Zhuang Wudao is not an easy opponent to fight against his robbery.

Supreme Demon Lord is just too much, but this is the same as him. The body of the Lord of the Lord has already entered the beginning of the Yuan, only the body of the body, still the upper realm.

The Taikoo Demon of the Taikoo Monarch was raised to the forty-seventh floor until this time. However, this is because Taikoo did not manage it with care, and several big Luo Mozhu suppressed it.

And that Ramayana, backed by the Primordial Beginning Demon Lord, can master the twenty-seven-story Rakshasa.

If the real mana is true, Ramayana is actually inferior to the ancients. This is at least one of the top fifteen people who can enter the magical world.

So don’t look at the combination of Zhuang Wudao and Luo Qingyun, you can kill the Luo Luo Mo Lord Ramayana. If you change to the Taikoo Monarch, you may not be able to do it.

As single-handedly fighting, Zhuang Wudao is confident that he can stand up against Ramayana, but if it is against Taikoo, it is a small chance.

And Taikoo has been preparing him for more than 6,000 years, and he has not known how many means he has.

This person is deeply rooted and has many ally who can use it. It is only inferior to the Principal of the Primordial Beginning Demon Lord. Legend has it that in the past, it was the master of Shura. This is one of the three major elements of Demon Dao –

In addition, the inspiration of the gods over there, I am afraid it is difficult to sit still.

Calculated, the sinister danger of his looting is completely inferior to the trip to the North Mingxian Palace, and even more successful.

Zhuang Wudao has a feeling that if the incarnation of the evil thoughts cannot take this opportunity and step on it, I am afraid that there will be no suitable opportunities in the future.

And Zhuang Wudao gave birth to a little bit of killing. In normal times, he or not the Taikoo opponent, as Taikoo scored into his kingdom of God, with his current combat power, but has the possibility of defeating Taikoo.

I can take this opportunity to solve this enemy in one fell swoop. That is the best thing. If it can’t, it needs to be hit hard.

So this time in a trip to hell, he still needs to plan carefully, absolutely not to be careless.

Thinking like this, Zhuang Wudao turned his attention and turned to his own catastrophe. I saw that there was a lot of Xuan Huang Guanghua on the picture.

— This is the ethos of merit. After leaving the Ming Dynasty, Zhuang Wudao found himself gathering a lot of merits.

And the merits of Heaven and Man are both in one place, mixed together and difficult to identify.

It is a pity that his catastrophe can only see the existence of this merit. This item can neither be collected nor locked.

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t know how big it is to the incredible merits. Is it because of myself, once again killed the ‘robbery fruit’, or did it suppress the four murders? Any other reason or another reason?

But no matter what the source is, Zhuang Wudao is happy. This kind of merit, whether from the heavenly daoist road, is extremely precious. There is no one in the Heavenly Immortal world.

Only in this way, I also need to acquire a meritorious treasure similar to Zhenlongzhu.

His ‘Sky and False Stars’ and the Light Cloud Sword, nowadays, can be regarded as the treasure of merit, especially the former. However, these two things can not actively take the merits.

Zhenlongzhu can be charged, but compared to the concentration of his current merits, but it is a slap in the face. Even if it is used for five or six hundred years, it may not be able to fully absorb.

If you can absorb it completely, take more time. However, during this period, I do not know how much merit will be dissipated.

I don’t know if there is a similar treasure in the incarnation of my own evil thoughts. For six thousand years, the barter, although the vast majority, has been put into the preparations for promotion, can always accumulate some of the family?

Zheng Si and here, Zhuang Wudao God suddenly gave birth to a surprise, immediately put away the thoughts, and then found this ‘heavy sword boat’, I do not know when it stopped, vainly.

That Xuanbi Xianwang and Xuanming Shenzun are all looking calm and enemies.

Zhuang Wudao looked at the boat again, and then saw a white-faced jade, the young monk of the facial and delicate and pretty, standing out of the sky.

There is no movement, so it is so simple to stand there, but the road of ‘Heavy sword boat’ is completely blocked!

It is really blocked, this front undoubtedly is very spacious, a vast blue sky, it is reasonable to say that it is enough to ‘reinforce the sword boat’ to turn around and avoid this person.

Can be seen in Zhuang Wudao blink of an eye, this void is already dead end, this road is nowhere!

This is an unusually weird feeling, undoubtedly empty in front, but like a wall with no dead ends. There are nowhere to go left and right.

