After dreaming of life, the second breakthrough is actually Mo Ling. However, it is not a nine-order, but an eighth-order realm.

After entering the seventh stage, the three-legged ravens have grown into adulthood, and in just a short time, they can be promoted to the ranks again. This time before the Zhuang Wudao, stepped into the eighth order.

During this time, Zhuang Wudao also learned countless ways of life and death. If this is not his fundamental avenue, Zhuang Wudao has even enough roots to impact the nine-level realm.

However, it is cheaper than the master of the sky, and the mastery of the power of death is more and more firm.

The strength of the hands of the hands, Zhuang Wudao’s subordinates, already have Zhu Yunzhui, Meng Niansheng, Xie Yuqing, Su Jiantong, Su Xinghe, the five major nine-order Immortal Ascension level.

The only remaining Huiyan nine, it will take several years to transform Pangu Opening Heaven and step into the ninth stage.

This kind of strength, in the battle of the market town for more than ten years, at least has been able to do with the Ziyun to wait for people to lose both.

Unless it is celestial being shot, or please move more scattered fairy, otherwise it will be necessary to kill him Zhuang Wudao, I am afraid it is not easy.

In addition to these few, there is still an undead daoist, but this recent has entered the eighth-order Middle Stage, but Zhuang Wudao never expected.

This foundation is unstable, and the Great Ascension is made up of destructive growth. At this time, it is too late to stabilize the realm. Where can it be done in the near future?

More than a decade ago, it was hit hard. It took three years to restore the vitality of the unchanging daoist. In addition to the solidify cultivation base, these years have been screaming, how to make the ninth-order corpse resurrected. . It is a pity that the progress is embarrassing, the undead daoist, and even the daunt of the nine-order corpse within the body.

It must be mentioned that in the past ten years, the undead daoist has not been without any benefit. About seven years ago, I completed another operation called ‘Undead Generation.’

It is a very specific, powerful source of Divine Abilty, involving timing and life and death secrets, and even traces of ancient witchcraft.

Even with the help of ‘Xuan Ming’s life and death mirror, the force, the undead daoist can only be used four times a day, and can only be applied to the same-order cultivator.

If it exceeds his own realm, the number of times that he can use it daily will be greatly reduced.

‘Don’t die, you can freeze the human body Primordial Spirit in the death heaven of the undead daoist, or the ‘Xuan Ming life and death mirror, within the dead body, walk on

Within this day, the dead body can have nine chances of resurrection and resurrection. And even after the death of nine generations, when the spell is over, the body Primordial Spirit, which is frozen by the undead, can be intact.

This is another top-of-the-line auxiliary class, Divine Abilty, which seems to be far less than the undead. But it is not.

Undead Tianyu can’t resist the magical sky of the emperor’s mysterious night, “the immortal body, but the subject can be safe.”

Not limited to distance, the unseen daoist of the Great Ascension can only expand the range of the undead celestial domain to the farthest of a hundred thousand feet. Can ‘not die, but can not be limited, as long as the generation does not die, even if Southern Heaven is north.

For example, Zhuang Wudao wants to let Su Jiantong do something dangerous, so that the undead daoist can be released, and Su Jiantong’s Primordial Spirit body is frozen in advance. Then Su Jiantong can be the body of the dead body, the body, away from the Taiyuan Heaven Star Nebula to go to work for him.

No need to worry about the opponents who are so powerful on the road. Because of Su Jiantong, there is no possibility of death at all. It is not his body, but a substitute body similar to the nature of the body.

Undead daoist fear of death, this Divine Abilty, it was because of the battle of the town, only to create their own.

In that battle, he and Meng Niansheng were killed for hundreds of times. The residual Sword Intent and the rule of law in the Primordial Spirit, even if Zhuang Wudao took the lead to guide him, it took several years. Only completely eliminate the impact.

From this, we can see the defects of the undead celestial domain, so we will make pains and create this technique. On the day of the completion of the work, the undead daoist will seal his true body, Primordial Spirit, into the space of life and death in the Xuan Ming life and death, and usually only show the dead body.

As a result, it will not die in the future. Even if you are killed thousands of times, it is all right. Even for this temporary sacrifice of the ‘Xuan Ming life and death mirror, the first time, the body of this mirror was handed over to Zhuang Wudao storage, only took a revolving sub-mirror in hand.

Because of this Taixu Tianxingyun Shenzhou, although Zhuang Wudao cultivation base is the lowest. But you can’t die but you know, Zhuang Wudao has no clear photos. Once in distress, it is the one who is most likely to get out.

Zhuang Wudao was also a big startled after hearing it. Can’t figure it out, how can I complete such an auxiliary class Divine Abilty?

This ‘immortal body, indeed for the magic, can give birth to ideas, it is easy to create such a Prfound Technique. In this world, I don’t know how many cultivators will give birth to this idea of ​​overnight one’s capabilities.

However, not only did not die, but within a decade, the Divine Abilty was completed, and it was a genius of the past.

He was still thinking about whether to throw away this increasingly useless, but not too honest guy. When this matter came out, it completely dispelled the thought.

Not only did not have the idea of ​​expulsion, but instead of finding a way to find the number of Lingzhen used by the Grfound Technique, it is best to make the Divine Abilty use five to six in one day. Times. Then, this Taigao Tianxingyun Shenzhou ship is safe and worry-free.

