According to the law of Zhuang Wudao, it is indeed possible to raise Light Cloud Sword to 27 percent. In the future, this sword will have to be upgraded again. The ordinary chaos is no longer possible to make Light Cloud Sword have a big change.

Just like being eaten by those delicious foods, other foods are hard to satisfy. Light Cloud Sword is also like this, with the foundation of merit. Others, such as chaotic vitality, are hard to come by.

Unless it’s a chaotic purple level, it’s hard to fix the level of Light Cloud Sword.

And Light Cloud Sword is a savage stalwart. It is a fierce soldier who wants to turn this sword into a treasure of merit. How easy is it?

The gas of these merits is used up, and sooner or later it will be worn away and returned to its original shape.

However, this is just the beginning of the words, Luo Qingyun knows: “I know, tyrannical your purpose, or for the fruit.”

“This is exactly the case!” Zhuang Wudao said slightly: “This war, although it is a cause and effect, can be considered as a robbery. But if the real robbery is successful, then more or less, still have to bear some Heavenly Dao backlash “”

He himself is no problem, and the merits of the good fortune from the Stars and the Nine Worlds are enough to resolve. However, he can’t help but consider Light Cloud Sword, which has no longer suffered from trauma.

Only with the blessing of merit can Light Cloud Sword avoid backlash.

“Qing Yi, she really found a good master.”

Luo Qingyun has lost a smile: “It is her blessing to be able to follow tyrannical. It is much better than me.”

When she was still thinking of ways to deal with the fruit of the robbery, Zhuang Wudao had already thought of it, and solved the problem for Yunqingyi.

Yun Qingyi eventually abandoned her and chose Zhuang Wudao, which really has a reason.

“Sword Master !”

At this time, Zhuang Wudao within the body’s Light Cloud Sword, is also a whisper, wanting to get out of the body, but was suppressed by Zhuang Wudao.

He knows what Yun Qingyi wants to say, nothing more than a slap in the face, but it depends on him, no need to listen to the opinions of sword spirit.

Directly opened the topic, Zhuang Wudao’s face, full of regrets: “Unfortunately, the time of coming is too short, can not go to see the two fairy bodies under the Leaving Dust mountain.”

Unlike a hundred years ago, he is now qualified to go and explore the two corpses. He did not dare to move the two celestial bodies, so as not to damage the yin and yang pattern under the Leaving Dust mountain. However, the legacy treasure, Zhuang Wudao is how many holding a few points, look at the situation there, there should still be some good things to stay.

“Why do you take this risk? Touching the place, it will trigger the fairy tomb. In fact, there is nothing worth mentioning. After two robberies. The whole good thing, the real good things, Has been taken away, leaving only some celestial being corpses. You want Lingbao-class Qizhen Zhibao, Heavenly Immortal world is won. As soon as you reach the Heavenly Immortal world, find some of the backhands that I left in the past, no matter There are all kinds of rare treasures, all of which are the congenital spiritual treasures of the congenital five elements of Lei Yu and the two instruments of the purple fire of the gods. There are also several pieces.”

Luo Qingyun said so, but the eyes are full of doubts: “What do you want to tell me ten days ago?”

It’s always impossible to talk about the two treasures of celestial being. It will not be Zhenlong Stone. This thing can store the power of merit. It was discovered after Zhuang Wudao arrived.

And what Zhuang Wudao said at the beginning was the word ‘inquiry’.

“It is actually two.”

Zhuang Wudao’s complexion is gradually becoming awe-inspiring, and his eyes are extremely serious: “The first one is the bloody and sword-soul war. I don’t know if there is Techique, please ask for the tomb of the innocent fairy? If I want to make these two, Protector’s way of resurrection, for my use, where to start?”

Before Dao Fusion, Zhuang Wudao could win the enemy with the spirit of the soul. But when he came to Heaven, this method of possession was subjected to the restraint of the new practice in the past century.

Zhuang Wudao is no longer used, but he will be called whenever he is promoted to help him comprehend, and he will benefit from it every time.

