Su Hanfang said nothing, biting his lip, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips. Looking like a fire in the eyes, still staring at Zhuang Wudao hundreds of miles away.

It was just her figure that just had an action, and the sound demon had come out and blocked her.

“It’s not said long ago that I’m going to roll it off. If you want to go in the past, then you have to wait until you sprinkle the house and say it again.”

In mid-air, the sword light is wrongly split, and it is dozens of cross-attacks. Su Hanfang’s mood is gradually sinking and becoming more and more urgent. As long as it is later, when the demon gods inspired by this magical offering come, everyone will really turn into a magic candle. By that time, those who were in the line would no longer be able to save anyone. Apart from helping them to die, there would be no other way.

However, the more urgent it is, the more Su Hanfang can’t break the blockade of Xie Yuqing. The sound devil was born and scattered, but he was through a hundred battles. The speed of the sword is doubled, and the martial art is far above her.

At this time, it is very old-fashioned, and a wave of waves to resolve their offensive. The needles in the cotton lining, from time to time, counterattack her, tightly entangled her. Just like a brilliant angler, a little fish squid line, consuming the power of the fish, patiently waiting for her to do the best, and then make a contribution.

Su Hanfang At this time, every sword is going all out, surpassing itself and surpassing the past. However, the more so, the more Su Hanfang feels himself, the deeper he falls in this net.

In the distance, Zhuang Wudao, who is interested in watching, seems to be watching a beast that has nothing to do with him. But at Su Hanfang, when more and more desperate, Zhuang Wudao suddenly said: “If you clear your anger, then let her go?”

Xie Yuqing’s figure violently retreats, and after sweeping away, he glanced back, and then he screamed again, and then the sword retreated for dozens of miles: “I don’t care, but the Lord, you want to personally destroy her will, this matter I There is no objection. You should also be careful not to overturn the ship in the gutter.”

The language is ridiculous, but more is still a reminder. After recovering the face, Xie Yi’s evil tendencies in the chest have disappeared a lot.

For the upcoming battle between Zhuang Wudao and Su Hanfang. She is also not dissatisfied. Not only are not angry, but rather look forward to it.

She also wants to know, in the past 16 years, what has changed in her personal personal strength, and what kind of growth has grown to the point.

Hu Yanjiu and Su Jiantong, at this time have also followed the orders of Zhuang Wudao, let the road open, let Su Hanfang sword light shuttle. However, when it was 10 miles from Zhuang Wudao, Su Hanfang’s sword light suddenly stopped, first taking a deep breath, and then looked at Renshanhe with great care.

All kinds of distracting emotions in the heart are temporarily suppressed, leaving only the pure battle intent to kill.

For her in front of her, Su Hanfang had not seen the slightest contempt since she first met and was forced to watch the blood sacrifice for the first time.

Although the two sides did not really fight with each other after Renshanhe really entered the magic, but only from a few direct and indirect contacts, Su Hanfang knew that Renshan River at this time was not a weak class.

And before the 16th, the battle of the Dragon Man, she also witnessed it. Under the pressure, do not retreat, the peerless sharp sword light. She was able to resist the strength of the Immortal Ascension in the seventh-order body, and the tenacity and willingness to make her impressed.

For at least sixteen years, she is not the enemy of this person. And even today, there are not many odds.

“Why do the fairy hesitate?”

Zhuang Wudao looks like a smile, squinting and looking at his own back: “You don’t have much time, only a few hits. It seems that you have to cheer. If it wins, I will let them go. If it is defeated, The consequences you know.”

Just a few more breaths, this blood sacrifice can lead to the devil’s idea, Su Hanfang at that time, even if it is shot to defeat him, it is useless.

Su Hanfang’s face is cold and cold, and the golden glory of her body is getting more and more dazzling. The whole person seems to be attracted by what power, and it suddenly rises.

And at this time the sky, undoubtedly is at night. The people suddenly saw a group of white days, now in the starry sky. The big day is now, all the stars are obscured, that is, the bright moon of the celestial group, and can not compete with it.

