“How could it be you?”

Zhuang Wudao raised his eyelids and glanced at the one in front of him, and then his heart was secretly sighed again.

It is hate Hai Tianjun according to the world!

鍑犲崄骞村墠锛岄鐏磱涓€鎴桡纴姝や汉鏄彟 chain 夎浜嬶纴涓嶈兘鍓嶆潵銆effect惁鍒椤墠娆’箣鎴桡纴Leaving Dust 镙湰镞犻渶灏嗕竷缁濇 湰镞犻渶灏嗕竷缁濇 浜 浜 浜 毚 毚 毚

It seems that he is not optimistic about him, not just a seven-sex scorpion. Even the man in front of him, who had seen him and the war of Taikoo, also did not trust him at this time.

However, I haven’t waited for Zhuang Wudao to speak back. Then, according to the world’s fate, I frowned and said: “But it! The dust and the Xuanbi Taoist friend have chosen you, and they have their own reasons. But I can set it, I only hope him. The elderly, this time has not been miscalculated.”

The seven solitude of the celestial son, at this time has been awakened by his words, eyes looked at the past with deep thoughts: “Is it true that you are not optimistic about him?”

鈥滀篃闱炴槸涓岖湅濂 纴镞犳硶浠椤悰鏄 纴镞犳硶浠椤悰鏄 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 竾骞 腑锛屾暣涓﹄ 腑锛屾暣涓﹄ 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡 鎷旇悆镄刡闾e嚑闂—ivine Abilty 硶锛屽挨鍏堕 悎寰佹垬铡潃銆傛垜 悎寰佹垬铡潃銆傛垜 悎寰佹垬铡潃銆傛垜 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 浠栦竴鎴桡纴 浠栦竴鎴桡纴 嫳涓姷寰 嫳涓姷寰 嫳涓姷寰ぇ鍐涳纴阃 € 鐏 鐏 鐏 鐏 劅锛屾柀鐏お鍙や笌镞ユ湀鐏 劅锛屾柀鐏お鍙や笌镞ユ湀鐏 劅锛屾柀鐏お鍙や笌镞ユ湀鐏 锛岀敱镞犳硶浠椤悰涓 锛岀敱镞犳硶浠椤悰涓 锛岀敱镞犳硶浠椤悰涓 锛岀敱镞犳硶浠椤悰涓澶ч樀锛屽彲鐩樀锛屽彲鐩綋浜庝笁浣岖巹纰э纴镊槸镞犲Θ锛岀劧綋浜庝笁浣岖巹纰э纴镊槸镞犲Θ锛岀劧

According to the voice of the world, the Jianmei screwed again: “But this time the opponent of Leaving Dust Palace, I don’t know the dust, is there a count?”

The words are more concealed, but they can be separated. The emperor knows, and he laughs at the first sight. “It turns out that you are worried about the power of creation?”

The right to create, the sage is in the hands of the sage, but in the world, there is no saint, this right to create, it falls on those half-step mixed-race, the so-called Taoist hand.

If there is only one two, he is not afraid, and Leaving Dust Palace can handle it. However, this time, the Daoyuan Dao of Leaving Dust Palace was up to three. This is beyond the ability of this ‘can’

At this time, only the Yuan Shijing is above, in order to preside over the big battle, to resist the right of creation of the Taoist ancestors.

Zhuang Wudao is his eyes flashing and looking into the distance.

The power of creation! The half-step mixed environment in this domain, the reason why the world is afraid of fear, far beyond the big Luo, is precisely because of the right to create!

However, he does not need to care, although this body is only too high, but also has the ability to offset the so-called power of creation.

Unless it is the five ancestors of the mixed ancestors, they will jointly suppress the right to perfection, otherwise they will be unbeaten today.

“Good teaching two assured!”

