The mind is inductive, not the expectations of Zhuang Wudao, the person who is in trouble is the undead daoist. Fortunately, dreaming of life, this time to accompany the side of the undead daoist, the distance is not too far.

Those few, in the end, still couldn’t help but start to work. Even if Ebara personally came forward, he could not shock these people.

Missing the flash, Zhuang Wudao directly inspired the heavy sword wings and the heavy swords, and blessed the past. The re-emphasis of the jurisdiction also spreads out, offsetting the other’s jurisdictional power. He himself is not in a hurry to rescue, knowing that he will save his undead life, this time there can be no reservation.

Fortunately, the three-legged ravens, at this time has successfully broken through the seventh-order, in the first time when Zhuang Wudao sensed, it flew past. Divine Abilty, who lives in the dead and the life and death, provides blessings for both Meng Niansheng and Sugawara.

Zhuang Xuantong and Zhuang Jiuzhen were both incarnations, and they came out in the main control room and began to host the Taishangdu Tianxingyun Shenzhou.

Forty-nine gates of the Tombs of Heaven and Earth are all open, and in this Star Dragon Valley, there is almost no scruples, and they begin to gather together.

Zhuang Wudao again sent his mind to the people in the ship. Even Xie Zhenqing, who is in retreat and hit the 9th-order Immortal Ascension, has not been left out. Naturally, Light Cloud Sword has not been missed. At this juncture, everyone needs to do their best.

And just in Zhuang Wudao, I was trying to use the thunderfire fairy yuan again, but my heart suddenly moved and felt great danger.

There are hidden signs in the minds of God. Once this technique is displayed, you must face a lot of money and be in danger.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhuang Wudao gives up directly. A flash, it has already arrived outside the Taishui Tianxingyun Shenzhou. As soon as he appeared, there were dozens of glaring brilliances that hit from all sides.

Zhuang Wudao does not evade, driving the ‘Devil’s God to rob the sword, and exerting the divine style, the whole figure, turned into a stream of invisible naked eyes, and quickly shuttled forward.

The secret scorpion god, this is very fast, with a speed that the cultivator is difficult to react, a blow is fatal. At this time, Zhuang Wudao is doing all his best. The whole person seems to have completely integrated with the surrounding light.

The various techniques around him, as well as the sword shadow, were directly evaded by his speed, and he could not accurately capture his sword light. As for the rest, the threat is small, just in the flesh and the heavy swords. Only when it can really hurt or threaten one’s own life, Zhuang Wudao is guided by the sword, and at the same time, it is used to solve the problem of shifting the flowers and moving the stars. In this way, the space that has been extremely narrowed by the innumerable cultivators is constantly exerting strength and exerting its strength.

All the way to the place, countless blood and light, dozens of hundreds of people, are flesh and blood bursting, dead and wounded. This sword Zhuang Wudao is full of force, and there is no need to stay. The power is full, just four tens of thousands of feet, there are four Great Ascension, an Immortal Ascension injured at least seven of his hands, Returning Origin, was killed on the spot.

Later, the Su’s grandparents and the sound-magic and other people, also from the ship at this time. Hu Yan nine shielded the road, followed by Zhuang Wudao. After opening up the shape of Baizhang, although it can not with the dawn of Zhuang Wudao, it can follow closely. A shield and a hammer in the hand, tightly covering the left and right wings of Zhuang Wudao, can make one road breakthrough, no need to worry about behind the body.

Su Jiantong and Su Xinghe are standing on the Taishui Temple of the Stars and Clouds. Within three bursts, the bows are no less than ten times, and the nine-order spiritual arrows that are shot are as many as seven, covering 100,000. Zhang Fangyuan. On both sides of the front, there are several Great Ascension cultivators in the same way, and the body is bursting in the body, and the two arrows are killed.

The sound demon Tianzun, at this time is stepping on the shoulder side of Hu Yanjiu. The layer of the tremolo sword is constantly excited from the ice blue sword light, so that the surrounding sounds are endless and the smoke is intense. Numerous buildings have been turned into smashing.

In this collection of dragons, many innocent cultivators were involved in the cultivator, and they were all smashed by the sword of thunder.

“Be careful on the left side, they are going to hit the west.”

Zhuang Wudao’s sword light changed again, from the divine style to the ‘from the sword, a sweep of the invisible sword light. Around a space, in this moment, divided into two, within a thousand squares, there are hundreds of cultivators, and can not be withdrawn, they are all two swords.

Only the two ninth-order Immortal Ascension survived, but it was pale and not damaged.


The sound demon laughed loudly, and the figure vacated from the shoulders of Hu Yanjiu, and then fell like a meteor, hitting the left side. Let the left side of the people, within the 10,000 square meters, it is a hurricane explosion, the tile does not exist, here more than three hundred cultivator, cultivation base are all in the sixth-order Dao Fusion. However, at this moment, most of the more than forty people were stunned by the thunder of the sorcerer’s thunder, and they were able to survive.

The seven people joined forces, and Zhuang Wudao’s method of blessing is equivalent to more than 30 Immortal Ascension. However, these several family cultivators, but also have the same as gain blessing, but not as good as the effect of Zhuang Wudao’s swords and swords.

However, they are not without advantages. These people are not allowed to pre-arrange before the launch, in order to avoid the beat to the grass to scare the snake.

While waiting to get started, Zhuang Wudao is reacting very fast, and does not give them time to stop.

Therefore, it is the sound of the devil and Hu Yanjiu, etc., can be assisted by the nebula of the Nebula. Every time you hit a shot, you can bless the Sunday Spark.

