“Be aware of any Immortal Ascension, when the Nine Grabs were slain by Heavenly Dao, it is also the most suitable moment with Heavenly Dao. The Primordial Spirit echoes the beginning of the avenue. Although it is a catastrophe, you can use Heaven and Man. First, all Divine Abilty Prfound Techniques are not limited by the usual time. Whether it is time limit or power, it can be far beyond the past.”

In fact, she still has some reservations. Many words have never been said to Zhuang Xiaohu. Zhuang Wudao’s ‘French Heaven Land’ and ‘Thunderfire God Domain’, ‘The Eye of the Sky’, these Prfound Techniques, most of them can make Zhuang Wudao go further in the state of harmony between man and nature.

At this time, he replaced Heavenly Dao with his own method. It is not an exaggeration to say that the current Zhuang Wudao is Heavenly Dao.

“It turns out that-“

Zhuang Xiaohu seems to understand and understand, only understand that Zhuang Wudao’s current state can only be maintained when he is only robbed.

Switching to other times should not be possible anyway.

However, I immediately listened to Zhu Yunzhui said with a smile: “In fact, you said that the demon is invincible, and it is not wrong. Just now, he is not really perfect.”

She knows the limit of ‘Prfound Technique Divine Abilty’, and it is also the level of Heaven. And the high potential is still above Zhuang Wudao, which has been built on the ‘Yin and Yang Robbery’.

Zhuang Xiaohu once again stunned, and more and more unknown. Cultivator All Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, shouldn’t it be built before the immortal realm?

There is no shortage of medicinal pill in the world, but it can only be a small supplement. It seems like the super-divine Abilty on the main, and it is almost impossible to change it later.

Also, it seems that the momentum of the Lord today, even if it is enhanced in the state of harmony between man and nature, is too overbearing.

This is not perfect, then what kind of god power can be considered complete?

Zhu Yunzhui never talked again, and continued to look at the void with a sneak peek. There are still some concerns.

This time Zhuang Wudao was robbed, although it was the result of deliberate planning, but still still has some sin.

This nine-turn glass glazed body, Zhuang Wudao is not integrated into the Dao Body in the form of Prfound Technique Divine Abilty. Instead, it is directly engraved in the body by means of the pattern of the avenue by means of the combination of heaven and man during the robbery. In the body.

Once it is formed, Zhuang Wudao’s body of law will remain in a state of nine turns of glass. With the exhibition of Pangu Jinshen, it is invincible in the stars and nine circles. The fourth-order is not bad, but even those who are really strong, it is difficult to look back.

This method, although it is a huge benefit, can be severely disciplined by Heavenly Dao.

Once it fails, it will surely leave an indelible wound in the body of Zhuang Wudao.

Although she knows Zhuang Wudao, she has prepared for the plan. In any case, any change, there are countermeasures, but I still can’t help but worry.

“Is it really daring, but I want to borrow the power of these many Golden Immortals to build this nine-turn mystery?”

Still in the distance of less than 100,000 miles from the battlefield, innocent is also amazed, and the eyes are flashing.

“The nine-turned glazed gold body is in a state of four turns. I can’t see the Junior Brother. It’s a time to fix this secret to a perfect momentum-“

If it is complete, then it is really impossible. Even if you only need to repair the six weights, then he is innocent, and in this world is not the opponent.

It’s a miracle that I have just been in the Heavenly Immortal world for just two hundred years to prove Primordial Immortal Realm. Comparable to this achievement, it is dwarfed.

“Without perfection, you can avoid the worry of backlash if you can get five turns. The sixth turn of the monk, this time is really a fairy, it is not his opponent. I am only curious about the lack of Junior Brother, repaired The fundamental decision, what kind of Cultural Technique? It has never been seen before -“

It’s no doubt that you have no doubts in your eyes. You swept back to the people behind you: “This is really unheard of, and it’s never seen before. There’s no such thing as a confession, but it’s never been like this. Divine Abilty. Although there are dozens of similar tactics, some are similar, and can’t be compared with the method that can’t be done by Junior Brother. The gap can’t be justified. Even in the Heavenly Immortal world, it can be compared with it. Not more than ten fingers. There is also Divine Abilty, which is also awesome.”

