Two thousand five hundred miles away, the spirits of the turbulent turmoil, the emptiness of the volatility, the hurricane scrolling, not all the way around the overflow. It spreads to the surrounding area and is filled with thousands of miles.

However, just outside the endless fireworks, there is such a strange atmosphere, and it is quietly screaming through the cover of the Lingyuan.

Even Yun’er, after only vaguely aware, warned Zhuang Wudao. It is not able to accurately capture the true position of the person, the trajectory that has come all the way.

The trace of purple lightning, entangled between the fingers of Zhuang Wudao, and finally with his print, gradually aggregated into a ball.

“Du Tian Yu Road, Lei Zang Jiuyi”

Jin Yun is under nine places, and mine is hidden above nine days.

Lingyan spit out, 2,500 miles away, there is also a huge thunderball out, constantly expanding and expanding. The curtain has been extended to a diameter of ninety-nine feet. After the peak, the thunderbolt blasted open. The overwhelming thunder nets spread all over the place, and in an instant, they have already covered a thousand miles.

And the air machine hidden in the turbulent flow of the chaotic spirits finally showed its way, and it was reflected in the Zhuang Wudao gods.

“Ming repair plank road, darkness Chen Cang? Insane delusion, give me back to Nanming all day, thunder fire to phoenix

With Zhuang Wudao, another spouse spit out, and both hands twitched, and the ‘pros and cons of the two instruments were infinitely big, and the ban was triggered.

A huge phoenix bird, formed in 2,300 miles, with the thunder as the bone and the fire as the body. The wings spread a thousand feet and rushed to the bottom of a hill.

At the same time, within the hills, he also stretched out a giant hand with a hundred feet wide and slammed into the thunderbolt, and grabbed it.

With a loud bang, the thunder fire phoenix was blown away. However, those who are separated from the fire and the gods of the gods are still entangled and continue to impact. The entire hill was completely flattened, and a huge deep pit was knocked out, and the smoke was filled with dust.

Huge sounds can be heard from a hundred miles away. And the vibration of the ground, even in the foothills of 2,500 miles, can be felt.

After all this was completely calmed down, Zhuang Wudao did not spit out a long sigh, and his heart was slightly loose. At this time, the three Golden Core cultivators were quickly retreating. Come fast, go as fast. In just half a second, I returned to the area of 鈥嬧€媡hree thousand miles away.

鈥淭his is the Golden Core?鈥?/p>

Until now, Zhuang Wudao’s eyes flashed a glimmer of shock. With the help of the ‘pros and cons, the two forces are the most powerful, the force of his work, the phoenix, the technique, which is the second-order peak of Zhuang Wudao, is no doubt inferior to the four-level peak Zhuang Wudao. With some Primordial Spirit cultivator, Prfound Technique Divine Abilty.

However, the final result was that the person was unscathed and retired after being frustrated.

However, the result of this fight is not bad. Although the process was a little difficult, it finally forced the three Golden Core cultivators to succeed.

Leaving Dust Palace This ‘both positive and negative instruments are boundless, and it is a well-deserved reputation. It does have the power to fight against the Golden Core cultivator.

If there are two or three truly high-end Golden Core cultivators hosted, even the Primordial Spirit cultivator can be confronted.

“It’s not bad to feel that the understanding of the Raytheon II method is profound.”

The confrontation with the three Golden Core cultivators was only a moment. Zhuang Wudao is a lot of sentiments, and many of them are the secrets of Lei Shenlei and Nanming from the fire.

Many of the reasons are like this. It鈥檚 not as good as seeing it. The reverie of building a car behind closed doors is far less comprehensible in real combat operations.

Even Yun’er professor in a dream is not as profound as he is now.

“So I said earlier, Sword Master, you have to prove the Primordial Spirit Realm as soon as possible within a hundred years, you can only rely on actual combat, and find more opponents with similar strengths to know that the paper has a lasting light, only – ah? 鈥?/p>

When the voice did not fall, Yun’er gave a horror. Zhuang Wudao also noticed a little, frowned and looked to the front.

I saw that outside the hall door, the distance of three hundred feet is just outside the big array, and there is a blue symbol. No fire self-immolation, illusion opened.


Each word is long and wide, suspended in the air. The entire nameless mountain can be seen clearly. Words such as iron painting silver hooks, full of arrogance, murderous

And at the bottom, there is still a lot of money, it is ‘Dinghai Wang Xu Wei, four words

“Ding Haiwang? The country has not yet been decided, it has been called the king?”

In the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, there is a slight sarcasm. When the mind moves, there are thousands of thunders that are shot down from the air, and those who are close to the big characters are smashed.

However, he stretched out and filled the spirit of the unknown mountain, but he was able to sense the whole mountain. The minds of many people were shaken at the moment.

Can not help but inwardly headache, this letter, clearly is the demonstration of Ding Haigong Xu Wei, but also the plan of heart attack. The silent and uninterrupted transmission to this place also means that Xu Wei can easily break through and reach the unknown mountain.

Only such a symbol, so that the nameless Yamamoto is not so firm, the military heart, once again shaken, morale is even more depressed.

