“What is the outside hall?”

The voice of the night monarchy is loud and bright, with a bit of reprimand: “I don’t know if this is the solemnity of my ruling. If there is no reason, the ruler must be guilty of missing the instrument.”

澶栨涔嬩腑,鍏堟槸涓鍏堟槸涓阒阒 屽悗 屽悗 屽悗 変竴浜 変竴浜 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s棰栨墠姒 宸 呖鎴戝畻銆 呖鎴戝畻銆 呖鎴戝畻銆 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪 塪


The night monarchy slightly condenses the eyebrows, and the meaning of incomprehension is more concentrated. The Yingcai list has the name of the Leaving Dust Palace disciple all year round, with one or twenty people each year, listed on the list. Worth the people in this hall, fuss?

But the next moment, I heard the person say: “I Leaving Dust Palace Xuan Lingshan discipline Zhuang Wudao, with the Qi Condensation cultivation base, ranked 26th on the list. It was considered by the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Qi Condensation is the first in this world!


The pupil of the night monarchy swelled slightly and stepped forward a few steps. However, just after leaving the devotional position, the night monarchy saved his own gaffe, and quickly stopped the figure, light shouted: “Ying Caibang? Give me some in.”

Heavenly Dao 鐩熷埗瀹氱殑钖勭姒滃崟,Leaving Dust Palace 姣忎竴 熼兘 熼兘 夐瀹氥 傝 傝 岄 岄 岄 aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven祦镄勫ぉ 祦镄勫ぉ 鍗曚箣涓 鍗曚箣涓 銆 銆 銆 镄勫悕鍗 ぉ涓嬮棿璇 ぉ涓嬮棿璇 ぉ涓嬮棿璇 ぉ涓嬮棿璇 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡 淳镄刡殑鑻 墠 墠, 灏 殕鏋佸叾杞 殕鏋佸叾杞 殕鏋佸叾杞 涧镄勪 涧镄勪 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒

鐢氲呖鍙﹄粠杩栾杽钖勪竴 簲锏鹃 簲锏鹃 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 灏卞彲澶 灏卞彲澶 灏卞彲澶 镄勯 镄勯 绐ョ煡 绐ョ煡 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟 鍐匟镄勫 锷垮彉鍖 钖勫ぇ ss 镄勫疄锷涙秷闀 pants â€

Although not very accurate, it can also be used as a reference. And the world’s general trend in the past 100 years has also confirmed that it is closely related to this talent list.

Therefore, this list has been praised by all over the world. Every year, Leaving Dust Palace sets at least 800 copies from Heavenly Dao, worth 3,200 third-order elements.

At this time, nearly 100 Golden Core cultivators in the hall, all eyes are stunned.

“Zhuang Wudao, the only place in the list is the 26th?”

“What a joke? He is only Qi Condensation.”

“Qi Condensation Realm, but it has its own strength, the eight Foundation Establishment of Tu Tao Haitao Court. This ranking is also expected –”

“Remember that in the past 60 years, Qi Condensation Realm, and the top 30 people in the list, but only two people. I Leaving Dust Palace, and there is one person, is it listed on the list?”

鈥沨yrannical Junior Brother ,浠栧叆闂ㄨ缮涓嶅埌涓夊浠栧叆闂ㄨ缮涓嶅埌涓夊鈥曗€曗€

Foundation Establishment 澧僤isciple, 灏嗕竴鍙犺杽钖勭殑缁(一)唽,阃佸叆镊虫娈夸箣鍐 锏€锏句鍐 璇镐汉浠rue Origin 鎿掓惮鎷涘彇,杞溂闂村氨鐡滃垎镄勪竴浜庝簩鍑€銆傝€屽悗闾e摋鐒朵箣澹 鍐嶆鍦ㄦ鍐呭讥婕€

“The twenty-sixth place is really the twenty-sixth place!”

“- At the beginning of the spring, the initial ranking was 533,284, and the Q Condensation environment 12th Layer. In this world, the Qi Condensation Fist Technique was ranked 24th in the first half of the month. 3,000, 925, and the total list of Fist Technique is 76,254.

