel anything wrong. Leaving Dust Palace had already been dangerously warned before every roadway, Heavenly Way, and even the names of those who had been seriously injured in the past years were all under the stone.

Whether or not this Heavenly Way is self-determined. Even if you die here, you can’t blame others.

So with your own qualifications, can you cross this one hundred and eleven stone steps?

Yun’er did not speak, and Zhuang Wudao did not ask again. Knowing that if anything is wrong, Yun’er will definitely remind you

Sure enough, in the first twenty-eight levels, he has easily crossed the past without any hindrance.

“Is it because of my third-order Spirit Root?”

The brain flashed through this year, Zhuang Wudao chest, slightly ambiguous. However, when he went to the next level, he still had no obstacles.

Only a trace of heat flow spread into his Primordial Spirit. Then the surrounding light and shadow changes instantaneously.

The whole ‘dao industry, the mountain’s mountain, slightly turbulent. A brilliant red glory, from the foothold of Zhuang Wudao, straight into the Han

Especially in the dark night, it is glaring.

“this is?”

Zhuang Wudao is puzzled and looks at the changes in his body and mind. It is even more sensible that the heat flow from the sole of the foot into the Origin Soul is getting more and more, like the tide, and chattering.

He is even faintly aware that his Soul Body is changing. Even with the bones and meridians, it is slightly itchy.

If there is a kind of illusion, there seems to be an idea in the darkness, and I want to come from a distance. However, it was blocked by an inexplicable force outside the starry sky and could not be reached.

“I didn’t say that Sword Master’s Innate Battle Soul is one of the world’s top cultivation qualifications. It is one of the innate Ten Great Soul Body and one of the innate Ten Great Battle Body. That Cleaving Stone monument can’t be recognized. The idea of ​​separating the dust from the inside is sure to be known.”

Zhuang Wudao silently looked at the stone steps above, he couldn’t tell what kind of complex mood he was at the moment.

“That means -“

Not waiting for Zhuang Wudao to speak, Yun’er has already taken the words, one word at a time: “That is, after the creation of Spirit Root, Sword Master cultivation, there is no obstacle to go.” At the tenth level, Sword Master can be unimpeded.”


On the Daoshan Mountain, the brilliant purple light that rushes up can be seen thousands of miles away. Leaving Dust Origin Mountain is only 20 miles away from the industry. From here, you can naturally see everything on the other side, and even feel glaring.

“Purple light? Why is there purple light?”

“Huang Weizun, purple is extreme, red is expensive, purple color, is it the most innate talent?”

“The most extreme, I am afraid that it has been over-“

“Unknown, for thousands of years, there is no relevant record. In the past, the Nujiang ancestor will pass the Faureum, Immortal Ascension, and the third Heavenly Way 999 Level 9 stone steps to bring this place, but it is again Nothing to explain.”

“This is the innate talent of this child, and it must be out of the ordinary. It will be the third. The potential of the monument is third, and it is only inferior to Chong Yangzi Shen Lie.”

“I only know that his speed is now speeding up. It is already 734, thirty-five. In all the previous examples, most of the people have lost all their efforts in this period. But this is for him. Words, it seems that it is not difficult -“

Wei Feng’s face is unusually gloomy at this moment. Can’t hide it, don’t hide it. It can even sense the back of the person, from the top of the real person, like a blade-like look.

Regardless of Zhuang Wudao today, can you pass this roadway Heavenly Way. Leaving Dust’s esoteric discipline, the twenty-sixth place of the talent list, Zhuang Wudao are well deserved.

However, such an innate talent is absolutely unique, it should belong to the Ming Cuifeng.

Although this matter has nothing to do with him, the Wu Capital Dao Hall is a real person, but it is from his personal recommendation.

Even Li Chongxi, the head of Surpassing City School, has a great relationship with him.

Zhuang Wudao is not dead, he Wei Feng will certainly bear the Mingshi Cuifeng to the first real person, down to the Foundation Establishment same side of the raging anger.

“I should thank Wei Xiong now?”

