When Zhuang Wudao blinked again, he saw Zhu Yunzhui carrying a pair of beautiful eyes, right! God looked at himself in confusion.

“Uh oh, tyrannical, no, what’s wrong with you? Why stopped? Falling still wants, wants more-“

Gently snoring, sweet breath, and finally kissed Zhuang Wudao’s lips. At this time, he was squatting on his body. It was a cold sweat in his life. At this moment, he was eager to sway and sway. The white tender tender body of this warm soft jade is held in the arms, and the lower body is even more ecstasy, and it is difficult for anyone to sit still.

It was only the scene that he saw him that still made Zhuang Wudao wonder. This Zhu Yunzhui cultivation ‘the first world of the ‘Three Thousands of Worlds’ robbery’ is just the time when the holy deity was robbed by Luo Qingyun. And at a very close distance, the battle was observed. Either the first life of the world, but also the same mana. Either one of them is extremely close to the other.

However, at this time, he has not allowed him to think again. After a lot of enthusiasm, I was fully involved in the marriage with Zhu Yunzhui.

With the air circulation of the two people, once again on the right track, the body is acacia, yin and yang biochemistry. The strength of Zhuang Wudao quickly began to purify and sublimate. This is what Dual Culture should do. Zhu Yunzhui is the virgin body, although it is not like the Supreme Yin Body like Yu Yunqin. But this one can give him the benefits, not much less than Yu Yunqin.

The centuries-old yin, which has been accumulated for decades, is the cultivator’s dream.

For him, the same is true. These elements infused by Zhu Yunzhui can make his cultivation base directly promote a realm and reach the fairy level.

However, Zhuang Wudao has no intention of crossing the robbery for the time being. It can only be transformed, part of which is used to purify its own True Origin, and part of which is smelted into the body to enhance its body strength.

Gradually getting into the good situation, once again entering the state of the soul blending, Zhuang Wudao’s mind, once again burst into flames. The depths of Zhu Yunzhui’s Primordial Spirit are scattered and scattered in his mind.

However, this is no longer the memory of Zhu Yunzhui’s life, but a avenue of law engraved in the depths of Zhu Yunzhui.

Reveal the jurisdiction –

The reason why the demon is considered to be the first secret of Demon Sect in the past, is the law, which can take Renner World.

The reason why the ‘Three Thousands of Worlds Robbery’ can be juxtaposed with the Taoist genius is that this sorcerer can upgrade a divine Abilty to a whole level after the retreat!

The 1st Grade jurisdiction can be advanced. The avenue of the superb Supreme also has the hope of entering the opening of Heaven.

And Zhu Yunzhui this woman, the choice is to re-enact the jurisdiction!

What is the relationship between this girl and Leaving Dust Palace? Why is it related to Luo Qingyun and the fruit?

At this time, the vibration in Zhuang Wudao’s heart was almost absent. In the memory of Zhu Yunzhui, he witnessed the battle between Sovereign Heaven Sword Saint and the fruit of the robbery.

Numerous questions rushed out of my mind, countless speculations, as well as flashing light, have passed.

However, with the previous experience and lessons, this time Zhuang Wudao grasped his own heart well and did not lose control. Instead, it is all God’s input, absorbing the memory of Zhu Yunzhui’s soul core, all about re-emphasizing the memory of the jurisdiction.

The world was robbed, a total of 1,477 times, cultivation re-enacted the experience of the jurisdiction. One thousand four hundred and seventy-seven different cultivation roads, starting from the two sides of the magic, all the lessons, the different understanding of the day Dao Technique, seems like a flood into his mind.

Three thousand celestial worlds, trace the roots of the source, and analyze the fundamentals of this domain Divine Abilty.

The thoughts of Zhuang Wudao are almost always strong. In the end, he didn’t have to go to see Guanlan one by one, but the followers refused to accept it and sealed it up.

At the same time, I also know that my part has a memory about ‘Tao’, and the feelings of those days Dao Technique are also taken over by Zhu Yunzhui.

This woman’s road, Heart Demon, instinctively chose from him, Divine Abilty and Inner World, which are the domain of ‘乾坤无量’.

Originally, Zhu Yunzhui was prepared to use the same tires on his own. Then only by means of external forces, choose another method.

However, Zhu Yunzhui can’t get the real Core essence of ‘Qi Kun Wu Liang’ from him. This jurisdiction can still be maintained at the peak of 1st Grade.

In the blend of the soul, gradually entering the limit, all the memories of the Zhu Yunzhui soul core were absorbed by Zhuang Wudao. Zhu Yunzhui suddenly screamed, the whole person’s breath is powerful, there will be a huge change.

It is a transformation of the body of the celestial being.

Zhuang Wudao suddenly knew that with the help of Dual Cultivation and his Yuanyang, Zhu Yunzhui was also taking the opportunity to start the transformation of the magical path.

After True Origin is purified, it breaks through the last layer of obstacles, just a step away from the fairy steps.

Mindfulness, Zhuang Wudao began to be conscious, guiding the pressure of Zhu Yunzhui within the body, and instead focused on solidify cultivation base.

At the moment, Zhu Yunzhui is not willing to step into the fairy stage. He is not willing to be forced to rob him by Zhu Yunzhui. Nowadays, you can only suppress it with all your strength and try not to cross that limit.

After a full twelve hours, the duo finally gathered in the rain. Zhu Yunzhui has recovered from the confusion and is blushing. However, she has always been very generous about this kind of thing, and she has seen it very openly. Before that, she also intentionally or unintentionally, and repeatedly tempted Zhuang Wudao.

