Looking at the magical thoughts of the Taikoo Lord, the will returns to the void. Zhuang Wudao faintly sighed, the heart is somewhat dignified.

The so-called thing is not three, but this is the third time that he has smashed the god of the ancient demon.

And next time, when this ancient demon Lord came, it would not be as easy as the first three times. Must be the body of the Taikoo Lord, a genuine Supreme Demon Lord, and is the leader in the next level.

Xing Xuan World is located in the magical distance of the Taikoo Lord, with tens of thousands of worlds. It is unlikely after fifty years, but after a hundred years, it will definitely be a problem for him.

When Zhuang Wudao opened his eyes again, he was not happy because he had successfully survived the nine-fold robbery. On the contrary, the road to the glory of the road is too imaginary.

The reason why I don’t like it is not because of the Taikoo Lord, but because of this nine-fold robbery, it is about to end.

Those who hijacked, Zhuang Wudao did not care much. He already has a fourth-order unhealthy golden body, and he can defend against a few days and nights. But with the help of heaven and man, the opportunity to enlighten is extremely rare.

Just now, he has already touched the ‘source’ of this precinct, which is the source of the avenue. The beginning of all the elements is also the origin of this domain.

Although it was only the first contact, almost all cultivators who entered the Spirit Immortal have such an opportunity. Zhuang Wudao is convinced that the distance from this ‘way source’, surpassing by far, the same level of Spirit Immortal, is not even inferior to the number of the fourteen.

After all, at least half of his current achievements are rooted in the foundation of these true immortals.

It was the great Dao Technique that was stolen from these Xianzun that created his current glory.

When the last piece of robbery dissipated, Zhuang Wudao looked at the three-legged crows next to him.

However, he saw his life-threatening pet, but at this time it has turned into a human form. It is an eight-year-old girl, a beautiful black hair, beautiful facial features, and the skin is smooth and blown. At this time, I was asleep, and my eyes were closed, which made people feel sorry. Looking forward to her opening her eyes, it must be rare and rare.

Actually, I borrowed this genocide and directly transformed it. However, this figure is only eight years old. After all, it is still too young.

According to the three-legged ravens, when they reach the seventh-order, they are already adult. The age of Zhuang Moling is too short, and he has only followed him for less than two hundred and fifty years.

All the way advanced by leaps and bounds, to the level of the fairy level, is completely destructive. At this point, there is no problem with the Spirit Root base, but the figure has not yet been opened.

The body of Spirit Immortal grows slowly. There will be at least hundreds of millions of years in the future, and his three-legged scorpion can have an adult figure.

The reason why Mo Ling was comatose was too tired. This four-day fight against robbery, coupled with his connection with the spirit of Mo Ling, this small crow also needs to bear the fruit he stole from the 14 true immortals, the soul is not as strong as Zhuang Wudao . It’s very good to be able to stay until now.

Zhuang Wudao tried to dig into the inside and found out that it was. The spirit of the body, the situation everywhere, is in the best state, but the Primradial Spirit is weak, clearly is exhausted.

However, this time, the continuous fight against the four-day robbery is not without benefit to Mo Ling. It’s not Zhuang Wudao’s way of stealing the law by the law. It’s the benefit of the Origin Soul, which will make Moling’s future infinite.

After this time of robbery and scouring, the Mo Ling, which was engulfed by many cultivators, has been completely tempering and cleaned. This caused the ink to put aside the burden and solidify her roots again.

Before the Molings robbery, it really did with difficulty. However, if there is such an excellent opportunity, Zhuang Wudao will not be so risky.

Fortunately everything was as he expected, and nothing unexpected happened. It can also be said that Destiny, which was blessed by him in the Stars and Nine Worlds, does not allow accidents.

Light Cloud Sword has also spontaneously floated onto the body of the Mo Ling, and the silk sword hangs down, helping the ink spirit to recover.

