Ten 2nd Grade While the Qingshi Qinglian stopped, Zhuang Wudao also lived in the shadow, quietly watching this catalogue far from casting.

This moment is finally here, his death is finally coming.

闅忕潃闾f渶钖庝竴寮犳旦锷ぉ锲鹃潬杩戏纴杩欑墖Heaven and Earth 涔熼€愭笎鍙樿壊銆傛棤鏁 Dress up 仛锛屾毚ㄥ ㄥ 泦钀 泦钀 泦钀 泦钀 泦钀 笅銆 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 鎽囧湴锷纴鍦 瑁傦纴镞犳暟镄勫 瑁傦纴镞犳暟镄勫 瑁傦纴镞犳暟镄勫 瑁傦纴镞犳暟镄勫 瑁傦纴镞犳暟镄勫 瑁傦纴镞犳暟镄勫 娴嗙妫娑屾簠灏勩纴浼煎涓€鐗囩墖鍒€鍒冿纴钟€鍒╃粷浼]€

镓 € 夌殑鍦 夌殑鍦 鐏涔嫔姏锛岄兘鍦ㄨ 鐏涔嫔姏锛岄兘鍦ㄨ 鐏涔嫔姏锛岄兘鍦ㄨ Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Earth 閮 湪涓庝粬涓 湪涓庝粬涓 湪涓庝粬涓

Ning Ge 悊 岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 鍣ㄧ墿涔嫔姭锛屾湰璇ユ槸鐢卞櫒鐗╂湰韬潵 鍣ㄧ墿涔嫔姭锛屾湰璇ユ槸鐢卞櫒鐗╂湰韬潵 鍣ㄧ墿涔嫔姭锛屾湰璇ユ槸鐢卞櫒鐗╂湰韬潵 鍣ㄧ墿涔嫔姭锛屾湰璇ユ槸鐢卞櫒鐗╂湰韬潵 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 矊鎴︼繍瀹 矊鎴︼繍瀹 矊鎴︼繍瀹 矊鎴︼繍瀹皵绁炲浘骞 秹 aven Heavenly Dao 锛屽 He Heaven and Earth 涔嫔珘锛屼粬杩欎 娴╁姭澶╁浘镄勫缑涓 娴╁姭澶╁浘镄勫缑涓 纴浣垮 纴浣垮 纴浣垮 纴浣垮 纴浣垮Power transmission 姘 flag 锲 fear 缑浠ュ叏镵 hydrogen 箣浜 monkey peak 洜鏋滀笉灏忥纴琚 umbrella 娴╁姭鐗佃繛銆

At the time of the robbery, the Wuzu refiner had not achieved Heavenly Dao backlash, and several were killed. And he Zhuang Wudao, although not the refining person of this device, is also not a small one.

The strong robbery faced may be more than the moment when the Wu nationality is not allowed to be robbed, but this is also not a situation that can be afforded by a district.

Even as strong as the big Luo mixed with the yuan, there is also the danger of eliminating the annihilation.

This robbery, I have passed through, and that is the sky. If it fails, there is no way to go except for the body.

“I am compassionate, it seems that the number of princes has arrived!”

That annihilation of the Buddha, at this time has been chanting Buddha, came to the rear of Zhuang Wudao, less than two hundred miles, the purpose of the scene is cold.

“The existence of Xianjun is not allowed for Heavenly Dao. This seat is overestimate one’s capabilities today, and wants to replace the heavens.”

The voice of the Buddha respect has just fallen, and another god man came out from the side, with a smile on his face: “The god of the gods, I have seen the Xuan Ming Dao. Today, I should be inspired, especially to send Xianjun. Come on the road!”

This is the fourteenth-ranked Kun Primordial Spirit in the Da Luo Zhengtian map. At the time of his appearance, he had a strong and powerful force, and he was pressed against Zhuang Wudao.

Neither of them has the meaning of immediate action, but it is just that God is oppressed and can make Zhuang Wudao feel a huge amount of pressure. Interfere with the mood, so that it can not concentrate on robbing.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao’s body week, in addition to Luo Qingyun, two body avatars around the guard, the god of the sorcerer’s devil, also appeared.

These four players are not necessarily the enemy of these two tyrannical tyrants. With this barrier, Zhuang Wudao can still do most of his efforts to deal with the catastrophe.

闾e紶锲紶锲紶锲綍鍙︻灛闂村宸宸 鍒 鍒 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 鍦纴 鍦纴 鍦纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴鎴愶纴鐩存帴绌块忎 忎 鍗乆 鍗乆 鍗乆 鍗乆 鍗乆 鍗乆 鍗乆 Wu Wu Wu Wu 镄勮倝韬箣涓娿 Wu Wu Wu Wu dao镄勫叓阒朵笉鍧忎箣韬纴浜《槸涓€韬健鍏冭繎涔庨渿纰庛€

Heavenly Dao’s robbery is not blocked by the net-protected artifacts of the Qingshi Qinglian. Therefore, this mad thunder is completely borne by Zhuang Wudao.

This should be just a warning from Heavenly Dao, but Zhuang Wudao, but it was a burst of laughter.

“Inspired children, I want to help me become enlightened, then what if I am next to Zhuang?”

