At this time, the mysterious section has three drops of blood in his hand, sealed inside a crystal clear crystal. The blood is red and the luster is bright, indicating that the owner Qi and blood are healthy. The cultivation base should be between the five-storey building of Qi Condensation and the 8th Layer. The rest can’t see any surprises and ordinary people.

“This is the blood essence of which discipline in the door?”

A voice behind him, in the calm voice, slightly curious: “At least Qi Condensation, the realm of the five-story building, the age should be no more than twenty, the innate talent should not be weak. Is that Mo asked, or Li Wei? His two people, actually valued this, will be on the list of Kosaku so early? What is going on, I think the Senior Brother seems to be quite awkward?”

Xuanjie does not have to look back, knowing that this is his own Junior Brother Dou Wenlong. Like him, they are all from the children of Xuan Lingshan lineage.

Xuan Lingshan has been for thousands of years, and the Primordial Spirit has never been replaced. The number of Golden Core masters is also the strongest of the two mountains and seven peaks, almost two to three times the other.

Therefore, the difference in entering the city of Tianji can be enjoyed by him and Junior Brother Dou Wenlong. But if it is ten years later, it may not be such a good thing.

Thinking about this, Xuanjie faintly sighed, shaking his head stunnedly: “No, they are still early. Not less than Foundation Establishment Realm, Ming Cuifeng and the two peaks of the peak, will never allow him to go Shang Ying is the list.”

In general, the bulk of the great faction, if not necessary, will not send the blood essence of the outstanding discipline under the door to the list of prematurely. In order to avoid accidents, or to be arrogant to the head, the discipline is aborted.

However, there are exceptions. Like the 371-ranked Gan Tianzong Fang Xiaoru, and the 374th Yuanshi Temple’s Fazhi, all of them are well-known early, and they simply cannot hide. . The Three Sacred sects of the Central Plains are not afraid of those sinister methods. Therefore, these two people were listed on the list of Tianji early, and they were well-known.

Mo Wen and Li Wei, both of whom are rare super-spirited Spirit Roots, are all in the South and have no reputation. There is also a shortage of cultivation base. At this time, it is still too early.

“No?” Dou Wenlong’s eyes are puzzled: “Not them, who is that?”

In the Leaving Dust Palace, is there any other Qi Condensation discipline, which is worth sect, and will send its blood essence to the outside of the city?

“It is the seventh discipline under the real seat, named Zhuang Wudao”

The mysterious face is expressionless, and there is a hint of doubt in the eyelids. It is a few hundred thousand miles away from the Nanping Mountains.

However, within the sect, in recent years, he has heard about it.

Knowing the real people of the festival two years ago, unexpectedly, a young boy with only 5th Grade Spirit Root was given a seat, giving him the only secret clerk in recent years. It caused great dissatisfaction with the Xuanling Mountain.

Only because of this child, has a hand that is said to be better than the Promise of the Promise of the Promise, only to make Xuan Ling discipline grievance slightly flat.

However, in the dark, it is still undercurrent. Many people are worried that after the festival is feathered, who should support the door?

5th Grade Spirit Root, such a character, it is really necessary to send the blood essence to the top of the list early?

It is said that this person had taken earth marrow in his early years, and the cultivation base had already broken through to the realm of Qi Condensation. At the peak of the time, even within one day, the four people in the Eastern Wu Country test were defeated.

However, due to the qualification limit, it has once again fallen silent. This great competition mountain test, even did not participate.

“Zhuang Wudao? Is our first real person?”

Dou Wenlong frowned, apparently on the name, also heard. However, I immediately did not care: “Since sect has a life, then sending a person to send it is. Deliberately sending his blood essence here, it must be intentional.”

“The problem is that this is not the life of the sect, but the personal request of the real person.”

Xuanjie laughed a bit, and Origin Mountain asked him, he would never fail, and he didn’t hesitate. What really makes him embarrassed is not here.

“Real people mean that it is better to simply send the blood essence to the list of heavenly ceremonies. When you let me drop the blood essence, I need to enjoy the exclusive castle.”

Dou Wenlong’s pupils are fierce and Zhang Zhongquan is an incredible color.

Exclusive access to Tianjibao, which requires the clearing of the field exclusive. Blood essence Instilled, no outsiders may be present. Even the guards of the Great Spirit State need to quit.

The entire Tianjibao was temporarily covered, and the ban was blocked. No outsiders could watch the movement. Any changes on the list will not be known to others.

However, it is also costly, even if it is only one hour, it also costs 800 third-order Origin Storing Stone. Enough for a Golden Core cultivator, a year of worship.

After a moment of disappointment, Dou Wenlong recovered and felt that there was some thirst in his mouth: “The real person is awkward, you have not read it wrong?”

For a 5th Grade Spirit Root’s Qi Condensation discipline, an exclusive time for the Sky Fortress, is this crazy?

“Is it Junior Brother, do you think that I am dizzy?”