Life and death are not full of tears, and the sword spirit only changes a little, it can help the ink spirit to solidify the source. The voice of Yun Qingyi also sounded at Zhuang Wudao’s ear: “Sword Master does not need to worry, it is too laborious. It has Qingyi protection, it has nothing to do.”

“I can save it!”

After a soft smile, Zhuang Wudao picked up the small body of Zhuang Mo Ling and walked out of the void.

When his figure appeared again in the Xingxuan world, he only listened to the bottom, and suddenly there was a tsunami-like sound coming from the mountains.

“The devil is victorious!”

“God is blessed, the devil is invincible!”

“Congratulations to the demon king today, unified the nine Xuan, the card is Xianye!”

The voice is different, but it is not messy. Nearly a million demons, this moment also spontaneously bowed down to him, bowed to the head, not all look devout, respectful.

It is the air around, the more than a hundred celestial being, is also very complex, and each move towards Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao eyes narrow and glanced down. First of all, I only feel a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and rise up in my heart. I only feel that the husband is alive, the greatest achievement, the biggest dream, and nothing more. From then on, master the power of the world and decide all life and death. Even the survival of a single religion is in his mind.

However, these thoughts only lasted for a moment, Zhuang Wudao forced it down and shook his head.

This is all about ‘Heart Demon’, it is a thought that should not be there, only because he is not here. That eternal life is his pursuit.

How about mastering the world? In the eyes of those who are too embarrassed, they are also like ants, and they can be eliminated.

Only the achievement of Peerless Immortal King, the certificate of no one can reach the mixed fruit, can really keep this in front of you.

Like the emperor of the world, the power is soaring. After hundreds of thousands of years have passed, it has turned into a cup of loess. What is the significance of such power?

Feelings have a feeling, Zhuang Wudao can not help but laugh out loud, and sing again.

“Three-foot cloud H twelve emblems, the robbery of the year, the 溷 邸 邸 N颐 has never been natural, and it is really impossible for me to live without it. I will not be greedy and humiliated. The yin and yang will be alive and die, sincerely Self-contained.

Achievements of three flowers, five gas gathering top. I have known since recently that my life is not for me! ”

In the end, this sentence is slightly mad, but at this time the world is silent.

There is no one at all, and it is arrogant and arrogant to feel the words of the monarch.

Zhuang Wudao is just a moment of madness, and then it looks through the eyes and reveals somewhere. He can feel it, somewhere in the void, there is a great existence. Through the seal of equality, we are watching everything here.

Avici Equality King

When he said that he had promised to be the king of equality, he had already promised.

Originally did not report hope, ready to perfuse things in the future. But in the nine Profound Demon world, he finally won the contract. Not only Jiu Xuan, but Star Pofound Realm is at least a small half, falling into his hands.

In these two circles, there are still many generations who want to resist. But they are all inadequate.

As long as he is willing, he can make this nine Profound Demon world sink into the magical prison and become a layer of the magical prison. You can even pay the price and integrate it into the world of imprisonment with a special transformation method.

But the Avici Equality King, I am afraid that there is no interest now, to take over the world.

Regardless of the decision of Avici Equality King, he only has to owe this vow to the Lord. Nine Profound Demon world has already arrived, this magic master does not charge, it has nothing to do with him.

And then, Zhuang Wudao’s line of sight, looking to somewhere in the air, is being locked by his power, the woman there.

It’s the dream and the cold

All the Xian Xiu, including 14 true immortals, Zhuang Wudao did not stop, let him leave.

There are only two people who will not let go, and he will not let him go. It is related to the agreement between him and Ren Shanhe, although the true spiritual obsession of the latter has already dissipated.

Only one flash, Zhuang Wudao came to the front of the dream, watching these two people, the face is like laughing and laughing: “This seat has said that sooner or later, one day, you must go to your Xueyang Tianzhu, cut off Jiuyang Tianhe, destroying you and other mountain gates, you will wait for the system, so that your Snow Yang Palace will never be recovered!

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