Unclear and blind to each other, without asking them, but they are also not very clear.

Only knowing the characteristics of Zhuang Wudao Cleaning Technique, it seems that the manpower can be passed on.

In fact, there have always been doubts, but they have not been thoroughly studied. Just because I have never seen Zhuang Wudao used it, and similar Culture Technique, there are quite a few. Gravity’s Techique is not surprising.

Until today, I was shocked by the mystery of Zhuang Wudao. The power of the fourteen real immortal realm is turned into the picture of the Taiji yin and yang fish, and these real immortals are not allowed to move.

Such a Techique is unique in the world.

“This law name calls for a big move, it is impossible for Senior Brother to create his original method -“

Nie Xianling’s lips are filled with smiles, and the sharp chin is slightly lifted, implying arrogance. At this time, she is indeed proud of Zhuang Wudao.

“There is a move to measure Heaven and Earth. As for his Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, I have never seen it. But remember the Senior Brother. He said that his last Life Source Divine Ability should be called Qiankun is infinite, as for his life domain, it is called the law domain.”

Such a ‘nothing is infinite’, and her memory is so Divine Abilty, completely different. But the momentum is more prosperous, and the power is infinite.

“Measure Heaven and Earth Avenue?

No one picked up his eyebrows and whispered. Measuring Heaven and Earth? This statement is so angry!

However, he still does not understand, Zhuang Wudao, this command of the law, why is it called for the day? Isn’t the more appropriate jurisdiction, or the final jurisdiction, more suitable?

“The big move of Qiankun? It is indeed worthy of the name.”

Innocent is a slight decapitation: “This yin and yang transformation, the bipolar cycle, can be described as a god, and there is indeed the ability to move.”

“Yes! The two instruments of Yin and Yang are just representations. The essence of the inside and the middle is actually another Xuanqi Avenue. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, to the end of Vientiane, there is no end to it. This is the endless, the most top-notch. One of Divine Abilty Avenues -“

When there was no meditation here, suddenly my heart moved and looked at the sky. Especially those who are really immortal realm, this time is the white jade ray that is entangled, that is the taiji yin and yang net, infiltrated into the vision of these true immortal realm.

When I saw this scene, the color of clear comprehension finally flashed in the eyes: “I understand, this is the case, it turns out that it is no wonder that it is necessary to call the heavens domain. This jurisdiction has indeed measured Heaven and The power of Earth Avenue!”

Wuming was reowned, just want to ask for details, just see this without a sudden burst of big sleeves. Then countless mysterious spirits appeared in his body.

“The amount of the word, some inaccurate, it should be said that it is genius. He is borrowing the law of others, watching the rules of Heaven and Earth, and seeing the truth of the road. Haven’t you seen it? The practice of nine turns of glazed gold is just the illusion of confusing them. The real purpose of the Junior Brother is to steal the fourteen true fruit, to perfect its roots, and his infinite Divine Abilty –“

“Take the law of others and look at the rules of Heaven and Earth?

Innocently, I didn’t understand it at first, but I couldn’t understand the spiritual lines that I had not painted. After a little deduction, it was a look of disappointment. I once again looked at Zhuang Wudao in the void.

This child, with nine turns of glazed gold, reveals innumerable days of robbing, and transfers it to the fourteen true immortals around him. More than one hundred spiritual enemies have to struggle to resist by various means. Do not make all the achievements of the Tao, and use them all.

At the time of the fight against the four heroes of the water, the wind and the wind, the fourteen true immortals, the nearly two hundred spirits of the immortal demon, were also copied and copied by Zhuang Wudao, transformed into their own way, integrated into this door. Within the ‘Qi Kun Wuliang’, it became the cornerstone of the infinite avenue.

This is the ‘quantity law domain’, this is the fact that he can not be Junior Brother, why would he choose to rob this time!

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