Zhuang Wudao Yin and Yang robbery sword, this is the power of mixing the yin and yang changes, gather $ into a sword. Therefore, his Taiyin Sun jurisdiction can also be blessed, which can help the Divine Abilty and upgrade the grade again.

With the sun behind him, the wings of the three hundred feet opened, and the divine light shone, echoing the remote sensing of Zhou Tianxing. Suddenly, a huge wave of volatility suddenly spread in all directions.

It was a completely different force field than before, and Zhuang Wudao couldn’t control it at all, and he could only let it be released. Around the Baizhang space, even began to twist, the law of the void is broken and cracked.

The power of horror has also brought a powerful and powerful pressure. The entire realm of the gods, whether those who are reborn after the reincarnation, or those who are the lords of the sorcerer, are shocked by this air machine at this moment, and they must be moved in place.

In the Taihuang Beppu, the magic house is away, Tian Hao, Su Hanfang, Fa Zhi and so on, are not all cold sweats. Once the Origin Qi, it was all suppressed by the Sword Intent, which was suppressed by the yin and yang of Origin Qi. Time and space solidify, and the void is fixed.

The fear and fear in the soul of the soul made several people’s Origin Soul also fall into a stagnant state.

The stronger the cultivation base, the more horrible it is, such as the magic house, the two people. The feeling of horror and horror made the two of them even have the idea of ​​pleading with the stalwart power, and they couldn’t afford any rebellious thoughts in front of the Sword Intent, which is indescribable in the words of the vast expanse.

After a while, the entire god world, almost all seven or more orders, has initially produced a spiritual flying sword, all in shock, and are whining.

“This is – super supreme Supreme? No!”

The scorpio’s pupil has condensed into a needle, do with difficulty to support his head and look at the source of the sword. The blood on his face has faded at this moment.

This is by no means the supreme power of Supreme Divine Abilty. Even if it is a super late stage, it should not be such a heart. Only the aftermath of this Sword Intent has already rushed across all his resistance.

In other words, this Divine Abilty, very likely, is the legendary Hong Meng Opening Heaven?

Is this the Prfound Technique completed by the sorcerer? This direction is exactly the ‘Renshan River’ retreat, is the most core of the entire domain, there should be no mistake.

If it is this one, then this demon, it is really a promising future.

It feels that even if it is the looting fruit that is about to come, there may not be much chance of winning in front of this.

In this way, it is easier to make your own plans before.

The news that the robbery is about to come is not a secret at this time, and he will not be blind to the big event, and he will not know it. For this sorcerer, the intention to confront the robbing fruit is also well known.

Originally, he was not very optimistic. He wanted to plan a way out in advance. If things could not be done, he would withdraw them in advance. Star Pofound Realm is about to be shattered, so it’s meaningless to stick to it before.

But now look at this Divine Abilty Sword Might, but I feel that this demon is worthy of Star Pofound Realm, the rarest and most outstanding figure in the past millions of years. Can’t say for sure, really capable of fighting the fruit of the robbery, it is possible to win the battle!

Who can resist this horrible Divine Abilty technique? Even those who are really immortal realm, in this world, it is difficult to compete.

Divine Abilty of Hongmeng is almost in line. If you say that the sorcerer’s heavy swords and heavy swords and other techniques are the source of the Tao, then the Divine Abilty that he is now showing is the ‘avenue’ itself.

Below the half-step mixed-race, any Xian Xiu that failed to reach the source of the Tao will be restrained by the operation of this Hong Meng Opening Heaven.

“Opening Heaven?”

Just inside another small courtyard less than three hundred miles away from the sky, the magic house whispered out of the mouth.

Unlike the Scorpio, the imprint of his Primredial Spirit Core, which made him to the distant one, is awe from the bones.

At this time, he did not look up, but he was deeply embarrassed, and his eyes were even more fanatical, and he was more obedient and obedient.

The Mozu is respected by the strong, and now for him, the Lord, there is no doubt that the strong!

Divine Abilty of the Opening Heaven class, which only exists in the legend, has never been seen since the robbery, and has never heard of anyone who has done it.

