“Is it already?”

The unreasonable face is pale, and this change outside the palace undoubtedly means. The ‘four gods and sacrifices’ arranged by the North Ming Daxian has entered the stage of completion.

It also means that all the cultivators that enter this North Mingxian Palace will be trapped in this palace, and they will not be able to escape, and even have a murder!

That ‘four gods and deaths’, since you have a ‘sacrificial’ word, you must have a corresponding sacrifice. The only difference is that the object of this sacred sacrifice is not a god, but a source of Tao. It is the beginning of everything. It is Heavenly Dao.

And the four fierce gods are only the basis of this ‘four gods and deaths’. This whole North Mingxian Palace is like a huge closed instrument. All the creatures who enter this battle have the risk of being sacrificed, and naturally he is unreasonable.

And he is the immortal realm’s cultivation base, which is undoubtedly the most risky group in this city.

This makes the unreasonably insulted, knowing this, giving him the courage to dare beforehand, and dare not chase this North Mingxian Palace.

Zhuang Wudao did not answer, but thoughtfully, looking far away from the place where the battle with the demon.

“Somewhat wrong, the demon sac needs to have the body of Da Luo, so that you can stay in this world. Then the North Ming Daxian wants to resurrect, I am afraid that it also needs the position of this world, there is a lack of position.”

However, the forty-nine big Luo in this world are still in their place, and there is no place to vacate.

Avici Equality King is a retreat, and it’s a good half-step in the impact, but this is still not successful, still still occupies a big Luo Dao.

“That is, it is likely that this is because of the shackles and the intrusion into the North Mingxian Palace.

Luo Qingyun’s eyes are also a series of contractions: “The four gods and gods sacrificed, it is necessary to have a living in the world, can really achieve perfection. But the goal of this North Ming Daxian, originally was someone else. He and her, this It is to stop the disaster for others.”

This is the omission of the North Ming Daxian, the arrangement in the North Mingxian Palace, mostly to lure another Da Luo.

This person may be the owner of the Northern Monsters Palace, or it may be the enemy of the North Ming Daxian.

However, nowadays, Yuan and Yuanjun have misunderstood and misunderstood because of the pursuit of Zhuang Wudao, which led to the formation of the North Ming Daxian.

“Most of it is so.”

Zhuang Wudao has seen Luo’s heart and mind, and his heart is quite helpless.

Although he wanted to kill her and then quickly, it was the chief culprit of the Jade Emperor Yuanjun’s “fallen”. But this Senior Sister, but he did not regard the shackles as the enemy of life and death, still has sisterhood, it is difficult to give up.

Obviously, I don’t want to see you, and I really fell into a dangerous situation and became a sacrifice for the North Midlands.

Sovereign Heaven Sword Saint, once swept the world, actually has a soft heart when it is soft–

Slightly shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao turned to look at the rear, the chaotic corpse: “I don’t know if Senior Sister can’t resist it? I will help you all.”

Originally, according to his meaning, in fact, the preparation is for his own sake. This is only the base that was not killed by the demon sacred day, and became the base of the demon sacred at the time of the five robbers, so the result is good anyway.

But the current situation is completely different.

Not to mention that he himself is also in this game, can not get out temporarily, but also the risk of being sacrificed by the North Ming Daxian. Even if he is only for himself and the future of Leaving Dust, he needs to do his best to stop the North.

Leaving Dust Palace has a close relationship with the Northern King, and there is very little contact, but there is not much enmity between them.

However, Zhuang Wudao is pinned on the Primordial Spirit in Taixu, but it is clear that if it is really successful in this North, then for the Leaving Dust Palace, it must be a catastrophe!

The strong sense of crisis made him sway and even hard to control himself.

Suddenly, Zhuang Wudao has a clear comprehension, and his heart is revived: “It is a robbery, that North Ming Daxian, this is to shape itself into a robbery!”

– So it is the ‘four gods and deaths’, so it was chosen when the five robberies were the most powerful, let the North Mingxian Palace live.

Once completed by the North Ming Daxian, not only can the pre-production base be rebuilt, but the Dao Body will be recast. You can step into the half-step mixed-level realm in one step, and even rob the Divine Abilty abilities of the murderous era. This enslaved the bodies of the four great beasts and became the supreme being in this heaven and earth.

It is impossible to change it in normal times. But now it is the beginning of the looting, when the catastrophe between Heaven and Earth is the most intense!

This North Ming Daxian, born in time, does not necessarily have no hope of success, and becomes the existence of the dragon that transcends the destiny of life –

On behalf of the world, ask the mixed yuan! The figure of the North Ming Dynasty is so big that people are jaw-dropping.

And in this destiny cause and effect, the timing and the imaginary methods are all distorted, even if those mixed-age ancestors learned, they are equally incapable of stopping.

It was really a lesson for this North. Zhuang was also the first to realize that this robbery can also be shaped by human beings, not by Heaven and Earth.

With his words, those who are away from China and ignorance are again amazed. No need for Zhuang Wudao to make a reminder, the two people all thought of the most terrifying results.

At the time of the robbery of the year, the horror of the four murders was still clearly described in the Tao. If it is really succeeded by Beiming, then this will not only make the four murderers able to resurrect the way of the corpse, but will also be above the four murderers, and have the power to control the four fierce gods.

It is likely to become the most terrifying existence of this day on the ground!

“Junior Brother’s guess should be correct. That North Ming must be such a plan.”

Luo Qingyun is not so surprised. With her understanding of Beiming, the acting style of the Daxian has always been done or not, and it must be perfect. Usually low-key is not seen, but once there are any measures, it will certainly be able to shake this field and make the teachings look.

In short, no matter what kind of major event is made, it is a matter of course in the eyes of people of that era.

So at this time, Luo Qingyun, has been carefully observing the corpse of the illusory demon, thinking about the method of cracking.

The corpse of the untouched demon sacred before, because it is not dare to move, the formation method is the second, but the industry is slightly contaminated with firepower, and it is endless.

At this time, this illusory demon, they are equally unmovable. In addition to the firepower, there is also the cause of the ‘four gods and deaths’.

The so-called one-shot movement of the whole body, the corpse of the emptiness of the demon, is the key to the ‘four gods and deaths’, the most important.

Even if they are not afraid of the firepower of the sacred sacred sacred, they may not be able to move it easily.

The rush to start, will only lead to the counterattack of the ‘four gods and deaths’. At that time, not only could not destroy this battle, but there was an unpredictable danger and a fallen danger.

“I can identify the four changes here, do with difficulty and see seventeen. Any one of them is enough for me to wait.”

Luo Qingyun did not wait for Zhuang Wudao’s reply, knowing that the future XXIXXXXTIANLYLY VIEWS will be more than her. The method of cracking that I think of will not be inferior to myself…

There seems to be no abnormality in the corpse of the sacred and sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred .

It is not directly related to the body of the two demon sacred, but covered the entire ‘four gods and deaths’.

Any change in one place will trigger the thunder of this ‘four gods and deaths’!

And just for a moment, Luo Qingyun took another sigh of coldness: “It turns out that I know that this dragon is too virtual, why it will be knocked down from the half-step.”

At this time, Zhuang Wudao is also suddenly realized. Without the reminder of Luo Qingyun, he has already figured out the joints. Although the ban on the law is tyrannical, it is not enough to hinder others from breaking.

But the North Ming Daxian, is actually the “four gods and deaths”, and the Heavenly Dao robbery of this domain! Anyone who wants to destroy this law at this time is equal to Heavenly Dao’s robbery as an enemy.

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