姝ゆ椂瀹忕宸茬粡鍦ㄧ┓灏 竴鍒囨 竴鍒囨 竴鍒囨 娉曞湪阃冭劚锛屽彲鐪熸浜ゆ 娉曞湪阃冭劚锛屽彲鐪熸浜ゆ 鍒 鍒 鍒 夎缗杞 夎缗杞 夎缗杞 箣鍐呯殑杩欎 箣鍐呯殑杩欎汉娉曞姏涔嫔己妯亹镐栵纴鍏堟槸涓€濂梥word array 锛岃摝鐒堕仴绌虹涓嬶纴灏嗕粬阌佸湪浜嗕腑澶銆傜揣闅涓嬶纴灏嗕粬阌佸湪浜嗕腑澶銆傜揣闅忓叾钖庯纴鍙堟槸涓€搴у疂濉旓纴鐜 簬闾h缗杞》殑涓婃楠锛屽畾浣忎简杩欐楠铏氱┖涓栫晫銆傝繛缁姩鐢Lazy jade rudder rudder (1) 畯锛屽ぇ chain 変 bundle 瑁曘

“Glyphs and small tricks! This seat is intended to give way, but the Taoist friends are insatiable.”

The macro is now murderous and cold, and the Supreme Immortal Monarch-level mana is also revealed at this moment. At the same time, the three major jurisdictions were superimposed and displayed, and the space between the thousands of miles was suppressed.

Two of them are 1st Grade peaks, and there is one more, which is a superb!

Under the pressure of the three major jurisdictions, Zhuang Wudao’s soaring arrogance will be a little bit. Followed by a group of five-colored smoke scattered, shrouded the body.

杩欎欢浜旇浜戠儫闅滐纴浜 “槸涓 浠跺厛澶╀笂鍝佺殑鐏靛疂锛屽 浠跺厛澶╀笂鍝佺殑鐏靛疂锛屽 浠跺厛澶╀笂鍝佺殑鐏靛疂锛屽 琚キ镣 琚キ镣 琚キ镣 浠欑锛屽媺 浠欑锛屽媺 浠欑锛屽媺Do with difficulty 寮鸿揪鍒 揪鍒 浠椤疂镄勯 浠椤疂镄勯

The twelve chaotic smashing swords broke into it, only bursting out a burst of ‘Zizi’ sound, less than half of the smoke, and the swordpower was exhausted.

‘Tai Yu Shen Xu Tower’ can not hurt people by locking the void. The macro is away from the tip of the finger, and a little bit of light thunder is blown up, and the slamming Light Cloud Sword is bounced again. This is the thing that threatens him the most, so it seems to be an understatement, but the macro is already doing its best.

After fully defending the attack of Zhuang Wudao, this macro has been calmed down from Daojun’s face.

Since the blockade has been evaded for the time being, it will not escape. Before, nothing more than a guilty conscience, not wanting to expose too much, but now the situation, has not allowed him to retreat. And his opponent is not the tyranny he imagined.

The macro was completely left in the same place, and looked calmly and looked at the opposite car dragon. After the two men played against each other, Hong Li knew the other’s roots. The mana was indeed tyrannical and arrogant. It can be studied in its essence, but it is only the Golden Immortal.

Even if this one’s strength can be compared with Supreme Immortal Monarch, it can only be at most equal to him. It’s a joke to want to take his macro away.

“It’s ridiculous, the friend of the road is too confident. You are just a Golden Immortal. Can you really want to kill this monarch? As for the Taoist friends, you must think that I am waiting for these people to be too good. That is even though you are.”

Mocking in the mouth, the macro left the Daojun with a big sleeve, and then there was a sky of five-color light needles appearing behind him.

瀵嗗瘑楹 瀵嗗瘑楹 夯锛岃 夯锛岃 夯锛岃 夯锛岃 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 屽畯绂荤殑涓 屽畯绂荤殑涓 韬皵Monkey 纴姝ゆ椂涔熸槸鑶ㄨ俭鍒 简 peak peak illing intent 鍑屽帀銆

After the initial confusion of the identity exposure, the macro at the moment was born, but instead gave birth to a murder.

The opponent is just like this. On the contrary, it is the death of this person in the car dragon! There is no need to fear to escape, just kill this person, then everything can be restored as usual, and all the flaws and variables can still be concealed.