“Fist Technique ranks first in the Qi Condensation. There is no surname on the potential list. There is no surname on the list, and there is no surname on the sword list.”

“The suspected Leaving Dust Palace has no mark on the stone and the gods, and it has closed its rankings. However, it is a coincidence that when this child was on the list, my Heavenly Dao League was lucky enough to find that the potential list was the third largest. Add one person, no name. In addition, Qi Condensation is the first in the sword list, the fourth in the list, and it is anonymous. It is related to Zhuang Wudao.”

When someone read this sentence, there was a lot of sight in the hall, and I looked at the real people above the head of the left head.

鐭ユ檽Leaving Dust 椹诲ぇ鐏典 containing Dao Hall,杩欎簺骞撮兘鏄敱瀹g伒灞眑ineage 鎶婃寔銆傝鍦ㄥぉ chain baking 涓婂仛 嬭剼, 鍐嶆 夋瘮鑺傛硶鐪熶 chain 夋瘮鑺傛硶鐪熶 旋 存 渚 渚 渚 渚 渚

鈥滃悕鍒楅 嶆绗簩鍗佸叚浣 嶆绗簩鍗佸叚浣 Qi Condensation 澧 涓 浜 浜 浜 瑷 涓 涓 涓 骞 C C C C C C C Chong Yangzi 涔嫔悗绗竴浜 闱潇his child 銮睘鐖跺崌 屽瓙缁 铦夎仈棰栨墠姒 铦夎仈棰栨墠姒 浣 浣 浣 瀹炰 鍗冨彝浣 鍗冨彝浣 鍗冨彝浣 鍗冨彝浣 曗 曗 曗

鈥淐hong Yangzi,闾d綅澶 hook Chong Yang,灞呯劧鏄叾鐖讹纻鈥

鈥沧浜嬩紬浜 殕鐭ユ垜杩椤嚑骞 殕鐭ユ垜杩椤嚑骞 槠闅愬眳涓嶅嚭 hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou Yue City 銆侺eaving Dust Palace 闂ㄤ笅disciple ,骞村瞾鍗佸叓,鐖禛reat Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie ,姣峑huang Xiaoxi 宸查濄€濄his child 鐢熸瘝,鍗撮潪鏄疓Reat Peace Sect Xiao Family 闾d綅鐏

Hong umbrella Chong Yangzi , 浠婂 宸蹭笉鍦ㄩ 宸蹭笉鍦ㄩ 宸蹭笉鍦ㄩ 搴旇鏄 缁忔垚灏盙 缁忔垚灏盙 olden Core 鈥

“This is also expected, he has even ranked first in the list for over 12 years, I do not know is a few products.

“Does the father rise and the son succeeds? The Chong Yangzi may not take it for granted.”

“This is a bit tricky, Zhuang Wudao this child, actually so good. Can bear the weight of my centennial. It is really inappropriate to dispose of it rashly”

“No wonder, the Heavenly Dao League will send five ‘Five Implications without flowers,’ for no reason. Scarlet Yang City Hongde, suddenly abandoned the Cuifeng half a year ago, and changed to the real life of the festival. Zhuang Wudao The news of Li Yingcai’s list is afraid that he will know it long ago.”

“The potential list has no life, may be the third in the world, what kind of Spirit Root qualification is it? Xuan Lingshan Destiny is endless, after the Hua Ying, there is another amazing talent.”

“So good, the real people are afraid to defend.”

“Hongfa is a real person, and will not give up.”

Some weird sights began to patrol between the festival and the macro. The Ming Cuifeng and Xuan Lingshan’s Golden Core are even more glaring, True Origin is swaying, and the atmosphere is extremely suppressed, with swords drawn and bows bent.

At this time, outside the hall, the bell of the story sounded again for a long time, and it was long-distance, three thousand miles away.

“this is?”

“Today is strange, a wave of unrest, and a wave of ups and downs. What happened to this incident?

“This clock is not inside Leaving Dust Origin Mountain. This direction is the roadway Heavenly Way ”

“Don’t it, the bell rang for so long? If someone passed the first article, it should have stopped, and the deacon’s disciple was taken to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, which was selected by the two mountains and seven peaks. And if the second Heavenly Way, then the bell rang twice.

