鐣ヤ綔娌夊悷, Zhuang Wudao 灏 棯韬亖鍑 棯韬亖鍑 鍗婃湀妤笺 鍗婃湀妤笺 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ嚜宸辫 闂ㄦ柊镄 r r rfound Technique Divine Abilty 銆 笉杩囧綋鐪嬩 笉杩囧綋鐪嬩 鐪 鐪 杩椤懆锲 ソ涓嶅鏄撴墠骞 ソ涓嶅鏄撴墠骞 ソ涓嶅鏄撴墠骞 ソ涓嶅鏄撴墠骞 ソ涓嶅鏄撴墠骞 ソ涓嶅鏄撴墠骞 ソ涓嶅鏄撴墠骞 杩樻 杩樻 杩樻 杩樻湁婀栦腑闾d簺镇犻棽镊湪镄勭伒绂戒箣钖庛€效张鎯宠捣闾f棩Nie Xianling 婀栦笂鑸炲墤,旋煎缁濆皹镄勮韩濮裤俍Huang Wudao 鎾囦 鎾囧 鎾囧 鎾囧 鍙 噷浜嗕竴澹 噷浜嗕竴澹 噷浜嗕竴澹 噷浜嗕竴澹 噷浜嗕竴澹 杩樻槸鍑 杩椤骇鍗婃湀灞 杩椤骇鍗婃湀灞 € € € 埌浜嗙栌浣欓噷澶 澶勭┖镞 澶勭┖镞 澶勭┖镞棤浜哄銆

Prfound Technique Divine Abilty ,镞犻渶鐏佃█鍙h瘈,涔熶笉鐢ㄦ落鍗 Zhuang Wudao 涓€涓剰蹇 灏卞彲鏂借睍銆

The first is the ‘Sparks of the Gods, the Tongmai Tongyu, with the Tianzhu Extreme Change, together with the display. It was a thousand fire butterflies at the moment, and fluttered around him.

鍏朵腑钑村惈鐭虫槑绮剧劙绮劙绮强崕浠ュ 浠朇 绁炲 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 鍙 閮 叏鏁 叏鏁 Wu Wu Wu dao ,涔熷湪浠旗粏镒熷簲镌€銆

These thousand fire butterflies are obviously stronger and more aggressive, and the duration is also greatly extended.

In addition to the original ability to petrochemical. It can burn stone, turn it into essence, and replenish itself.

In other words, this ‘Sparks Butterfly, in theory, only needs to be summoned out, it can last forever. One month, two months can be maintained.

As long as his mind is enough, he can derive tens of thousands, or even 100,000 million –

Zhuang Wudao is numb and his chest is like a raging wave. The single star fire butterfly, the lethality is indeed weak, when he faces the opponent of the level of Hongzhen, he simply can’t use it.

However, if the number of the star gods is 100,000 million?

But after a while, the flames in his heart were destroyed by cold water.

This star of fire butterfly, summoned every day, can indeed be endless. However, after all, it is a theory. His thoughts are far from being able to do so. It’s going to be a million, but I don’t know what year and month to go.

Zhuang Wudao estimates that he can now call out the limit of 108,000. If you want to increase it, unless you read it and expand it. As for the million-fire butterfly, Zhuang Wudao is going to Golden Core Realm.

But even so, this day’s bungee change to the Sparks’s butterfly’s blessing is also shocking.