There was a chuckle next to it, and the voice was clear: “If it wasn’t Feng Xuan, I would declare Lingshan to take the tyrannical Junior Brother down. I am afraid it will take some hard work-“

Si Konghong?

Wei Feng’s eyes twitched and looked around. I saw that Sikong Hong was standing there, and he was free and elegant, with only a sneer at the corner of his lips.

This has been smug?

忔灚鐜浜哸 忔灚鐜浜哸 around 浜 兢 兢 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 浜 浜 鍗 鍗 鍗 涔堛 涔堛 涔堛 涔堛 涔堛 弽鍞囩浉璁 弽鍞囩浉璁 弽鍞囩浉璁 弽鍞囩浉璁 弽鍞囩浉璁 弽鍞囩浉璁 弽鍞囩浉璁銆效綋涓嬩 鍙猧nwardly 鎽囧ご锛气滆缮鍙﹄竷锏滆缮鍙﹄竷锏句簲鍗佺骇簲鍗佺骇屽鈥曗鈥曗€曗€

“Seven hundred and fifty-seven”

The person who speaks is not Si Konghong. Yu Guang, who is in the perspective of Wei Feng, can see the monarchy that night, and is talking to himself.

Wei Feng almost sneered out, do you regret it? It’s just too late. Yan Yangfeng has done too much, and it is really unclear whether it will be swallowed up and re-admitted with the temperament of the law.

The two mountains and seven peaks, there is no Fuyang, Xuan Lingshan still has water Yunfeng, and Su Yunfeng, you can pull and carry.

At this time, above the peak, it is more than the original one hundred Golden Core. There are nearly a thousand Foundation Establishments, all of which are gathered here, and they are also far away.

杩樻湁涓娄竾镄凲i Condensation 澧 灏卞湪闄勮繎镄勫北澶 钖勮繍鐏 洰绫荤殑 硶阆揿喅 chain, 杩滆闾i 涓 涓 宸呫 宸呫 宸呫 效敖绠”ぇ澶氶兘鍙槸寰掑姵,绗笁鏉eavenly Way,涓€绾垮ぉ鍐 宸 彧 chain eaving Dust Origin Mountain 杩欎竴涓︼搴 杩欎竴涓︼搴 杩欎竴涓︼搴 鍙ⅴ鐭ヨ灏姐€

鍦ㄩ偅灞辫剼涔嬩笅,杩樻湁旋村镄刢ultivator 铚傛嫢铚傛嫢岃呖銆傞岃呖銆傞岃呖銆傞涓北涓€镞ラ棿鍏浜嬮椈阍熷搷,浼犻亶姝ら棿涓夊崈 屽湴鍩熴 摢镐曟槸浣忓湪璺 ea eaving Dust Origin Mountain 鍗冮噷澶栫殑disciple 闂ㄤ汉,姝ゆ椂涔熷凡鎺ュ埌浜嗘秷鎭 €

At this time, on a mountain road, Muxi’s foot was tied with a horse, and immediately after the rose, in the direction of Daoyeshan, rushed away.

锲涗 熺殑椋 镞 熺殑椋 熺殑椋 熺殑椋 熺殑椋 熺殑椋 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 钀辫嚜闂甤 Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr嚭鍑犲垎鐤叉€ and €

缁堜簬锷涗笉鑳芥敮,镞犳硶缁х画,绌呜惐锅滀笅浜呜剼姝 涓€杈规ユ€ユ€ョ殑锽樻伅镌€,涓€杈规湇鐢ㄧ潃medicinal pill ,鎭(一)镌€within the body 姘旇剦銆

And she has a pair of show eyes, from beginning to end, all eyes are burning, looking at the distant place, like the mountains that are close at hand.

Rose also found behind him, Mu Hao has stopped. Quickly turned back, Yu Jian went to the side of Mu Wei, the voice was crisp: “Senior Sister, I will take you a ride?”

“You are coming less.” Mu Yu waved his hand and did not agree: “Four hours, hurry for more than a thousand miles, how much strength do you have left in Rose? There are more than one hundred miles from Daoye Mountain. Don’t fly. In half, it fell off

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