The white jade finger, in the end, still couldn’t break through the cause and effect of the fate of the destiny. It was placed on the Black Turtle’s Blood Shield, and the shield that was initially healed was again cracked.

Zhuang Wudao also failed to do so, and shattered the head of the robbery. The palm of the hand is still halfway through, and the top of the head of the dusty dust has risen up a scroll.

The Great Falling Monument Hand of the 6th-order Daoqiang hits it, but like a mud cow into the sea, it is impossible to shake the object.

“Too on the truth -“

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes were a little surprised. The scrolls that appeared in front of his eyes, the shape of his appearance, and even the strength of his power, were similar to the ones he had seen.

At the beginning, I thought that it was really a treasure, but when he looked at it carefully, he realized that it was just a blank.

It’s just an unfinished state of the blank, and it’s not really a fairy. However, the material is excellent, it is a man-made billet, so it can be used as a Great Falling Monument Hand.

Just thinking about it, Zhuang Wudao knows exactly. In the past, it was too much to be sent to this field by Luo Qingyun, but it was not the root of the problem. After all, this thing was born after the ravage of Heaven and Earth. It is a natural thing.

The old Taishang era has disappeared, and there is a new Taishou dynasty that was created in the robbery and fell into the hands of the fruit.

If there is no accident, when this robbery dust grows to truly have the power to destroy the world, this blank can also replace the ‘original’ that he has seen, and become a true ego.

This is really willing to give up, actually will be a hopeful growth into the Hongmeng series of the treasure, as a shield.

The palm of his hand, although it did not really hurt this thing, will certainly impact the foundation of this object, making the growth of this blank greatly delayed.

These thoughts only flashed past, Zhuang Wudao did not think deeply, all the attention was focused on the world. Strong enemy is on the side, not when it is distracting.

One hit evenly divided the autumn, but the robbery of the world did not have any retreat. Another three flying knives, slipping out of their sleeves, still nailed to his eyebrows.

At this moment, the Black Turtle Blood Shield is still in a broken state, and the crack is full of life. However, Zhuang Wudao is also a colorless, directly with hundreds of faces of the hidden shield, stacked on top of each other, wrapped in the right palm. The fingers move in front of the body and mobilize the fate and cause. In the three consecutive sounds of ‘咚’, the three mouths of the 斩 飞 飞 飞 飞 , , , 都 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Zhuang Wudao’s fingers are only a few traces of blood. Most of the power is borne by those emptiness.

However, this flying knife secret technique is indeed sharp and unparalleled. Even after smashing at least three hundred layers of the Nether Shield, it can still break the defense of his fourth-order unimpaired golden body.

If the situation continues, Zhuang Wudao will most likely be forced by the closeness of this robbery.

However, in the chaotic robbery sword array, twelve long-lasting swords, but also at this time.

Even after Zhuang Wudao exhibited the Thunderfire Fairy, the killing inflation accumulated in the battle, the killing intent was still not exhausted.

And just as he struggled with the robbery of the world, the chaotic robbery sword array has quietly accumulated more. At this time, Sword Might, the twelve chaotic swords of the robbery, was once again sublimated, with the breakthrough of a black day. Twelve chaos and annihilation of Jianqi’s emptiness, which caused the robbery of the world, had to retreat.

However, this one can only retreat to ten miles away, a huge bird’s claw in the void, with the power of thunder fire.

The robbery of the world was expressionless, and when a black light came out, he cut off the bird’s claw and made it into a piece of Origin Spirit.

That is the heavy and clear gods that are controlled by Hua Xianjun. This huge heavy bird, although mobilizing most of the ‘Taiwan’s power of the sky, is the power of the squad, to resist the fire and thunder in Zhuang Wudao.

But I have always left a lot of effort, ready to interfere in the battle,

This is also the time before the robbery of the world, not to retreat, not to see the time when the Vientiane renewed from the array, but chose to fight against Zhuang Wudao.

With the restraint of this heavy bird, he could not see the hope of escaping this ‘too imaginary and infinitely mixed elementary array’.

And immediately after leaving Huaxianjun, it is the light cloud that has been regrouped, as well as the ‘flowing fire’ and ‘Thunder Moon’ three swords. In addition to the ‘Damark Black Sky’ and two black robbery swords, a full six-sword light, in the body of the robbery, constantly smashing and colliding, throwing out countless sword shadows, breaking out numerous shocks.

Zhuang Wudao is of course not spared, and the world of robbing the world is also doing its best, and can not retain it in the slightest. Divine Abilty on both sides of the sword, still have no reservations. The emptiness of the void, the smoldering tide, the sound of blasting, and even the two initiators of Zhuang Wudao and the ravages of the world are unbearable.

Seeing the situation at this time, it has fallen into a deadlock. The robbery of the world suddenly gave birth to a warning sign. The first time, he looked at the chaotic robbery sword array under Zhuang Wudao.

I saw where I was, I don’t know when, there was a moment of blue-blue orbs hanging above the sword array.

It’s a slap in the air!

The face of the robbery of the world can’t help but change. He knows this thing. Before he came, he was deliberately mentioning him.

Legend has it that this object can be used together with any Xianbing Xianbao to bless it. The other party has to endure use at this time, I am afraid that I want to hit the decision to win or lose –

When the 气元一气珠 and the chaotic robbery sword array are combined, the Light Cloud Sword’s sword has jumped 30%.