鈥淴NUMXnd Grade, NUMX殑2nd Grade Prfound Technique 绉 镊 镊 崄涓囧彧 崄涓囧彧 湁 湁 湁 2st Grade Prfound Technique 涔嫔▉銆 摢镐曟棩钖岙 摢镐曟棩钖岙 word Master , Qi 呖Void Refining 涓嶥ao Fusion Realm , 1rd Grade 鐭 槑绮 槑绮 劙涔嫔▉涓嶆暦 € € € € € € found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found Solution

Yun鈥檈r 镄勫0阔 鏄庢樉宁》潃鍑犲垎鎯婂枩涔嬫儏锛气€煶鏄庣煶鏄庣书鐒鐒笌鍧ゅ鐪熺伀钖堟祦,灞呯劧杩樻湁杩欐牱镄勫姛鐢 笉杩囧姝や竴鏉 笉杩囧姝や竴鏉 Sword Master 镞ュ悗镐曟槸瑕佽 浜涙 灏呜 灏呜 灏呜 灏呜鐏电伀鎻愬崌鍝侀伀鎻愬崌鍝侀浜嗐€傗€

Zhuang Wudao 榛樼劧涓嶈█,鎺ョ潃鍙埚紑濮嫔皾璇旷浜岀Prfound Technique Divine Abilty 鈥樼煶鐏姏澹 銆

涓嶈 r 杩欐 杩欐 r found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉,渚濈劧杩桦湪鎸佺画,浼煎涓€涓︻伀镣 姝e湪鐕

When he casts Shishi Luxi, he can still pass through the Tongmai Tongyu, and rely on the power of Tianzhu and the power of Kunyuan.

鎹(四)€岃█涔嬧€曗€曞彧暗鍦ㄥぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉镄勫鍦ㄥぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉镄勫鍦ㄥぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉镄勫版涓椂杈 杩欓棬Prfound Technique ,鍙互鍙 Vine 紻 found 紻 ivine Abilty 涔嫔唴镄勫叚绉峆rfound Technique, 杩炵 铻嶅悎浣 铻嶅悎浣 铻嶅悎浣,

Zhuang Wudao Now, there have been some regrets, the ‘Jiuqu Shashen fruit, it is really used too fast.

浠栬 寮忊 寮忊 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r简浠栦笌Yun鈥檈r 镄勯鏂欍€

灏 笉鐭ヨ 笉鐭ヨ 鐭 鐭 鐭 鐭 涓庡ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 涓庡ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 涓庡ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 涓庡ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 A A A A A A A A A A A A

Zhuang Wudao looked in front of her eyes, and then her eyes showed the color of mistakes. The stone firepower he called out was not the previous five, but a total of thirty-six.

The height is only about one foot and two feet, and the body seems to shrink a lot. However, it gives a kind of feeling that it is extremely thick and firm.

Zhuang Wudao also faintly senses that he can expand these stone firepower to a giant of ten feet with only one idea.

The power seems to have also exploded, and the stone body contains at least the power of more than 1800.

The flame is no longer the color of the stars, but it is mixed into the ‘Kun Yuan real fire, the bright yellow, the fire is fierce, the flame is as strong as the devil.

Zhuang Wudao 鐪 涅 涅 箣鍓崭粬 箣鍓崭粬 箣鍓崭粬 cultivation base 鎻愬崌, 杩涢 pile Foundation Establishment, 涔熶笉杩囨槸鎶婄煶鐏姏澹殑锷涢噺,澧炲埌鍏栌璞 杈 杈 L LLate Stage 镄勬 鍑呜 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽

At this time, the fusion of the ‘Tianzhuo Yuan Yuan, the display, but directly made these stone firepower’s power tripled


The same duration as the previous Sparks Butterfly, the thirty-six stone firepowers, is also greatly extended.

It has also tripled and can last for three hours.

After a long absence, Zhuang Wudao gradually returned to God, and Li Liping regained the craze in his chest.

“I feel that the Zhuang Xiaohu is afraid that it is becoming more and more useless-“

Zhuang Wudao This is a feeling, and these stone firepowers in front of him are not only the growth of power. After the body is zoomed out, the action is also flexible and quick. This time, Divine Abilty, even with Yu Yunqin’s ‘Golden Armor, is confrontational, can’t fall.

