“Can only say, plausible.”

It’s away from Huaxianjun, and I don’t know how to describe it in the end. I’m sinking into it: “Sword Master may not be able to fight this jurisdiction, but it can only be blessed. For the time being, I don’t know what the jurisdiction is. The only thing that can be confirmed is that from now on, Sword Master will not be suppressed by any force that does not exceed the third-order jurisdiction. This is the prototype of a Supreme Avenue and the key to getting into the room.”

Zhuang Wudao’s spirit was shocked. Before he was still entangled, this martial art field may not only increase his strength, but also require him to extract a large amount of mana to maintain it.

At this time, I was surprised to hear the words of China. It will not be suppressed by any force that does not exceed the third-order jurisdiction. That is to say, even if he is now a strong person in the Primordial Immortal situation, he can still maintain his own complete strength under the suppression of the method domain.

As for the complete jurisdiction of Divine Abilty, he does not care. After the superposition of this thing in the jurisdiction, it will be effective, unless it is extremely special and the effects complement each other. Second, his mana cannot be supported.

However, he immediately thought that he really encountered the Heavenly Immortal-level powerhouse in the void, even if Divine Abilty was useless to himself, others could crush himself. Not to mention the Heavenly Immortal level, which is the layer of Spirit Immortal, and he can’t handle it.

He is not bad now, he is able to compete with the ordinary Spirit Immortal in the physical strength. It can maintain this not bad golden body, but also consumes a huge amount of mana. With his current cultivation base, he can only insist on one hour.

Thinking about this, Zhuang Wudao’s sense of excitement suddenly retreated.

“The silk thread here should be the silk of cause and effect.”

Sword spirit is always paying attention to this Xuanzang change, thinking about it: “It should be around the Sword Master, all the lines of cause and effect, manifested within your Xuan Zang, can also be said to be part of the fate of the river. Sword Master You should be able to try to change the changes, but the method of fate and cause and effect, and the whole body, Sword Master should be careful before you start. Before you master these two roads, it is best not to touch it as easily. ”

Zhuang Wudao is speechless, that is to say, these lines of cause and effect can only be seen and cannot be moved.

However, Luo Qingyun did not know that he had actually tried it and touched a silk thread. But don’t look at these manifestations, it is thousands of times thinner than the hair, but it is tough and firm.

Zhuang Wudao, even if it uses the third-order power, it does not make it move.

Obviously, to change the cause and effect and change the fate is not as simple as he imagined.

Self-deprecating, Zhuang Wudao finally looked at the Xuosu’s Core, the Zhang Haohao robbery map.

Found on this picture, there are countless red and green ink dots and spirits. This is before, he has not been able to refining that Golden Core, when he was converted into a nine-turn Xuan Gong, he did not have anything in the map.

Whether this picture can manifest Heaven and Earth’s robbery, Zhuang Wudao does not know, but can sense these ink points and spiritual lines, and has a great connection with himself.

Gradually, Zhuang Wudao also understood that those red ones should be their own good fortune. The green ones are mostly unfavorable.

After careful observation, Zhuang Wudao’s brows suddenly wrinkled.

He found that his wealth has increased, and how much bad luck will gather, and they are dependent on each other.

“Sure enough, the blessings of the blessings, the blessings of the blessings, and the blessings of the blessings. This is a catastrophe, but it can improve people’s Destiny, but it is also an overdraft. How much bad luck gathers, how many bad luck will come together, When gathered to a certain extent, it is a robbery -“

Zhuang Wudao began to reflect on the past, and then found himself, almost every time to get his own chance, will also encounter the corresponding disaster.

For example, this time, although it is a mana. However, it was once again entangled with Taikoo Mogu, and set a millennium covenant that made him a headache.

Sure enough, those who have a big Destiny, on the way, are often hindered. Zhuang Wudao knows himself and is one of them.

Then what is the power of this picture, just seeing your own good fortune, and the doom of lobbery?

If nothing can be changed, this picture brings good luck, but it also brings disaster. Then what is the meaning of refining this picture?