鈥沧 璋揿ぉ鍫傛湁璺綘涓嶈 璋揿ぉ鍫傛湁璺綘涓嶈 璋揿ぉ鍫傛湁璺綘涓嶈 璋揿ぉ鍫傛湁璺綘涓嶈 璋揿ぉ鍫傛湁璺綘涓嶈 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹 鍙嬩粖镞ワ纴鍙皳鏄痹紒鈥

Ten thousand eight thousand five-color light needles, instantaneously like a bee colony, rushed toward the car dragon. Around in all directions, there were six more air-powered machines, six blood-red smudges, and the far-reaching ban on the car dragon.

There has been a robbery in the Heavenly Immortal world, which has been inherited for millions of years. Although there is no such thing as a ‘Tai Xin Shen Shuo Soul Cannon’, it can also have its own special way of breaking.

Six blood-killing thorns are collected from the cultivator’s Qi and blood, and then refined by the secret method. The vast power of Wei Neng is almost inferior to the ‘Tai Xin Shen Crushing Soul Cannon’ of the Diyuan Order, and it has the brilliance and corrosion that the latter does not have.

At this time, the six people and the macro from the Daojun joined forces, and the violent attack and slaying, the ban on the opening of the car and the dragon, almost collapsed.

Only one moment, those five-color stitches have already broken through to the car, and the distance is less than a stone.

However, at this time, there was only a sneer in the car.

鈥沧灉涓庝紶瑷 鐩镐 鐩镐 鐩镐 鐩镐 鍙嬬敤镄勬槸浜旇瀛旈泙 鍙嬬敤镄勬槸浜旇瀛旈泙 lineage 镄凛ultivation Technique 銆 姝よ鏉ワ纴 姝よ鏉ワ纴 骇杩樼湡璇ュ 骇杩樼湡璇ュ 骞墠鏄 浜嗭纴浣犺 浜嗭纴浣犺 浜嗭纴浣犺 浜嗭纴浣犺 浠跺疂鐗╀笉阌欙纴浜旇浜戠儫闅滐纴姝 浠跺疂鐗╀笉阌欙纴浜旇浜戠儫闅滐纴姝 悎 悎 悎 悎 悎 悎

鍗佷竾鍏崈鏋 簲鑹 簲鑹 厜阍堬纴鍏堟槸鍑岀┖椤 厜阍堬纴鍏堟槸鍑岀┖椤 厜阍堬纴鍏堟槸鍑岀┖椤 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡 綇锛岀劧钖庡Umbrella

Zhuang Wudao 镄勪咕鍧ゆ棤 忎箣 纴鍙噷椹 簬缁濆ぇ澶氭暟镄凞 簬缁濆ぇ澶氭暟镄凞 ivine Abilty 澶 硶涔嬩笂銆 硶涔嬩笂銆 硶涔嬩笂銆 粬 粬 粬 粬 Divine Beast 浠ュ 浠ュ琛岖敓镄凞ivine Abilty Cultivation Technique 锛岄兘鍙槸鑳 帇鍒 屽 屽 屽 屽 锛屽彲鍞嫭瀵 € € line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line镄勫 鍒讹紒

瀛旈泙涔嬫硶锛屽牚绉 槸杩欎笘闂 渶涓娄箻锛屾渶鐜勫ゥ镄凾 渶涓娄箻锛屾渶鐜勫ゥ镄凾 渶涓娄箻锛屾渶鐜勫ゥ镄凾 渶涓娄箻锛屾渶鐜勫ゥ镄凾 ique ique ique ique ique ique ique ique埌搴曟槸鐢辫皝鏉ヤ娇鐢ㄣ€

Not only those five-color light needles, but also the six blood-sucking spurs, but also a little wave of sorrows, they were directly swallowed by this Tai Chi yin and yang fish field.

Not only was Zhuang Wudao transferred to where it was, but it has disappeared since then.

And immediately after that, the three more powerful jurisdictions also expanded from the car dragon.

Only for a moment, the macro will leave the Daojun’s superb ‘five-line god domain’, and it will not fall into shape. As for the remaining two major 1st Grade jurisdictions, it was completely suppressed. The mana that made the macro away from Daojun was suppressed at this moment!

