Seventy-two 窍 Zijin asked Xuantan is the most precious one of the treasures of Beiming, and there are two of them. The value and utility are second only to this Baodan.

Zhuang Wudao has no intention to carefully count, and with all the swallowing snails, all the strange things here have been included.

Then this time, the real most joyful harvest – a whole five innate chaos!

Be cautious and cautious, it is the secret law that will seal the seal and not let it leak a little. After the completion, Zhuang Wudao was satisfied with a sigh.

This is nothing else in the treasure house. It’s just the innate temperament that makes him feel worthwhile.

After going to this fascination, Zhuang Wudao did not wander around in this fairy palace and returned directly to the southeast corner.

After a day, it was unreasonable and Zhuang Moling, and Hua Xianjun and others were safe and sound. When Zhuang Wudao threw the embroidered hankerchief to Zhuang Moling, the latter couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t wait to hold Zhuang Wudao’s face on the spot.

This makes Zhuang Wudao laugh, even if it is a crow who controls the death, can not get rid of the female instinct, prefer this multi-colored thing.

Compared with the first Heavenly airdrop, this celestial cloud embroidered hankerchief is much more pleasing. In the view of Mo Ling, this treasure is better than the practical energy of Heaven’s air beads, but it will not be in the eyes of Mo Ling. .

But then, when the three saw the coma and Yuan Jun still in the coma, they didn’t look good.

Until the latter was confirmed, it was already spiritually ignorant and there was no threat, and they all sighed with relief.

Afterwards, including Hua Xianjun, they are all nervous, and they are so worried and suddenly wake up and wipe them out.

It’s like a mortal person, sleeping with a tiger-like feeling.

At this time, the chaos in the fairy palace began again. The Northern Fairy is not known, and Ramayana is degraded, leaving only a treasure in place. This makes the form in the fairy palace, the confusion of the hair.

Zhuang Wudao ignored the matter and continued to cultivate injuries in the battle. It is mainly to suppress the four murders within the infinite amount of the Qiang Kun, the damage caused by the robbery before the recovery, and the dark injury suffered during the war with Ramayana.

In particular, when I used the Pangu Golden Body twice, I was injured.

There is also a solid cultivation base. After the promotion is too high, there are many details that need him to deal with.

In addition, it is prepared for Enron to go out of this North Mingxian Palace. Unsurprisingly, the Primordial Beginning Demon Lord must wait outside the fairy palace.

If you want to get out of this fairy palace safely, you can do it without ordinary illusion. At the moment he left the palace, he had to completely suppress the temperament of the four murderers. In addition, it is necessary to prepare for the fortune of the sky, the destiny of God, and change the cause and effect of that moment. Otherwise, it is not enough to look at it alone with Luo Qingyun’s illusion.

However, after ten hours of time, Zhuang Wudao woke up and found that the entire fairy palace was trembled fiercely.

Zhuang Wudao opened his eyes in amazement and looked at the sky above. Then I immediately knew that this was the North Mingxian Palace, which had been separated from the turmoil of time and space.

“It should be a mixed-race ancestor, personally, and it is more than two.”

Luo Qingyun’s look is calm, with only a sneer: “They can’t sit still after all—”

Zhuang Wudao is also a smile, and this situation is also expected.

From the beginning of the turbulence of the North Mingxian Palace, it is just about five days. It was two days after the seven days that were determined before.

There must be strong and powerful interference, forcibly pulling the North Mingxian Palace from the turbulent flow of time.

The half-step mixed fruit position between Heaven and Earth can be said to be infinite. However, the strength of this field is limited.

The pie is only so big, you can eat one more, others can only eat one less.

Today, between the dozens of half-step hybrids, this is the relationship. In addition, it is more about the enlightenment. The more the number of half-step mixed elements, the less chances of being able to prove the saints.

Therefore, those ancestors who are half-step mixed with the environment are rejecting attitudes for the latecomers. And what Bei Ming’s actions will also touch the nerves of these ancestors.

If the success is true, more than a dozen ancestors will not be able to suppress it.

However, this does not affect the layout of the North Ming Daxian. This has long been expected to interfere with the Taoist Daozu, and it has also mixed the number of days beforehand, making it difficult for Taoist to perceive.

In this world, there is no real mixed fruit.

The time reserved for the Great Immortal is also sufficient. Whether it is the monk and the Yuanjun, or the ancestors of the heavens, this has a full grasp of the sacrifice.

With the force of the surrounding time series, it became more and more stable, and Luo Qingyun got out of the way and retreated into the void of the swallowing snail.

In addition to the endless space, this swallow snail has another advantage, which is the idea of ​​isolating all cultivators. Whether it is the Da Luo Xian Wang, or the mixed Yuan Dazu.

Her identity as Dao Body and Luo Qingyun can win over others, but she can’t get through those few half-steps.

For the sake of safety, she is best not to have the possibility of being touched by the two.

Zhuang Wudao’s destiny domain, in front of Daozu, can only cover his body at most.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao, and his heart fretting, looked at one side. Just beside him, Yuan Li is invisible. It was the dragon of the destiny, and suddenly it was dancing. Body sees the wind rising, and instantly swells to a thousand feet, the dragon must dance, showing the state of majesty.

Actually has recovered –

Zhuang Wudao has been able to sense the dragon of this destiny, which is like the majestic power of Hong Meng Daoyuan.

– Before it was a small reptile, it was already a mighty dragon. The power of the mixed ancestors has begun to spread.