Zhuang Wudao’s figure continues to flash forward. The mind has already been settled. This time the other party started, obviously it was a little hasty, and the preparation was not complete.

When it was Xing Xuan Long City, the blockade of Xinglong Valley, so that Snow Yang Palace and Profound Heaven Sword Sect, can not bring together enough manpower.

In other words, this time he still has the undead Tianyu and the ‘Xuan Ming’s life and death mirror, which will save the undead daoist, and it is his hope now.

In the sky, the scene where the daoist air machine is located in the distance is already in sight. It was actually the top ten Immortal Ascension, and at the same time, it was about killing dreams and not killing daoist. Two of them were the top powerhouses in the semi-juris.

However, the strength of dreaming of life, not only far from Zhuang Wudao’s expectations, but also beyond the expectations of the other side. By citing the power of the stars, countless stars and shields of stars and stars, under the cooperation of the top ten Immortal Ascension, continue to collapse, and continue to gather.

Just with its eighth-order realm, it is still difficult to deal with the top ten Immortal Ascension. With no death, the body is at least ten times broken and broken up in the breath. Even though it is under the control of the undead celestial domain, it will continue to resurrect, but it will gradually lose its strength.

“Rosie dead body?”

In the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, there was a glimmer of light. It turned out that the manipulation of the stars, the life should be Luo Yi, this is the real strength of dreams, the real card. It is only the derivative of the dead body that can control the thunder fire.

In the previous few battles, this one did not go all out. It is estimated that only the day of Emperor Xuanyuan’s incarnation will be the best. However, it is still hidden, and it is not obvious that his dead body is true.

However, at this time, thanks to the dead body of this person, I can do with difficulty, so that the two did not die before they came to help.

The few Phrud Technique Divine Abilty of the undead daoist is indeed powerful. Looking at this situation, even if there are more than five or six Immortal Ascension-level powerhouses, I would like to miss the death and dreams in a hundred.

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but sigh, a smile, no worry in my heart. Immediately, the idea was quoted, so that the Taishang Tianxingyun Shenzhou began to counterattack.

Forty-nine gates, ‘Taiwan’s Tianzhu Xingshen light cannons, have already been completed. The two incarnations of Zhuang Xuantong and Zhuang Jiuzhen are manipulated, and the battleship power is not inferior to him.

When the forty-nine white beams blasted, they immediately destroyed everything. Passing by, the bombardment is near the death and dreams of the two. The top ten Immortal Ascension was unwilling, but in the end it was necessary to temporarily withdraw from it, in order to avoid this power, and the Jiang Jiu cultivator was hit by the annihilation of the sun. Let the undead and the dreams live, and finally have a chance to breathe.

And at this time, the accident started. At the end of the week, suddenly several strong flat air machines appeared one after another.

“Taiwan sword field”

“Xuantianjian domain”

“Xuandu jurisdiction”

“Icefire Law”

The entire eight semi-premises, and a complete layer of Divine Abilty, suddenly shrouded this void. There are four types, and Zhe Wudao’s heavy sword field is instantly suppressed to peak.

“Too sword sect Kong Tianyi here, on behalf of the mountain set thousands of business alliance discipline, say hello to the demon”

“Too sword sect seven nights, I have seen the Crowd Monarch”

“Xuan Tianjian Chu Lingqi, after the war today, I will burn you as a soul candle, and you will eat the flesh.”

“Profound Heaven Sword Sect Yu, Chu, Junior Brother’s words, also for what I want”

“Xuandu Shenzong Ziyun has come, and has been admiring the demon for a long time-“

“Snow Yang Palace has been chilling, I have seen the demon. I have been watching the demon king for a lifetime. It should have been the pillar of my righteousness. Qing Ben Jiaren, what is the devil, why is this bitter?”

“Profound Heaven Sword Sect is not true, this sword has long been drinking the blood of the demon”

It is actually the six peaks of Immortal Ascension, a strong fairy, while shooting, or sword, or surgery. Almost all of the most powerful Divine Abilty spells are used in all directions.

In an instant, Zhuang Wudao has been degraded to death.

There is no panic in the face of Zhuang Wudao, or it can be said that this scene is in his expectation.

Undead daoist, there is no death. Within one or two hundred breaths, no matter how many times this is killed, it is impossible to truly annihilate it.

So killing can kill, it doesn’t matter if you can’t kill. These real purposes are to bring his Zhuang Wudao and many subordinates out of the Taishou Dusit.

Goal from start to finish, or yourself

In the big sleeves, suddenly a bright moon arc knife light suddenly burst out. A clear-cut bird is followed by a virtual god.

The knife light was broken, and it was extinguished by the sky shadow in an instant, but it also made the swords of the people all stagnate. Then the sacred bird of the Ming Dynasty also burst into bursts at this time, and the huge thunder and brilliance rushed into the tides in all directions.

Zhu Yunzhui, who was not expected by everyone, was beyond the expectation of everyone. The mana is strong, and the swords and the swords and the toads are both blessed by the gods and the gods. Although they are only eight-order perfect, the level of strength is already above this, except for those who are not true, all the cultivators on.

With an enemy of seven, although he vomited blood on the spot, he also earned a few vitality for Zhuang Wudao. There is also a layer of yin and yang entangled brilliance, scattered on all sides.

This is the legal domain

Followed by, but a layer of black and white two-color light and shadow spread out, this is that Mo Ling. No longer hidden, but also directly use the ‘life and death jurisdiction,

Kong Tianqi and others have changed their face all the time. These three jurisdictions are all intact and both of them have reached the 1st Grade high order.

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