Key 岄偅搴勫皬婀 姝ゆ椂铏 鏄疐 鏄疐 ound ing ound ation ation ation ation ation ation ation ation ation ation ation ation Change

Fortunately, the true value of this woman is not in her combat power, but in the future of the Golden Core, it can cover at least a thousand miles of glimpse.

鈥滀篃鍦ㄦ儏鐞嗕箣涓 浣犳垜鍞竴娌°C湁鏂椤埌镄 鏄 Umbrella, 灏卞彲浠ュ杩炲叚闂≒rfound Technique 銆傗€

Yun鈥檈r 鑻ユ湁 镐濋 镐濋 镐濋 镐濋 镐濋 Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master 鍙惁璇曡瘯, 灏嗗ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉, 鏄熺伀绁炵, 囨捣宕╁ 囨捣宕╁ 涓庣煶鐏姏澹竴钖屾柦灞曘€傗€

Zhuang Wudao 鐪稿厜寰棯,屽悗灏屽悗灏屽悗灏 涓嶈繜鐤€鍙屾鍙屾缁揿嵃浜庤兏鍓 within the body True Origin 榧撹崱銆

鍏跺疄Yun鈥檈r 涓嶈,浠栦篃 夋剰灏濊瘯涓 鐣﹃ 鐣﹃ 备 备 备 备 备 负 负 负 负 负 负 负 负 负 found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found粨钖堜竴浣撱€

铡氶吨镄勫湡鍏冩皵鎭 鐚涘湴钖悭ll around ╂ ╂ 銆 銆 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wudao €岃捣,

Still a height of about a foot, but the body has produced more changes, the flame is more hot, and the stone is more and more firm.

In addition, these stone scorpions have a rhinoceros-like bulge in front of the forehead, and the joints of the limbs also grow a sharp stone. Outside the body, it is covered with a thick layer of magnetic suffocation.

The momentum is more violent and arrogant, and the idea of ​​arrogance is overwhelming.

鈥滆伞鏄€曗€曞皢琛屾棤蹇屾妩镒忎笌纾佸 Cliff Hegemon Body, 涔熻瀺鍏ュ姞鎸佷簬鐭崇伀锷涘+涔嬭韩锛熲€

Yun鈥檈r 鎸夋嵑涓崭綇,鐩存帴鍦╖huang Wudao 镄勮韩镞 鐜板嚭浜呜韩褰便傝傝傝傝杩,鐪奸噷镡犵啝鐢熻锛 滃緢涓嶉敊浜屽崈锲涚栌璞 滃緢涓嶉敊浜屽崈锲涚栌璞 nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound c/oolden Core 涔嫔墠 杈 杈 埌浜屽崈璞 埌浜屽崈璞 鏄痱 鏄痱 鏄痱 鏄痱 鏄痱 鏄痱 鏄痱 鏄痱 鏄痱 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Disappointing Sword Master Chain 鍏堟垚灏盭 NUMXst Grade 镄凯 rfound Technique Divine Abilty , 褰撴槸闾h瘘绁炲瘘绁炲鎴栬鎴栬呯敓姝诲埆呯敓姝诲埆嶅銆傜湡 chain兂鍒 Sword Master chain 鍏坆reakthrough 镄 灞呯劧鏄湳娉曚竴阆撱€傗€

Zhuang Wudao is also speechless, and he did not expect this result. The effect of the Scorpio Eternal Change is really suitable for his work. Just like finishing the finishing touch, make his technique completely change.

蹇界劧闂 Zhuang Wudao 鍙埚绩涓井锷 鎷垮嚭浜嗛偅鍧楀ぉ链虹镄勭鐗囥€傝€屽悗鐩存帴灏卞皢浜旀灇涓夐Origin Storing Stone 鎹忕, € € 夊 夊 夊 夊 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 箣涓

His ranking of the technique has been banned. However, when Zhuang Wudao dropped a drop of his own blood essence, the ranking was immediately apparent.

— The total list of the law in this world is 23,744.

