“The five elements are unharmonious, because it is because the Dao Body has not been worn-in-“

Zhuang Wudao slightly frowned, this is no small trouble. It seems that the problem is not big, but once you encounter a rival with the same strength, then this tiny flaw is likely to be fatal.

In the usual time, Zhuang Wudao can refining step by step with Cultural Technique, but at this moment, there is no such leisure.

“It’s okay, then Junior Brother can refine a medicinal pill. I know that a kind of Taiyuan dan can solve the Dao Body’s dissonance. This Dan is quick and quick, and the effect is not as good as the Junior Brother honing with True Origin. Just idle in the future, then for up to a hundred years, you can solve the problem,”

Zhuang Wudao was surprised to raise his eyebrows, and then he discovered that Luo Qingyun, who had been alone before, did not know when he had appeared on his side.

In one body, the body is self-sufficient, and it is obvious that the previous injury has recovered. First, Luo Qingyun himself should be able to easily solve the swordsmanship of Nao and Yuanjun, and the second is within this Beppu. There are enough top injuries to be used by Luo Qingyun. The words of Yi and Yuanjun did not seem to leave any traces in the heart of Luo Qingyun.

When I saw this woman safe and sound, Zhuang Wudao felt inexplicable peace of mind.

“Congratulations to the master, today’s Yuantai Great Completion, the road can be expected.”

It was discovered that Zhuang Wudao had awakened, and both Huaxianjun and Moling had entered the Dan Room, which had been destroyed by Zhuang Wudao.

Both of them have a happy face. The former is due to the strength of Zhuang Wudao, so you can follow the appendix and go further. Zhuang Moling is a pure generation of Zhuang Wudao.

“hehe, the pros and the five elements, the re-emphasis of the birth, can this be regarded as the positive and negative chaos re-emphasize the fetus? It turns out that it seems that Senior Sister, you still refused to give up. The scourge is not enough, but also to harm this little Junior Brother? Or is it ready to let him stop the disaster?”

The ethereal voice of Nag and Yuanjun came again, and it was still full of sorrow: “Senior Sister, you really have a good plan, you have to calculate. You are already unable to rob, you are going to let the Junior Brother do it? Come, the hijacking of Heavenly Dao in this field will not pursue you again. From then on, you can enjoy the freedom and re-enter the ranks of the ancestors. Unfortunately, the Junior Brother, I am afraid that it will be sold for you and still count for you.”

Zhuang Wudao’s gaze, not subconsciously looking at the past from the sound. Re-emphasizing the world directly penetrated many high wall bans, and the outside situation was unobstructed.

After a lapse of one and a half months, the singular sword fairy has broken through to the inner layer of the sword array, only two bans.

With the strength of Yuhe, there are still up to three days, and you can breakthrough into this fairy squad.

It is a pity that his positive and negative chaos has been completed, and the injury of Luo Qingyun has also recovered. After some rest, the fighting power of several people has been restored, and there is no need to stay here.

That Yuhe also clearly saw that several people have already distracted, and their eyes are full of anxiety and resentment. They have already spared no effort to speed up the speed and speed up the break.

It is a pity that the person of the ‘Da Shou Mi Xuanyuan Zhou Sword array’ is a half-step Sovereign Heaven Sword Saint, which was clothed when it was a million years ago.

Even if it is Yu and Yuan Jun, it is impossible to break those prohibitions quickly in the case where the sword array is still hosted.

However, Zhuang Wudao can also see that the words of this woman are not just to provoke and disturb his state of mind. This monk and Yuan Jun, I am afraid that I really thought so.

“Is it true that the Junior Brother is very concerned?”

Luo Qingyun lightly pulled the hair around the ear, and his face did not look the same. “She said that it is not tyrannical, that the anti-chaos re-emphasizes the fetus, and there is indeed the ability to restrain the fruit.”

“I was aware of this incident when I was in a battle with the world. But regardless of what you want to do with Senior Sister, Junior Brother, I will accompany you.”

