“Want to escape? The underground is not feasible -“

Zhuang Wudao’s lips and sarcasm smile, and the body is soaring, staying in place for a while. However, the right foot slammed down to make the hundred feet square, like an earthquake. Then I saw the ground not far away, a group of plasma splashed out of the cracks in the soil. The man’s air machine is also under the ground, completely disappeared, and there is no movement.

His Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body is the top-of-the-line Cultivation Technique. Great Falling Monument Hand is even more powerful.

This man is going to escape under the eyes of his eyes, by the law of the bandit. It can be called a dead end.


Feng Yu’s eyes are already red. Since Zhuang Wudao started, it was only a short time of less than one hundred. The eight Foundation Establishments in the field were already three dead and one injured.

In dozens of Qi Condensation cultivators, eight Foundation Establishment cultivators, dozens of Lingbao, hundreds of combinations of techniques. Zhuang Wudao is like a ghost, shuttles freely, pointing to the east, and suddenly north and south, like a tiger and a sheep, it is still unscathed.

It makes people feel awkward, so if they fight again, how many people can survive in the presence?

However, the more so, the murderousness in Feng Yu’s heart is even more blazing. He turned his head violently and looked behind him. He saw three people in the city. At the moment, he was a pale face, and then he retired. Obviously, a few taboos have been born, and it has been extinguished with Zhuang Wudao. It seems that I have never thought of it. Zhuang Wudao in front of me will be tyrannical.

The technique of the palm force and the body of the Body Refining is so strong that the Foundation Establishment cultivator can be completed.

Even Li Wei, at this time, his lips are white and his eyes are unbelievable. Looking at every movement of Zhuang Wudao, watching the boundless power of the overbearing body, the Body Refining Hegemon Body that is rampant in the enemy group. .

In Feng Yu’s eyes, the first thing was a sigh of anger, and then he sneered: “The three of you are still not doing anything, what are you doing? You can go, but at that time, I’m also blaming me for turning the face and not recognizing people. Sin, how many people can you afford?”

The casualty of the semicolon is so heavy that even if he finally sets Zhuang Wudao back down and calms down the storm, he will not be able to escape the punishment of the building.

Today, this is because of Ming Cuifeng. He can only accommodate these three people, and easily get out of the way?

Three Qi Condensation environments have limited strength. However, the Leaving Dust Palace inner disciple, many innate talents, has the strength to be compared to the Foundation Establishment.

He does not ask these three juniors to help. However, only three people are involved, and today’s event is the Leaving Dust Palace. Instead of their Haitao Pavilion, they are alone with the Leaving Dust Palace disciple.

On the face of the thousand cities, the blood was faded and his eyes flashed. However, he only hesitated for a moment, and he had already decided his eyes and said with a deep breath: “Nature will not sit and watch”

At this time, he was in a situation of three people, although he was not allowed to advance or retreat However, the retreat will be undoubtedly dead. With the arrogance of Feng Yu, I am afraid that he will betrayed the three of them and will not hesitate.

And enter, but there is still a line of life –

“How does Zhuang Xiaoshi’s husband stop? Although Haitaoge is not an ally of Leaving Dust Palace, it has always had no complaints. Trading the spirits has given me a lot of convenience for Leaving Dust disciple.”

Covering the city, while talking, and stepping forward, just a few steps, it has already entered the battle group. The cold air spread under the feet, which made a thin layer of ice on the ground. The Chichen City slides on the ice, and the idle speed is not under the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

“Small teacher uncle has murdered people for no reason today. In the law enforcement hall, I am afraid that it is not easy to explain.”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said is a sneer, and the figure is still flashing fast. This time his goal is a person on the left.

However, including the Feng Yu, the remaining five Foundation Establishments, but they are already guarded and prepared, close together, less than 20 feet away from each other.

The sword shadow of Sancai’s sword was swept, and it did not hurt the five people. Instead, it was the Qi Condensation cultivator, which was killed by several people in succession.

However, Zhuang Wudao is not anxious, and the figure wanders around the periphery, such as the coiled snake, slowly looking for opportunities.

It was awesome to create the momentum of killing dozens of cultivators in this Haitao Pavilion.

“What if you have no reason to blame? I am a spiritual slave, this is no reason.”

Moved his spiritual slave, even if the power is as strong as Haitao Pavilion, can not help but pay the price. Even if the people in this room are all squandered, it is only because the teacher said that the evil tendencies are too heavy and they should pay more good deeds to sin.

I am not wrong, even if it is the owner of Haitao, there is nothing to say.

“However, it is not a crime of death. Today I have four people waiting for me. The younger brother and the uncle are killing people, but I am afraid that it is difficult to do so-“

However, when it comes to ‘killing people, the four characters, it is a clear sound of the sword, shaking the audience. Press all the sounds again and again.

Zhuang Wudao is too lazy to answer any more. Without the Feng Yu people, even if there is a testimony of the three thousand people, it is just a side word.

Without any evidence, he dared to blame the elders. He did not bite a bite at that time. It is one of the felony sins to deceive the ancestors

He Zhuang Wudao, this is a rogue rogue, and he will be afraid of these sinister means.

