After an hour, it was just over the small island where the Taishui Tianxingyun Shenzhou had just left. There are a few flying dragons in front of them, and the huge size of the flying car is flying.

Yuanshi Mozong’s ‘Yuanshi Longche, is not inferior to the treasures of those quasi-class warships. At this time, from one of the dragon cars, a middle-aged man with a sturdy body and a big red robe was down by the volley. Wherever it fell, it was the land where the Taishou Temple of Heaven and Earth was before the ship.

Here, there was a young man in the robes holding a jade, waiting here. The middle age of the red robe is not an accident, the spirit is scattered, and the voyeur is inductive.

“There are traces of the stellar force being motivated, and the underground spirits are also abnormal. It is artificially pulled to this point. There should be a small-scale sword array around here to suppress the vitality. The sword array should be scattered, it should not be At two hours -“

Speaking of this, the middle-aged voice of the red robe was slightly stagnation, looking southeastward: “It seems that it is not long after leaving, only two to three hours, I am waiting for a late step. This sorrowful demon, god I am very sensitive to life. It seems that this time I struggled with the mind of the sword sect, this child has benefited a lot. I have a good chance of watching the number of fighters.”

“Just just left an hour, then the mountain river cunning, deliberately left the backhand, disturbed the change of the Lingyuan here, so that I waited for the time to judge him to leave.

Huang Xuan’s speech was corrected, and then he brushed his hair and looked forward to the southeast direction: “But it doesn’t matter. There is no difference between an hour and two hours. In short, it is impossible to catch up with the usual method. This time it was a failure.”

“It seems that I am waiting, it is a small sight of him. This time is not a success, I am afraid that there will be defense in the future.”

The red robe frowned in the middle age. With this movement, there were countless blood bands on the person’s face: “I can’t say, I need to join hands with those famous Orthodox churches.”

“You mean Snow Yang Palace and Kong Xian Business Alliance? These are just a few, I am afraid that I want to avoid suspicion, I am afraid to avoid it, and I dare to get together.”

Huang Xuan night but laughed aloud: “There is no need for this for the time being. I only say the usual method, I can’t catch up with it. But outside the ordinary Techique, there are other strategies. You let the dragon car continue to chase his trail for the time being. , try to be faster. Can’t say for sure, I still need you to help.”

In the middle of the red robe, I raised my eyebrows. I know what it is: “Junior Brother means to use the incarnation of the Protoss? This can be a little risky. If it is damaged, it will take ten to several years to re-consolidate. The road is not too light.”

“If you win, this heart-warming battle, can you make a conclusion? Isn’t it true? Junior Brother, I can step into the Spirit Demon step by step. Although it is dangerous, it is worth it.”

Huang Xuan night lips slightly pick, smile unpredictable: “Even if you just say hello, do not count success or failure. It is impossible to sit and watch my stove trip away from the front. Besides this star power incarnation, how can it be so easily damaged? Nowadays I have already come, then the one in front, don’t even think about the good days before.”

The sound is dull and relaxed, with a bit of ridiculous meaning, the middle age of the red robe is a chill in the body, and the heart is cold.

He knows the nature of this emperor’s night, knowing that once he has shot, there is no possibility of failure, and he must have 100%.

I also know that the power of Emperor Xuan night is strong. At this time, may I just say hello? That mountain river this time, I am afraid that it is not far from death.

“But who is Scarlet God Sect?”

The most worrying thing in the middle of the red robe is that Wu Ming will personally take the shot.

“No need to care about it -“

Emperor Xuan night looked calm: “The teacher has returned from the outer domain. At that time, there is no heart to pay attention to me.”

Speaking of this time, Huang Xuan night sounded a louder voice, more cozy: “The meaning of watching that person, actually want to wait for thirty years, let me fight with the mountain river, this is really interesting.”

On the Taishui Tianxingyun Shenzhou, Zhuang Wudao is watching the world with a clear vision. Try to close the air machine, so as not to alarm the people on the island, only to look at the spirit, faintly can see a few powerful tyrannical pillars, straight into the sky.

At this time, in the surrounding, undead and other people have gathered together, and they all look awe.