Zhuang Wudao smiled and didn’t care. In the past, there was an agreement that the sword spirit helped him to enlighten, then he took all the cause and effect disasters before the recovery for the sword spirit.

“I have some curiosity about the past battle between you and the robbery. I am really curious here, but if you Senior Sister, you must not say it, it doesn’t matter. Now I just want to know, you and me, now, How to get out?”

Today, outside this Xuanhan Beppu, it is not just a monk and a monarch. At this time, if you look out from inside the fairy house, you can see the Golden Immortal area no less than thirty. There are even two Supreme Immortal Monarchs, which are located at both ends of the town.

Np> It is also because of these 羲 and the cultivator of the shrine that the thunderbolt that he clothed on the outside has been broken, and the speed of smashing and breaking has suddenly increased.

Despite the early knowledge that Luo Qingyun had been arranged in this Xianfu, Zhuang Wudao could not help but worry.

“Junior Brother, are you really worried?”

Luo Qingyun looked at Zhuang Wudao again, but only saw the latter smiled and looked calm.

At this moment, Luo Qingyun has already understood that Zhuang Wudao is indeed confident and can carry all the confidence.

No matter what she wants to do, Zhuang Wudao will take care of her and will try her best to help her. Whether it is right or wrong, whether it is use or not.

In the heart, the blood flow was warm, but Luo Qingyun couldn’t be happy at all. He opened his head and said: “You don’t have to worry about getting out of the way. Before the battle with the fruit, I have arranged here.”

In fact, she prefers Zhuang Wudao to be able to trust herself more. Instead of being in love with the past, I am willing to give everything for myself.

Luo Qingyun said that the strategy of getting away, Zhuang Wudao soon saw it. It is the third floor below the Shuifu Xiangong, which is burned in a partial house. The scale is not huge, it can be used to build the foundation of the spiritual array, but it is not what Xianshi Xianyu, but a large group of sun essence, to the extent of surprise.

Only these things are enough for Su Hanfang to raise the fourteenth ‘Ziyang Shenji Swords’ and raise them up two levels. However, at this time, it can only be used as an escape. Unfortunately, these sun essences can only be lost here.

In fact, there are at least three ways for Luo Qingyun to prepare for escape in the water house. But the rest are not suitable, only this nine-changing light array, the most suitable for the situation at the moment.

Millions of years later, this battle is still complete. The required ones are Xianshi Xianyu, and several kinds of Yanghuo Qizhen are also ready.

When this scene was triggered by the secret law of Luo Qingyun, the four people even took the car dragon and scorpion, and they all turned into a glaring white light, and went to the south, 3,000 miles away from the far side, and cast away.

Zhuang Wudao At this point, I finally realized the feeling of ‘walking with the light’. At this time everything around him became a state of near static.

Twilight nine changes, with the idle speed of peak, changed nine times in the beard.

The two Supreme Immortal Monarchs who tried to intercept were simply unable to react, and they had been easily broken through the white light and worn out tens of thousands of miles away.

Yan and Yuan Jun were also prepared, and the Meridian CD was sacrificed early in the air. Can also not touch this white light, even if it is the meridian CD, the same can be done, and only with their car dragons for a while.

After a while, the idle speed has to slow down.

The lord and the head of the shrine, in the end can only be the sacred Hanxian. A sword squats, and there will be no one to trace the Xuan Han Xianfu, one point and two paragraphs.

The cold and sullen sight, such as the bones of the bones, continued until the car dragonfly flew out five hundred years later, still closely followed. It made Zhuang Wudao feel that the back of the spine was bursting again.

By the time he was five hundred years old, Zhuang Wudao began to prepare for the illusion.

For the great powers such as Yan and Yuanjun, the role of illusion is ambiguous, and Zhuang Wudao is not very good at this. However, within this illusion, Zhuang Wudao adds the technique of causality and fate, which is itself based on the law of the sun.

More or less, it can be misleading, and the direction of the judgment and pursuit of that peace is wrong.

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