“I am not dreaming of this? So many people are killing, not only can break through Immortal Ascension Realm, save their lives, and be safe and sound, they can still kill Ziyun.”

Looking at Zhuang Wudao in the treatment of the people, Xie Yuqing is still a voice in the dream, holding the cheeks next to Zhu Yunzhui. The latter did not resist, and smiled awkwardly.

Su Xinghe is cold and very disapproving: “In fact, I don’t agree that the Lord is so adventurous, when the opponent can kill, but once it fails, the Lord and the sorcerer will respect you, but they must be trapped in death. Why not? Waiting for the day? In just 30 years, the main cultivation base can enter the Great Ascension. The purple cloud comes with the mana of the Lord, but it is only the ants, and there is such a risk.”

After that, Su Xinghe added a sentence with emotion: “The battle of today is the most dangerous experience for Su.”

It was more than a time when the Emperor Xuanzong invaded the battleship with the invaders of the Emperor Xuanyuan, and the Yuanzong Mozong army was only one hour away, and it was even more dangerous.

When he was in the war, he was really worried every moment.

“When doing something, there are risks to overcome difficulties. It is impossible to make it possible. It is the belief that I should wait for the cultivator. Old guy, you are not enough, look at your grandson, but don’t complain about it?”

Seeing Su Xinghe suddenly stunned, Xie Yuqing coldly snorted, no longer pays attention: “Even if you must die, you must bite them before you die. This is a demon, this is the momentum that blocks me.” If the person who died in my case died at that time, if the Lord retired from this life, why did the devil come to the world and let the sects bow down? Are you saying that you are falling?”

Zhu Yunzhui was also a smile at the head of the smile: “My sister Qing said that the Shaogong master is the most powerful.”

Zhuang Wudao inwardly Funny, he has nothing to say, ‘the magic is in the world, just want to get the grievances of the mountains and rivers as soon as possible, and the crisis of Scarlet God Sect, let the sects bow down, no interest at all.

At that time, I did not retreat, but also between the hearts, I felt that this is my own self, an opportunity to overcome my own.

After the end, it really has its own spiritual cultivation base, and again advanced by leaps and bounds. It does not mean the soul power, but the source of the soul, that is, the true spirit, and continues to consolidate and grow. The second is the will of Martial Dao, which is even more beneficial.

The effect is that in the future, when the Great Sorrow is decided, the Sword Intent event will increase by 30%.

Shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao first made a stroke with a sword, and then on the back of Hu Yanjiu, a heavy shot. Immediately, there were several sharp swords flying out of the air. In addition to Hu Yanjiu’s body, several blood lines were brought out. The momentum is still very aggressive, and you can wear gold hole iron.

Fortunately, Su Jiantong and Su Xinghe also prepared well, and at the same time shot, these several swords, one by one. Do not make them, hurt the battleships.

Hu Yanjiu is the last person, the weight of the injury, second only to not die, but also wins with Xie Yuqing. In the end, the opponent directly facing is Chu Lingqi. Because of the huge body, the sword has reached more than 200 times.

It also consumes Zhuang Wudao’s most effort. Among the many strong ones, it is undoubtedly the sword of Chu Lingqi. The most horrible and fierce Zhuang Wudao estimates that if there is no Zhu Yunzhui and the sound demon, there is no sky and no amount of heaven, blessing under the blessing I am alone against Chu Lingqi, and I can only take up the ten swords of this person! It is similar to Huang Xuan Night.

Fortunately, Hu Yanjiu is the body of the gods. He is physically strong and has a natural eight-order Pangu. The recovery is extremely powerful, and only after expelling the Sword Intent, the recovery time is far beyond death.

Zhuang Wudao then opened several broken wounds and broke into the body of Hu Yanjiu with the body. Then he spoke up: “There is no exaggeration as you said. If it is not the induction that the original has arrived, I dare not easily decision.”