铡熸湰鏄畯绂讳笉璇ユ槸濡傛涓嶅牚锛屽摢镐曟硶鍩熶笉鏁岋纴涔熷彲do with difficulty 鏀拺锛屼娇镊︼韩娉曞姏cultivation base锛屼笉镊 簬琚墦钀 簬琚墦钀 傜劧 傜劧 Wu Wu Wu Wu 涔嬭 锛岄偅鈥 锛岄偅鈥 锛岄偅鈥 簲琛岀鍩熲 欙纴琚粬镄勯噺澶╂硶 欙纴琚粬镄勯噺澶╂硶鍩燂纴瀹屽叏镄勫 鍒讹纴浠ヨ呖浜庡畯绂 鍒讹纴浠ヨ呖浜庡畯绂 鍒讹纴浠ヨ呖浜庡畯绂 鍒讹纴浠ヨ呖浜庡畯绂 钖涳纴閮 钖涳纴閮 钖涳纴閮 钖涳纴閮 钖涳纴閮 钖涳纴閮 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊

In the distance, the six thorny Zonglian masters were even more unbearable. They were all pale and white, showing their presence in midair.

涔嫔墠杩椤叚浜猴纴杩樻槸镊﹄俊婊°C 锛岃瘯锲 锛岃瘯锲 鍏ヨ 鍏ヨ 鍏ヨ 鍏ヨ 鍏ヨ 箣鍐咃纴鍙鍒诲嵈杩炵 箣鍐咃纴鍙鍒诲嵈杩炵 箣鍐咃纴鍙鍒诲嵈杩炵 箣鍐咃纴鍙鍒诲嵈杩炵 箣鍐咃纴鍙鍒诲嵈杩炵 箣鍐咃纴鍙鍒诲嵈杩炵熀 殑鍖垮 殑鍖垮 竴韬玊 竴韬玊 e e e e e e e e e e e e Origin Origin 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑銆

The same is Golden Immortal Realm, the one in the car, the suppression of the six of them, has come to such a situation!

The macro was a sigh of relief from the Tao. I couldn’t understand it. Why was it that in just one moment, I fell into such a dangerous situation?

“Dare to offend my family, and I am looking for death!”

Just in the four sides of the car, there are four huge gods. Xueyue Jun, Ziyuanjun, Tai Huangjun, Putianjun, all in print, gathered in divine power. The lotus lords of the six thorns, the unresponsive, have been forcibly suppressed by the four Protector gods.

杩椤叚浣嶈幉涓 纴浜 纴浜 湁姣旀嫙 “Golden Immortal 澧 殑鎴 姏锛屽彲姝ゅ埢琚玓 姏锛屽彲姝ゅ埢琚玓 Wu Wu Wu 镄勬硶鍩熷帇鍒讹纴鎴皯70% 锛屾 琚洓澶 rotector 绁炲皢褰揿満杞 潃锛屽 潃锛屽 潃锛屽 緢鏄笉阌欍 緢鏄笉阌欍 緢鏄笉阌欍 緢鏄笉阌欍

“Protector God, will you clear the way?”

The macro’s contraction from the pupil of Daojun can be followed by the Protector of this level. The identity of this car is just a golden Immortal.

Suddenly I thought of something. The macro was changed from the Taoist face: “You are the sorcerer, the mountain river?”

When Ren Shanhe and the robbery were in the same battle, he had witnessed it.

The superficial jurisdiction of this super-goods, as well as the other two super-family jurisdictions that are still not well-known in the world, were used for 6,000 years ago when the monarchs were robbed of the mountains and rivers!

Can be described as this one, no semicolon! And this mountain river is also from Leaving Dust Palace!

In other words, this may have never left the Leaving Dust Palace from beginning to end. It also means that what he will face next is the Divine Abilty that the mountain river used to kill the fruit of the robbery!

“Guess a little bit, but unfortunately it is too late!”

Within the chariot, Zhuang Wudao waved his hand and the chaos became a sword. After 6,000 years, the Divine Abilty of this honoured martial art reappears, but it has no great momentum of 6,000 years ago.

