Zhuang Wudao can’t help but feel strange: “I don’t know Senior Sister, what is it because of?”

Is it for this robbery? Luo Qingyun and this, there is no friendship.


Luo Qingyun returned to God, first shook his head in the subconscious, but then Zhuang Wudao’s eyes stunned, he could only helplessly: “I just remembered the past, when the last robbery died.”

To this day, Luo Qingyun seems to let go of the burden of his heart, and said: “Junior Brother, you don’t know, I have had a relationship with the five-robbery. The man once had a disguise as a loose repair. Deliberately concealing the identity of his own hijacking, in the Heavenly Immortal world, he pursued the Taoist method. I have known him for thousands of years, I have been friends for many times, and I have talked about it several times. I died under your sword. The fruit of the robbery, whether it is temperament or experience, is quite similar to him.”


Zhuang Wudao screamed at God, and then asked the god to ask: “I also feel strange when I say it, this time the robbery, the name of the robbery of the world, then the last five robbery, it is impossible to nameless? When you talk about this person, you only say that the robbery, whether it is the classic of the Taoist script, or the mouth of you, never mentions his name. What are the taboos? Senior Sister, you and the person have been Friends, should you know what?”

“He really is not a nameless person, but when the world knows, no one can really call his name except the layer of the patriarchal ancestors. Even in the book, you can’t write.”

See Zhuang Wudao’s incredible color, Luo Qingyun another bitter smile: “Only because of his name, it means ‘dao’, which contains ‘robbery’. The ordinary Golden Immortal, even if it is his mouth, it is necessary It consumes at least 10% of mana. It will lead to the robbery for itself. Who dares to call his name? After he died, the name of the robbery disappeared completely from this domain. Forget it, it seems to never exist. Even if it is a mixed ancestor, it is difficult to remember. Just like the robbery of this robbery, you only gave his name, but I can’t hear the name, in memory There are no traces.”

Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but leave the name. Can he remember the robbery of the world, but others have forgotten it.

Then I listened to Luo Qingyun’s tone and said: “I don’t remember the real name of the previous robbery. But I remember that he used to pretend to be the name of Xuanmen in the process of dismantling, Wu Yazi -“

The language has not fallen, Luo Qingyun sees Zhuang Wudao, the whole person, is completely in a state of being dull.

Zhuang Wudao At this time, there is indeed a period of ignorance in his mind, and his mind is like a paste. He still remembers that when the first encounter with Light Cloud Sword, the self-proclaimed sword spirit was exactly ‘Wu Yazi’.

I thought that this law number was owned by Luo Qingyun. Later, I learned that the legal number of Luo Qingyun is ‘Yuhuang Yuanjun’. That ‘Sovereign Heaven Sword Saint’, just when Luo Qingyun was young, the Heavenly Immortal cultivator spontaneously took the nickname for Luo Qingyun.

Later, Zhuang Wudao also forgot about it. It was not until this moment that I knew that ‘Wu Yazi’ was actually the name of the last robbery.

At that time, the sword spirit was both Yun Qingyi and Luo Qingyun, and also Wu Yazi.

Zhuang Wudao also remembered the remnant of the group in his seal. Most of the martyrdom was the remnant of the robbed fruit.

No wonder that you will feel uneasy, and you will not be willing to make the robbery of the robbery of the world, and contact with the remnant soul.

“Why is the Junior Brother so surprised?”

This time it was Luo Qingyun’s turn to ask Zhuang Wudao, his face full of doubts: “But the words of the light cloud, what is wrong?”

Zhuang Wudao returned to God, hesitated a little, or shook his head slightly. Whether it is Luo Qingyun or Yun Qingyi, there seems to be no memory of the ‘Wu Yazi’ remnant.

For a moment, he still didn’t know what to say, and he also had an idea from instinct. It was better to temporarily suppress it.

Another benefit of the self is that Zhuang Wudao’s idle speed is also advanced by leaps and bounds. The road marks are in the dark, and there is no need to avoid the evil spirits in the fairy tomb. All the way unscrupulous, and at the expense of mana, it took less than a day, the two have returned to the Stars and Nine.

In addition to the two barriers here, there are countless murderous beasts and cultivator corpses.

Void overseas, there are still traces of fighting. Divine Abilty, the emptiness of the beast, is still affecting the surrounding voids. The cultivator’s lingering shackles and swordsmanship remain, and they are constantly rushing to the Quartet.

This was early in the expectation of Zhuang Wudao and Luo Qingyun, when Zhuang Wudao went to the Tomb of Wudi, and went to the time of the battle. The defense of the Stars and Nine Worlds has never been put down.

In addition to being dominated by Zhu Yunzhui, the strong players like Su Hanfang, Mo She, and Scorpio Monarch were left in Zhuang Wudao to suppress the situation and prevent possible accidents.

The result was not as expected by Luo Qingyun, just at the beginning of the war between Zhuang Wudao and the robbery. The Void Army, also slammed the impact on the stars and the world.

That ‘all devils’, that is, the ghost robbers, it seems that they are really planning to rob the world. This hand is called very ruthless.

Once the battle between him and the robbery of the world is deadlocked, then the battle of the stars and the world will surely touch his heart.

These vulgar beasts, after all, are robbed of the world’s dust, and it is not a pity to lose. But if this beast army can break through the ban on the stars and the ninth world, it will definitely give him a heavy blow, which is enough to determine the victory of his battle with the robbery.

