A glimpse of Blood Essence, constantly pouring into the altar, inside the ‘Avici Equality King’

Zhuang Wudao Half a squat in front of the altar, feeling himself, as if in the sea of ​​magical power (Swords moving mountains and rivers) (Swords moving mountains and rivers). This time, without special attention, he can feel the excitement of the lord.

Four Foundation Establishment cultivators, two second-order three-headed fish, provide the air-blooded Essence gas, which is not comparable to those of ordinary first-order monsters.

Just talking about the number is a hundred times more than the previous blood sacrifices, and the quality is even more incomparable.

This time, Avici Equality King has already begun to give back even after he finished his ritual of ending the whole set of magical offerings.

A trace of golden blood flew directly from the index finger of the Avici Equality King, directly into the eyebrows of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao also immediately felt the body within the body change, the broken bones, under the action of these magic blood essence, quickly recovered. Even the state is even better than before the war.

The bones are denser, the muscles are stronger and the fascia is tougher.

The same is true for Origin Soul, and the whole person seems to be back in the arms of mother, soaked in warm water.

The wounds caused by the bloody battle of the soul of the soul have been swept away without leaving a trace.

The gods are expanding at a rapid speed. Before that, it was still 280 feet. At the moment, the widest one has reached 290 feet. It continues to extend to 311 feet.

The smell is also sweet and fragrant. However, Zhuang Wudao did not lose his mind, and clearly smelled the bloody and stench after the mellow.

It seems to have fallen into a slaughterhouse full of bones, making people uncomfortable. Zhuang Wudao can only be patient and wait for the end of this blood sacrifice.

Within the body’s True Origin, the same force is also in a crazy surge, Zhuang Wudao, even if it is suppressed, can still not stop.

Previously, Spirit Root 5th Grade, he could only use less than 20% of these golden blood, and the rest would slowly dissipate. At this time, the Spirit Root is absorbed by the Spirit, but at least the essence of the blood of Jiang Jiu is left in your own body.

Almost instantaneously, the 10th Layer and the 11th Layer are continuously broken through until the peak of the 11th Layer is close to the 12th Layer, which gradually stops.

But when the ‘Avici Equality King, the idea, completely faded from the bottom of the lake. Zhuang Wudao stood up, but did not see much happiness on the face, but instead frowned deeply and looked at his own hand.

At this time, a group of True Origin is floating in the palm of his hand. Not long ago, it was still pure and pure, but at this moment, it was obvious that the magic of the big stocks was entangled, and it was constantly tumbling.

Only this time, the blood sacrifice has more than doubled his total True Origin, but it also made him nearly 30% of True Origin, once again contaminated by konjac.

Even worse, with the body, his Origin Soul body is affected to a certain extent, and the magic is not light.

Zhuang Wudao can even see inside, there is a trace of black blood flowing in the depth of his own. And within the mind, it is even more frequent from time to time.

“This Avici Equality King, it’s really a meeting pin.”

Yun’er tone is quite helpless: “True Origin can be borrowed from Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment refining. The inside of Origin Soul is the most difficult to refine. Only with the Great Sorrow Endowment I am afraid that it is not enough.”

“There is always a way to think about it”

Zhuang Wudao thought of a move, transported the yin and yang diversion method, and instantly put all the power of the konjac into the body.

Constrained by this part, the remaining True Origin, which is equivalent to the realm of Qi Condensation’s 10th Layer, is indeed a cultivation base.

After Qi Condensation’s Late Stage, the realm of 1st Layer, even if he now owns the Spirit Root, it takes half a year to accumulate.

And the flesh is more robust, not only has the injury been cured before, but it has strengthened 20% before the blood sacrifice.

Capable of carrying more power, the power of the Great Falling Monument Hand has been restored to four times the power of his current thirty-seven elephants, so the lowest is also the power of one hundred and fifty elephants, which has been fully cultivated. Foundation Establishment Initial Stage cultivator below 3rd Grade.

“In fact, it was not bad. It broke through the realm of the two buildings at one time, and at least saved two years. As for the Origin Soul, anyway, I have already repaired the gods, and there is no way to deal with them-“

Zhuang Wudao spoke to Yun’er in his mind, and directly used the magical species in his own mind to swallow all the konjac invaded.

This time killing the Xiao Family four people, although not from his obsession, is a last resort. However, after the start, Zhuang Wudao did not know how, and his heart also raised a happy.

It turned out that the magical kind of “Devil’s Refining God” was backed up, and the benefit was better than when the Shenlin was killed several times before, directly making his gods read from the original two hundred and sixty feet. To the wide area of ​​280 feet.

With the effect of the blood sacrifice, his current knowledge is truly comparable to the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

About in his heart, the mouth said that he would not be involved in others. However, for the Xiao Family of Great Peace Sect, there is no resentment.