Such a demon, even if there is no imprint of the Primordial Spirit, is qualified enough to give him loyalty.

At the moment, in the most secret part of the gods, it is within the backyard of the Imperial Palace. Zhuang Wudao is also sweating, but this is the sweat that can not be supported.

The pair of Taiyin Sun Wings only maintained the three-time time, and they have reached the limit, taking all his mana and taking time out.

Luo Qingyun came to the fore, and suddenly appeared in front of Zhuang Wudao. Today, within this vast country of God, only she can resist the arrogance of this ‘yin and yang robbery’.

As soon as she appeared, Luo Qingyun’s gaze fell on the yin and yang sword in the hands of Zhuang Wudao.

“This is Hong Meng Opening Heaven?”

When this sentence is asked to export, Luo Qingyun has confirmed it. Zhuang Wudao’s Divine Abilty, the quality has indeed broken through the super product, reaching the level of Opening Heaven.

It is a natural, sublime Divine Abilty Prfound Technique!

In Luo Qingyun’s eyes, suddenly the waves began to rise, and the whole person was almost in the same place.

Although I have already thought of it, I have the Innate Battle Soul, and she has been instructed by her to create Zhuang Wudao, which has a very strong foundation. Sooner or later, this Divine Abilty will be broken into the realm of Opening Heaven.

But never thought that Zhuang Wudao’s breakthrough day will come so fast.

“It should be!”

Zhuang Wudao has been unable to support it, and it is very simple to put a pair of yin and yang wings together. And the sword in front of the back body disappeared.

The body shook a bit, and the man almost fell on the spot, but his five inner worlds, in an instant, made his vitality return to full state.

Although the five inner worlds and the Suthat gods have restored their mana, the yin and yang wings and the yin and yang robbers can extract the speed of mana, and it is several times faster!

His yin and yang robbery, this is the big loss of True Origin, plus the solar field of the sun, the situation is even more unbearable.

“It’s a pity that this yin and yang robbery can only rely on the sun and the law of the Sun, so that it can hit the level of Opening Heaven. The mana is too expensive, I can only maintain the time of five interest, or even complete a sword, worthless. “”

It is indeed worthless. Unless it is a single opponent, this type of yin and yang will be released.

Can only be used as his last card, in the face of those irresistible opponents, can use the desperate blow.

“It’s enough to surprise people, and the mana is not enough. It’s too low for the Junior Brothers. As long as you enter the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Inner World expands to the level that blends with the boundaries, and the mana is endless.”

In exchange for others, you may want to go to the real fairy, even Golden Immortal Realm, in order to make Inner World and the boundaries of the boundaries.

Zhuang Wudao, but only Primordial Immortal Realm can be done. This is one of the benefits of the early completion of the Inner World in Dao Fusion. At that time, Zhuang Wudao no longer has to worry about the lack of mana.

“And the level of the Junior Brother Accumulating Sword is still too low, just the Junior Brother can push the Accumulating Sword to the 16th floor, so you don’t need the Sun’s Suns to bless, you can also get the yin and yang of the Opening Heaven level. Robbery, in addition to the anti-chaos Thunderfire Origin Embryo –“

Thunderfire Origin Embryo, the blessing is not only the Divine Abilty method of lineage, but also the great yin and yang swords of the yin and yang.

If Zhuang Wudao at this time can possess the physique of the Thunderfire Origin Embryo, then it is possible to push the Yin and Yang robbery sword to the opening of Hong Meng without the cultivation of Accumulating Sword.

However, when this was finished, Luo Qingyun’s look was stunned again, and his face was flushed and his eyes were struggling.

I remembered Nie Xianling again, the words of the day. To help Zhuang Wudao and complete the Thunderfire Origin Embryo, you need to be yourself.

This must be prepared in advance, and the two together cultivation for more than twenty years of mystery. Can’t just follow the casual Dual Cultivation, so that Zhuang Wudao can get the soil and the void, even if she is not lost,

“But this is not a day’s work.”

Zhuang Wudao shook his head and then closed his body. This body strength will be released again, so even if it is his vast gods, it is difficult to conceal it.

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