It’s quite incomprehensible to Hua Xianjun: “I’m not talking about this picture. Can it improve people’s fortune? If it’s just an overdraft, this thing is only for the name of the treasure.”

Zhuang Wudao silently refused to answer, and carefully sensed that after a few breaths, his face showed a satisfactory smile.

This picture does improve the fortune, but it is not the way he originally imagined. At the same time of bringing good fortune, it is indeed a disaster of bad luck. However, this catastrophe, but to a certain extent, allows him to control these robberies.

In short, when the doomsmanship is gathered to a certain extent, it will lead to disasters, and it is likely to let him be inside. But in his hands, the catastrophe of the catastrophe, but it can break this deadly doom, into several bands. The original deadly threat was also resolved.

It was also a major disaster and it became a few catastrophe.

This is only for its own fortune, and it is only used in an extremely narrow scope.

As long as Zhuang Wudao is willing to do so, he can even carry out a larger range of fate, and has the ability to directly influence the fate of the river. He can constantly correct and improve his own fate. The owner of this picture can always be in a smooth and excellent environment.

In addition, the biggest ability of this picture is to influence people around you.

If there are relatives and friends, he can use this catastrophe to increase his fortune in a short time. If the enemy is against the head, then Zhuang Wudao can also let the other party, bad luck for a while, and even put the other party to death.

There are also some wonderful uses, Zhuang Wudao is still difficult to know. However, only from the ability he has now mastered, this thing is worthy of what it claims to be equivalent to Hongmengbao.

However, why did the former masters of the catastrophe in the sky, after the depot, soon fell?

Zhuang Wudao is puzzling and will not be careful. Anyway, this picture has already been refining, and there is nothing to regret.

“Looking at the legal domain and the illegal domain, Inner World is also plausible. With the catastrophe of the sky, this is the source, can reflect the river of destiny, twist the cause and effect marks. My 1st Grade Divine Abilty -, forget it, call it the gods “”

Zhuang Wudao really can’t think of any good name. After taking one at random, his mind will retreat directly from Xuanzang.

At this time, because of the ancient blood Dan, and the nine 1st Heavenly Layer environment of the nine turn Xuan Gong. His cultivation base has exploded, and True Origin has accumulated before the threshold of the Middle Stage of the Great Ascension.

Zhuang Wudao was temporarily suppressed, and the idea was controlled by True Origin Qi and blood.

In less than two days, there were several Divine Abilty Prfound Techniques, which were completed.

The first is causal locking, causal reversal of the two Divine Abilty. Causality and destiny, these two avenues, are linked to each other.

Zhuang Wudao has been built as ‘Tai Huang Fu as the intention, and there are enough foundations in this respect. It can be said that it is a matter of course.

Then, in this ‘Easy Court, the early morning of the 24th day, Zhuang Wudao suddenly broke out.

Instantly, the robbery of the sky was swept away, and all disappeared.

This is the ‘Linjiangxian’ in Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment! The fifth sword Heaven and Earth is unfinished, Zhuang Wudao has been built into the seventh sword, and is also in Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment. The strongest sword, Lin Jiangxian

the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero. It is a success or failure. Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns. The white-haired fisherman is on the river and is used to watching the autumn and spring. A pot of turbid wine meets. How many things in ancient and modern times are all about laughing and talking –

The sword of causality and fate was built, and Zhuang Wudao within the body was resonated at the same time. Under the sword, almost all of the Accumulating Sword Art in the 1th Grade position was entered at the same time. , also step by step to ten.

That is to say, from this moment on, Zhuang Wudao mastered the great compassion and six styles. At any time, after the pulse, you can reach the level of the super product.

After the yin and yang robbery, add six more super-good Supreme Divine Abilty. The yin and yang robbery sword itself can also increase the half-order position to reach the super middle level.

Although the robbery was broken due to decisiveness, it was only a moment, another huge azure light crashed, and the entire nine-story loft was covered.

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