In that rushing sword, Zhuang Wudao also made a laugh: “Ten times, Vientiane update, then why is this ten times for you?”

At this moment, Zhuang Wudao’s killing intent has risen, and the temperament that was prepared to be suppressed in the past has gradually emerged and is wild. Congenital warfare, battle intent endless, and the battle of robbery against the world, under the pressure of the opponent’s tyranny, his gods are extremely focused, and gradually enter a wonderful state. Not only when the sword was used, but also far beyond the past level, Sword Might surged at least 20%, and from time to time, always realized some mysterious legal principles that were previously incomplete.

More importantly, he has gradually touched the threshold of ‘斩自’.

To overcome self, to overcome the limits of self-sufficiency, to defeat the strength is better than the strong enemy of their own, as an opportunity to further on the cultivation base, to find out the evil incarnation!

A rough, like a dragon, is a god of thunder, suddenly banging on the Lingbao ware that seems to be too much to destroy the true scriptures, still can not hurt this thing. But the divine light of this blank is slightly dimmed.

Zhuang Wudao ignored it, and the thoughts of the distant air made 12 chasing swords, and the sword was smashed by a hundred miles. The whole person, with the result of causality, accompanied by shadows, followed the change of the figure.

Qiankun is infinite and arrogant, and the first collision since the two started to fight. Taiji yin and yang gas field and the abyss black hole, tearing each other and twisting.

In this case, Divine Abilty, the source of these two worlds, is all lost. Twelve roads under the blessing of Qianyuan and Qizhu, surged and doubled the power of the chaos to rob the sword, just break into the inside, broke into the body of the robbery.

Zhuang Wudao is the color of the glass in the whole body, and it is also a ‘Great Falling Monument’, with an unrivaled trend, printed on the head of the robbery.

He knows that the robbery of the world at this moment, in fact, there are still many means to retain. However, Zhuang Wudao does not care at all. This fight is not only more powerful, but also a deeper foundation. The tactics and strategies are also the most important.

On the basis of mana, he is not as good as this robbery. On the endurance, he is even less than the robbery that can be used with innumerable robbery. In terms of the weapon, Xianbao can only be said to be quite equal.

His only advantage now is the Divine Abilty Prfound Technique. Whether it is equal or number, it is better than the opponent. The lethality and explosiveness are strong, which is conducive to quick fixes! It is also possible to solve the opponent as much as possible before the decline of its own combat power.

There are many ways to retain this dust, but if it has not been used, it is equal to no general!

Under the slash of swords, the dust of the robbery was scorned, and the robes of the robes suddenly swelled and swelled, and the void of the body swelled and collapsed.

A black spirit symbol in the instant, manifested in the body before the robbery. It’s like a black giant clock, covering the dust of the world.

This is the means he had never shown before. The ability to defend, but not under Zhuang Wudao’s Nether Shield.

The skin of the flesh is the result of the robbery of the robbery and the appearance of a strip of lines. Glimmering brilliance, similar to Zhuang Wudao’s Pangu golden body and nine-turned glass.

The mixed-source robbery sword array is successful in breaking the black giant clock, but can not smash the body of the robbery, can only enter the meat seven inches, and then can not enter.

“tsk tsk! actually still retains this level of Divine Abilty technique, it seems that you are now a little more intelligent. The ancients said that eating a long and smart, really do not deceive me.”

When Zhuang Wudao saw it, he couldn’t help but pick up his lips. It was full of cold and irony. Regardless of disregard, the figure still hits the front of the robbery, and the palm of the hand is like the world of Heaven and Earth, wrapped in the whole ‘world’ impact.

Incorporating the big cracked stone palm after the great move of Qiankun, it is not only the strength of the tyrannical, it is difficult to avoid the absorption, but has also completely integrated his infinite ways, as well as the nine-turn Xuan Gong, the forty-nine yuan merit.

The robbery of the world was not made, and a gold seal appeared in the sleeve, colliding with Zhuang Wudao’s palm.

At this time, both sides are six-order road forces. When they collide, they immediately annihilate a large area of ​​airspace. Not like before, just shatter, but the real annihilation is disappearing!

There was no sound coming out, but Zhuang Wudao and the robe sleeves of the two people were shocked at this moment. The mighty power has made this place hundreds of miles empty and once again plunged into ruin.

At this time, a purple gold flying knife, but from the broken sleeves of Zhuang Wudao, quietly wear out.

Actually it is too too 斩仙飞刀! With the power to destroy everything, he directly locked his Origin Soul.

The robbery of the world is very incomprehensible. This person, undoubtedly is not the body of the robbery, nor the Divine Abilty Prfound Technique, which can make the power of this knife, but actually surpasses itself!

At this time, he has not been able to take any defenses. Within the body True Origin turmoil, has no spare power to resist this deadly flying knife,

I can only watch it, this purple-gold flying knife, the hole penetrates into my own eyebrows.

Fortunately, there is the resurrection of Vientiane, and when the flying knife began to chase his Primordial Spirit, the robbery of the world has already launched this technique. The robbery gathered, and then blasted as before, covering hundreds of miles of defense and destroying everything. Including his body, and naturally there is the mouth of the scorpion flying knife.

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