“If the problem of the Lord’s Ding Fury is not solved, I will finally be able to get rid of the Emperor Xuan Night, what recruits the magic army, refining the warship, lurking cultivation, etc., there is no way to talk about it -“

This time, the biggest purpose of the star, Xuanhai, is to avoid the sight of the righteous. Latent claws, growing wings. But now it’s followed by Huang Xuan’s night, which means that all their layouts are close to bankruptcy.

“I will find a way to lead the eyes of the Yuanshi Mozong”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes flashed in the light, looking at the direction of the northern Yuanshi Mozong.

“As far as I know, this Yuanshi Mozong is not without an opponent. There is a Liang Family in the north, and there is no resentment against the Yuanshi Mozong.”

“This is to make the Yuanshi Mozong innocent and distracted? It refers to the dark family of the Heavenly Palace and Shura Valley. The dark day and the Shura Valley are not weak. It is the Demon Sect of the Yuanshi Mozong. The blood lord is sitting in the town, giving them thousands of courage, and they dare not start with the Yuanshi Mozong -“

Speaking of this, Xie Yuqing’s voice has been stunned and has come to understand.

Since the Yuanshi Mozong can collude with the right Taoist door, then there is no way to hold the bottom line. Why can’t you support the Dark Heavenly Palace and Shura Valley in the back, and hold back the blood?

Once the pressure of that person is gone, will Liang Family miss this opportunity? Isn’t this obvious?

Thinking about this, Xie Yuqing can’t help but squint at the lips: “The means of the people in the right way is really disgusting.”

Sometimes it picks up, even people in Demon Sect can’t match it.

There were still a few people who still didn’t understand it, such as the Hu Yanjiu, but it didn’t matter at this time.

Zhuang Wudao’s lips are slightly picking: “This seat is now a demon head, and it has nothing to do with the right way. But this method may contain some of the strengths of the Yuanshi Mozong, so that Huang Xuan night can not go all out, but I can’t solve the urgent need. So I would like to ask you to think about it. In this starry sea, what can be done to get rid of these dragons?”

During the day, those Yuanshilong cars were stunned. The idling speed of the etheric planet of the Ephesus, it could have exceeded the Yuanshilong car, but until this time, the distance is still an hour, and it is impossible to get rid of it.

The dragon beast needs rest, otherwise it will collapse sooner or later, but the star-shaped nuclear array and the parts in the spaceship of the Starship are too unlikely to continue high-speed operation.

In the past few days, there have been several damages. All rely on Zhuang Wudao’s Inner World mana simulation, do with difficulty to support a few people to replace those damaged parts.

Everyone is crying, knowing this, and knowing their own life and death, are stirring their brains.

Xie Yuqing continued to make a sly idea: “Would you like to open an altar in this nebula godship? Let the wind make waves? I have learned a trick, and can fly 100,000 miles to bombard those dragon beasts. ”

However, it was indifferent to the eyes of the Lord, and it was necessary to reduce the idling speed. That winds and waves, summoning the thunder, is also a very wounded, heavenly merits.

Even if the altar was opened, it was probably not an opponent at that time. With three magical embellishments, twelve Immortal Ascension, and twenty-nine-order magical beasts, the Yuanshi Mozong, really want to fight, they may even be crushed.

In the end, Su Xinghe, while meditating, hesitated and said: “I know one place, I might get rid of the Yuanshilong car, but this is a bit of a risk. You might be the Star Dragon Valley?”

Star Dragon Valley o

Zhuang Wudao also seems to think of something, a spirit of vibration. I can’t think of myself, there is such a place in Xing Xuanhai –

“I see my grandfather, he seems to be dissatisfied with us?”

When Su’s grandparents and Xie Yuqing and others retired, Zhu Yunzhui was strangely looking at the old man’s back.

“undoubtedly didn’t do anything. He just looked angry at the younger palace owner. Why is this?”

“He is seeing his granddaughter and he is affectionate about this seat.”

Zhuang Wudao inwardly sighed and looked at the jade hand in his arm. “You and me are all started by their respective Cultural Techniques, not from the truth. I am waiting for the cultivator, how can I succumb to the thoughts brought by this Cultural Technique? You should also converge on the fall-“

He now finally understands why the departure of Hua Xianjun at that time would explain Zhu Yunzhui and the reason for her emotions.