杩滃鍧愰晣涓 闅呯殑娴皹鏁 闅呯殑娴皹鏁 涔熷湪 涔熷湪 涔熷湪 惉锛屾镞跺嚭瑷 惉锛屾镞跺嚭瑷 惉锛屾镞跺嚭瑷 惉锛屾镞跺嚭瑷 惉锛屾镞跺嚭瑷 惉锛屾镞跺嚭瑷 惉锛屾镞跺嚭瑷 凷 凷 凷 凷 凷 凷 凷 凷揿悰锛屽凡淇垚鍗乆NUMXth Heavenly Layer 澧冮吨鏄庨槼绁炲綍涓庤涓栫湾锛屼富鎸佹阒碉纴骞 鎸佹阒碉纴骞 棤鎯 鍏冮 鍏冮 鍏冮 鍏冮 傗 傗 傗€

鈥滈槼绁炲綍鍗乆NUMXth Heavenly Layer 锛熲€

The sinister child suddenly turned around, it seems that the first time I knew the general, once again looked up and down ‘unable’, full of surprise.

浠ュお涓娄箣韬纴淇垚鍗乆NUMXth Heavenly Layer 澧 殑 嶆槑阒 嶆槑阒 嶆槑阒 嶆槑阒 褰曚笌 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 欙纴绔熺劧 欙纴绔熺劧 欙纴绔熺劧濡傛鍑鸿壊锛熶笉瀵癸纴杩椤凡涓嶆槸鍗旷涓嶆槸鍗旷镄勫嚭鑹蹭簩瀛楋纴鍙镄勫嚭鑹蹭簩瀛楋纴鍙(一)浜嗐€

Child宁堜细堜this child 锛屾潵涓绘寔澶ч樀銆傛€﹄笉寰楋纴杩欎竴浠g殑澶︷渼Supreme 鐜勬槑阆揿悰浼氭槸浠栥€

Immediately, the emperor feels strangely: “According to Heavenly King, I remember that the inevitable inspiration, killing the Taikoo and the Sun and Moon Lantern Buddha, so that the Shura Devil Lord Yu Yugui, should be the one who once robbed, infinite Xuan Ying Wang, the director of the Cangwu Devil Mountain?”

According to the world, it is incomprehensible. At this time, within the bounds of the world, all those who are well-informed are known to be the ‘unable’ of the Leaving Dust Palace.

The seven splendid people are ignorant, and the news has been blocked. I really don’t know this. In the end, how can I survive this million years?

The death of this person in the past dynasty seems to have its cause. The decline of the national movement is not necessarily the main cause.

He has always had a crush on these ruined countries, and he is too lazy to answer.

鍗 鏄湁鍗佸叓 鏄湁鍗佸叓 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 笘鐬 笌阒 笌阒 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞 箞璇村灏戞湁浜涘奖忥纴鍗忥纴鍗村苟闱炴苟闱炴病夋姊夋姊夋姊嬩箣鑳

I have put down my worries in my heart, and turned to the distant side according to the world’s fate: “It’s already here.”

鍙湁Dao Technique 楂樻繁锛屽埌浜嗕竴瀹氱搴搴箣钖庯纴箣钖庯纴箣钖庯纴嶅彲嶅彲涜锛屽ぇ绾崄涓︻敱镞箣澶栵纴璧劧姝崄涓︻敱镞箣澶栵纴璧劧姝涓 鏋 鏋 笁锏 笁锏 笁锏 锛屽悜杩橪 锛屽悜杩橪 ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea棤涓€涓嶆槸鐪熶粰cultivator 锛岃€岀帀杈囦箣鍐呯鍧愮殑锛屾鏄偅浣岖巹寰烽岀帀杈囦箣鍐呯鍧愮殑锛屾鏄偅浣岖巹寰烽灏娿

Zhuang Wudao actually discovered that his weight, hundreds of times from the tenth of the land can be seen, naturally it is early to discover the arrival of this Xuande Daozun.

