“I know this person.”

Zhuang Wudao was immersed in rethinking: “That is the new landlord of the Haitao Pavilion Linhai Branch, named Yunxiao.”

“Hai Tao Court?”

Sikong Hongwei raised his eyebrows and carefully looked at the person again, revealing a hint of anger in his eyes.

Leaving Dust Palace’s nine-pulse society, unless it is a sect invited to observe the ceremony, and can not allow outsiders to be present?

I want to flare up, but I can’t help but laugh at Mofa: “Why do you want to be so angry? The cloud landlord is invited by me. To confirm the identity of Nie Xianling, this person is the most qualified. There are also some things that may need to be asked about him. After this, this person will still return to Lin Haiji to do his business. I want to come to Senior Brother, should I not violate the rules?”

Si Konghong was sullen and didn’t say anything. There is no loophole in Mofa鈥檚 words. Even though Nie Xianling is the daughter of the former chief of the Haitao Pavilion, no one will be foolish enough to doubt.

鈥淚t鈥檚 strange to say that I鈥檓 here. Recently, the Junior Brother is closed, and there is no movement at all. Is it ready to give up?鈥?/p>

Mofa may be really weird, and a trace of doubt in his eyes flashed past, but he was immediately obscured by smile: “In fact, I am more expecting that Junior Brother can give me the same as before. A wonderful show.”

Zhuang Wudao is silent, and at this moment, he is too much to say with this person, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense.

Mofa would be wrong and sighed: “When I knew this, why should I be at the beginning? On the same day, Mofa came to the door and said goodbye, but in exchange for the humiliation of the Junior Brother. If the Junior Brother would raise his hand and let Nie Xianling want it. Where is there today? Tear off the skin, what good for you and me? But it is cheaper. Now it is regrettable, Mofa is now, the arrow is on the string, had to send – 鈥?/p>

鈥淪enior Brother really thought that his odds have been set?鈥?/p>

Si Konghong’s eyes are transparent, and his face is strange and unusual: “I am afraid that in the end, I may not be able to do my best.”

“No matter what you say about the Junior Brother, this Golden Core conference, since the real chapter”

Mofa shook his head, a sense of unconcerned tone, and his expression was quite generous: “Mofa has given two chances, and you two refused. The discussion of the outer hall before March, Ben You can also calm down the storm, and you will miss it by Junior Brother. In the end, you will be able to blame me for Xuan Lingshan. If you say no benefit, Mofa will take the first step. Within the main hall, waiting for the two to come.”

Seeing this person walking in a leisurely walk, walked into the front of the main hall door. Si Konghong was wrong for a while, and he only returned to God after a moment, pressing his fingers against the crumpled eyebrows.

“I know that this Mofa is a person, and I have always been self-satisfied. But I never know, he will have such a full confidence, when he feels good.”

“Expelling Nie Xianling, he really wins.”

Zhuang Wudao does not care, nor is it due to the fall of Mofa, and the mentality is unbalanced.

“He actually said that he was right. This time, Haitao Building only said that dozens of Golden Core elders in Techique have paid a lot of money. In the Uncle of the Master, there is a great deal of loyalty. Indeed, as he said Today, it is imperative that no matter whether he or Haitao Pavilion, there is no room for retreat.”

This is the end of the matter, it is not the case of Xuan Lingshan and Haitao Pavilion Liang Family. The face is for Nie Xianling. Behind it is the power struggle between Leaving Dust and the nine veins.

“I think it鈥檚 okay to forget the shape!”

Si Konghong coldly snorted, and then with a murderous look, looked at the owner of the Haitaoge branch Yunxiao. Si Konghong’s gods are keen, and although he has not seen it with his own eyes, he can clearly sense that this person has only ridiculed his smile when he has never noticed.

Although the face is as usual at the moment, the bamboo in the depths of the scorpion is in the grip and conceit, but it makes him uncomfortable.

“The dispute between Xuanling Mountain and Ming Cuifeng, Haitao Pavilion actually dared to jump to the front desk. It was really daring. It was really not afraid of the inner chamber, and they completely sealed their branch in the nine episodes of Leaving Dust?”

However, when the words were exported, Si Konghong was slightly sluggish. Seriously speaking, if Xuan Lingshan loses this time, it will not be possible to save the position of the inner court.

And even if Xuan Lingshan is gaining momentum again in the future, it will be decades later. And the big business like Haitaolou, even if it is the owner of a thousand, if you want to expel it, you can’t do it. It is impossible for him to say a word.

“This is really -“

Si Konghong is speechless and silent. I really don’t know what to say. Before talking to Zhuang Wudao in the foothills, he saw this admiration, and it would be difficult to settle down and be filled with indignation.

At this moment, it is a joke-like mentality. Mofa or Yunxiao, it鈥檚 like a clown, a hole in front of him.

鈥淭he so-called self-defense can’t live, why should the Senior Brother care?鈥?/p>

The cold meaning in Zhuang Wudao seems to be to completely freeze the surrounding space. Then I was too lazy to stay in this person for a while, and went straight to the door of the temple.

However, just before getting started, Zhuang Wudao also sensed a few gaze and was watching himself. Not malicious, but also give him a sense of familiarity.

