“Even if it’s the Foundation Establishment cultivator, it’s just like that-”

Zhuang Wudao is slightly lost, Qi Condensation is the peak of the world, and it is best to be around a hundred feet. Most of the general Qi Condensation situations are between seventy and eighty feet, or even less than this number.

Only some of the gods are particularly powerful, and the spiritual knowledge covers the distance from 120 to 150 feet. Just like the Sanjiao flying sword that Zhuang Wudao saw that day.

The Foundation Establishment, the Initial Stage cultivator, is based on three hundred feet. Few are after this level, beyond this level.

Two hundred and nineteen feet, his god knows, even if it is hard-working with the Foundation Establishment cultivator, it will not suffer.

Zhuang Wudao did not feel excited and relaxed. As soon as I waited for my own god, I settled down at around 224 feet. Then I turned my attention and looked at me.

Next is Accumulating Sword Art, this is the real top priority, “Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Rui Lei Fa” and “Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra” this time can break through the 2nd Heavenly Layer. Zhuang Wudao doesn’t care much, and his influence on his combat power is actually very limited. Even if the breakthrough time is later, it can be accepted.

However, the Accumulating Sword Art of the 2nd Heavenly Layer, he is determined to win.

Before the opening of the False Spirit Aperture, the scent of the scorpion, the spirit of his with the body, has been increased to the Ten Commandments.

Zhuang Wudao This time, with the help of the tens of times of the tens of times, the continually scouring and refining the ten swords, and then making it grow with its own True Origin Qi and blood.

Then carefully began to separate, in the ten swords, they all extracted a fine silky glimpse, and then merged into one. Then it will start again and again, each time, it will take four or five hours.

The eleventh, twelve, thirteen –

When the thirteenth sword is qi, it is naturally generated in the body. The sword that was originally in the lower reaches of Zhuang Wudao was instantly condensed, and then went to the lower abdomen of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao only felt a pain in his abdomen, giving birth to numbness. The whole body is turbulent, and Qi and blood are countercurrent.

After the interest rate. Zhuang Wudao spit out a bite of blood and dyed it in front of him. Fortunately, at this time, his changes in the body have been initially calmed down.

Only Zhuang Wudao’s face showed a shocking color. At this time, just below his navel, there was an unknown acupoint.

The thirteen swords have been condensed into a sword shape, resembling the appearance of Light Cloud Sword. Within this acupoint, they are neatly arranged in a circle.

At the center of the thirteen swords is a large version of ‘Light Cloud Sword. However, there is no more decaying state that I have seen before. In this acupoint, there is a lot of brilliance, and the edge is full. Above the forbidden lines of the quaint mysterious, a little divine light flashes.

“Yun’er, what is going on here?”

Zhuang Wudao was both surprised and surprised, and did not get a reply. When you opened your eyes, the body that Yun’er showed, has disappeared.

Zhuang Wudao Brows a pick, I feel a little wrong. God read the swordsman behind him, and then found that the light cloud sword, also at this time is not in the shackles.

“Is it gone?”

A wave of fluctuations in the heart made Zhuang Wudao almost lost his mind, almost making the soul disorder, and True Origin ran away.

Although he was initially reluctant, the time to get along with Light Cloud Sword will be in the future. Unknowingly, this sword spirit, which is called the light cloud, has become the most important person in his life, and the only one in his heart.

Not in the sword, where did you go? Is it really the owner of this sword?

After the sudden fear, Zhuang Wudao suddenly moved and raised a whimsical thought.

Could it be this light cloud sword, which has now entered his body, just inside the acupoint.

Just the next moment, I listened to the cold voice of Yun’er, and once again sounded: “Sword Master is condensed, and the Sword Master is forgotten. I don’t have the door, ‘Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment,, don’t worry. At this point, to complete this first decision, when should we wait?”

Zhuang Wudao reacted and reacted. Frowning, continue to enter the realm of selflessness, whispering in the mouth

“Ten years of life and death, no consideration, no regrets -“

Yun’er, she is still, let him relax, but Zhuang Wudao has a deep heart, but she has no hope for whether she can complete this ‘Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment.

This collaboration technique, he has long been a clear comprehension, is not a sufficient Qi and blood, the soul can be done.

However, Yun’er said that he rarely refutes. Even if you don’t take it for granted, you will try your best.

“–Thousands of miles of graves, nowhere to be bleak. Even if you meet, you should not know-“

A word light sword shadow appeared in the mind of Zhuang Wudao, just as I used to recite this ‘Great Sorrow Endowment’.

It is estimated that this time, he will also be in the same way as in the past, and it will be difficult to continue when he meets and ignores it.

“Sword Master can be seen clearly”

Zhuang Wudao looked up and saw the figure of Yun’er, once again in front of him. It was wearing a green dress in the lake and dancing with the sword.