“No, unless it is –“

At this time, the real people of the festival also finally said: “You are not asking me about Hongfa, what is Zhuang Wudao?

When this statement comes out, all eyes are coming together. The real people of the festival are still indifferent: “There is nothing to say about this matter. My disciple is now in the third way of Heavenly Way. Tyrannical. He can have such ambition and peace of mind.”

Hongfa suddenly frowned and looked calm. And the people in the temple are crying what was said, but also face to face. Or the eyes are worried, or the look is incomprehensible, or smile.

After only counting the interest, the second thing heard the bell, and then again passed through here, reverberating within the hall.

I thought that after this bell, I could calm down for a while. However, it was followed, but ten breaths, and the third bell, was heard.


“this is?”

The face of all of them changed, and Wei Feng’s face was also white. At this time, in the hall, Xuan Lingshan lineage several temperamental people first could not stand, flew away from the main hall of Leaving Dust. They have come to the mountains and the clouds are empty.

There are several people in front, and many Golden Cores in the main hall are also following suit. Even Wei Feng was also the same, and went outside the hall.

The roadway Heavenly Way is not far from here, just inside a mountain opposite Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, calling ‘Daoye, Mountain. And the third Heavenly Way is within the top line of the Dalai Mountain. A total of 990 Level 9 steps.

From here, I can see from afar, a long-haired clothed teenager walking on the stone steps.

“Zhuang Wudao -“

The figure in the distance, Wei Feng is naturally recognized. It’s this child, he didn’t care, he’s been scornful, he’s stunned, and then he’s panic.

At this time, in front of his eyes, the figure is so glaring, such as the thorn in the eye, making people feel painful

“One hundred and thirty-four breaths, three hundred and thirty-three steps?”

The third way, Heavenly Way, every time you pass the 110th level, the news in the Daoshan Mountain will be heard once. Until the ninth and ninetyth level 9, Zhong Ming nine rings

At this time, Zhuang Wudao, just above the 347 level, believes that walking and walking, it seems to be effortless, easy and freehand.

Around the body, it was a wave of punching and rushing, stirring the sky. A hegemonic and arrogant, unscrupulous idea, clearly declared.

– Thousands of blades are hard to hurt, and no law is added. Heaven and Earth, I’m arrogant

After only one hundred breaths, Zhuang Wudao’s footsteps have already reached the level of 443.

Here Zhuang Wudao’s figure was obviously blocked. However, everyone thought that Zhuang Wudao would be stepped by this level, blocking the moment. Zhuang Wudao’s right foot, but it is violently stepping on the violent, overbearing, seems to crush all the momentum

‘Boom, a crack, a sigh of relief, a big earthquake. The fourth bell, once again, resounded through the sky.

Wei Feng’s face is also bloodless. At this time, he can clearly hear it, within the radius of ten feet around the body, a piece of breath of surprise.

“Is this boxing, is it unscrupulous?”

“Ox Demon Hegemon Body, this child has won the heart of the boxing. I am afraid that the ordinary first- and second-order techniques are hard to hurt him.”

“No wonder, Fist Technique is 76,254 in this world, and Fist Technique is the first in the Qi Condensation. It’s not a mistake.”

“Fist Technique is so powerful, but it is quite accomplished.”

“Heavenly Way 4th Heavenly Layer is so imposing, but I don’t know how long it will take, breaking the last one? The original ancestor used it for three days.”

At this time, in the nearly one hundred Golden Core, there is no one, I think Zhuang Wudao, can not pass the road to Heavenly Way.

Even in Wei Feng’s own opinion, Zhuang Wudao’s passing through Heavenly Way seems to be only a matter of time.

“It’s crazy to be crazy, how can he do that-“

For six thousand years, the Lewis to rush in the Leaving Dust Palace has a second congregation of Heavenly Way’s Qi Condensation, a total of one hundred and twenty-seven, and there is no shortage of innate talent.

However, in the end, I was lucky enough to survive and retreat from the three roads of Heavenly Way, only 74 people. Half of them, Spirit Root does not exist, and the cultivation base is completely abolished.

This Zhuang Wudao, what is the exception? There will be no exceptions

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