The purchased virtual stardust has a total of thirty-two fifth-order, and a source of up to eight-order source.

It took nearly 12,000 pieces of 9th-order Yunyuan, which is a big value. The annual entry of a second-class sect is no different. Mainly the latter, it costs a lot.

After dreaming of life, I took the people and looked around in the nine Profound Demon Gorge. Zhuang Wudao can’t see any rules. Every time, dreams will sprinkle a fifth-order stardust. However, I was waiting here until the seven days later, the void stardust disappeared and disappeared.

It was not until the twenty-fourth stardust was used that the face of Meng Niansheng showed a surprise color.

“It’s here”

Zhuang Wudao guessed that before dreaming, he should use those fifth-order void stars as a temptation to sense the position of the immortal sect and find the trajectory.

Until then, I have already found the approximate location of the immortal sect Beppu. When the fifth-order void star was spilled out, he could feel it. There was a wave of abnormal fluctuations in the vicinity.

If it is not his deliberate attention, it is extremely difficult to detect.

Sure enough, after the beggar, Meng Niansheng took out the only eighth-order source fragment. Then there was a word, and there was a little divine light at the fingertips, which broke into the eighth-order source fragment. It’s just a must, so it’s bright and bright.

This is in decay, this piece of source debris is being released at a sharp rate, in the release of Spiritual Energy, fast ‘aging.

After that, I waited again, and I dreamed of bringing people back to the hundred miles. When two hours passed, Zhuang Wudao suddenly felt a nervous, unbelievable, looking at the front.

The eighth-order source fragments of the group, at this time, have disappeared without a trace. There is still an empty space in front of me, all of which are covered with mist, but Zhuang Wudao can feel it, there is one more thing in front of me, and it is a giant.

It is not in the star world, but in the cracks between the two worlds. However, this piece of the ’empty world,’ is the time when Zhuang Wudao is not very clear.

Suddenly, it appears here, without any warning, any signs.

“This is the ruins of Xianfu?”

Zhuang Wudao looked at the front with a clear view of the world, and directly penetrated the empty space. Then if you have realized: “This immortal sect Beppu, is it to swallow the two sources of origin?”


Meng Niansheng slightly decapitated: “The movement track of this Beppu seems to be strange. Before Meng sleeps, he has entered this Xianfu three times in a few thousand years, knowing this thing, it is likely In order to collect the two worlds of stars and move around. The general two-zone voids are difficult to trigger, only eight or more orders, and the evolution of a special stage of the two boundaries, it is possible to lead to the arrival of this city.”

Zhuang Wudao also knows that the dream was born here, in order to collect some of the voids in the nine Profound Demon world, to cultivate a Demon Dao Cultivation Technique.

It is a pity that this Cultural Technique has not been completed yet, and it has been taken over by people. This said that he had entered the immortal sect several times in a row several thousand years ago, and he must not be false.

“It’s that simple?”

In the eyes of Su Xinghe, there is a doubtful color: “According to the dream of your friend, this immortal sect Beppu has been known by several major Orthodox churches hundreds of thousands of years ago. There are also many disciples who have a chance to enter. These people, do not know that this immortal sect Beppu, is absorbing the origins of the two worlds? I don’t know, how does this Xianfu move?”

“I don’t know about this -“

Dreaming of life and shaking his head, but also a look of helplessness: “Those who are the right way, it is likely to know some. But to attract this immortal sect Beppu, those eight-order or more two-boundary void fragments must evolve to a certain stage In addition, this immortal sect Beppu seems to have its own spirituality, and it has a very special way of identification. Sometimes, even if all the conditions are down, if the Beppu is not properly sensed, it may not be able to I have also brought it in. I have also heard that there are two strongmen in the two worlds, who searched in the gap between the two circles, but they all failed.”

Zhuang Wudao immediately remembered the dream of life, and broke into the divine light inside the piece of the void.

Unsurprisingly, this is Star Power, and the scorpion’s scorpion star power can indeed make this piece of debris change, which he just saw.

The already stable structure, under the fading, suddenly began to be violently turbulent and there was a risk of collapse. This is an important factor in attracting the immortal sect Beppu?

Without Cultivation Technique, Zhuang Wudao flew up and flew over a hundred miles.

In the end, this dream, in what way, the immortal sect Beppu; those who are the right way, why have let go of this house – these are actually irrelevant to him. What is important is that he is now standing in front of this house, and has enough ability to go deep into the line.

He came to collect the treasure of Destiny, not to investigate the cause and effect –

Just as the eight-order stardust disappeared, Zhuang Wudao closed his eyes and touched one or two, and then forcibly broke open a gap in front of him.

Although he forced to step in, the entire space, there are bursts of ripple ripples. Passing through the void, after a moment, Zhuang Wudao’s eyes changed a scene.

It is no longer a suffocating, dead star of the Xuangu Valley, but a wide-ranging space surrounded by campuses that are thousands of feet wide. All use white jade as the floor tile, crystal clear, white and flawless.

Before the white jade square, there was a series of buildings that were almost inconspicuous and almost invisible.

Just step in front of you, the 990 Level 9 step is the front of the building. Zhuang Wudao looked at the threshold and saw that it was a ‘Great Emperor, these three imposing red gold characters.

Looking further into the distance, this Beppu space is at least 20,000 miles away. However, through special methods, the space of 20,000 miles is folded in the void world less than a thousand miles.

“Tai Huangzong o This is the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Baptist Church of 1.24 million years ago?”

Su Xinghe’s pupils are miniature, and the surface is also flashing with shock.

Before the rise of Scarlet God Sect, Star Pofound Realm has always been based on Star Beginning Sect. In the year of 1.24 million, the Emperor Taizong was like the current status of Star Beginning Sect, which is the second great sect.

Legend has it that this teaching was in full bloom, not inferior to the beginning of the star.

The reason for this annihilation is when it has disappeared. The world has long forgotten it. Only the beginning of the mountain, like the mountain, has been recorded for millions of years.

The emperor of 1.24 million years ago, in the eyes of the cultivator, only one symbol of the past.

However, the Su Family is different. Their shooting of the Star River of Su Shi is the legacy of the Emperor Taizong. But I have never heard of it, Taizong Zong and Beppu left.

“Is there a trace here?”

Zhuang Wudao looked at the inside of the door and faintly recognized that there were more than a dozen abnormal spiral power fluctuations.

“Is there already someone in this fairy house?”

“It’s normal again”

Dreaming of life is indifferent, a disappointing look: “In this nine Profound Demon gorge, almost every year someone will mistakenly enter this Beppu. There is plenty of spirituality here, cultivation one day, equivalent to the outside world for three days There is also a place similar to Scarlet God Sect, Star Beginning Sect, which contains the ‘Tai Huangzong, some inheritance of the Cultural Technique, and the Taizong cultivator, the understanding of Tian Dao Technique. In addition, some people want to crack the squad here and get the treasure house left by Tai Huangzong. Therefore, many cultivators are reluctant to leave after they enter, often twenty years later, they are forcibly sent by this ban. Going, or in this Beppu, when you really can’t get any benefit, you will leave. If the dream is not the body of the corpse, the Cultural Technique is also inconsistent with the Star Beginning Sect lineage. It’s not profitable, and it won’t leave here early,”

Like the Scarlet God Sect’s Thousand Shadows Hall and Star Beginning Sect’s Guxing Pavilion?

Zhuang Wudao has a slight brow and is eager to try. However, at this time, it was forcibly pressed, and the gods sensed the outside world, but there was no income.

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