杩欎綅阆揿皧鍦ㄥ崡娴峰ぉ绂荤兢宀涘紑鍧涜阆掳纴闂ㄤ笅profile 娓愭笎鍏 inch 洓锛屽紑杈熶 涓夊ぇ sect 锛屼篃灏 槸鍗楁捣涓夊矝銆傝槠琚垪涓 梺闂纴涓嶅阆挞棬姝 梺闂纴涓嶅阆挞棬姝 暀锛屽彲閮 暀锛屽彲閮 暀锛屽彲閮 暀锛屽彲閮 娍锷涘 娍锷涘 娍锷涘 娄簬闾 娄簬闾 娄簬闾 娄簬闾 鍜屽骇涓嬬殑缇 拰绁炲銆

姝ゆ椂杩欎綅阆揿皧鎷垮嚭镄勬帓鍦猴纴涔熺’瀹炴槸鎭(一)畯娴╁ぇ锛屾皵璞’竾鍗冦竾鍗冦傞櫎浜嗕笁锏傞櫎浜嗕笁锏傞櫎浜嗕笁锏Im 湁涓夊崄鍏綅 湁涓夊崄鍏綅 Golden Immortal 鍏呬 浠欑 锛屾湇渚嶅湪鍏 锛屾湇渚嶅湪鍏 锛屾湇渚嶅湪鍏 韩 韩 韩 韩 韩 韩

After the jade, there are hundreds of fairy ships, of which eight are seven. I don’t know how many soldiers are accompanying them and are hidden in the cloud barrier.

The seven scattered people looked at it a bit, and they twitched their lips: “It’s said that this Xuande Dao is the most joyful, that is, the nouveau riche-like arbitrage, and it is.”

For this sentence, it is rare to have a similar feeling in the world: “It makes people laugh, but the Taoist teaches the ability of the discipline, but it is not inferior to the dust. For hundreds of thousands of years, the talents under the door are endless, achievements The Golden Immortal is not known to the people. It is the Yuan Dynasty and there are more than a dozen people.”

“But the art is not moral.”

The scourge is even more disdainful: “In recent years, although I have ignored the world, I have been ignorant, but I also know that there are many differences between the three major teachings. These years have been fighting and killing each other. It is this Xuande Daozun, who can’t hold it. And this teaching does not have Da Luo, how can it be compared with the dust.”

According to the world, I couldn’t help but shake my head. That Xuande Dao’s reign under the three religions was due to the lack of resources in the South China Sea.

鑻ラ潪濡傛锛岃 浣嶉 浣嶉 浣嶉 鐪嬩笂 鐪嬩笂 Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le

The latter sentence is true. Xuande’s enlightenment has been nearly two robberies. In the discipline, there is still no one to prove Da Luo.

Not like a dust, there are five big Luo Jing under the seat. Yes, maybe you have to add a disaster

It can be heard that this evil man really respects the dust, and any disrespectful words will call for a strong rebound. According to the world, he does not intend to argue with him, and this is exactly where he respects the dust.

Really want to compare, the Taoist ancestors are inferior.

The car in the distance seemed to be slow and fast, and it was already 100,000 miles outside the Leaving Dust Palace. Zhuang Wudao is unceremonious, directly shakes the flag, and a grand Taixu re-emphasizes the gods and thunders, and suddenly falls like a spear.

鈥沧潵浜 姝ワ紒姝や Le Leaving Dust 灞 棬 棬 嶅湴锛屽皵绛夊叴 嶅湴锛屽皵绛夊叴 嶅湴锛屽皵绛夊叴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴 埚姩浼楄呖姝わ纴

Leaving Dust 灞卞穮锛屼竴浣岖粷灏 瓙搴 瓙搴 瓙搴 瓙搴 鍗囩┖ 鍗囩┖ 鍗囩┖ 鍗囩┖ 鍗囩┖ 鍗囩┖ 0 0 0 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔兘鍙惉闂汇€

That Xuande Tianzun sat in the jade, only one sleeve, swallowed all the thunder, and disappeared.

姝よ█hearing what was said 锛屼笉鐢卞ぇ绗戝嚭澹 鈥涣 鈥涣 man 鐜勫痉锛屾眰璇稬 eaving Dust Palace 缁濆皹瀛愰 鍙嬬幇韬竴 鍙嬬幇韬竴 侊紒鈥 侊紒鈥

The wording of a word is like a giant thunder, which makes the Taoist child who has been asked to change his face, and the five senses and seventies are all bloody.

Zhuang Wudao coldly snorted, raising his hand, he pulled the child back to the side of his body, and a green light entered, which made his injury recover.

He did not expect this Xuande to be bullied, but he was so shameless. If it is not his timely release, the Junior Brother’s cultivation base will be scrapped after the break.

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