A sword and a sword are exactly the same as the perfect overlap of the images that appear in his mind. A set of great sorrowful swords is displayed, and there is no point in the mistakes.

Gradually, at the end of the game, Yun’er’s sword style suddenly changed. It seems that all the swords in the past have been combined, and they are stabbed again. Then the sword light is like a mercury rushing land, the stars are a little bit, and the sky is empty, beautiful and embarrassing. It’s just that the sword shadow is erratic, without a bit of fire and anger, and gives people a sense of illusion and unreality.

Heaven and man are separated, life and death are separated, lonely and desolate, a sadness that is hard to suppress, emerged from the chest of Zhuang Wudao.

“this is?”

Zhuang Wudao’s pupils are miniature, and the eyes are incredible. Within the mind, it is also bursting.

What he always felt was the lack of something. However, when you read that you should not know the seven words, you will not be able to continue.

The latter part of the sword is also completely unknown.

However, this time I saw the Yun’er sword, but I felt subconsciously that this must be the follow-up to the first set of Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment.

Within his mind, the image of the swordsman is no longer blocked. Similarly, like Yun’er, a sword stabbed out for ten years, life and death.

Zhuang Wudao also suddenly moved in the heart, blessed to the heart, and stood up and stood up. Together with the thoughts, the sword in the back of the body slammed, and a sigh of three-year-old Xuanyang sword suddenly flew out and reached his hand.

“Ten years of life and death, not thinking, self-forgettable, thousands of miles of graves, nowhere to be bleak. Even if you meet, you should not know-“

Sword and dance, Zhuang Wudao while practicing the sword. I found out that this time he missed the Great Sorrow Endowment, completely different from the past.

His own gods are fascinated by the sounds, and they are still expanding, and they have reached the height of two hundred and fifty.

Within the body is the same, every piece of flesh and blood, every bone, internal organs, Qi and blood, are regular shocks.

After every tremolo, it seems to strengthen a lot.

When I read the last ‘you should not know, three words, Zhuang Wudao eyes flashed, and the back of the week, the sword shadow disappeared, only one sword stabbed forward.

The fifteen basic swords that were practiced before the hard work – 劈, 刺, point, 撩, collapse, cut, wipe, wear, pick, lift, twist, sweep, dial, press, pull, now in his hands, Complete integration into one.

At this point in his mind, he has completely clear comprehension. This is the first decision of the Great Sorrow Endowment. This sword is not only a life and death force, but also a certain degree, beyond the constraints of time.

Ten years in a flash, two points in life and death

The Qi and blood surges in the body, especially in the left abdomen, turned out to be roaring, and it was difficult to make a mess.

Zhuang Wudao is a return to justice, and continues to stab a sword. Sprinkle a thousand points of sword light, completely in front of the world.

“Ten years of life and death, not thinking, self-forgettable, thousands of miles of graves, nowhere to be bleak. Even if you meet, you should not know, dusty face, like a frost”

It’s like a broken bamboo, and it’s all suffocating. Zhuang Wudao found that his body at the moment seems to be no longer his own, just following this sword style, constantly changing the figure, completely unable to help himself.

But I heard a bang, a burst of sound, two consecutive sounds. It was within this stone room that a mighty sword was rushing out. The stone wall in front, together with the hole door not far away, shattered.

Zhuang Wudao’s sword, which has a clear use of True Origin, has less than one point. However, those hard stone walls are instantly turned into stone powder.

Even outside the cave door, it is also a mess. Zhuang Wudao couldn’t wait to see it. I saw that the two sets of Jiugong Tianshen Leiqi, which were outside the Dongfu, had destroyed at least a quarter.

Within a hundred and forty feet of the surrounding, all the vegetation, withered and withered.

Another tremor is from within the body. Zhuang Wudao can clearly feel that in his body, it is a False Spirit Aperture.

Here, Spirit Aperture is unusually wide, not only surpassing Accumulating Sword, but even trying to force itself out of Life Source Spirit Aperture.

Qi and blood True Origin, all down. A new Prfound Technique Divine Abilty is condensing inside.

Just this process, Zhuang Wudao can’t be controlled at all. It seems that there is a self-sufficiency between Heaven and Earth to help him to form this style of Prfound Technique Divine Abilty.

“Yun’er, this should not give me an explanation?”

Zhuang Wudao feels vaguely, whether he is distracted or not, has no influence on this type of Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, so it is easy to look at the sword spirit in front of him.

At this moment, he is indeed curious.

“Sword Master, you don’t know it? It’s a sword-like name.”

Yun’er’s voice is calm, with the look of looking at a piece of art, looking up and down Zhuang Wudao.

“Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, after each completion, you will be able to open a Spirit Aperture and generate a sword of Divine Abilty. And this first encounter, it is called death and death”

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