However, there are some two kinds of innate wars at the Xianjun level, which is a waste.

Zhuang Wudao had never forgotten before, but he had not enough qualifications because he asked him now, so he suppressed this idea.

But now he is a god, and he has a fruit of comparison with the Primordial Immortal. He is already eager to try and use the two souls.

“It turned out to be this.”

Luo Qingyun smiled and then meditated: “If you want to make these two innate wars possess entities, there are actually many ways, such as a congenital fetus like me, or a avatar like that from Hua Xianjun. Or, the simplest method of sacred person can also be used. It is difficult to awaken its intellect and have a sense of autonomy. It is even more difficult to control it.

Speaking of it here. Luo Qingyun’s tone is a meal; “I have a way to wake up its intelligence. But like this one who can condense the soul of the war, most of them are born, even if they die, they will not be bound. In fact, the easiest way is to tyrannical You, the two souls of the war are brought over, directly enshrined as God. Then the second method, the two battles of the soul refining the demon, to collect their soul, through the magic source blood pool reincarnation.”

Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The seals are from God and can completely retain the fighting instinct of the two war souls. Its will will be enshrouded by the will of millions of believers. The downside is that this is from God and may not be too obedient. If Zhuang Wudao can’t suppress it, sooner or later, he will be separated by the two.

As for the latter one, although it is a pity that these two innate wars, but in the blood pool of the magic source, the birth of two innate talents are extremely powerful Demon Dao creatures with unlimited potential.

“I don’t need to control”

Zhuang Wudao shook his head slightly: “I only need these two people, I can do it for my allies.”

He has had more than 20 experiences of possession of the soul of the war. It is a deep understanding of the strength of these two people, and the strong battle intent that is dead and immortal.

I know how difficult it is to manipulate these two wars. Any method of restraint and prohibition will not work for a long time, and it will not be able to erase its will.

Not even willing to do this, he Zhuang Wudao can live to the present. Can have such achievements now, relying on these two. It’s Zhuang Wudao, owe the two people’s cause and effect,

“Allies and brothers?”

Luo Qingyun took a deep look at Zhuang Wudao: “I will try my best to find a way to fight the soul. But at least you need Junior Brother’s strength, and you can get it in Golden Immortal. I have one thing that can make these two people resurrect, but It still needs to be collected after Heavenly Immortal. It can be put down for a while and it is impossible to do it in a short time. Let’s talk about the second thing that Junior Brother wants to ask.”

“This second piece is tyrannical. Please ask Senior Sister, try it for me! Look at the Junior Brother, my new sword.”

Just as the voice fell, Zhuang Wudao’s body was beginning to change. Long and vast, people still stand in the same place, but the whole person and the body have disappeared in the eyes of Luo Qingyun, and they are too imaginary.

Behind Zhuang Wudao, there is a huge yin and yang fish figure.

Falling light clouds just want to move, but they are slightly surprised. True Origin with the body is changing dramatically. Continuous five-line conversion.

The original gold system True Origin suddenly turned into Muling. After she had to wait, she just got used to it, and that Muling turned into a thick earthen spirit, and the positive and negative cycles changed.

It makes Luo Qingyun, the True Origin with the body, all out of control. It is hard to move the whole person to stand in the same place.

In the void, there is another unseen, but real, majestic sword power, which is being crushed towards her.

Luo Qingyun couldn’t help but feel guilty. He felt that Heaven and Earth’s vitality was turned into a sword and fell into the hands of Zhuang Wudao.

This sword is like a yin and yang robbery, but it has a fundamental difference. It does not borrow a half-point timeline method, nor does it involve yin and yang changes. It is a completely different sword style.

Instead, starting from the chaotic five elements, I really achieved the use of Heaven and Earth as a sword, which fits the martial art of Zhuang Wudao.

The momentum is magnificent and the atmosphere is magnificent. The scale of Divine Abilty is also a direct pursuit of Opening Heaven! No, it has already reached the opening of Heaven, which is the manifestation of Daoyuan, but there are still many flaws and loopholes.

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