However, Zhuang Wudao is not his own fault. The other side is deliberate, this character will not even be aware of Yun’er, let alone him?

Switched to Ji Qiwu and Dou Wenlong to host, the result is also afraid.

At this moment, there are already some complaints, which have been printed into his spiritual knowledge from all directions. There are many words of anger.

Zhuang Wudao shook his head and took back his own thoughts. He doesn’t have to listen to what these people are saying. It’s nothing more than ‘I really can’t stop it, or this Zhuang Wudao is too incompetent. Actually, such an oversight, ‘far less than Dou Wenlong, Senior Brother, or maybe’ A Qi Condensation context, by what host? If you can’t do it yourself, then you will abdicate. ,and many more.

He is too lazy to listen and he is not willing to care about it. If you come to Japan, whether you can hold this unnamed mountain is not by mouth.

And his various arrangements have been completed at this time, and these same side is what he thinks about him. Zhuang Wudao doesn’t care at all, and it doesn’t matter.


Thousands of miles away, above an inconspicuous ebony boat above the Fenghe River. Dinghai Gong Xuwei was wearing a yellow royal robe, and his hand was standing proudly at the bow. In the blue eyes, I was slightly surprised.

“It seems that the pros and cons of the pros and cons are both big and big. It seems that they have changed one. It is a good idea that God is not as good as that. However, the speed of the transformation of the spirits is more than that of the former. It鈥檚 a little inferior, but the imperial god鈥檚 god is thunderous, but it鈥檚 a strong number.鈥?/p>

“I can’t stop you after all.”

The person who spoke is now sitting firmly on the wooden chair behind Xu Wei. At the age of 30, the face is like a crown jade. It is also a dragon-embroidered dress, a robe, and a relaxed attitude.

“A letter, enough to make those Leaving Dust cultivator lose all confidence, panic. The brother of this hand is more and more fascinating.”

“But if the person in charge of the battle does have some skills, I will not shoot.”

Xu Wei shook his head slightly, nothing to say: “That style of thunder fire to the phoenix, the technique is really impressive. It is still 2,500 miles away, and it has almost made the car Xuandao friends suffer. If it enters the nameless Within three hundred miles of the mountain, I am afraid that it is even more difficult to deal with. It is said that there are only eight Foundation Establishments in the nameless mountain today, and the Qi Condensation cultivator is even less than one hundred, but it can put a ‘both positive and negative instrument To this extent, the foundation of the Leaving Dust Palace is really unfathomable.”

“I have also heard that at this time, in the territory of Wu State, there is a group of disciplines of the Leaving Dust Palace Xuan Lingshan lineage. The unknown mountain, Xu brother you have already been arranged. This battle, presumably can make Leaving Dust Palace Heavy hit, serious injury.”

The royal robes are young and young, and they still look like they are not salty or faint: “If this is the case, I am afraid that I would like to congratulate Xu Xiong in advance. I have worked hard for one hundred and forty years and finally succeeded in establishing a country. There is Great Peace Sect and Shifting Mountain Sect will last forever.”

“Jiang Yu, you don’t need yin and yang.”

Xu Wei鈥檚 eyes flashed a touch of impatience, and suddenly turned back: 鈥淲hen you know my layout, you should know that the unnamed mountain I can get the Leaving Dust disciple over there, in my eyes, it鈥檚 just awkward After turning over the palm, you can kill it. After you left Jiang Family, there is no bargaining power with me. After I set up the country, I will let the land of Sanzhou go back, disagree, and say a word.”

“Oh, you Xu Wei really has a full grasp, why are you still entangled with me here?”

In the eyes of Jiang Yu, there was a hint of ridicule, and it did not hide: “Xu Family, you Xu Family, at least half of it must be returned”

“Three states, this is the bottom line”

Xu Wei is a word, like chop the nail and slice the iron, his eyes are cloudy: “There is no room for negotiation. You are different from the East. The time is not much. If it is because of you and me, the major is delayed. Event, causing Shifting Mountain Sect to sin, you can’t afford to wear Jiang Yu. It’s really noisy to the ancestors, you and I don’t look good.”

Jiang Yu silently refused to answer, only cold and cold smile, continue to close his eyes and raise his spirit. On the face of Xu Wei, the time was full of red tides, and the middle of the scorpion was full of evil tendencies.

Then he turned his gaze and looked at the other person: “Wang Xiu, what do you mean, is it also wanting to go forward with him, not willing to shoot?”

The man was dressed in a green shirt, with a long sword, a sacred bone, a long beard and a chest. Hearing what was said said with a smile: “I am the best with the brothers, and naturally everything depends on him.”

Xu Wei鈥檚 look is even more gloomy. He wants to say something more, but suddenly his heart moves and looks away. I saw a red shadow, and I was flying fast and fast, and brought a series of afterimages.

Xu Wei鈥檚 detective grasping and holding it in his hand is indeed a token-like thing. Xu Wei鈥檚 dawn was bright, and there was a bit of joy, and then the token was thrown in front of Jiang鈥檚 body.

“This is Shifting Mountain’s teaching order, I don’t know Jiang brother, what else?”

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