It also made these tens of thousands of miles round, completely changed from starry night to daylight, and the purple flame of Nie Xianling’s body has turned into a blazing fire, and the incomparable big Japanese god inflammation is burning. With the group of white days, the radiance and fusion.

Xie Yuqing’s brow was picked, and her conceit was at this time. The true sun of the world is composed of seven kinds of flames, showing seven different colors. But I don’t know the fundamentals of the sun’s true fire. In fact, it is three kinds of source fires. The red sun is shining, the dry flame is really hot, the stars are really hot, that is, the three primary colors of red, green and blue. The other four kinds of flames are made up of these three source fires.

Therefore, Su Hanfang’s Ziyang Shenji sword is actually not pure, but the red red gold flame, the blue dry flame is really hot, and the purple day is combined.

Su Sufang’s innate big day, the Soul Body, is actually better to practice the more authentic 1st Grade. However, in Snow Yang Palace, there is no such inheritance, only one Ziyang God sword, to meet the requirements.

This also makes Su Hanfang’s future abundance limited, and can not complete the real sun. It is also the most sacred place for Su Hanfang. Snow Yang Palace does not have a Cultural Technique, which can fully realize the power of the Soul Body.

However, looking at this group of white days at this time, it is clearly Su Hanfang, which has already turned out the result of the perfection of the Ziyang God.

The color is pure white, the Japanese sun inflammation, although it is not one of the three source fires, it must be composed of red, green and blue primary colors, dry flames, real fire, stars and fires, and red sun and gold flames. .

It is also the strongest kind of flame in the seven fires of the sun, even surpassing the true fire of the sun after the various firepower overlaps.

If this blow is used by her, she is not sure that she can completely take it down.

When Su Hanfang lifted up to three thousand feet, it blended with the white sun behind him. Su Hanfang and long sword pointed finger towards, also flying behind a huge huge color three-legged Jinwu, Su Hanfang on both sides, also found a pair of red gold color, brilliant wings, gently swaying, the whole beauty奂美轮.

“This sword, named Daegui Devil, is created for the devil. It must search for Heaven and Earth, and also make the demon soul return to the Hades.”

The sound did not fall, and a golden light and shadow that was hard to see with the naked eye had already been impacted. The direction of the squatting was exactly ‘Ren Shanhe, and the altar behind him.

Zhuang Wudao looked up, Su Hanfang just took off, the sharp Sword Intent, the belief of killing, had stabbed him and his body was tingling.

At this time, when Su Hanfang’s sword came out, it was completely unseen to see this Sword Intent killing, no trace. I must be a sword, and when I finally pass through his body, I will not feel the slightest pain.

It’s just because of this blazing sword light, it’s too fast, and it’s coming out of the reach of everyone’s mind.

However, at this time his right hand, as well as the magic god god robbery sword, is also covered with a layer of invisible lines invisible to the naked eye.

This is the truth of the lock, he has locked the fruit, is creating the cause.

Su Hanfang’s sword is indeed very strong, so strong that it can be compared with the magical sky. Strong enough that if he does not use the ‘Yin and Yang robbery swords, then it can only be used to lock the truth, and the locks are determined by the results.

Su Hanfang in the heyday is no less inferior to Huang Xuan night.

Just after a finger, when the blazing sword light and the body of the moment. Zhuang Wudao’s golden red sword shadow, also waved.

Great compassion, yin and yang, away from thinking

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking. Take a look at the flowering lazy, half-edge monk half-jun –

When the sword was thrown out, the blazing swordsman disappeared without a trace.

If you say Su Hanfang’s ‘Day of the Day, it is incredibly fast, and unparalleled sharp. Then Zhuang Wudao’s sword is tolerant, tearing the void, and then absorbing all the swordsmanship that contains the ‘Day of the Day.

Although the light is fast, it is a world peak, but it is still within this world.

He took the whole piece of the void to accommodate this sword.

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