Still not as good as his boxing rankings, but Zhuang Wudao remembers the recent talent list, his own method is still 100,000.

浠栦 浠栦 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 鎴怷 found found found found found found found found found found found found found found氭暟镄凣olden Core 涓峄oundation Establishment cultivator 銆

It is already the number one in the Qi Condensation, and it has quietly squeezed the second place.

Zhuang Wudao 涓岖镄 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 褰揿 褰揿 褰揿 褰揿 褰揿 褰揿 鎯 鎯 鎯 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭 瀹炴湁鍏跺彲鎭

It’s really bad that all of this is all about being peeked at by people.

This type of ‘scorpio is extremely embarrassing, and since it can improve his rankings by 80,000. Fist Technique and Kendo, there must be movements.

There is only one piece of ‘Van Xing Xing Luo’s machine, and it is not enough to have the seals and gods used by him for the day.

鈥滃ぉ chain rainbow trout, 涔熶笉鏄 夊 chain 夊 夊 S S S Sword Master 嬩腑 嬩腑 鏆傛椂杩樻湭 鏆傛椂杩樻湭 嬩腑 嬩腑 嬩腑 嬩腑 嬩腑緟镞ュ悗鍐嶈銆傗€

Yun鈥檈r 鍑鸿█, 镓撴柇浜哯 huang Wudao 镄勬€濈华锛气€沦word Master 鐪间笅镄勫綋锷’箣镐 杩樻槸鎯冲娉曟敼锷ㄤ竴涓嬭 umbrella ithin the body 镄勬硶阒 姝や簨澶ф湁鍙 negative 銆傗€

Originally, Zhuang Wudao’s ‘Shihu Lishi, combined with ‘Thousand Miles and Thunder,’ formed a small battle that could form a force field that can be dissipated.

But now the total number of Stone Firepower has reached 36 giants, and the shape has changed greatly. The previously pre-arranged maps are naturally ineffective.

This is indeed a matter of urgency, once the completion of the re-casting of the law. Zhuang Wudao is confident that the power of this technique can be raised by half a step.

涓嶈 璇 璇 village 埌姝ゅ镞 Zhuang Wudao 涔熻澶 inch 柤, Prfound Technique 旋 槗鏀 槗鏀 坛 坛 槗鏀 槗鏀 槗鏀 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟 笟涔熶笉鏄椂镞 lazy chain

瑕佹 ㄤ篃灏卞彧鑳 ㄤ篃灏卞彧鑳 ㄤ篃灏卞彧鑳 ㄤ篃灏卞彧鑳 镊 镊 镙 镙 镙 湰灏 湰灏 湰灏 湰灏 湰灏 湰灏 湰灏 湰灏 枡鍒 枡鍒 枡鍒 枡鍒 枡鍒 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细Rfound Technique 镞 鐣欎笅镄勪 鍦 鍦 お灏戙

浠栬 冭槛杩囩煶鐏姏澹殑鏁 冭槛杩囩煶鐏姏澹殑鏁 冭槛杩囩煶鐏姏澹殑鏁 噺 镞ュ悗浼氭湁澧炲姞銆傜劧 镞ュ悗浼氭湁澧炲姞銆傜劧 found found found found found found found found found found found found found found 寔鍗佷簩灏婄煶鐏姏澹瀯鎴愭硶阒佃€屽凡銆

鈥滆缮 変竴浜嬧 漎 漎 Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master噺浜嗐€傗€

Yun鈥檈r 镒忎箣 鎸€鎸 鏄箣鍓峑huang Wudao , 鍑嗗浠ユ槦Capturing Dragon , pot hydrogen negative Link Aperture 鏋 (3) 涔嬫椂銆

However, at this moment, it seems that the Scorpio is definitely more suitable.