At this point, it was only a little bit sloppy, and it was calmed down, and then carefully looked up and down the teenager.

“You said that you are Zhuang Wudao, but your real name? No, but your number in the Leaving Dust Palace?”

The one who held her in her arms is no longer the appearance of Ren Shanhe, but has restored her true feelings. Zhuang Xiaoxi’s blood vessel, coupled with Heavenly Dao as the father, made Zhuang Wudao’s facial features beautiful and beautiful. More than a mountain, it is even more handsome.

“Exactly, Zhuang Wudao is my common name, and I can’t do it in the Leaving Dust Palace.”

Zhuang Wudao changed his shirt, but fortunately he did not wear the emperor’s robe that Zhu Yunzhui prepared for him.

If there is the top set of Spirit Tool treasure body, Zhu Yunzhui can’t tear his clothes before in Dual Culture.

“It turns out that the name Zhuang Wudao, I wrote down. You are the only man in my life, I hope that I will never forget the life.”

Zhu Yunzhui’s eyes flashed, and a pair of jade hands stroking the face of Zhuang Wudao, seemingly to deeply record the appearance of Zhuang Wudao into the depths of his heart.

Zhuang Wudao has a slight movement, and the lower abdomen that has just recovered, has the meaning of rising.

Zhu Yunzhui was a ‘giggle’ chuckle, detached from him, and then put on a layer of gauze.

“It’s too late, tyrannical, you want, or wait a while. The cloud still needs to be cultivation, and it’s a solid state. Right, thank you for the tyrannical, helping the cloud to become a virtue.”

After that, after that, he looked calm and awe-inspiring, move towards Zhuang Wudao. This is the most solemn and solemn Taoist etiquette. Although it is covered in a transparent gauze, there are still traces of happiness on the body. At this time, Zhu Yunzhui, but did not give people a little bit of a sense of ****. Clear as ice and clean as jade, the law is solemn.

Zhuang Wudao frowns, looking at Zhu Yunzhui with a look of sorrow, I saw that the eyes are still pure and clear, like a girl. Not counting the reincarnation of the thousand worlds, but having a half of the turbidity,

After a long while, he finally confirmed. Zhu Yunzhui The memory of past lives has not been awakened, and it is still in a state of being sealed.

This is not surprising, ‘Three Thousands of Worlds’ robbery’ is the case, unless it is truly complete, otherwise all past memories will be hidden. And most of them will be lost in the eyes of reincarnation.

The reason why I can get the memory of Zhu Yunzhui is related to the function of my own sun.

The yin and yang are born together. Throughout the ages, I am afraid that no one can repair the secret of the Taoist cultivator to the level of him.

Even the person who created the Culture Technique of Taoism is no exception.

It is because of the Taiyin Sun’s two avenues, the natural attraction of Zhu Yunzhui, the soul of the two in the Dual Cultivation is highly blended, which makes Zhuang Wudao break the seal of the ‘Three Thousands of Worlds’, and gained these memories.

See Zhuang Wudao, I haven’t talked for a long time, and Zhu Yunzhui can’t help but reveal a puzzled expression.

“tyrannical, but what am I wrong with the fall? Or do you really want to do it again? You must want it, it is actually possible to fall here-“

While talking, he unloaded the layer of tulle on his body and showed the perfect body again in front of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao was awakened by the action of Zhu Yunzhui, and then did not know what to cry or laugh: “There is nothing wrong with it, just falling on your past life-“

When it comes to this, Zhuang Wudao’s voice is stagnation, dispelling the meaning of the truth.

Knowing the body of his predecessor and the truth of the cultivation ‘Three Thousands of Worlds’ is not good for Zhu Yunzhui.

When the cultivation base arrives, Zhu Yunzhui will naturally understand. However, Zhuang Wudao, who wants to explore the true identity of this woman, is more determined.

After thinking about it, Zhuang Wudao turned his tone again and shook his head slightly: “Just worry about your ninety-nine catastrophe. Because of your previous life, I was afraid that I would experience some disaster. Before this robbery, the cloud You must be well prepared.”

This sentence is not a false statement, Zhu Yunzhui because of the sacred robbery, the 99-year-old robbery is indeed more powerful than others.

In the memory of Zhu Yunzhui, there are several times due to insufficient preparation, and finally fall to the end of the Tao

However, this time there should be no major problems. Based on the foundation of Zhu Yunzhui’s cultivation base, there is no way to rob the number. Zhuang Wudao is purely looking for words, taking over the previous sentence.

“Before you?”

Zhu Yunzhui seems to be related to what he is, but he is silent, but after a long while, he still stumbles: “I know, I will be careful.”

Zhuang Wudao laughed and laughed, and then got up and solemnly said: “I also want to thank the cloud pendant. Although it is not a virtue of enlightenment, it benefits me a lot.”

The things that come from the memory of Zhu Yunzhui, although they can’t help his clear-cut jurisdiction, are also promoted to a level. However, after he digested and absorbed, he could raise this domain by a small half.

If you add your own ‘destiny of God’s domain, the fate of the law domain and the sun’s blessing, his heavy realm, there is also hope to break through 1st Grade, into the order of the super product.

And the anti-chaos Thunderfire Origin Embryo –

Once it can be done, it will push his re-emphasis to an unimaginable situation!

After a ceremony, Zhuang Wudao looked up again and looked at Zhu Yunzhui. Knowing that the next time I meet, this woman will be a god. And it is a forward-looking vision, catching up with Luo Qingyun’s Xuanmen female fairy.

10% of the Taoist genie, will also greatly help the ‘Three Thousands of Worlds’ robbery, when this Divine Abilty can be completed ahead of schedule.

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