“Since the beginning of Qi Condensation, even the top of the list is only 12 years of true cultivation in less than 20 years, and the achievement of the seven-turn Dragon Tiger Golden Core. The achievement of the husband is so unprecedented, there must be no old man.”

Xiao Lingshu 瀚g劧宸х瑧镌€阆掳细鈥滃彧鍙儨浠婂鈥滃彧鍙儨浠婂,涔嫔悗€傗€

Ling 岃瘽 岃瘽 Ling Ling Xiao Lingshu 灏辫镄凛hong Yangzi 镄勯 鑹 鑹 湁浜涗笉瀵 湁浜涗笉瀵 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 ㄥ洿镄勬皵姘 ㄥ洿镄勬皵姘 氨 氨阒村喎浜嗕笅鏉ャ€

Xiao Lingshu 涓岖敱镒旷劧,鐪嫔悜浜咰hong Yangzi 嬩腑镄勯偅 嬩腑镄勯偅 chain 摱鑹 吀鍐岋 吀鍐岋

“Master, but this is the first draft of the list, what is wrong?”

钀у畯涔熷湪濂囨€ 浠栬涔呴兘涓嶆浘瑙丆hong Yangzi 镄勮劯鑹 濡傛镄勫哜阅嶉槾鍐枫

璁 缑鍓崭竴娆 杩樻槸鍗佷 杩樻槸鍗佷 骞 骞 骞 骞 墠 墠 墠 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 濂 Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li

Chong Yangzi 鍗存槸榛橀粯涓岖瓟,鎶婃落涓殑棰栨墠姒滃垵绋 浜ゅ埌Xiao Lingshu 嬩腑銆傝嬩腑銆傝嬩腑銆傝屽悗浠屽悗浠 chainご,鐪稿厜鏄庣伃涓嶅畾,涔熶笉鐭ュ湪鎯充簺浠€涔堛€

Xiao Lingshu 镄 潃鐪 灏嗛 灏嗛 嶆鍖嗗寙缈诲埌浜嗙浜屽崄涓冮 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre 笉鏁(三)疆淇’箣鑹层

“The twenty-seventh place in the list is Ying, how is it possible?”

Xiao Hong felt even more strange, squinting, and then saw the ‘Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao on the silver page, six large characters, almost occupying half a page.

“Leaving Dust Palace, Zhuang Wudao ——”

杩椤ぉ涓嬮棿,缁濅笉浼氭湁绗簩涓猌huang Wudao ,钖屾牱鏄嫓鍦↙eaving Dust 闂ㄤ笅銆

“Is it a Young Master?”

At this moment, Xiao Hong thought that he was wrong. However, after the next moment, I saw the following lines of Lishu.

昄€昄eaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao ,鐢熶簬Zhou Country 娌埚箪,鐜板眳涓淲u Yue City 銆侺eaving Dust Palace 闂ㄤ笅disciple ,骞村瞾鍗佸叓,鐖禛reath Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, 姣峑huang Xiaoxi 宸查€浓€€€

Really him, the son of Zhuang Xiaoxi – Shen Lie, Zhuang Wudao

Xiao Hong was slightly lost, and then looked at the content behind.

“- At the beginning of the spring, the initial ranking was 573,284, and the Q Condensation environment 12th Layer. In this world, the Qi Condensation Fist Technique was ranked 27th in the first half of the month. 10,000 two hundred and seventy-three, the total list of Fist Technique is ten thousand and twenty-five thousand –“

“On the list comment: this child went to Leaving Dust Palace but three years, but the speed of the jump is really only in my life. In the early spring, I was on the list, and I was in the realm of the three-storey building within one year. The total ranking was also 57. It was raised to 2,728,937. It is ranked first in the Qi Condensation, and has no surname on the potential list. There is no surname on the list. There is no name on the sword list -“

“The suspected Leaving Dust Palace has no mark on the stone and the gods, and it has closed its rankings. However, it is a coincidence that when this child was on the list, my Heavenly Dao League was lucky enough to find that the potential list was the third largest. Add one person, no name. In addition, Qi Condensation is the first in the sword list, the fourth in the list, and also anonymous. The suspect is related to Zhuang Wudao. Therefore, my Heavenly Dao League, this child is lined up with Gan Tianzong Fang Xiaoru. Before, it ranked 27th in the list of Yingcai. The first person in Qi Condensation predicted that in the early spring of the year, the second place after Chong Yangzi, the non-this child is the father and son, and the top three in the list. The tenth place is really an anecdote in the world. Listening to Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi, the Dan has been in the air, and the father has risen and succeeded. It is a thousand words.”

“I also heard this year’s eastward chaos. Zhuang Wudao took the unnamed mountain of Surpassing City and thwarted Shifting Mountain Sect. The layout smashed the Dinghai Gongxu, which was ranked 3,237 in the total list. This child is called Zhiyong. Double, Leaving Dust Palace can win such talents, it is a blessing.”

There is also the signature of the reviewer, but it is also the word of the seven dragons and phoenixes – Heavenly Dao League, Guanyue San

“How can it be?”

Xiao Lingshu looked up with some disappointment: “The twenty-seventh place in Yingcai, how could it be him?”

Xiao Hong was sucking his mouth cold, and finally understood that Chong Yangzi’s mood was so bad.

I am afraid that it is not in Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, the mother Zhuang Xiaoxi has passed away, and it is not on the top of the list, why is ‘Zhuang Wudao, not Shen Lie, and it is not in the 27th place.