Zhuang Wudao is also sinking in the heart, raising a trace of surprise. I believe that the mysterious and mysterious people beside him are also the same feeling, otherwise this ‘heavy sword boat’ will not stop halfway.

Can a forcible interception of a big Luo Xian Wang, and this level of mana Divine Abilty, what is the level?

When the other party is a Buddhist monk, I don’t know if it’s the infinite Buddha, or is it a Nether Dragon Buddha, or is it a Buddha?

“It turns out that there is no such thing as a true Buddha. This is really rare.”

When Xuan Biwei condensed his eyebrows, he calmed down again. After a flash, he stood outside the sword boat: “I stopped the road halfway, I don’t know what it is?”

It turned out to be a true Buddha.

Zhuang Wudao is slightly loose in the heart, knowing that this is probably nothing.

This area of ​​Buddhism is built by the infinite number of true Buddhas. Being cherished by the size of the Buddha, respected as the co-owner.

However, this ‘quantity’ is not the infinite quantity of ‘Immeasurable Beginning And End Buddha’, but the infinite quantity of ‘Capricorn’. Capricorn means great wisdom, and Capricorn is infinitely infinite.

This Buddha, also like the Primordial Beginning Demon Lord, is rarely involved in the Heavenly Immortal dispute, even if it is the size of the Buddhist division, does not care.

This time appeared here, I don’t know what it is. However, Zhuang Wudao is only certain that this infinite Buddha is not the enemy of Leaving Dust.

“I am here, but it is not for the mysterious king.”

The infinite Buddha shook his head, and then looked at the direction of Zhuang Wudao: “I don’t know Xiaoyou, can you come out?”

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but swear by God. This is the true Buddha. Is this for himself? At this moment, not only him, the Xuanbi Xianwang and Xuanbi Xianzun, but also the unexpected color.

This Buddha came here, is designed for Zhuang Wudao?

Xuanbi immediately showed a sense of vigilance and has already prepared for prevention. It is not for him not to think like this, Zhuang Wudao was in the North Mingxian Palace, killing Ramayana, forcing the four gods to kill and sacrifice, and sealed the four fierce. This infinite Buddha has no warning, and appears in front of them, can not help but doubt.

The infinite Buddha is faintly smiled: “Xuanbi Daoyou don’t have to worry about it. I am not malicious, but there is one thing to talk about with this unable friend.”

This is the look of Xuanbi. A Buddha is supreme and will never be fattened. In the past years, this infinite Buddha has always been in good standing, and there has been no incident of betrayal.

Zhuang Wudao was also slightly indulged, and moved to the front of the infinite Buddha. He said: “Dare to ask the infinite Buddha, what can you teach?”

“No need for more gifts, no amount can not be called the name of the Buddha. Today is here, I want to ask the snails of the North Ming Daxian, can now be in the hands of the donor?”

The infinitely true Buddha said bluntly, although it was the tone of inquiry, it was already certain.

“I want to make a deal with you in the hand, in exchange for the swallowing snail, don’t know what your friends mean?”

Zhuang Wudao’s face changed, until he listened to the infinite true Buddha language without threatening persecution, which was a little slow.

Just heard later, but he fell into hesitation and hesitation, in exchange for swallowing snails? This thing is in his hands, it is really a trouble, but if you just trade it out. He felt that something was wrong.

I don’t know the Buddha at all. What do you want to do with this swallowing snail? If the other party wants to use this material to attack Leaving Dust, can he not change it?

The infinite Buddha did not pay attention to the hesitation of Zhuang Wudao, and immediately took out a picture scroll: “How about exchanging this thing? I want to be able to meet your friends.”

Zhuang Wudao took a look and then squatted directly in place.

– That is actually a treasure map! And it is one that he is familiar with.

If it is just an ordinary Lingbao, Zhuang Wudao will never be in the eye. However, this is the level of Hongmeng, it is too much to kill the truth!

Once I have seen this catalogue once, Zhuang Wudao will never be mistaken.

And the treasure of this sect of Mengmeng was quietly lying in the hands of the infinite Buddha.

What surprised him even more is that at this time, no matter whether it is the Xuanbi Xianwang, or the back of the ‘Xuanming Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Shenzun’, there is no such thing as an abnormality.

As if this infinite Buddha had come out, it was really just a good thing, and it was similar to Lingbao, which is similar to the value of swallowing snails, not a device that can shake the world.

Zhuang Wudao looked at the picture carefully, and looked at the infinitely true Buddha with suspicion. I couldn’t figure out what it was.

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