The body has begun to integrate into the long-term river, but before leaving, the original virtual but returned to the head, deeply looked at Zhuang Wudao. Immediately, a silver spurt out and called Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao heart slightly startled, subconsciously want to fight against. But then the heart was moving, letting the silver light into the body, and then went straight into his infinite glory, turned into a little silver, sprinkled around the demon holy day.

Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help picking up an eyebrow. He already felt the ban and made a few points. Joining the timing of the Dragon of the Destiny, directly to make this the most ferocious Divine Beast ever, there is not much resistance.

Looking up again, the figure of the dragon of the day has disappeared without a trace. Suddenly, a few people couldn’t see the dragon’s shadow, and they couldn’t sense the dragon’s air.

Mixed energy, but he is now able to measure –

Zhuang Wudao shook his head, and his heart was still satisfied. He did not know that the move before the destiny dragon was for gratitude, or to follow the Heavenly Dao will, to strengthen the day of the demon. But it is real, helped him a big deal and solved a great hidden danger.

This time between the two parties, it is considered to be mutually acceptable. The dragon of destiny, by virtue of his power, escaped the attack and attack of the demon sacred, and he can also use this original force to interfere with the investigation of the Primordial Beginning Demon Lord. There is also the last group of silver light, which is also helpful to him.

This guy, finally, did not let him be busy –

And then, Zhuang Wudao looked at him again, and he was still in a coma.

This is another thing that makes him a headache. He can sense that the Xuan Bixian Wang is already nearby, ready to accept him and unreasonable.

But how could he possibly take this away and take it with him?

This time, the change of the North Mingxian Palace, Yi and Yuanjun are one of the victims. The beginning of the four gods’ destruction, the scene of the sorrow and the cultivator, many cultivators are in sight.

It can be said that in the coming months, this Yuanjun will still be the center of the aftermath of the aftermath.

Walking with Yan and Yuan Jun, this is not asking for trouble, it is equivalent to seeking death –

However, if you put this me, it will not work. When Yan and Yuanjun were strong, nature was invincible, and no one was disrespectful. But now this woman is a heavy injury, and it is a state of coma. Once it is discovered, it is likely to have an unpredictable disaster.

Having said that, it’s not bad to use a knife to kill people and let this woman die in other hands.

In the mind, I turned this idea, but Zhuang Wudao has not been implemented. After all, Luo Qingyun was still watching the eyes of the snail, and he was not good at the face of the Senior Sister.

In addition, there is also a scruples about the upcoming Da Luo Dao dispute. At this time, all the aspiring Da Luo’s too high-level in this domain are in glare like a tiger watching its prey. When only forty-nine big vacancies were vacant, they took the opportunity to take the position.

Zhuang Wudao is also too Golden Immortal, but after all, I have just stepped into this situation and still need to consolidate.

For him, the time for this big road to come is as late as possible.

It takes a short time to take the North Mingxian Palace back into normal sequence. Zhuang Wudao left alone with the suburbs of Yan and Yuanjun, and found a secret place on the west side of the place.

There are also many treasures of Yan and Yuanjun, which are not inferior to the last hidden treasure of Beiming. Zhuang Wudao first searched for the highest ranking in the world. The grass was arranged in the body of Yu and Yuan Jun, and then a police array was carefully designed to connect with the Primordial Spirit of Yu and Yuan.

The former is only for the peace of mind, providing the most basic body protection. What really makes you feel safe and sound is the latter.

In this case, if you feel any possible threats, you will forcibly awaken your mind.

After doing all this, Zhuang Wudao returned to the original road. Less than half an hour later, the void timing around the North Mongol Palace finally returned to normal.

In the moment when all the power changes and completely subsided, the singular voice of Xuan Bixian Wang suddenly passed straight into the palace.

“Xuan night, can’t you, where are you two? You have been well.”

Zhuang Wudao looks awkward, and with the unreasonable, move towards the direction of the palace outside the ceremony: “I am here, all safe and sound!”

When the voice falls, there is a silver-sword light, which turns into a rainbow and appears in front of the two. At the same time, I only listened to Xuanbi’s words: “Nothing is fine, but there are still chaos and disputes. I can take it with my sword and retreat from the North Mingxian Palace.”

Zhuang Wudao is so deep in his heart that he knows that the situation outside this fairy palace must not be too good.

There is no more words at the moment, and I drive the ‘Nandou Xuanlong 辇’ with the unreasonable, and rush to the outside of the fairy palace.

There was a rainbow of swords that led the way, and the car was unimpeded. Just three or four hours later, Zhuang Wudao’s car was flying away from the fairy palace.

After coming out, Zhuang Wudao knows what kind of battle is outside this fairy palace. It is a god of the gods, and countless cultivators are in the distance. All come from the various Xuanmen Buddhism, and each of them is based on one side.

Zhuang Wudao is slightly confused, but he is not because of this momentum. Instead, there are three magnificent ideas in a row, sweeping through him.

Xuan Bixian Wang can protect him from the innocence after leaving the palace, but can not retreat these three ideas. Fortunately, these three, for Xuanbi also quite scruples, sloppy, did not find any doubts, and immediately retired, finally there is no Techique that can break Zhuang Wudao.

At the same time, in the depths of the North Mingxian Palace, Yan and slowly opened their eyes, first of all a faint confusion. However, after the shackles, the eyes of Yan and Yuan Jun suddenly condensed and restored the focal length.

“Wu Yazi -“

Suddenly flying in the air, squatting and looking far away, just in this square of the fairy palace, there is no trace of the person.

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