Devouring these konjac, if one day he can achieve what he wants, he will only get more feedback. And if not, the backlash of the magic species will only be more serious.

As for the magic dye, Zhuang Wudao is more open than the sword spirit. It is necessary to greedy the benefits of the blood sacrifice, but do not want to pay a little price. How can such a good thing happen in this world?

“Sword Master is more decisive than me, but I still need to be careful. The Avici Equality King is more important to you than I thought.”

Yun’er’s attitude towards Zhuang Wudao is obviously quite appreciative: “I have some regrets now, and I will lead you to the blood to sacrifice this lord. In the future, it may not be able to help you, but become a drag.”

“If you don’t use blood sacrifices, I will not be able to pass through Shenlin. Today, most of these battles will be taken back to the north by several of them.”

Zhuang Wudao is free and easy to smile, where is there to be so much regret? He didn’t suffer much in anyway. It took less than two years to enter the Qi Condensation. Now it is close to the peak of Qi Condensation and it is expected to hit Foundation Establishment Realm within a few years. In Heaven, for the past 10,000 years, I have been afraid of being alone.

With so many benefits, where can I complain?

“Sword Master really think so?”

Yun’er is very unexpected. The tone seems to be relieved, but he still admonishes: “The blood sacrifice is speedy, but it can’t be too dependent. This time the Sword Master has benefited a lot, more than the sum of the previous sacrifices. It takes at least several years to completely digest. So in my opinion, Sword Master is best not to sacrifice for the next two years.”

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but shake his head. The sex of this sword spirit is really weird and unpredictable. When he was in East Wu Yue City, he urged him to use the blood sacrifice method and asked him to raise the cultivation base as soon as possible.

At this moment, he was afraid that he had suffered a loss and was counted by the Avici Equality King.

However, this time, in fact, no need to remind the sword spirit, he has known that it is best to stop the sacrifice in a short time, try not to touch the Avici Equality King.

In the case of his now with the body, it really needs to be precipitated for a while. It’s not just that the entry is too fast, it takes a while to stabilize the foundation. The konjac that mixes into your own True Origin also needs to be slowly melted.

This time, with four Foundation Establishment cultivators and two second-order monsters as sacrifices, it is enough to delay his next sacrifice time to two years later.

In a thought, Zhuang Wudao put the altar back, closed it and restored the shield, and restored it to the ‘Magnetic Spirit Shield.’

I found this magical festival to benefit. It has increased to four levels of Forbidden Law from the previous fourteenth, to the level of eighteen Forbidden Law. The material has also been strengthened a lot, originally it is some first-order second-order Lingzhen, patchwork. At this time, most of them have been upgraded to second-order or even third-order materials.

After picking up his housekeeping Spirit Tool, Zhuang Wudao is looking around the bottom of the lake.

“Why is Sword Master so? But what did you think of?”

Yun’er is quite strange. He can only sense that the mood of Zhuang Wudao is quite complicated at the moment. There is both joy and joy, but also unbelief and uneasiness.

“I remembered the Xiaozheng who was the only one -“

Zhuang Wudao pinched his fist, that is, his own pulp, the highest sword that was close to the five hundred elephants.

“That Xiaozheng said that my elder brother is far worse than me. I also said that Qi Condensation is the first in this world. I deserved it. I will be on the list and I will definitely have my name in the near future.”

Yun’er stunned, and the latter half did not understand it. He missed with a smile: “Today’s World War I, but four Foundation Establishments, died in the hands of Sword Master. One of them. Still Foundation Establishment Sixth Floor, Sword Master is indeed proud of it. It is one of the four battles. Even with the help of the power of the spirit, there are only a handful of people who can do it in Qi Condensation.

“So I can’t believe it”

Zhuang Wudao released his hand and closed his eyes to experience it. He felt that the powerful power that had never existed before, was flowing in his body.

At this time, he is able to reach one hundred and fifty elephants.

“I have always worried that I was dreaming. When I woke up, I was still in Surpassing City. It was still just a rogue ignorance.”

“But this is not a dream after all!”

Yun’er’s voice turned cold, and the language was proud: “Sword Master, you have Innate Battle Soul, and I have to give pointers to the training. If you can’t force the same level in this little Heaven world, then you can Finding a piece of tofu and killing it is a waste of Sword Master. Your innate talent, also has the name of the negative light cloud sword. The first in this world, what should it be?”

Zhuang Wudao gave a slight glimpse, and then his eyes were clear. After a silent smile, the unprecedented confidence began to emerge from both eyes.

Indeed, why do you need to be upset? Heaven, the world’s number one, who is who I am

I don’t know how far I am from that person. How far is it from that person?

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