鐒 岃 岃 岃 岃 鍓戝嚭锛岄偅 鍓戝嚭锛岄偅 鍓戝嚭锛岄偅 鍓戝嚭锛岄偅 鍓戝嚭锛岄偅 鍓戝嚭锛岄偅 掑湪镙呮爮涓婄殑澶╁懡涔嬮緳铡熻櫄锛屽嵈鏄倸鐒 掑湪镙呮爮涓婄殑澶╁懡涔嬮緳铡熻櫄锛屽嵈鏄倸鐒 屾侪銆傛姮璧 屾侪銆傛姮璧 屾侪銆傛姮璧粩缁嗘 鐩潃闾 鐩潃闾 娣 娣 矊 矊 矊 sword light 銆

Zhuang Wudao 杩欎竴寮忥纴鍙皢Heaven and Earth 涓囩墿鍖栦 嬩腑涔嫔墤锛岀劧 嬩腑涔嫔墤锛岀劧 嬩腑涔嫔墤锛岀劧 嬩腑涔嫔墤锛岀劧 浣 浣 浣 茔 茔 茔 茔 茔 茔 茔 茔Cloud Sword 涓€鍙h€屽凡銆

鍙嵈宸 槸灏咹 eaven and Earth 涓囩墿锛屼嚎涓囦箣鍓 纴鍖栧叆鍒 纴鍖栧叆鍒 纴鍖栧叆鍒 纴鍖栧叆鍒 杞讳簯涔嫔唴锛屾墍浠ュ墤锷匡纴浜 杞讳簯涔嫔唴锛屾墍浠ュ墤锷匡纴浜 揪浜 揪浜 揪浜Reading

After six thousand years of accumulation and six thousand years of participation in research, he has already swayed this ‘chaos’. And the completion of the positive and negative chaos re-emphasis of the fetal, has turned this ‘chaos change’, to the perfect degree!

杩椤凡鏄帴杩戜簬鐪熸镄勯鏄帴杩戜簬鐪熸镄勯钂橭pening Heaven 锛佸彧宸暟姝ワ纴灏辨棤暗棤€熷櫒鐗╀箣锷熷櫒鐗╀箣锷熷櫒鐗╀箣锷

And the macro is away from the Tao, at this time it is impossible to even change the color, the whole body is stagnant in the original place, can not move, can not speak, even the face of a little bit of expression can not be done.

闅忓悗灏卞湪涓€鐬箣闂鐬箣闂纴琚獿ight Cloud Sword 镄剆word light 锛屾墦鎴愪简鎸ユ福娈嬬㑩锛

Zhuang Wudao was not half-colored at this time, but his eyes were cold and his murder was still there.

“The power of Dao Jun’s escape is not weak-“

Vine 鏄 钂橠 ivine Abilty 锛岀劧 岃 岃 岃 岃 涓鐣屻 涓鐣屻 涓鐣屻 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌 お涓娄笌熷樊璺濓纴鐢氲呖瓒呰秺杩嘢pirit Immortal 涔嬩簬绛塱mmortal realm 銆

It is a matter of course that this macro is not good for him, but if there is not even a little resistance, it would be too exaggerated.

This person saw the machine very fast, and when his “chaos change” sword broke out, he began to fully escape.

灏嗘祽韬玅i and blood 儳锛屾姢阃丱 儳锛屾姢阃丱 儳锛屾姢阃丱 儳锛屾姢阃丱 儳锛屾姢阃丱 儳锛屾姢阃丱 So So So So So So So So 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽

Changed to Zhuang Wudao a year ago, if you do not ask Luo Qingyun and Ren Shanhe to take the shot, it may be really to be escaped by the grand immortal, no help.

However, it was before the achievement of the pros and cons of chaotic re-emergence, not now!

闅忕潃Zhuang Wudao 镄勬剰蹇典竴锷纴杞讳簯鍖栨垚镄剆word light 锛屽 ammonia鍙埚紑濮嬩 阃嗗悜镄勫彉鍖栥€

The reason why Yan and Yuanjun saw it for the first time was to judge that Luo Qingyun had allowed him to practice the positive and negative chaos and reinforce the fetal element, which was prepared to fight against the fruit. In addition to the power of chaos, you can melt and transform Heavenly Dao into a robbery. Moreover, because of this anti-chaos re-emphasis, you can use any Divine Abilty technique to have a positive and a negative, two changes!

After the completion of the five elements, it can be transformed into the inverse five lines, chaos becomes a sword, and can also be changed to a reversed ‘chaos change’.

鎹 (2) 垚 寸 寸 鍗旷洿锏 鍗旷洿锏 槸浠讳綍 槸浠讳綍 槸浠讳綍 Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di悓镞舵柦灞曚袱娆★紒涓€姝d竴阃嗭纴濞佽兘鍗婄偣涓嶅噺锛屽摢镐曟槸娣 矊鍙樿 矊鍙樿 绉嶉 钂欑骇鍒殑 Divine Abilty Prfound Technique

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