绔熸槸骞茶剢镄勫皢within the body 镄勫叓寮犳旦锷ぉ锲剧幇鍑幇鍑簬浣揿锛屼锷ㄥ皢闾锷ㄥ皢闾渶钖庝竴寮犲浘鎷涘紩杩囨潵锛屼娇涔濆浘钖堜竴銆

涔熷 鍦ㄥ浘镵 鍦ㄥ浘镵 姭璧 偅锛孼 偅锛孼 Wu Wu Wu 镄勫懆韬纴涔熻鐩栦笂涓 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu 镄勫懆韬纴涔熻鐩栦笂涓 灞 灞 舰 舰 舰 舰 ぉ ぉChain 敊鏄熸鍙崭咕鍧ら暅鈥欎腑涓 涓 涓 涓 浂鍏栌阆揿垎 浂鍏栌阆揿垎 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑 傦纴涔熼兘钖勮嚜灏嗛偅浜涚浉钖岀殑Z线Zhuang Wudao 镄凮rigin Soul Core 涔嫔唴鎶旷收銆

This is precisely the ‘too eternal robbing of the gods’ and the ‘huntings of the souls of the gods’, the former makes Zhuang Wudao strong body up to the ninth order is not bad, close to the territory of Hongmen Pangu, the latter makes Zhuang The power of Wudao Primordial Spirit quickly climbed and forced across the threshold of Yuanshi. Send his thoughts about Primordial Spirit directly to Daoyuan and make it in front of him.

Both methods, Zhuang Wudao have been carefully prepared for a long time, and have been continuously improved over the past few centuries, more than the battle of the East. At this time, he has no reservations, and no need to stay!

The nineteen-year-old Guan Shizhen appeared in the eyes, and the Taishou Zhou Tianlun was also rushed to the peak.

With the help of the four Divine Abilty techniques, at this moment, his mana was once again climbing up to the pseudo-holy.

Just the next moment, I heard the silence of the Buddha, and said: “Is it impossible to be a monarch?”

鎶 涔嬮棿锛屽 涔嬮棿锛屽 涔嬮棿锛屽 涔嬮棿锛屽 骞 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥 澶〥

This made Zhuang Wudao’s momentum stagnate, and the power borrowed from the tortoise’s Zhou Tianlun fell to a very small amount in an instant.

After the painful lessons of the Battle of the East, I also learned that Leaving Dust Palace and the ‘Sunday Moved Too Unlimited Massives’ are in hand, and can also be promoted to the peak of the 19th. He and the two Great Ascension Buddhas, can you not be prepared for these seven hundred years?

However, Zhuang Wudao did not care much. For this scene, he had already expected it. However, he did not give up the sun and the Zhou Tianlun. This thing has no benefit to him. Instead, he has lost some of his mana. The Great Ascension Buddhism wants to suppress this device, and it is also a huge loss. The 72-faced Buddha can still live in this battle, but it is necessary to have a full set of 64 Taishang Buddhist masters. In particular, the eight-faced mainstay is personally in charge of Buddhism in Yuanshijing.

With these little powers, it is possible to contain the Great Ascension below, and nearly a quarter of the manpower, why not?

The Taishou Zhou Tianlun had no hope, but Zhuang Wudao immediately stepped on the foot. The four fierce gods in the infinite amount of Qiankun are all screaming, and they rushed out from the taiyin yin and yang fish field, and rushed to the dead Buddha and Kun Primordial Spirit.

Today, although he does not have the power of false saints, the Heavenly Dao deed in the North Mingxian Palace was smashed by Zhuang Wudao in the sacred patriarchs 760 years ago.

At this time, he was able to suppress the counterattacks of the four murderers with the mana of the Yuan Shi-level, and initially took control of the four murderers.

That lonely Buddha sees also startled, if this child can now control the four fierce gods wing, then today, in addition to counting on this day, the robbery can kill this can not be immortal, I am afraid they will be here again There is no other way to think about it.

These four murderous demons, even if they are not as powerful as before, can be the same as the strength of the ancestors.

Even if it is as strong as his lonely day, there is no full grasp of any one of them.

However, when I looked carefully, the Buddha of Heaven died in my heart. Knowing these four fierce gods is only the power of the projection of the body. This should be the result of the inability of Xianjun’s mana, and the four fierce gods are still struggling to resist.

However, it is still not to be underestimated. The overall strength of the four beasts is about 30% at the time of its prosperity. In the Da Luo Zheng Tian map, the ranking is about forty. But when these four beasts work together, they are still a small force.

“Come me!”

The Kun Primordial Spirit sighed and sighed. Suddenly, he took out a bag and threw it out. Then he saw the wind rise, and when he turned to the front, he took all the four fierce gods into the bag.

But at the same time, the face of the gods has become very incomparable. After taking the initiative to retreat tens of thousands of miles away, the distance from Zhuang Wudao was opened.

The four murderers have become the beasts of Heavenly Dao. Even if these disintegrated bodies are annihilated, they will not damage the four beasts.

浠栫幇鍦ㄥ彧鑳 娉曞姏闀囧帇锛屾墠鍙 娉曞姏闀囧帇锛屾墠鍙 娉曞姏闀囧帇锛屾墠鍙 涔嬩笉鑳 涔嬩笉鑳 涔嬩笉鑳 负 c c c c c c c锛岀粷涓嶆槸浠 涔堢 涔堢 涔堢 鍗曚箣浜嬶纴宸茬粡瓒 冻 冻 冻 冻 糥 糥 糥 糥 糥 糥 糥 糥 糥 糥湪鍓嶏纴绁炶嵓姝ゆ椂鑻ヨ缮阃炲 锛屽啀 锛屽啀 嗗湪 huang Zhuang Wudao 韬 锛屾棤鐤戞槸浠 锛屾棤鐤戞槸浠 锛屾棤鐤戞槸浠 瀬鍏跺嵄闄╀箣浜嬨

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