It is a pity that so far, only let not die, but also added two blinks.

After recovering the thoughts, Zhuang Wudao continued to sense himself. The whole body has been filled with vitality and the body is strong. In the past ten years, he has been purifying the body with various spirit medicines, and he has practiced the four-ninth Xuan Gong. Eighty-nine Xuanzangs have also formed a cycle, the foundation is solid, and the industry can be described as pure.

Everything is ready, only in the mind, the more and more disturbing magic, always intrusive. And the pressure of the Avici Equality King is also disturbing.

However, if you delay it, there will be no harm.


Zhuang Wudao smiled and put down all the worries, his eyes were like a sword, aggressive,

After the cultivator has stepped into the fairy steps, this Heaven and Earth will make the disaster happen. There will be corresponding magic heads matching, each other is a deadly enemy, entangled in a lifetime, until one defeats the North, to the yin and yang chaos.

However, some clever cultivators tend to be sensitive before one or two realms. Even in the wake of the magic disaster, the magic invaded.

It is said that he now has this qualification. Before returning Origin Realm, there were two jurisdictions and two inner worlds. If he does not encounter a robbery, then there is no heaven.

About a year ago, Zhuang Wudao was sure to break through the Great Ascension. However, because of the existence of the existence of countless distant time and space, it has not been promoted.

However, after a lapse of one year, Zhuang Wudao is unwilling to drag on, and will never allow himself, continue to delay, and then fear.

I don’t know why Heavenly Dao, the opponent arranged for him, will be the devil?

Zhuang Wudao’s eighth Life Source Divine Ability for himself, called ‘Causal Skywheel.

If we talk about twisting the cause and effect power, it is far less than the truth of the lock. However, as far as practicality is concerned, the help of his combat power is not under the command of life.

The Prfound Technique gathers and will be planted like a seed, and then the root vines will be forcibly implanted into all the Xuanzang he developed. Fundamentally, change the effects of these Prfound Technique Divine Abilty.

Make them completely reinvented and have some causal energy.

The role of this Divine Abilty, as well as the previous Life Source Divine Ability, is equally aided. Has the ability to stabilize ’cause, strengthen ’cause, and, in part, distorted’ causality.

For example, when Zhuang Wudao was thrown out, with the effect of the ‘causal and natural wheel, the sword that must have been hit, no one could shake from causality. A sword that could not be in the middle can be strengthened from causality and increase the chance of hitting.

As for the effect of distortion, that is to make the sword impossible to hit, it will certainly hit

And the ‘causal shipwreck, is not only attached to the sword Fist Technique. For example, Zhuang Wudao’s heavy swords, with this technique, is the effect of defense, with the emphasis on the world, is the analysis, the fruit. With the improvement of Zhuang Wudao’s cultivation base, these capabilities are bound to increase in effectiveness.

It seems that the gain of his combat power is limited, but in fact, once the surgery is completed, the strength of Zhuang Wudao has a fundamental change. It is no different than the Great Ascension. Even the power of the celestial being celestial being, can’t compete with the True Origin mana after this blessing.

This ’cause and effect of the sky wheel, and ‘heavy swordsmanship, and ‘heavy sword wings, in general, can be maintained for an hour or so.

Zhuang Wudao cultivation base After the Great Ascension, any Divine Abilty can be used more than fourteen times a day.

In other words, this technique can exist in the twelve hours of the day and bless it. Even by shortening the time that the technique is maintained, the power of the ’cause and effectorship’ can be enhanced.

In other words, Zhuang Wudao’s all Divine Abilty Prfound Technique, after the implantation of causal fate. No one can crack in the way of causal fate, and no one can resist the resistance with the cause and effect.

On the contrary, Divine Abilty, the source of Zhuang Wudao, will be even more terrifying.

For example, the method of borrowing the law, the original method that was not possible to copy once, can be used to bless the ‘causal shipwreck, but after that, there is a great possibility of completing it once, and the probability has increased tenfold.

Another example is that he usually needs to be comprehend for a few times. Dao Technique, Zhuang Wudao is probably only used once, and it is wonderful.

The prospects are quite promising, but when Zhuang Wudao began to impact the Great Ascension, the Life Source Spirit Aperture was opened, ready to consolidate the ’cause and causal wheel. However, I immediately felt that I was surrounded by thunder. Above the Taixing Heavenly Stars, it is already a robbery. The movement was so great that almost all of his arrays in the Fire Dragon Hill were almost uncontrollable.

At the moment of the ‘causal shipwheel, which is about to be completed, there will be a nine-level robbery in the immediate moment. Fortunately, he did not have any harassment due to the cultivator Great Ascension, but he was still prepared. It’s just in my heart, the whimsy is a bit strange, ‘The causal skywheel is not a very powerful Prfound Technique. It is only 3rd Grade, and its potential is limited. Even if it is its own soul blessing, it can only make this technique enhance the half-product, but only 2nd Grade. It is completely incomparable with those of Divine Abilty. Is the robbery coming?

And the first wave of thunder, it is so powerful, chasing the cultivator Immortal Ascension. And the thickening of the cloud is also a direct pursuit of celestial being –

After three consecutive days of thunder, Zhuang Wudao has faintly realized and understood the mystery.

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