And in that commentary – prophecy in the early spring of the next year, Ying Cangbang is the second place after Chong Yangzi, not this child

The gap between father and son is close to you –

If it is replaced by Dan Young Master, it will be replaced, it can be replaced by Zhuang Wudao. It is undoubtedly equal to a heavy slap in the face of his own master.

With Chong Yangzi’s pride, can you allow it, but you can’t be angry?

Xiao Hong looked stunned and looked up to the southeast. I can’t imagine it. At that time, the child in the Ice Spring Mountain was already ranked high on the list of Yingcai. It just rose like a rising sun, and it will soon be known as the hero.

Xiao Lingshu turned back to God and continued to turn pages until 443, only to find a familiar name.

“Great Peace Sect Xiao Dan, 433th in the list, Qi Condensation 12th Layer –”

Xiao Lingshu is slightly frowning, but has nothing to say. Gan Tianzong Fang Xiaoru, on this list of Yingcai, has just entered the top 100.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Lingshu slammed the list of talents: “Everything is just a guess. What potential is the third in the world, and Qi Condensation is the first in the world. It is not ridiculous. Heavenly Dao is really ridiculous. Even if there is no Traceless Wind, it can be used as a basis. Even if Qi Condensation is the first in the field, it should not be before Fang Xiaoyu.”

After cold snorted, Xiao Lingshu looked at Chong Yangzi Shen Lie again: “Why do you care? This is the list of talents in this issue, and you won’t have your name-“

Chong Yangzi snorted and didn’t speak. Xiao Lingshu and Xiao Hong both can feel, the temperature around it is cold and a few minutes.


Coincidentally, Heaven is the southern part of the Xuan Dajiang River and the Xuanling Mountain in the Nanping Mountains. There is also a silver book in front of the real people. On the cover of the cover, it is also the heroic list, these three embroidered gold characters.

The real people of the festival did not look at it, but they sat in the wooden pavilion at the leisurely end, enjoying the mountains and flying snow.

Nanping Zhushan is above the fire pulse, and is close to the south. Therefore, there is not much time for Xuanling Mountain to freeze, only the spring and winter seasons. At this time, it was already November, only after the winter solstice. Therefore, this Xuanling Mountain has long been covered by snow and ice. At first glance, it is all white and white.

And shortly afterwards, a young cultivator flew in the snow and settled in front of the real people.

“came back?”

The festival real person raised his eyelids and looked at the young daoist in front of him: “Look at your murderous fullness, with resentment, this time the person who died in your hands is not in a minority.”

“It’s just a small warning. If I don’t know what to do, I don’t mind fighting the man. If you talk about innate talent, he may be the first person in the world. But now, he still has no qualifications to fight against me.”

The young daoist has a dull tone and seems to be talking about something that is not unusual. Then his gaze fell on the silver book in front of the real people, and the young daoist’s shackles also showed a strange color.

“Yingcai? Is this year, or next year?”

The festival’s real person shook his head slightly: “It’s the first draft next year, and the Heavenly Dao League sent me to the place two days ago.”

“First draft? I remember that in the past two years, Heavenly Dao League was sent to Hongfa’s real person, and this year it was changed back to Xuanling Mountain.

The young daoist looked sly and smiled, then curiously said: “So, tyrannical Junior Brother, he is ranking this year?”

“Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the twenty-seventh place in the list.”

The festival is a leisurely drink of a cup of tea: “This is only a draft, and there should be revisions in the early spring and next year.”

The young daoist was a blasphemous god. After a long time, he frowned. “Twenty-seven, how can it be the twenty-seventh, shouldn’t it be three hundred?”

“Why don’t you? At the beginning of the year, the tyrannical list was only 537,284. After the winter solstice, it was already 272,937. At the time, it was the Triple Building of Qi Condensation. At this moment, it is already the realm of Qi Condensation 12th Layer. Heavenly Dao League does not rank him to the top 30, can’t say it.”

The festival’s real people raised their eyes, and they were somewhat helpless: “Once the blood essence is on the monument, this ranking is completely involuntary—”

“Qi Condensation 12th Layer Realm?”

The young daoist was surprised to raise his eyebrows, but he was dumbfounded: “I look at the Junior Brother. He was only the Qi Condensation 9th Layer three months ago. So, when the nameless mountain battle, he took control of the big array, especially spared. Is it against me? The Senior Brother? Junior Brother is improving his speed. In my Leaving Dust Palace, I really don’t want to be a second person. Shiman’s words are right, the Junior Brother is in the bag, sooner or later. Show the edge.”

After saying this, the young daoist’s shackles have a playful color: “Then the first draft, the meaning of the teacher, can you circulate the ancestors?”

“I am also in a dilemma -“

The festival method will drink cold tea in the cup and drink it in one bite: “If it is okay in the early months, tyrannical, he did not hesitate before the Ming Cuifeng, I will not hesitate. At this time, it is thrown out, but it is somewhat defective. Look at others. In my eyes, I am afraid that I thought that Xuan Lingshan lineage is aggressive.”

“Then wait, there are still three months to smelt the Dragon Tiger Golden Core, and the Dan robbery nine turns, and the Dao Body complements the Doji.”

The young daoist waved his sleeve, and a meridian magnetron suddenly ignited and hit the silver book.

After the moment, the object was crushed.

“In any case, it is the two months. In fact, I really want to see you. What kind of look will Wei Feng see after the first draft of this Yingcai list? The real talents are outstanding, but they are leaked to me. Lingshan-“

When the voice falls, the young daoist’s shackles are all sarcasm.

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