“tyrannical the child, it is indeed your chance. I have never taught him anything from beginning to end. Every three months, **, can teach him is actually limited. Martial Dao first, the third method, I am a teacher, in fact, hehe-“

The festival method laughed at the self-deprecating self, and then looked at the youth again. He carefully said: “This is easy to change, and the effect is not bad. It looks like you are no different. Your heart is in the heart.” Humanized Dan, it seems to be completely open?”

The cultivator of the ancient cultivator itself has nothing surprising, and even the Spirit Root did not exist at first.

All mysterious, all in the heart of the collection of a ‘Tianren Huasheng Dan. It only triggers when the complete Origin Soul of the cultivator is inserted. After blending with the owner, Primordial Spirit, it is fully spread out in the body, step by step to create a Spirit Root that inspires the body, and the internal organs of the internal organs. In this way, the true flesh and blood can be blended, so that there is no gap between the Origin Soul and the Spirit Root meridian.

The whole process takes several years. However, once completed, it is the perfect Dao Body.

“The ancient man’s body in ancient times is indeed the mysterious. I now have this body, and it is no different from the body. Spirit Root is even better. Firewood is the Spirit Root. It is suitable for my Cultivation Technique. When the Dao Body is performing, you can communicate with Heaven and Earth, which is at least 30% more powerful than before. It should be much easier to attack the Primordial Spirit in the future than I used to. Unfortunately–“

Having said that, the young cultivator is also slightly bleak: “Isn’t it my own flesh-and-blood, how can it be so close? There is still some inconsistency. That Shiming Jingyan is also suffering from non-small, wanting Completely resolve, in the future, discipline will be a lot of effort.”

“If you have something, you must lose it.”

The real people of the festival are smirking and disapproving: “You can save your life this time, it is already very good. The mismatch between the flesh and blood is not really a flaw. The cultivation of the Primordial Spirit is not serious. After the Primordial Spirit, if you jump out of this world, you can find a more perfect celestial body to make your own meat. I see sect inside the Secret Scripture, Nujiang daoist said cultivator once to Void Refining, Dao Fusion In this situation, Origin Soul can swim around the world, no longer relying on the flesh. There are even cultivators, deliberately reincarnation, in order to perfect Dao Body.”

“Jumping out of this world? I hope that the discipline will have this opportunity in the future.”

Young cultivator smiled and smiled. In this 10,000 years, how many people in Heaven have really jumped out of this world? He did not dare to expect this.

Immediately and face-to-face, the move of the move is a prudent ceremony: “Please also respect the division, set the shifting day for the discipline.”

“Arrangement for the Returning Origin Pile?”

The real people feel a little surprised, and they look at the young man carefully: “Why are you so anxious? You should know that in your case, the later the time you move the nine-turn Golden Core, the more beneficial it will be to you. Hastily, it is hidden. More. Even the last three months, you can’t wait?”

“Disciple this is no longer enough.”

The young man looked up and his eyes showed a cold smile: “I don’t believe in the wisdom of the master. I can’t see the chaos in the southeast. In fact, there is another mystery. No matter how they plan, this time they will give them a distinction.” Surprise, and also avoid others confessing to my Xuan Lingshan day.”

He said in a sincere manner: “The hidden dangers are only hidden dangers, just like the stone flames, it is not irreparable. However, if the discipline does not suppress it, then the Surpassing City Bureau has a global overturn.”

The real person has been indulged for a long time, but he did not refuse it at the end. Instead, he sneaked a sigh of the first slogan: “That’s the day of the day. I will arrange it for you. I will try to show the hidden dangers of this technique in advance. Make up for you. But this trip to the country, you need to deal with me, not to be forced, you must not easily shot, everything can not be strong”

“Nature, Hua Ying will not make fun of my own life. If I can’t show up, I will naturally stand by and watch it. It is expected that in addition to the real person of Shifting Mountain Sect, there is nothing to make me do my best. People who go.”

The young man smiled and looked at himself. Then he looked at the slightest movement: “Shi Zun let Dou Wenlong rush to the side of the game. Could it be that he is interested in the tyrannical Junior Brother?”

“Is you thinking more”

The festival is a real person, and the eyes are cold and ice-like: “The three people of Suqiu have left the country. After the mystery, they will also need to go south. Ji Qiwu’s thoughts are deceitful and difficult, and in the event of danger, the first The one who escapes must be him. His human nature will never place himself in a mortal land. Once there is something, the only thing that can be expected from Surpassing City is the tyrannical moonlight. No talent, but love to make friends, in the Foundation Establishment, the reputation of Sulong, one call.”

When it comes to this, the festival is already sighing. The youth is already in vain. At the time of crisis, there are only people like Dou Wenlong who can hold the scene for Zhuang Wudao and live in the many Foundation Establishment cultivators.

