“Great tone”

That Chu Lingqi sneered, but the surface is cloudy and unclear: “Now, the city of Erlong is robbed, and there is still this mind to provoke right and wrong. I see, etc., is the real act recklessly.”

“Don’t need Chudao friends to worry about my Dragon City’s ability to cope with this trouble, there are still some. This is a big deal, this is the destruction of this star Xuanlong City, everyone is suffering together. Presumably the noble ones in the spiritual world, happy See you.”

Sugawara is equally contemptuous and doesn’t care. Seeing that Kong Tianqi’s lips are slightly moving, I seem to want to open again, and I look at the past again. I’m preaching: “You have a deep background, and my star Xuanlong City is really not offended. I can’t wait for you to wait for life. Er et al. violated the ban on mysterious Xuanlong City, but it can not be punishable. Within three thousand years after today, my star Xuanlong City will break the qualifications of Yuanshi Mozong, Kongshang Xianmeng, Snow Yang Palace and Profound Heaven Sword Sect. “”

Before Confucius, he was only angry and unwilling. At this time, his face was white and his blood was faded.

Chu Yuan’s words can be said to be the soft underbelly of the other three, but no matter the Yuanshi Mozong, or Snow Yang Palace and Profound Heaven Sword Sect, they do not rely on the sale of spiritual goods, and have their own stable mineral medicine garden as the foundation. It was banned by Xing Xuan Long City. At most, it lost the source of some spiritual treasures. It can be made up from other places.

However, the Confucius Merchants League is different. As one of the largest commercial alliances in the world, the transaction of Xing Xuan Long City occupies at least 20% of the financial resources of the business alliance.

Once lost, it is nothing but a brutal blow.

“tsk tsk -“

Xie Yuqing is also quite surprised, and the following words contain pleasure: “It seems that it is more than a meter, nine, ten, and the loss is heavy? The wealth of trading with the Dragon City in the past three thousand years, I do not know how much can be cultivated Immortal Ascension?”

Kong Tian was trembled, and the hand of the sword suddenly tightened, glaring at the sight of Chu. However, there is no courage to flare up. After a while, I will first turn around and turn around and turn around.

At this time, no one can be under the protection of Sugawara, hurting Zhuang Wudao himself half-rooted, and then squatting down, not only does not help, but will offend Suiyuan deeper.

What he should think now is how to save the situation and let Xing Xuan Long City cancel the ban. Instead of standing here, he was joke by Zhuang Wudao and others.

Just when he had just stepped out of the way, Zhuang Wudao suddenly said: “If I am a brother, I should consider handing over the culprit of your Confucian Merchants League can’t say for sure. Scarlet God Sect can open the net. I understand that your Confucian Merchants League is at fault. There is room for negotiation between you and your grievances,”

Kong Shangxian League is a huge force, if you want to bow down, completely rely on Scarlet God Sect. It is ignorant and there will be no opinions.

As for his own side, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it is not him who is suffering from Renshan. On the contrary, it is the Kong Merchants Xianmeng, the loss is not shallow.

After all, Kong Shangxian League is not the real mastermind. If the truth of the draft of the human element can be uncovered, Scarlet God Sect can be easily solved. The grievances of Renshan River can also clean the small half.

That Kong Tianzhu is also a small step in the footsteps, it seems to think of the joints, but the eyes are bright and uncertain, the voice is low: “If I don’t believe in the Confucius League, how are you going?”

Zhuang Wudao still smiles, but his eyes are gradually turning cold: “Thirty years later, when Ren will make a comeback, he will break the mountain and destroy the temple.


Kong Tianyi’s arrogance and anger were almost in essence, but he turned around and looked at Zhuang Wudao. The anger but disappeared without a trace, by the sword like a sheath, the sharp gaze of the eyes in turn forced, but it is a chill that is difficult to contain, from the bottom of my heart.

This person is serious and has enough ability to do it and turn it into reality.

Both hands trembled, and the coldness was like a wave. Kong Tianyi was finally suppressed and continued to walk.

“Then my Kongmou waits, the Confucius Merchants League and you are the mountain river, still not dead.”

Zhuang Wudao laughed and didn’t care.

I don’t know that thirty years later, the Confucius Merchants’ Sixth National Fair and the seven mountain gates may be able to withstand his thunder.