Xie Yuqing, who is the most sensitive to the induction, is also in the closed-end remote sensing: “At least three magical repairs of the scattered fairy, and 12 Immortal Ascension, 20 nine-order magical beasts, seven yuan-long dragons , a big big battle”

As long as half an hour later, the people will have no chance to live. With such strength, plus a Spirit Demon, you can compete against any second-class sect.

The undead daoist didn’t care, but ridiculed a smile: “This can’t sit still, the first big demon Dao, Demon Sect first brilliant younger generation, but that’s it.

The Su Xinghe also slightly decapitated: “In fact, this is also a good thing. Huang Xuan night can not help but personally shot the Lord. That is to say, he has no chance to win. He recognizes this war of the Tao. He has no absolute chance of winning.”

Zhuang Wudao did not say a word, and the magical species that sensed the depths of the soul did shrink.

In fact, at the time of the mountain and sea gathering, it was already getting better, especially after seeing Fu Bingyan and showing the magic power. The heart seems to have a heavy burden of obsession, and the magic species began to stop expanding.

Ren Shanhe was deeply impressed with Fu Bingyan. At that time, Zhuang Wudao was most worried that this person would fluctuate because of this, but it would be worse.

Fortunately, this legacy of the true spirit is still clearly discerning whether or not Fu Bingyan is deliberately calculating. After unraveling doubts, he suddenly let go of his obsession.

Ren Shanhe asked for Fu Bingyan, but I was afraid to find an answer.

After half a year, Zhuang Wudao annihilated Jian Yong and got his god essence. The power of the Primordial Spirit has increased greatly, and the suppression of this magical species has become more powerful.

In this way, this Huang Xuan night really has a reason to do it. Like this to continue, Huang Xuan night wants to collect Dan, the hope is farther and farther.

If you don’t give up, you should first pick up the chips and get the hand first.

“The friend of the Tao is not bad, and the brother is shocked. The Emperor really does not dare to sit on the wall again-“

The cold voice suddenly sounded inside the hull, and it was close at hand, causing a chill in everyone’s heart.

This person should be in this main control room, and I don’t know when it came in.

Zhuang Wudao reveals the meaning of the sorrow, and the sacred star of the sacred sacred sacred dynasty immediately disintegrated and earned into his own Inner World.

On the other hand, the ‘the sky is wrong with the stars, and it is the first time, it is in his hands.

Locked the person’s air, the wrong star moved, and the moment Heaven and Earth reversed, his people have appeared outside the hull.

“This is a fear that I will destroy your warship, and will be chased by the dragon cars behind it? You are friendly and alert. Well, the whole battleship is blocked by Starpower. But lost the help of this nebula ship.” I am afraid that my brother’s life will be difficult to preserve.”

Just behind Zhuang Wudao, a cone-like air machine burst into the back of his head. The continuous number of virtual hollow shields is broken, that is, the heavy swords that cover the body in time, can not resist, directly penetrated,

Zhuang Wudao was boring for a lifetime, and immediately showed the transfer of flowers and trees. In the midst of a thousand miles, this cone was sturdy, forcibly transferred and passed into the sea below.

It was a big storm, and Heaven and Earth fluctuated. Zhuang Wudao also spit out a blood in his mouth. However, he did not dare to have any hesitant delays. The devil gods robbery swords, ‘tears full of tears, pointing behind them, igniting the power of the whole sea, all the water elements, gathered in this sword.

The sword-style face is endless, in the softness, and contains the power of the power. Then there was a bang, and Zhuang Wudao’s figure was thrown away by the force of anti-seismic. At the same time, Divine Abilty’s temperament was changed by the smashing method, and it was turned into a swimming light.

However, he was still a step behind, a black light hit, and his entire left chest was pierced, almost smashing his Golden Core.

Fortunately, his seventh-order unbreakable golden body has been used, and there are other works such as the Qing Emperor’s longevity and the undead celestial domain, which offsets the power of the black light, and the remaining part is also expelled by Sword Intent.

At this time, the fascinating gods have already been triggered, and a huge sword is swept away behind him.

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