Xuan’s program was complicated, and he took two things out of his sleeve: “There is this thing, along with the 800 third-order Origin Storing Stone, which has been sent with the letter.”

It is two pieces of jade, the color is similar to the ordinary topaz, but the stone is seven inches, the position and the eyes of the human ear, nose and mouth, just like the same.

Dou Wenlong is once again, sucking his mouth cold: “This is, seal the stone?”

On the list of the day, you can know the world. Everyone’s cultivation base, Spirit Root qualifications, and even Martial Dao can be listed on the list.

However, for tens of thousands of years, the powerful factions of Heaven’s countries have not been thought of. There are always some sinful things that don’t want to let others know.

Therefore, over the years, there are nearly a thousand secret spells, which are dedicated to the seal of the list.

The stone, the most reliable one. You can seal the list of the heavenly machine, a thing that you don’t want others to know.

“Where is Zhuang Wudao? How can he be? What makes the festival real people, so fancy?”

Eight hundred and three orders of implication, two are sealed, what does he really want? Or is it that Zhuang Wudao is really different?

The real person of the festival will accept him as the last person into the compartment. What is the reason?

“The reason for this, I don’t want to know?”

Xuanjie shook his head, and then it was profound, and once again looked at the direction of the machine city: “I have made representations to the Heavenly Dao list, and determined the time of the monopoly, and the time is scheduled to be after the 13th. Only It takes half a month, everything is visible, Junior Brother, why bother?”

Dou Wenlong’s eyes flashed. Also calmed down. On the contrary, after the Xuanjie, I was surprised: “So fast? When was the Heavenly Dao League, and also treated Leaving Dust Palace with me?”

That Heavenly Dao League is said to be a loose alliance, but rather a large sect belonging to the Royal Family. At this time, the Tianjibao should be handled by Heavenly Dao.

In addition to the top ten sects in this world, there are two of the most popular people in the realm of the Primordial Spirit. Needless to say, there are many cultivation families like the oxen, the kings room.

It is not only the Leaving Dust Palace family that is qualified and financially exclusive. Heavenly Dao can arrange their time within three months, which is already extremely preferential.

It was only a short 13 days, which was really unexpected.

“Not Heavenly Dao League gives us face, but Scarlet Yang City ”

The Xuanjie laughs a little bitter, and the Leaving Dust Palace is one of the top ten sects in the world. However, he lived in the last place and was not taken seriously in the land of the Central Plains. Status is only slightly stronger than the usual sect, slightly stronger

In the eyes of Heavenly Dao League and the Royal Emperor, it is just an ordinary mass in the remote and ridiculous land. The impact on the world is small and small.

“Scarlet Yang City has given the opportunity to enjoy the exclusive charter to the real people. The condition is that Zhuang Wudao blood essence is dripping into the top of the list, Scarlet Yang City needs someone to watch –”

“It turned out to be”

Dou Wenlong said this, but his expression is more doubtful. This Zhuang Wudao, how is it related to Scarlet Yang City?


There are three Golden Cores sitting together and consuming the Origin Storing Stone. The Lingbao ship that Zhuang Wudao took was only over three days and reached the sky above Surpassing City.

After returning to the old place one and a half years later, Zhuang Wudao did not care about the emotions, and directly found the location of the Xia Family.

Here he had seen it before, when he looked at Xia Clan’s well-made weapons, he could only stand under the door.

I can’t even stand for a long time, staying at the door for a long time, there are guard guards coming over to catch people.

At this moment, he was in the identity of the Leaving Dust Palace, and when he arrived here, it was a completely different situation.

Just getting started, someone is rushing to report. Less than half a moment, Zhuang Wudao would like to see the father of Xia Miao, the current Ren Family of Xia Clan.

Xia Clan’s Patriarch named Xia Jie, who is fifty years old, but stays in the face and has only 30 people.

It is also the realm of a cultivator, the Qi Condensation 10th Layer. In Surpassing City, it is one of the top figures.

Zhuang Wudao used to admire these people. At this point, it may be that I have seen the Qi Condensation cultivator, and there is no special feeling.

But I also know that these are the masters of all. The combat power is not comparable to the ordinary Qi Condensation cultivator.

The same realm, even if it is an enemy, is afraid that it is not in the words.

After meeting, Xia Jie’s eyes were obviously doubtful. Although it is a smile on the face, it can be a bit cold and incomprehensible.

Zhuang Wudao is equally astonished. He thought that Xia Family should be the root of himself and know what. It seems that today, it is not like it. Giving him the heart of the core, it seems that Xia Miao is willing to go.

Fortunately, Xia Jie looked at his eyes, although it was weird and complicated, but the things were crisp. The two people only talked for a moment, and they gave the box that contained the core of the core to Zhuang Wudao.

When things start, Zhuang Wudao is already happy. Knowing the inside of the box, it is indeed the core of the third-order top, with no half-point discount.

Xia Miao really did not deceive him.

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