Suddenly, I felt that Zhuang Wudao felt a very familiar sight. Subconscious, he also looked to the side.

Immediately after seeing the distance of three thousand feet, Su Hanfang was looking at him in a complicated way.

Although he is one of the ten little immortals, he ranks third. However, in this battle, the three major powers such as the cloud, the Immortal Ascension situation, reached more than 20. Even if it is as strong as Su Hanfang, it can only be used in the outside world. From beginning to end, there was no chance to confront Zhuang Wudao.

At this time, the eyes of Ziyang Xuexian looked over, but it was complicated and unusual, and the eyes were slightly bitter.

Zhuang Wudao smiled at her kindly and pointed to her heart. It meant the magical demon of Ziyang Xuexian. It’s better than a harvest, and it’s a must.

The Ziyang Xuexian did not respond, and turned silently, following the Snow Yang Palace, far away,

It seems that there is no abnormality, Zhuang Wudao knows that Su Hanfang’s mood has changed. Between the Ding furnace magic species, the most sensitive, so he can know, Su Hanfang heart, the dramatic fluctuations.

At this time, this purple sun snow fairy, hatred of his incompetent body, I am afraid has risen to peak, the desire for power, but also beyond everything.

Suddenly fretting in the heart, Zhuang Wudao is already a clear comprehension, that door ‘the beginning of the demon magic, or has reached the timing of release.

After today, Su Hanfang will not let go of everything that will help her improve her strength.

And the ‘Yuan Shi Shou Magic Sutra, this minor repair technique, is the most suitable for her Dao Technique, not only the cultivation base can be quickly upgraded, but also the 1st Grade cover-up Inner World jurisdiction after being revamped. In addition to devouring True Origin, there are other abilities, some of which are similar to the nature of the law, and can be used by others’ powerful Divine Abilty Prfound Technique.

If you don’t believe in this woman, you won’t be moved. Even the elders of Snow Yang Palace will not stop without seeing the flaws.

At this time, the people have also retired. Only Chu Lingqi, still unwilling, is looking at him. After a long time, I moved to Zhuang Wudao again.

“If you think that there is a star Xuanlong City to protect, you can be safe and sound, then it is a big mistake. Chu will always wait and take your life.”

As long as there is a chance, he will never let go.

Zhuang Wudao did not respond, his tone was dull: “Is it? Then I will wait.”

Chu Lingqi deeply Zhuang Wudao looked at it, and then did not say much, turned and left. When I left, I saw the undead daoist and dreams for a long time. It seemed to be evaluating, under the eyes of Sugawara, the possibility of killing these two people. In the end, I gave up, and a pair of fists were close to each other, and they went away.

At this time, in the sky, the Emperor Xuan night has disappeared without a trace.

After waiting for a thorough clearance, Sugawara turned around at this time, his eyes were meaningful, and looked at Zhuang Wudao: “You can owe me a favor this time.”

Save Zhuang Wudao and others, this is the responsibility of Xing Xuan Long City. It is related to the life and death of Xinglong Dragon City, and it is even more negligent. So this time, it is not a blessing.

However, after listening to Zhuang Wudao’s words, before Ziyun came to death, he took a slow step, but it was Zhuang Wudao, owing to Xingxuanlong City once.

This is equal to the obvious partiality, which is completely pulling the bias.

Zhuang Wudao is somewhat speechless, and immediately retorted: “I am weaker with these subordinates. Only when I have died will I still think that you are a star-studded city. I really want to sit and watch. On the original, you don’t know. Self, is it too late?”

“It’s not too late, at least the friends of the road have no life.”

The original Yuan shook his head: “You know how the Emperor Xuan Night made this preparation for you? Nine Profound Demon three major magic sects at the same time to the Star Xuan Long City, Yuan Shi Mozong also sent four scattered fairy Twelve Immortal Ascension, 12 Yuan Shilong Tingfans, north of Linxing Longgu. Do all this, just to contain my star Xuanlong City, and do everything possible to take my veins Dragon Race here. The hand is opened, providing opportunities for Kong Tianqi and Chu Lingqi, etc. The only thing he can’t expect is that my star Xuanlong City values ​​you, far above his imagination.”

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