Fortunately in this battle, he is a quick fix. Also in time, the ‘infinite print’ was taken, and the majority of the beast army was controlled by the sky, and it was evacuated from the outside of the Stars and Nine.

That ‘all devils’, or ghosts and robbers, may only obtain some of the authority from the robbery of the world, or may have no battle intent after the robbery of the world, and there is no resistance.

At this time, when Zhuang Wudao returned, hundreds of thousands of cultivators in the two worlds that could swim in the flesh are still waiting.

However, all people’s faces showed a relaxed and happy color. It is very close to the Tomb of the Immortals, but even if it is changed to the normal Spirit Immortal, it will be at least fifteen or six days away. From the center of the Tomb of the Immaculate Fair, Zhuang Wudao and Renshan River are far away.

However, it is only in this world that there is only a survival, even if there is a layer of Yuanjixing, there are some strengths in the two circles, and they will all try their best to see the details of the war in the tomb. Therefore, we can know in advance that the ravages of the sorcerer have returned, and the fruit of the ruin has been lost in the tomb of the innocent fairy.

When I saw the figure of Zhuang Wudao, the whole piece was too empty, and it was forbidden. Almost everyone, is moving towards Zhuang Wudao, or bowing directly to the courtesy, or grateful at the end of the week.

Including the Great Ascension Immortal Ascension cultivator, the immortal realm and the Spirit Immortal, all without exception,

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators, so worshipped in front of Zhuang Wudao.

“We have seen the demon, the demon of the demon!”

“Congratulations to the demon lord, the avenue can be expected!”

“The devil is in the world, invincible in the world! The gods of the sky, the magic is infinite!”

The voices of hundreds of thousands of people have gradually merged into one. Those who belong to the Xuanmen Spirit Immortal and the scattered immortals, although not speaking, but the look, but also with awe of gratitude.

Zhuang Wudao was first moved, then he was helpless. In fact, in the end, the result of the robbery was led by him and Luo Qingyun. This world is suffering from innocent disasters, and there should be no disaster.

He first looked awkward and wanted to say that there is no need to do so. Anything is done, in fact, it is for self-help.

I can immediately think of it, I am a demon at the moment, saying such a word, it is a bit weird, weakening the momentum of their own. I also thought that if the robbery of the world was made, then the souls in this world would only die if they were thousands of years old. The presence of these cultivators also has to be more than 90%. At the moment, it was safe and generous, and received hundreds of thousands of cultivators.

After that, Zhuang Wudao took another hand and moved towards those Xuanmen cultivators. They smiled and made a cold and proud color: “I don’t need to thank me, this is the foundation of the god country. No one can impudent. Even if it is a so-called robbery, No exception! Those who dare to commit this god to the gods of the gods will not be forgiven.”

The semantics are actually similar to what he just thought, but when Zhuang Wudao changed his tone, it was full of magic and full of self-sufficiency.

Those cultivators, hearing what was said, are mostly sorrowful, and contain a few fears. The enemy of the robbery has been removed, and the stars and the nine worlds are no longer in danger. Without the threat of foreign enemies, the grievances between the two devils, the conflict of interests between the Xingxuan and the Cangwu gods will once again come to the table.

And Xing Xuan Xiujie, even the first big school Scarlet God Sect, is difficult to counter the god of the sky. Scarlet God Sect does have a good celestial being, but these few sages can never stay in Star Pofound Realm for a long time.

In front of you is the one who kills the country! With the sword of Hong Meng Opening Heaven, who can be the opponent in this world? Who is eligible for this qualification under Golden Immortal?

The same Demon Sect, the look is more awe, fanatic, and even more exciting. Demon Dao is respected by the strong, and the sorcerer in front of him is undoubtedly the kind of supreme who can make them obedient and healed.

Zhuang Wudao ignored the people here and left. He still has something to do, no time to continue wasting on these people. The longevity of the magical mountains, the awe of the Xuanmen cultivator, does not make him happy.

After less than an hour, Zhuang Wudao’s figure appeared in the nine Profound Demon world, and the position is still the general altar of Heavenly Dao.

It has experienced a great war more than a decade ago, and there has been a catastrophe in the aftermath of the fire. But afterwards, it is a blessing in disguise, which makes the nine Profound Demon world gather innumerable veins.

If it is not the fire here, it has not completely receded, and it is so violent that it is still looting. This must be the undisputed first spirit of the nine Profound Demon world.

It is because of the current gods and gods, and they dare not ignore this place and make it fall into the hands of others.

Luo Qingyun deliberately built a branch of the Cangwu gods here, “Cangwu Road”. At this time, most of the gods in the altar are the true believers of the gods. And this ‘Cangwu Road’ is to cultivate those who are sheltered under the lord of the sacred devil, who are still considered ‘innocent’, but who have no devout faith in the demon, and inherit the lineage Cultivation Technique as the celestial god. The branch of power.

Due to the continuous impact of the ground fire, the terrain changed greatly. The original flat land was raised by 30,000 feet in just ten years, and a mountain range was initially formed.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao stood at the highest point of the mountain, and then carefully removed the black beads that sealed in the vast space of the Qiankun.

When this collection of countless void fragments and the world’s origins, it has just been completely exposed within the nine Profound Demon world. Zhuang Wudao suddenly felt that the whole world was boiling, and countless forces, such as the tide of the ocean.

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