The two men repaired the Heavenly Demon record, and repaired the Mingyang Shenlu, while a man and a woman, this is the yin and yang. Together with the Cultural Technique, they are more attractive to each other.

But even so, it will not fall into the ‘one male and one female, two males who can’t control their desires and change into estrus.

The key is the two people. At this time, they are all fellow practitioners, and they have made some strange changes between the two. The attraction between the two sides has increased greatly.

Zhu Yunzhui This woman is clear-minded and aware of her own, and she does not hide it at all.

“Why do you want to converge?”

Zhu Yunzhui’s eyes are strange, and Zhuang Wudao is even tighter; “The devil, pay attention to what is temperament, do whatever you want, be willful and true. Since you have this desire, then why do you need to suppress it? This desire will definitely increase the cultivation base. The Shaogong mainly does not have to do with my Dual Cultivation? There must be no small benefits -“

Zhuang Wudao can not help but frown, coldly snorted. Breathing Zhu Yunzhui’s fragrant incense, feeling the soft, moving and sexy body, there is a growing sway in the chest, lingering.

The heart is inwardly brained, and he hates this situation that is not under his control. If it is really out of love with each other, then it will be fine. It may not be the case, this sexual incitement is derived from its own merits.

“What is the nature of the situation? Is it nothing more than succumbing to desire, and this is different from the beast that only knows how to move with instinct?”

“No, the past life of the fall tells me that the way of the magic, to satisfy their own desires, to indulge their desires, to enjoy their own desires, and finally to control their own desires, this is the real demon.”

Zhu Yunzhui looked at Zhuang Wudao’s lips and wanted to kiss it directly and enjoy the wonderful taste of the tongue. However, looking at Zhuang Wudao’s serious look, I finally gave up.

“The Shaogong Lord has heard of it, and the destiny of nature is the preaching of Taoism.”

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but swear, this sentence, how could he not hear about it?

The natural endowment of man is called “sex”, but it is given by destiny. Acting along the nature is called “Tao”, and the cultivation according to the principle of “Tao” is called “teaching.”

In the days of yin and yang, the five elements of the yin and yang are used to form, and the qi is formed, and the sorrow is also swayed, and the order is also ruling. This is the time when the qi and reason given by the heavens are given, and the mission is in accordance with it. You can’t go against the law and follow the nature. It is to follow the road. The so-called ‘dao, that is, Heavenly Dao.

After being immersed in meditation, Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but laugh at himself and was obsessed with himself. Zhu Yunzhui is following the nature of his own magic, and he is the same.

In the final analysis, Zhuang Wudao repaired the roots of the Orthodox Taoist, so he was disgusted, and this was also in accordance with the nature and did not violate.

However, this girl is really not very powerful. After entering the magic, it has been transformed into a real ‘magic heart. Not sinking in the bloodthirsty killing, but pointing to his own ‘magic, the root of the desire, the true self.

Can’t say for sure This girl, one day in the future, can truly renovate the Taoist genius Dafa, truly cultivated. At least at this time, the Magic Heart Demon tire has approached perfection.

“But it, you are”

With a smile and shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao ignored Zhu Yunzhui’s relatives’ movements and concentrated on manipulating the battleships. He began to introduce the Cultural Technique, which can transform each man’s mana into pure Taiyin.

In fact, at this time, Zhu Yunzhui snuggled on his side, but also for some reason, not that she was entangled. The star nucleus extracts the power of Zhou Tianxing and cannot be used temporarily. With the mana of Zhuang Wudao, it is also impossible to support the squad in the Taishui Temple of the Stars and the high-speed operation at all times.

Zhuang Wudao’s two Inner Worlds are not enough. They can only use Zhu Yunzhui’s Inner World ‘Yin and Yang clutches’ to meet the requirements, so in the past few months, Zhu Yunzhui must stay with him and manipulate the ship together. The sun is a starship. In order to maintain the idle speed, it will not be caught up by the Yuanshilong car in the rear.

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