When Zhuang Wudao turned his head, the fruit was a few of Mu Weiwei. As a true biography, they all qualified to be present here. However, at this moment, these faces are mostly worried.

There is also Ji Qiwu, who is interested in looking at this side. It seems to be curious, how should Zhuang Wudao finally get through this difficult time.

Beitang Wan’er stood behind the Foundation Establishment cultivator of the Emperor Peak. In addition to his fears, he was even more dissatisfied. He seemed to be extremely annoyed by his advice. Xia Miao is a bitter face, looks gaze, and slightly inquires.

Zhuang Wudao laughed, and then did not fall in love, stepping into the main hall. This square is a hundred square feet. In the grand palace, it is sparse at the moment. There are only a hundred Golden Cores, and the sporadic seats are sitting in the main hall.

However, the atmosphere has suppressed the extremes of depression. If there are people who do not know the situation, they will surely think that there will be a big battle.

Still the night monarchy, living in the top of the list, four Primordial Spirit real people, high on the two sides of the platform, overlooking people.

The teacher has arrived, and four real people are also seated in advance. The great pressure is filled in the main hall. Let the people in the temple be ashamed, and dare not have a slight sigh.

Zhuang Wudao and Si Konghong are so late, they are all stagnation and solemn.

When both of them found a position to sit back, the ninth incident heard Zhong Ming, and it just stopped.

Within the Leaving Dust Palace, there are a total of 119 Golden Core cultivators, but not all of them. At this time, there are only one hundred and four Golden Cores, plus Zhuang Wudao, a total of one hundred and five people.

That night, the monarchy first stood up, first of all, a long story, a routine ritual. After half an hour, after waiting for the right side of the macro law to be impatient, the night will only stop.

“I am Leaving Dust’s rules, and the nine-pulse law will be held every twenty-seventh year. The world’s School Dao Hall is the head of the palace, and the deacons of the various places are also replaced in the 27th year. Today’s several real people and the door More than 100 elders here are the candidates for the decision of my Leaving Dust. The rules of the Golden Core conference, I think you will not use my night monarchy to repeat, I only ask you to uphold the public heart. Photographed by Leaving Dust Destiny Who should be rotated, where should be replaced, who is incompetent, need to be excused from duty, please be careful and careful! But before this -“

Speaking of this, the night monarchy voiced a meal, seeing the temple, still a silence, the atmosphere has quietly condensed. Then another laugh, take the initiative to look at the Mofa daoist.

“Mofa Junior Brother, another thing, please ask the Senior Brother brother to decide. It is for Zhuang Wudao Junior Brother Lingu Nie Xianling, this woman is the only prostitute of Nie Yinxian, the former chief of Haitao Pavilion. It involves the inheritance of Nie Family. Treasures, not only Haitao Pavilion, repeatedly complained to me Leaving Dust, I want to bring this woman back. The southeast is also a lot of shackles. It is just a fear of Leaving Dust, but I dare not do it.

The meaning of the Mou Junior Brother is that my Leaving Dust Palace does not need to be a slave, and offends many of these Southeastern fellow practitioners. Expelling it out of my ancestry and letting it go its own way, can you avoid being plagued by my disaster–“

The voice of the night monarchy did not fall. There was a Honglang female voice on the left side of the hall. In a sneer voice, “Is it difficult to recruit disasters? It鈥檚 really funny. As far as I know, after the introduction of Nie Xianling, it has always been a rule, not a violation. The door gauge. Just for some wind and waves outside the door, it is necessary to open her. Leaving Dust has never heard of such ridiculous things since 10,000 years.”

There are only a hundred people in the hall. When the voice is heard, it is known which opening. All of them looked at it and they did not. When I saw Feng Xue, I was sneer and said: “I am Leaving Dust Palace. The Southern Heaven Lin Hai is the first major in Southeast China. I am afraid of a small Haitao Pavilion. Those so-called scattered repairs also need to be taboo. I see you present and fall down. It’s better to buy a piece of tofu and kill it yourself.”

Although I know this woman, I am talking to Zhuang Wudao. However, many of the Golden Core cultivators are on the surface, and many of them are deeply impressed.

Leaving Dust Palace has been established for thousands of years, and there has never been a move to open the door for fear of distraction. Although Mofa intends to expel people, it is only a spiritual slave –

“Junior Sister don’t be impatient, this is just a remark, just to retell the language of the French Brother of Mofa. It has nothing to do with my night monarchy. It is not my intention.”

The night monarchy is obviously not wanting to do this, and argues with Feng Xue. Today, this matter, Yan Yangfeng is also a leader.

The night monarchy directly asked Mofa: “I listen to Feng Xue’s Junior Sister’s words, and it makes sense. I don’t know Junior Brother, what else can I say? I will give you a place to debate this matter.”

鈥淔eng Xue Junior Sister said that Mofa is also deeply convinced that Leaving Dust Palace has been fearing people for 10,000 years? It was the most difficult time 10,000 years ago, and it was unyielding.鈥?/p>

Mofa stood up and walked into the center of the palace. His face was cold and indifferent: “Just in the snow, Junior Sister knows how many disciplines I have in Leaving Dust Palace in just three months, because of this Nie Xianling Death?”

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