In this way, his master is also worried about the chaos in the southeast.


On the bank of Yanghu Lake, Zhuang Wudao is now ** the body, with a gesture to manipulate a pen, with Dansha as ink, and a symbol on the back of the body.

The calligraphy that has been practiced for two years is undoubtedly revealed at the moment. All the runes are all in one piece, and there is almost no pause.

He repaired the cross cultivation technique, and the boxing is overbearing. Even if it is manipulated by the mind, the gesture is still full of momentum, and the collection is closed. Under one stroke, the veins are fixed, and every symbol is like a dragon.

However, when it was completed, Zhuang Wudao was frowning, and it was worse than his own handwriting. The runes behind the body can only be regarded as coherent and smooth, far less than perfect.

But now it can only be so, he is not a repair of the arm and fist yoga, can not reach out behind his hand.

“Yun’er, these symbols, can really help me call the bloody battle?”

Zhuang Wudao looks strange, but in fact, most of the runes on this body, he recognized. Those who ask God to help the discs are often used.

However, the bloody soul and the upper bound gods are not the same thing as this one.

“In fact, it is the same thing. It is no different from those gods. The souls of these wandering Heaven and Earth, if someone can gather them enough incense, it is a breeze to transform the gods, and the strength after becoming a god, Often the best of the gods.”

Yun’er sneered: “Do you think that these gods are asking for help, what is going on? Any Taoist cultivator is a precaution against the gods. These symbols are really used to ask the spirit, but it is rare. Less. Most of them are against being invaded by the idea of ​​this god, or have the power to stay. Sword Master, you use these symbols, you will no longer be influenced by the thoughts of bloody battles, and it is even more impossible to win.”

“It turned out to be”

Zhuang Wudao I didn’t understand the point. I said that I have time. It is time to study it.

Many runes, I remember them, I know how to use them, and what kind of effects, but I don’t know why.

But since Yun’er has promised, it should be fine.

Then Zhuang Wudao looked at the Yanghu Lake in the distance and still felt his own sufficiency, which was slightly insufficient.

A small Qi Condensation environment, to compete in the four Foundation Establishment cultivator, one of them, is the Foundation Establishment Sixth Floor.

If there is a person who is confident, it is estimated that the heart will be imaginary.

“Yun’er, this time, really don’t want to play for me?”

Not his heart, but Martial Dao of sword spirit, ten times better than him. By yourself, only 30%’s chance of winning is replaced by Yun’er, but there is 80%.

“Not unwilling, but not.”

Yun’er shook his head, his eyes helpless: “Sword Master this time, to borrow blood to fight the soul of the soul. Sword spirit, in fact, is actually the same kind. Conflict, it is impossible to exist in Sword at the same time Master’s with the the body. Otherwise, I will not watch the Sword Master in the spirit ship, I can’t stop the Sword Master from entering the madness. In fact, Sword Master don’t have to worry, I watch the bloody soul. Before the fall of the ontology, at least it is also the realm of celestial being. As one of the four konjac, it is only one of the battle instinct, even above me. It can also bring the power of Sword Master’s Great Falling Monument Hand to peak and better. Casting ‘swallowing the sun, and ‘blood phlegm, two mysteries. This is far more powerful than Yun’er-“

Zhuang Wudao sighed, but his eyes gradually became clear. He is not indecisive, arrogant, and the words of the genius, but only in the depths of the heart, because of the pressure of the four Foundation Establishment, a little uneasiness.

However, no matter whether Yun’er can help or not, he has no room for retreat in this battle.

And this time, he chose to summon bloody battle spirits instead of being controlled by sword spirit. Both are worried about their own Great Falling Monument. They have limited damage to these Foundation Establishment cultivators. They are also deeply rooted in the bottom of the heart. They want to face these four Foundation Establishments. Challenge the limits, look at your current strength, how exactly

Yun’er said that people who have the soul of the war are often born to be warlike. For the strength of the enemy, there is also a superhuman instinct.

I hope that as I said, I have not lost my mind by the bust intent that suddenly popped up.

“In fact, in my opinion, Sword Master now, even without the layout of the bottom of the lake, there is no chance that there will be no victory, let alone after preparation.”

When Yun’er came here, his face was rather strange and his eyes were complicated: “Yun’er is still the first to know that Sword Master can be so insidious when it comes to counting people.”

Zhuang Wudao was dumbfounded. These days, he faked the three fish heads in the lake. In fact, it was arranged in the dark under the lake. For five or six days, the traps were completed.

As Yun’er said, he has done his best to prepare, what else is there to fear?

“So, if the four people go down to the lake with you, they will find themselves dead.”

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