“It’s really so bad. This is not good at the Lord. It’s too hypocritical. Even if you don’t have a ruthlessness, your two incarnations are just getting ready to go?”

Xie Yuqing disdainfully licked his lips, and the eyes looked at Zhuang Wudao with deep thoughts: “The Lord is really deep enough. I thought that the spirits invaded the battle. It was all the strength of the Lord. I really didn’t expect that. In the hands of the Lord, there are still two incarnations of strength that are almost inferior to the body. Is the Lord really Renshanhe? As far as I know, the Renshan, who is a small fairy, can not repair any incarnation?”

At this time, it was more than Xie Zhenqing. The rest of the people looked at Zhuang Wudao with a bit of suspicion. In particular, Xie Yuqing and Su Xinghe almost recognized the look.

“Xie Daoyou thought too much. Ren was deported and was trapped for more than 20 years. If you want to revenge, how much more to prepare for the cards?”

Zhuang Wudao secretly sighed in the heart, knowing that he has two avatars outside his body, and he does not want to be suspicious.

On the other hand, he talked and laughed and turned the topic: “No matter how difficult it is, you haven’t noticed it. I have two incarnations. In fact, I haven’t finished it yet. There is no one to do it. If this is a last resort, I am forced to do so. I really don’t want to use it.”

Zhuang Xuantong and Zhuang Jiuzhen, nature can not be an unfinished state. Unfinished is just the physique of Thunderfire Origin Embryo.

As Xie Yiqing said, this time he is indeed prepared to let the two incarnations help each other when the situation is critical. At the moment of completely killing Ziyun, he was prepared to use the power of two incarnations to cover the escape of the people.

At the cost of Thunderfire Origin Embryo, which can be completed in another three years, it will be impossible to start again. It will also make the righteous sects further doubt their identity.

Everyone is what you are thinking about, and you think about it. The two people who are exactly the same as Zhuang Wudao are really different. The True Origin loop is quite awkward.

After a look at each other, everyone temporarily believed in the words of Renshanhe, and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

The Su Xing River shook his head and turned to look at the dream: “Before the 7th, the Lord had explained it, let me wait for the recent careful behavior, it is best not to go out. I see that your master is not dead, the nature is still cautious. Usually, I am still very smart. But this time, why not go out but why?

The words are cold and full of incomprehension and resentment. Today’s change, everyone is almost undead, almost total defeat of an army.

Dreaming what was said is dull, not dissatisfied with the tone of Su Xinghe. With only one sleeve, he had a corpse on his side.

“He went out for this thing, a corpse of the ninth-order Initial Stage. A dozen days ago, I received the news that I would have a ninth-order corpse, so there is today. The adventure went out. But he was still cautious. When he went there, he used the illusion to cover the identity of both of us. However, this matter is a bureau from beginning to end, no matter what he does, it will not help. It鈥檚 a nine-step corpse, but it鈥檚 actually a problem.鈥?/p>

Between words, there is no respect for the undead daoist.

Su Xinghe suddenly became dumb, and then sneered: “Sure enough, it is a man who died of money, and the bird is a guy who died.”

With the temperament of the undead daoist, it would not have been such a bad thing. However, because of this bait, it is too tempting. A nine-order corpse can greatly increase the undead strength, and it is a great opportunity for any cultivator of the cultivation Techique.

Under the temptation of greed, it ignores the risks involved. Usually cautious, all are thrown away.

Zhuang Wudao also opened a confession of the world and looked at it. Then it is speechless. This nine-order corpse is really a problem. In addition to with the body being hit into eighty-one thousand years of Lei Taomu nails, it seems that there is something missing.

It鈥檚 useless to buy it. Once these tens of thousands of miles of peaches are pulled out, it鈥檚 the time when the ninth-order corpse is dead, no wonder the lords of the right way don鈥檛 care. Not only did this be used as a bait, but when I left, I did not think about taking it away from the seriously injured dream.

I know better in my heart that this is why I will be fooled, and I am still anxious to get rid of my own control.

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