Covering the Thousand Cities seems to have been expected as such. He has already glided to the front of a Thunderbolt, and his voice suddenly turned cold: “But after the younger uncle has to go his own way, I can’t sit and watch.”

Suddenly looked forward to bullying, the thick cold of his hands shrouded, hit the feet of this Thunderbolt. A layer of faint ice fog is also scattered from the body of the thousand city.

However, it still couldn’t be faster than the Thunder’s action, the huge body of four feet tall, slid back quickly, and then the giant spirit like a palm, suddenly photographed. With a thunderous fire, the momentum is astonishing

The palms of Gai Qiancheng were lost, but his purpose was not here.

“False Profound Technique, icy clouds”

Those ice fog, I do not know when, has covered the body of this Thunderbolt. At this point, it suddenly blasted and turned into a mist.

And the surface stone skin of the Thunderbolt was also bombarded with countless potholes, revealing a large piece of spiritual print inside.

The pupils of the Thousand City were first shrunk, and then the ecstasy was revealed: “Sure enough, these thunderbolts are forbidden, it is his pillar.”

As soon as this statement came out, all the people present were utterly stunned. It’s all about guessing Zhuang Wudao, it’s so fast, and even catching up with the Golden Core’s shackles.

If it is not the help of the array method, a Qi Condensation cultivator, where there may be such an unpredictable idle speed.

Just after the spirit of Yan Anjun in the back of the city, the figure was a little faster, and after the thousand city, he also rushed to the Thunder.

Among the five Foundation Establishments, one was a twenty-something woman, and it was also rising at this time. Stepping on a piece of the Spirit Tool, it instantly flies in the air, and the neon sleeves float with the wind, as if they are gods. A pair of plain hands are printed on the chest like a lotus flower.

“False Profound Technique, water dragon flow”

Countless water vapors are born out of thin air. Only a few dozen breaths, the space below this thousand feet, was turned into a Zeguo.

A number of huge water dragons that were hundreds of feet long entangled in the five Thunderbolt. At the same time that the thunder and fire were extinguished, the five stone skeletons were also tied to the water.

“Ling Ruo”

Feng Yu is overjoyed and looks at the sky with surprise. The female repair Ling Ruo is also one of the offerings of Haitaoge stationed here. She is good at water system. At the crucial time, only this woman is the most reliable.

Covering the Thousand Cities is also a fine flash in the eyes, and the figure slips back ten feet, and then the palms are blue and slammed to the ground.

“False Matchless, Frost Cold”

The two palms were printed, and the whole person was the Core, and the surrounding Baizhang, including the water dragon, was turned into a thick ice layer. The frozen Thunder in front of him was completely frozen.

Yan Anjun is a laughed heartily, the body crossed the cover of a thousand city, a pair of flesh palms, and made a ‘Xuanzhen Yin, shot to the thunder and abdomen of Thunder.

Without the idling speed of the Foundation Establishment, it was difficult to move in the ice. This Thunderbolt was similar to the stone he used to hone his hand.

Can be broken

Without this ban, even if Zhuang Wudao is really awesome, with Hegemon Body, today will also fall under the combined attack.

Zhuang Wudao in the distance, but there is no half-shake and anxious color, but a strange smile.

“I am waiting for three people, really want to do it with me?”

Hand, when the word falls, the three-pronged sword is also like the sword light. Zhuang Wudao’s figure, after a cave, came to the front of the frozen Thunder.

Gai Qiancheng was forced to retreat a few times by the sword light, while Yan Anjun was a palm, slamming on the chest of Zhuang Wudao.

The arrogance and arrogance of the seventy-six elephants can not shake Zhuang Wudao. The palm of the hand even failed to penetrate the body vestment. Just because of the Magnetic Origin suffocating, it will block that power. At the foot of Zhuang Wudao, it is as stable as a rock, and it doesn’t move.

Yan Anjun’s pupils shrank slightly, and then he shouted: “What about Body Refining Hegemon Body? I am not afraid of you!”

His skeleton squatted on his body and made a series of fried beans. The whole person leaped violently, and the right hand palm was turned into a purple gold color, as if it was a Taoist seal, and the imposing atmosphere of Zhuang Wudao’s Tianling cover was placed, and it was shot down.

Continuous pulse, matchless fate, hole true

3rd Grade Transcendent ?

Zhuang Wudao was surprised to pick a brow, and this kind of matchless fate of Yan Anjun already had the power of the 2nd Grade Holy Spirit Prfound Technique, which was only a little worse than his Sword Drawing Technique.

But what about this?

‘Oh, one, Zhuang Wudao Ox Demon Hegemon Body at this moment, ignores all the nearby Spirit Tool. The same is a palm shot. Strong winds, suffocating!

False Matchless

Twelve times the force, instantly gathered above the arms. The palm of the hand, the broken mountain river

When a pair of flesh is in the air, it is like a dead wood, silent. However, in the eyes of Yan Anjun, it is all the color of horror that cannot be suppressed.

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