Zhuang Wudao 涓岖疆鍙惁,鍙綔绁炴劅搴旗潃镊繁within the body,闾d緷鐒跺湪鐕power儳镌€镄勨€樼伀镣 ,杩樻湁婧愭簮鍏冦簿鍏冦

In addition to a little enhanced strength, it has increased to two hundred. At this time, he will use any soil technique to increase the power of two 30%.

杩樻湁True Origin 浠ュ墠镄勪粬 浠ュ墠镄勪粬 钖屾椂寰 涓 涓 涓 浜屼 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S L L L Thinning effect, 鍒嗗寲涓嶈 鍒嗗寲涓嶈 ,, key 屾槸娉曞姏涓嶅,

However, now, even if it is the thirty-sixth stone firepower of the imperial concubine, there will be more than seven or eight high-order Spirit Tools.

鈥曗€曞ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉镄勫ソ澶 二(二)槸鎶娄粬闾e嚑闂≒rfound Technique Divine Abilty 涔嫔▉,鎺ㄩ珮涓€涓眰娆¤€屽凡銆

杩欓棬Prfound Technique, 镄勭’鏄洿阃效悎浣滀 negative 杩炶剦阃氱獚镄勪腑鏋ore 銆


Zhuang Wudao faintly sighed , 鎽樻槦寮忎簨鍏 槦绉 槦绉 涔熸瀬鍏堕 r r 鍙浉杈冧簬杩欓棬 found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found

鈥滃悗 斾篃镞犳祹浜庝簨 斾篃镞犳祹浜庝簨 瑕佷 瑕佷 瑕佷 瑕佷 杩椤ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉涓篊 杩椤ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉涓篊 杩椤ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉涓篊 杩椤ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉涓篊 杩椤ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉涓篊 杩椤ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉涓篊 杩椤ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉涓篊鍙 鈥

澶╃拠鏋佸 鍙樻 鍙樻 鍙樻 鏂 娆 娆 娆 娆 彲缁 彲缁 彲缁 彲缁 Z Z , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , found found found found found found found睍,闾e ammonia dark €瑕佹暣鏁翠簩鍗佸洓娆°€

浠嶲i Condensation 鍒癋 ation 鍒癋 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wudao Primordial Spirit 澧冧箣钖 浠栫殑鍏埚ぉ鎴橀 鐪熸婵 鐪熸婵 鍙 cult cult cultivator 澶 嚭涓 涓搴 涓搴 涓搴 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 or or or or or or or or or or or or杞甈rfound Technique Divine Abilty ,涓涓鍏鍏°€

鎹(4)€岃█涔 浠栭渶瑕佽呖灏戜 鏋氱 鏋氱 浼 浼 浼 钵娴 钵娴 嶈兘浣垮ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 嶈兘浣垮ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 嶈兘浣垮ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 嶈兘浣垮ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉 嶈兘浣垮ぉ鐠囨瀬鍏冨彉愪n浠栬鑸繛鑴埘rfound Technique 镄凛ore 銆

鐭崇鐭+鍙槸澶╃拠鏋佸崖鍙桦甫鏉ョ殑鍙桦寲涔嬩竴,鍏 bundled 濡 垭鍓戝 ,, Ox Demon Chaotic Dance杩橀渶涓€涓€灏濊瘯銆

The most anticipated is the stabbing style, with the gods of the thousands of miles of magnetic killings and the big broken clouds, it is likely to break through to the 1st Grade under the blessing of the Scorpio.

涓嶈 姝ゆ椂 姝ゆ椂, Zhuang Wudao 鍗村凡鏆傛椂镡勪 缁 缁 璇曟紨 璇曟紨 found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found 岀満鐩湅钖戜畯澶х殑阍熼福,姝h翻杩滀紶鏉ャ€效0娴粴婊 Zhuang Wudao 鐢氲呖鍙闾eぉ绌ぉ绌腑,涓€灞傞殣闅愮殑娉(三)汗銆

That is the story, after the nine bells, it is the beginning of the Fa Conference.

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